DM Downrightamazed |

Hi guys! GenCon has devoured all my time these last couple days; working to bring updates by Sunday. In the meantime, here are a few pics I've taken so far. Sorry they're not great, but photos are generally the last thing on my mind while I'm at 'Con, so it's a small miracle I took any at all. :-p
Highlight of the Con so far has been getting to meet and chat with Wayne (and Mrs.) Reynolds, Tyler Walpole, and Lexxy Douglass. All are just phenomenally nice people. Wayne signed my deluxe edition of "Visions of WAR" that I'd just bought, then signed all my prints, too. Even more amazing; I bought the book on Thursday and the prints on Friday, and he remembered my name from one day to the next. Unbelievable. On Sunday I'll be in some seminars related to writing for and the development of Pathfinder, run by various Paizo folks. Tomorrow is Iron GM, the Mercedes Lackey/Larry Dixon reading and talk, then the were-cabbage party. Good times!!

Dave Herman |

The Dracosharkzerkers performed MARVELOUSLY! They didn't kill anyone, but they DID manage to put a bunch of folks into negative HP in just two rounds. If they didn't have two PCs channeling and Curing, it would have gone much worse. They (the 'zerkers") were also incredibly useful for bull-rushing PCs away from a certain underwater ritual that the bad guys were attempting to perform.
Bad. Ass.

Azami Ito |

So what's the opinion on how old my son should be before I indoctrinate him in GenCon? I'm thinking next year (18 months old) would be a good start, yes? He's already been to Pennsic War this year.
(...mommy hasn't been to GenCon since 1994 and would really like more excuses to go...)

Wei Khangzhi-Lung |

You can't tell me this doesn't sound awesome:
Furious Rend (Ex): While raging, and after a succesful charge and bite attack, the Makami-Riki can violently tear off a huge chunk of flesh from it's victim. The Makami-riki makes a CMB check against the target, and if succesful, does 1d4 CON damage and 1d4 bleed, and the victim must make a DC 22 fort save or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. Both targets gain the grappled condition until the beginning of the Makami-riki's next turn, when he releases the target.

Maiathreen Gyssearnith |

Bloody Fist (Ex): While raging, the barbarian may attempt to punch through an opponent’s flesh and rip out one of its vital organs. In order to do so, the barbarian must confirm
a critical hit against an opponent with a natural attack or unarmed strike. The barbarian deals damage as normal for a critical hit and the opponent must succeed at a Fortitude
save (DC = 10 + 1/2 the barbarian’s class level + the barbarian’s Strength modifier) or take 1d4 points of Constitution damage as one of its vital organs is ripped free from its body. This power can only be used once per rage. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to select this rage power.
Feast of Blood (Su): While raging, the barbarian may feast on the organs of her foes and absorb their power. After successfully ripping out a creature’s vital organ, the
barbarian may eat the organ within 1 minute of extracting it as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Once the organ is consumed, the barbarian recovers a
number of hit points equal to the Hit Dice of the organ’s owner. In addition, the barbarian gains any energy immunities or resistances the victim had, though the effectiveness of these resistances is halved (for instance, a barbarian who eats the heart of a creature with resist cold 10 would gain resist cold 5; energy immunities are reduced to resist energy 20). This energy resistance lasts for a number of rounds equal to half the Hit Dice of the creature whose organ was consumed. A barbarian must have the bloody fist rage power to select this rage power. A barbarian must be at least 14th level to select this rage power.

DM Downrightamazed |

A quick question, due to Wei's bastion stance ability (which prevents him from being forcibly moved by anything but mind control or teleportation), do I need to roll the save to avoid damage?
Yup. This isn't a save vs. being moved so much as it is a save vs. blunt force trauma. Whether it's from being smashed by the water (and flotsam and jetsam contained therein) itself or banged into obstacles doesn't matter.

Azami Ito |

Azami is face palming at Chu. On the inside. ;)
Hope I didn't insert her inappropriately there. Maybe should have just left it to Chu, but Azami feels as though she has built some rapport with the sera elder. And frankly, she pretty much wants to avoid another battle-they can't survive it.

Khaladon |

Let's hope! ; )
Still, whether he gets creamed or not, gotta give Shoto some props for a game well played (meant in all it's possible connotations )
@Steve: Oh, and since your typing fingers seem to be working alright, how about moseying on over to Kingmaker and posting for a certain Barbarian, ya? ^-^

Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder |

And this is how a Lawful Neutral character gets in trouble. Sticking to my gu.... crossbow. :P
BTW good luck Urk! Have fun with Grik Grok! :B
Oh, no worries. He'll get sploded as soon as the charm monster wears off. In however many days that is... so, like five years from now at this campaigns pace.

Azami Ito |

Chujitsuna Kage -Loyal Shadow- wrote:Oh, no worries. He'll get sploded as soon as the charm monster wears off. In however many days that is... so, like five years from now at this campaigns pace.And this is how a Lawful Neutral character gets in trouble. Sticking to my gu.... crossbow. :P
BTW good luck Urk! Have fun with Grik Grok! :B
Funny cause it's true.

Khaladon |

Hey Kai, don't suppose there's any chance you guys can start taping your live games, is there? Cuz MAN I'd love to hear and enjoy all the awesomeness going on with DRA's groups in this awesome Land and story he has created.
Maybe if enough of us pitch in for a video camera??
Oh! Wait! How 'bout live web casts!
(only partially j/k )

Khaladon |

Hmmm, actually, you know, I'm thinking....
DRA, (or anyone else who knows, is interested and has the time) would it be possible to get a list of all the other PC's in this world, and what the basic storylines of their campaigns have been so far?
Nothing that would ruin the game for anyone of course, or give too much knowledge that we, even as players, shouldn't have. But there's just SO much going on here in DRA's great Land, and I know that we here in PbP-land only know a small fraction of it.

Kai Kyrrosh |

Well, don't know how interesting it would be to actually listen to us play for two and a half hours. There's always some gold moments, but I doubt anyone has the time to edit the recordings... Maybe we should hire someone to transcribe the proceedings...
There's also the danger of knowing too much between multiple characteres, and not being able to justifiably use that information. That being said, there's definitely going to be some run-off between these games and our monday games coming...

![]() |

Yeah as much as I would love to get to know more of the characters. I think they way we are right now is fine, with a little interaction every now and again being a great excuse to exchange information. Such as the gift we received or even the fact our groups can comingle from time to time. Especially for those of us who have dual characters lol.
Still don't know how I will roleplay the three of my characters in the same room.
However if I get the chance with Chu I will start collecting more knowledge about the world. Despite all of his Knowledge he has only came from one place and moved to another and has spent nearly a century in one place.
@DRA: If I remember correctly Chu was from the Old Lands originally, is there any more pertinent information he could know about his people? Or the Old Lands themselves? I will make the rolls as needed didn't know what was available. ;)
I have also finally gotten around to finishing Chu's backstory in detail. Recovered it from my crashed hard drive recently. Patience is Key I guess. :P

Lane Ellen |

Yeah, perhaps someday it would be good to see DRA pull the the stories together, but for now I prefer keeping them quite separate with occasional forays into each others' stories.
I don't know how many times I've had to really mentally contemplate whether Mina actually knows something, or if its something Azami heard. I like to keep those at a minimum. And noooo taping of live games. Too much effort, too much meta-gaming possibility, and otherwise too much of my personal life in view for anyone with the video. I'm just happy that, with an infant, I'm still able to play. :)

Khaladon |

Ok oK, I hear where ya'all are coming from. I know that keeping player and PC knowledge separate can be tricky sometimes, but I'm still not sure if I quite agree that it we shouldn't be able to know what goes on in other games though.
I mean, as has been said here, there are already several players who play in more than one of DRA's games. One or two I think in at least three of them. So if it's possible for some of us to have knowledge of more than one game and still enjoy, make it work and play that way, why not the others games, or have it be possible for everyone?
Anyway, it's not something I'll be losing sleep over and I'm fine to roll with whatever works for the majority.

Minaethiel Ellethwen |

Man, if that existed, I would hardly be able to keep from reading it. That's my point. I need it to NOT exist so that I am not tempted. ;-) It's hard enough to avoid following the other games - I started and had to stop due to information crossover.
Maybe someday I'll publish just my 40 pages of character notes for entertainment value.
Kai - your name has come up more than a few times lately. And not in such a desirable way.

DM Downrightamazed |