DM Downrightamazed |

Okay, so here's who I've got so far:
CyraXIII as Rose Oshagairea, Samurai
HavocXIII as Sieg Oshagairea, Ninja
Meowzebub as Tokine Nagano, Cleric of Shelyn
Psionic Fox as Kyras Erodel, Power Word Sorcerer
Zain Ashvale as Daveth Ashvale, Half-Erinyes Rogue
ChibiAmy as Shan Chongde, Magus
Please post here to let me know when your character sheets are totally done, also say hi and talk to your fellow players, post any questions you have for me, etc.
This folder has the map and what you know about The Explored Land. Please take time to read it all if you haven't already. I promise it's not that much. :-) While the Empire of Mists has not been a major player in Land politics to this point, they do enough trade of various sorts that this basic info would be known by your character. Kyras, your info is a hundred years out of date as regards "current events," obviously, but the basics remain the same.
Some points of order:
1.) I do Max HP plus CON at first level, rolls thereafter. Please adjust accordingly.
2.) You get one hero point per level. I know APG rules state no more than 2 at any time, but to heck with that; you've got six. Note, though, that aside from the one you get at a level bump, I am VERY stingy about giving them out. Other than that, APG rules apply for the use of hero points, so be sure to read up.
3.) If you don't post for 24 hours, I move on without you. This means if you're in combat, I'll DMPC your character. If not, then I just keep the story moving.
4.) If you know you can't post for a while, just let me know, and it'll be fine. I'll DMPC your character as needed until you get back. The main thing is; just please let me know.
5.) Following on that; sometimes doo-doo happens and you can't give me a heads-up. I understand. We all have lives. :-) Do your best to at least drop a "hey I'm alive, bad times right now I'll be back" post here in the OOC. Otherwise, if you're gone more than a week or two, I'll probably start looking for a replacement, or at least taking you out of the flow of the game.
6.)Critical fumbles; I do NOT do crit. fumbles for skill checks or saving throws. I DO do them for attacks, though. If you roll a natural one on an attack, roll a DC10 saving throw. Fail, and you lose the weapon. Succeed, and it's just a regular old miss.
7.)I use google spreadsheets for battle mats, but I don't always use battle mats. Some fights, you're just gonna be winging it, others you'll have to be very specific. All depends on the type of fight. Trust me, it works more smoothly than it sounds. ;-)
8.)In combat, please start your mechanics with round # and your initiative, then your character's status, then everything else. For an awesome example of what I'm talking about, see this battle from DM Barcas' Kingmaker thread, in which I'm playing the character Taisper Stozs, an Inquisitor of Abadar. The fight starts a little ways down. Note the mechanics in OOC, then the fluff done normally.
9.)Please write in present tense, obviously. :-)
Other questions will come up, I"m sure, feel free to ask. I'm NOT a PCs-vs.-GM kind of guy. I really honestly believe we're all here to tell a great story together. You're all Epic Heroes, so I want to see some Epic Business going down. :-) Awright! Get those profiles and character sheets done if you haven't already. IC thread will start Monday.

DM Downrightamazed |

Shan, check your profile. Shows you as having 3 HP? Also, need to get your spells and untrained skills up when you get a chance. Basically just go over it with a fine-tooth comb. I know Kyras said he's gotta do the same, and Rose is finishing up as well, this is all part of why we'll start on Monday. Wanna give you all a couple days to finalize. :-)

Daveth Ashvale |

Daveth is pretty much just getting a feel for the empire mostly just wandering whatever town he happens upon first and seeing what the general make up of the town/city that he is in is like. If there are creatures at least mildly similar to himself out in the open as average citizens then he's not going to hide at all and just try to integrate himself into the society. Otherwise he's doing whatever work he can using his glamored armor(in the form of a heavy travelers cloak) to hide his wings, along with leather gloves(worn loosely) to hide his claws, int his situation he avoids much contact with people other than those who employ him. He does his best at whatever work is sent his way though makes no attempts to advance himself within his workplace(I.E. keeping to the grunt work even if he has the skill for something better)
While not working he tries his best to gauge public opinion on those of demonic heritage... likely a difficult task as it's not something that comes up very often lol!
For housing Daveth seeks out a fairly basic inn, nothing too seedy as if the innkeeper catches wind of what he is blackmail could ensue or he could outright be sold out to those who would attack him.
As for my time zone I'm in New York so EST.For posting time, I can be pretty sporadic but Id say my peak is probably about 1PM+ because that's when I'll almost always be up and ready to do things.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras, what are you doing in the Empire to stay busy? I know you're looking for your family, but how are you paying for room and board?
@Daveth, that's cool, how are you paying for room and board? What service(s) do you provide the community?
@Tokine, let's finalize your gig in the Empire. I believe you had stated something along the lines of Curator/Cultural Ambassador, yes? If so, we should outline your relationships in the Empire, how close you are able to get to the Emperor, ie., how high of a functionary you can have direct contact with, since basically no one gets to talk face-to-face with the emperor.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine checking in, hello everyone. I live in Santa FE, New Mexico (MST) My peak posting is 9-5, but I often check in once in the early morning and several times in the evening. Weekends are sporadic, but I am always about.
As to the Mechanics, I like your and DMBarcas' style and pace. I almost got to game with you in his Kingmaker game, I was the gnome cavalier that just missed the cut (and have been following since), so I am glad for this opportunity.
(OK trying this on for size) Tokine has a pretty good diplomacy skill. Combined with her looks, and the luck of her discovery has pushed her be her Temple's representative in the Palace. She is responsible for a shrine in the palace that is available to the royal court. Basically she would be the curator of a zen garden filled with works of art, that she adds too or swaps out through time. She would be on very good terms with the steward (or equivalent) as she would make regular visits to the palace. Her appearance may have brought her to others attentions although she does not actively seek it. She would like to take advantage of any archives the palace may have accessible, so any officials associated with that she would be either well liked, or seen as a pestering nuisance depending on the level of access. If San Pen, the Xorn, makes it as player or NPC, she would likely try to be friends with him, her experience as an outsider (societal not physical) combined with her experience with gems and caverns would be a good start of a relationship.
Those are my initial thoughts

Daveth Ashvale |

@Kyras, what are you doing in the Empire to stay busy? I know you're looking for your family, but how are you paying for room and board?
@Daveth, that's cool, how are you paying for room and board? What service(s) do you provide the community?
@Tokine, let's finalize your gig in the Empire. I believe you had stated something along the lines of Curator/Cultural Ambassador, yes? If so, we should outline your relationships in the Empire, how close you are able to get to the Emperor, ie., how high of a functionary you can have direct contact with, since basically no one gets to talk face-to-face with the emperor.
If the Inn I'm staying at needs physical labor done then Daveth will offer that in trade for room and board, otherwise any money I make from doing odd jobs goes to that along with the fact that Daveth still has a fair amount of money saved up from his work outside of the Empire.
As for what services he can provide, I'd imagine basic physical labor tasks would be best suited as he doesn't want to have to give up too much information about himself as that can be used against him if he is ever found out(assuming that the city isn't pro-demon or at least neutral to the idea of having them around.)
Edit: Perhaps he could even be working inside the inn itself depending on how long he's been in the empire and if he's had a chance to get comfortable enough with the owner(s) to feel he can attempt a job inside the inn(The longer Daveth stays somewhere the more comfortable he gets and even though time and again this has caused his secret to be revealed he still sort of lets it happen as he believes if he doesn't ever let himself get comfortable he'll never find a place he actually CAN live permanently.) It think this would be hilarious as he'd be the mildly creepy busboy/waiter in a long billowing cloak. Might cause a bit of an initial problem with the people but once a few of them get to see him(or at least his face) and see that at least as far as they can see he isn't a monster it likely wouldn't end up being an issue.
This could perhaps be used in some way to help him get into the campaign. Just throwing ideas out there ^_^

Sieg Oshagairea |

DRA how do you want Rose to use ancestral weapon? Have it work as is from paladin's divine bond? I was thinking a flat +1 to attack/ damage or just damage or attack or something that goes up every 5 lvls so it would be a +5 at 20 not sure how ths works balance wise but I don't see a couple extra points being game breaking but I could be wrong.
This would only work for ONE chosen weapon if broken or lost you have to have it REPAIRED not replaced. This is to explain that I can't imagine your family's sword breaking and just replacing it at the next store you walk into.

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With acknowledgement that Imuri-san has not yet been invited. ut to propose a solution for the Ancestral Weapon, in all 3.5 iterations, it requires you to make sacrifices and meditate in order to embellish your weapon. In the 3/3.5 class features for samurai (L5r or Oriental Adventures), you are gifted your daisho and both mw blades are a class feature. As you level, you make the changes you want to your blade, subject to the limitations on your character wealth and limitations on the value of the daisho based on character level. I am happy to post the original charts if we are considering that.
The Ancestral Relic feat requires you to wait til 3rd level, but then works much the same. The paladin's divine bond feature would normally require waiting til 5th level and then place limitations on how we can alter the weapons. Also, the daisho ability is significantly more in theme. Does a samurai want the option to make his weapon holy or unholy? Unlikely.
So that's my two cents. I am willing to embrace whatever system Sama decides.

DM Downrightamazed |

Just got done with a long gaming session and I'm way too tired to rule on this right now, but I will tomorrow AM. :-)
But in the meantime, everybody, this is Steven, he is the final member of the group. Steve, feel free to post as Imuri from here on out. Okay! Now we have a group. Um. More to come on the ancestral weapon thing. Need to sack out.

Shoto Imuri |

A cheerful giggle erupts from the crowd of geisha near the firepit of the Plum Wine teahouse. As the crowd of bonge and ji-samurai look on, a pair of smiling geisha play their stringed biwa masterfully. The laughter comes from their samurai companion - a joyful young man with green eyes and a seductive smile. His expensive kimono is all black silk, with red trim and gold kanji embroidered around its edges. More embroidery marks him as a man of station and training, though it is difficult to tell what the mons stand for from a distance.
The samurai follows as closely as he can on his biwa, but the geisha are too skilled, and enjoy teasing him with musical movements beyond his experience. As he and those around him laugh on, those familiar with the samurai life wonder, what burdens could such a mirthful member of the nobility possibly carry outside a place such as this?
"Who is that?" repeats the teamistress. "His name is Shoto Imuri-sama. His family owns many rice farms and tea houses. The have geisha, they trade with gaijin. They do everything. He graduated as champion of his dojo."
Something in her eyes suggests that there is more to the story, but she simply refills your tea and moves on.

DM Downrightamazed |

Shoto Imuri: I think I'd really like to see the old 3.5 charts you mention, that sounds like a good solution, and it sounds well in-line with how powerful I like my PCs to be, and fits the flavor well.
Tokine: I like the sound of that a lot. Let's say that you would be well acquanted with Rose, Sieg's wife, as she is a member of the Emperor's Royal Guard; he finds that having one so crushingly beautiful and exceedingly lethal in his guard gives him certain...negotiating advantages. You would also be acquainted with the Shoto clan and the talented and self- assured young Imuri. You would also know the truth about Sieg, Rose's husband, and be able to giggle at the rumours about a "rogue assassin loose in Lanzhu" that is making the rounds.
Daveth: That sounds good, we'll go with that.
Gotta run. More to come, guys; keep finishing those profiles. :-)

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By using a hybrid, where we use the 3.5e Ancestral Relic chart, but allowing the class feature at 1st level samurai (replacing the mount and mounted archery features), we end up with an ancestral daisho: a masterwork katana and wakizashi that can be enchanted by sacrificing magic items and treasure (Imuri will commonly exchange goods and koku for expensive incense during prayer). At each level, each weapon has a maximum gpv. THe value of the feautre does not come in getting free magic items (you still have to sacrifice treasure to influence the kami to bless your weapon). It is in getting a wepoan that develops along your "school's" design. So when I sacrifice 18000 koku to make my katana +1, keen and sweeping, I have still paid the gold, and that still reflects in my maximum gear value. But it is the spirit of my ancestors who determine what the sword does, and they know how I want to fight.
The chart for gpv for each weapon by level is:
3 1350 12 44000
4 2700 13 55000
5 4500 14 75000
6 6500 15 100000
7 9500 16 130000
8 13500 17 170000
9 18000 18 220000
10 24500 19 290000
11 33000 20 380000
For Pathfinder, the power of these weapons might be a little bit lower than normal (a +3 weapon with no other benefits is the MOST you can have at level 9). But the tradeoff is that these are character levels and not class levels (a more powerful weapon for only a single dip in the class would be silly), that the wepoan is customizable, and that there's more access to abiities that don't only have pluses.
How will we deal with formal duels? SImply an initiative check? Obviously, Imuri's okay with that, but I thought I'd ask, as sometimes you need to be able to kill someone without repercussions.

Sieg Oshagairea |

If I'm reading that correctly wouldn't you be better off paying the price at 4th lvl than 6th because that would still just be a +1 weapon it just costs 3x as much?
Also look at Rose's build if you want an interesting idea for duels it is set up as an "iaijutsu" build so that first strike will do quite a bit if it lands. Unless you mean more on how one would start it than how one would fight during it.

DM Downrightamazed |

Okay, so, let's go with the chart that Steven has put up for the Ancestral Weapon as the main option. If there are major beefs we can work around 'em.
Please finish your profiles if you haven't already.! IC starts tomorrow, here are some things to keep in mind as we get going;
@Kyras: still need an answer to my question above, namely; what are you doing in Lanzhu? How are you staying busy and earning your keep?
@Daveth: you are working in Lan Piu's Inn, doing bussing and dishes and such. Lan Piu pays you a pittance but is oddly accepting of your terrifying features and odd anatomy, and helps you stay out of sight.
@Tokine: In the Imperial Temple of Cultural Exchange, where you are head curator, there is a rumor that bizarre flying beasts have been seen around the Inner City, where the palace is located, and that new Gaijin are visiting. Sometimes the rumors say these new gaijin have come to make war, other times they say the gaijin are here to make peace. Their clothing is described alternately as being filthy, heavenly, or ghostly.
@Rose and @Shan: As palace guards, you have noticed a great deal more activity and people in the palace, including some strange gaijin.
@Sieg: There are Tengu in the city of a sort you have never seen. Some are clad in black and have a curious patch on their clothing. Others are clad entirely in white, with ice-blue piping on their uniforms. They all move swiftly and silently, and are possessed of black-bladed shortswords of a make you have never seen.
@Imuri: You have heard the same rumors as Tokine, and notice a strange buzz in the town whilst walking about. You have seen one of the flying beasts the rumors describe (OOC-it is an Ancient black dragon) and know them to be real, but whether or not you reveal this fact, that is up to you.

Kyras Erodel |

@Kyras, what are you doing in the Empire to stay busy? I know you're looking for your family, but how are you paying for room and board?
I was thinking of something like this: Kyras' sister set up an money account for him, so he would never be desperate for cash. She stopped depositing money in it a year or so after the expedition left, but interest has left him with a tidy sum.
Alternatively, since Kyras can porove his status as a Warbane mercenary, he's owed quite a bit of back-pay. Thus he currently has enough resources to live on.
Is there any kind of banking system in the campaign world at all? If not, I suppose I'll have to come up with someting else...

DM Downrightamazed |

DM Downrightamazed wrote:@Kyras, what are you doing in the Empire to stay busy? I know you're looking for your family, but how are you paying for room and board?I was thinking of something like this: Kyras' sister set up an money account for him, so he would never be desperate for cash. She stopped depositing money in it a year or so after the expedition left, but interest has left him with a tidy sum.
Alternatively, since Kyras can porove his status as a Warbane mercenary, he's owed quite a bit of back-pay. Thus he currently has enough resources to live on.
Is there any kind of banking system in the campaign world at all? If not, I suppose I'll have to come up with someting else...
Unfortunately Warbanians have no clout in the Empire and would not be able to access owed monies. Hmmm... So you're aiming for some kind of financial independence here, then.
How about this; you are retained at a school of magic, teaching wizards, magi, sorcerers, samurai, etc. your techniques of Power Word that no one here seems to know. You receive a fair salary and occasional sabbaticals which you invariably use to continue your search for family.

Kyras Erodel |

Unfortunately Warbanians have no clout in the Empire and would not be able to access owed monies. Hmmm... So you're aiming for some kind of financial independence here, then.
How about this; you are retained at a school of magic, teaching wizards, magi, sorcerers, samurai, etc. your techniques of Power Word that no one here seems to know. You receive a fair salary and occasional sabbaticals which you invariably use to continue your search for family.
It's possible, I suppose, but I hadn't planned on him being awake for very long. somwhere between a year or eighteen months or so (since he would have left Warbane as soon as he could afford a boat to Katapesh or something).
He could always fall back on mercenary skills, since he definitely possesses some talent in that area.
Assuming Katapesh is a port city, it's possible that he sailed there from Warbane/Stormfare, and then hired onto a trade caravan heading into the Empire - which would have paid reasonably.
EDIT: Kyras doesn't really understand his magic. If you've ever read the book Magician, there are several moments where Pug uses magic by 'speaking words that burn through his mind'. That's sort of how it manifests a lot of the time. So perhaps he allowed a magical school to test what he did, in exchange for 'considerations', or something similar? It would also serve to help him control his powers (although I'd ideally like his magic to be unique).

Daveth Ashvale |

@Daveth: you are working in Lan Piu's Inn, doing bussing and dishes and such. Lan Piu pays you a pittance but is oddly accepting of your terrifying features and odd anatomy, and helps you stay out of sight.
Awesome :D
Just a note, I'll be a bit busy early on tomorrow(sorry). Though once I return home I will most likely have a picture of Daveth with me so hopefully that will make up for it. With luck this wont even be relevant and I'll be home before we even start up. If by chance I DO run a bit later than I think I will then obviously feel free to pass me up for a bit.
DRA if there is a specific time frame you want to get this started in then if you could post that for me that would be great as I'll probably be able to get back here around then. Regardless I shouldn't be preoccupied for too long and I might even be able to get onto a computer while I'm out thus completely nullifying any possible issues xD

Sieg Oshagairea |

All right just want to say RAAARGGGHHH. Stinkin playtests bringsis outs the evils it does.
Now back to your regularly scheduled programing. Also does the ancestral weapon work by allowing you to just pay the price at a certain level or every level? Because it doesn't make sense to pay 6000 something at level 6 but still only have +1 on it or am I missing something?

DM Downrightamazed |

DM Downrightamazed wrote:How about this; you are retained at a school of magic, teaching wizards, magi, sorcerers, samurai, etc. your techniques of Power Word that no one here seems to know. You receive a fair salary and occasional sabbaticals which you invariably use to continue your search for family.It's possible, I suppose, but I hadn't planned on him being awake for very long. somwhere between a year or eighteen months or so (since he would have left Warbane as soon as he could afford a boat to Katapesh or something).
He could always fall back on mercenary skills, since he definitely possesses some talent in that area.
Gotcha. So maybe he has enough coin to get him through for a while longer, left over from pay earned before he fell asleep, but he's warily eyeing his coin purse as it approaches emptiness. So, like, you have maybe another month before you'll have to start doing mercenary work again, or similar, in order to get by?
EDIT: Kyras doesn't really understand his magic. If you've ever read the book Magician, there are several moments where Pug uses magic by 'speaking words that burn through his mind'. That's sort of how it manifests a lot of the time.
Oh this is terrific! I love this idea! Much better than my "magic school" thing, though I think I like the concept of a magic school trying desperately to get Kyras to teach others how to do what he does, and he keeps demurring. They think he's some kind of master, though, so they keep trying. How Kyras would react to this, of course, is up to you. Oh, this'll be fun.

Sieg Oshagairea |

Question on the shadow clone trick. Do we use it as mirror image in every way or the way I had read it as it is 1 d4 images and in every other way it works as mirror image? Also would it be ok for Sieg to occasionally allow pedestrians to unknowingly help with his monetary endeavors?

DM Downrightamazed |

Question on the shadow clone trick. Do we use it as mirror image in every way or the way I had read it as it is 1 d4 images and in every other way it works as mirror image? Also would it be ok for Sieg to occasionally allow pedestrians to unknowingly help with his monetary endeavors?
Yeah, that's a little ambiguous, ennit? I'm going to rule that it's mirror image in every way just because I think it's cooler that way.

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If I'm reading that correctly wouldn't you be better off paying the price at 4th lvl than 6th because that would still just be a +1 weapon it just costs 3x as much?
Also look at Rose's build if you want an interesting idea for duels it is set up as an "iaijutsu" build so that first strike will do quite a bit if it lands. Unless you mean more on how one would start it than how one would fight during it.
To be clear, you do not pay the gold cost emntioned in the list. The chart gves you the maximum gp value of each wepoan at a certain character level. WHat you pay in offerings is the difference between what your weapon is currently valued at and what your weapon wil be after adding an ability or bonus to it. Thus, adding keen to your +1 katan only costs 6000, and can only be done after reaching 6th level (character, not class).
If we are approving an iaijutsu-style duel, then we ought to have ranks in the skill, or just use a BAB+Cha check. How would you lke to handle that, boss? The new mechanic for the iai duel is very simple, but it does mean adding a new mechanic that maybe other PCs don't have much use for. I do think it would be balanced by the fact that one of us can stand in place of a nonmelee character if we feel like bakcing them up in a duel setting.
Seeing your style of play, what I don't want to do is bog your already-in-progress game with new rules. Howver, I do think this is a pretty easy one, and first-cut duels are great flavor.
As you wish.

Shoto Imuri |

I am struggling to find an iai - type mechanic in Rose's build, unless you mean Vital Strike, which I think is a great idea for dueling.
Knowledge (local):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Imuri will finish his errands and socializing. After the subtle (and annoyingly cheerful) blackmail of a rival merchant, he will seek out a magistrate or yoriki to get the skinny on these gaijin. Are they a nationality the Shoto trade with? Do they pose a threat, or are they just more meat-eating barbarians, useful to line Imperial coffers and manipulate into poor business decisions?
He considers the usual routine, make a contact, engineer a duel with a lesser samurai who hates gaijin, kill the offending traditionalist "honorably", and take the grateful foreigners to a Shoto geisha house for relaxation and culture. Get them drunk, enamor them with women trained in the art of teasing, and then extract business favors from them while their focus is shattered.
Imuri thinks of a geisha with a broken reputation. Not only can he ingratiate himself with her owner by offering her work, but the big white men seem drawn to lonely and disadvantaged women. Perhaps he can involve one of the gaijin inappropriately and then demand audience with his commanding officer, explaining that certain gestures must be made to cleanse the honor of the poor heimin girl.
Yes, think Imuri. Always best to skip the first few gaijin idiots and deal with their lords. And always easy to manipulate the underlings of a culture that prides itself on taking instead of hospitality.

Sieg Oshagairea |

Vital strike with devastating charge should stack I think....which brings the damage from that first strike up more.
Devastating charge (combat)
You put a lot of power behind your blows when you run into combat.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Atack, base atack bonus +1.
Benefts: When you are not mounted and you use the charge action, a successful atack deals an additional 2d4 points of damage. If you are using a 2-handed weapon, or a 1-handed weapon in 2 hands, you instead deal an additional, 3d4 points of damage.

DM Downrightamazed |

Alright Everybody! Here is the IC thread!
From now on reserve this thread for OOC stuff only, and try to keep the IC thread as IC as possible.
Happy gaming, and let's tell a great story together!

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: for any kind of stand-off style samurai/ninja duel, like you propose, I would combine the following:
Martial Skill as reflected by BAB
Stillness of mind and strength of will as represented by WIS
Ability to bluff and psych-out as represented by CHA
Sheer quickness as reflected by bonus to initiative
So let's say d20+the above to win a STRICT iajutsu duel. Any stretches into kenjutsu/regular melee will then be handled by normal combat mechanics.

DM Downrightamazed |

Also would it be ok for Sieg to occasionally allow pedestrians to unknowingly help with his monetary endeavors?
Forgot this. I assume you mean a bit of light pickpocketry? If so, I personally think that's pushing CG a bit hard. Isn't there something a bit less, well, 'morally dubious' he might do first?

DM Downrightamazed |

What exactly are those of us not directly involved in the palace doing?
That is for you to tell me. :-) Mostly I'd just like a little bit of fluff for each character to introduce themselves. How does Sieg start his day? Has Rose told him what's going on in the palace? Will she sneak him in to watch?
It's okay if you don't want to do an introductory thing, I can kick something off for you, I just like to give my PCs first crack at defining their character in their own terms, however they wish, before the craziness amps up. It's all good either way, my friend. Just lemme know what you'd prefer. :-)