DM Brainiac's Dungeon Crawl Classics

Game Master Brainiac

Loot Spreadsheet

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Clancy is up!

Lawful Male Human Acolyte of Justicia | 24 yrs, 6' 2", 170 lb. Cleric 3 | AC: 15 (w/ shield) | HP: 26 (of 26) | Ref -1 | Fort +2 | Will +3 | CL Check Modifier +4 (Spells/Turn/Heal) | Disapproval 1 | Luck 11

Apologies, I'm still here but work this week has been a bit crazy. Trying to learn a new software prior to the tax season! I'll take a look and post an action, though it might not be terribly detailed as I like!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

No worries!

At this rate, Clancy's just going to turn every monster in the dungeon and you can walk through it without a scratch! :D

Between the holidays, going out of town, and family visiting, my schedule for the next few weeks is going to be very busy. Expect sporadic posts until at least January 6th or 7th.

Male N Human Warrior (Berserker) 3 | HP: 36/36 | AC: 15 (16) | Init: +2 | Mvmt: 25 | | REFL: +0 FORT +2 WILL +1 | Active effects:

Sounds good! I'm also on vacation for two weeks, starting tomorrow.
(I'm not going out of town, just hoping to spend less time in front of the computer...)

Enjoy your holidays!

I'm back from my holiday break. It looks like we still need a decision on a course of action to proceed. :)

Clancy and Mirinde may both still act.

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