Dave Herman |

I bet you are.
Per Khaladon's request: I can at least give a spoilerless breakdown of the PC's from the monday game as best I can remember:
Dantoor, Human Crusader Cleric of Gorum
Tor, Human Sorcerer (Dantoor's Cohort)
Gotrek, Dwarf Two-Handed Fighter
Sigurd, Human Inquisitor of Torag
Apu Manchu Jojo, Vanaran Monk
Pike DePhazz, Human Alchemist turned Lich and NPC
Nathaniel DePhazz, Human Archaelogist (Brother of Pike)
Calitox, Enhathladi Elf Rogue, MIA
Azu Fein, Tengu Shadowborn Ninja/Shadowdancer
Kai Kyrrosh, Tiefling Magus
Professor Emeritus Corrin Vask, Human Archivist Bard, thought deceased 160 years ago.
Rakosh, Tiefling Sorceror/Master Spy, presumed deceased.
Inanti Ana Anu, Aasimar Cleric/Inquisitor (Kai's cohort, hasen't been introduced in game yet)

Lane Ellen |

Man, I would LOVE to play in other games if I had the time, or an easy way to build walls around what information is known where. I bow to your superior ability in that area. I could possibly play additional online games, but they would have to be significantly different areas of the world/characters from Mina. Tanith could do well online, but Stormfare is just...too close to home.
From the original game:
Minaethiel Ellethwen, Tuathan Elf Sorceror/Druid/Ranger)
Nurianna, Human Druid of Saranrae
Judith, Human Paladin (Nurianna's cohort)
Bardas Balsamon, Human monk
Marcus, Half-Storm Giant Desnan cavalier/paladin
--there was another guy who played with us for a very short while, a dwarf. Can't recall his name.
Other Random characters:
Tanith Ser'Leri Del Covas, Human Spy/Master Spy
Trying to remember the other characters in that one-shot group, besides Corrin Vask, of course. Tassy? And the dwarf.

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Hehe it definitely isn't easy thats for sure. I am trying to be creative in my questions knin he other game so that he can learn a little about the city. Clans and such without meta. And i can say it can/ is hard. Like no reading spoilers if i fail. Because DRAs awesome writing tends to stick in my mind forever. If i read all his spoilers my head would explode...
*eats some of azamis popcorn as he what's for things to go BOOM*

Dave Herman |

Man, I would LOVE to play in other games if I had the time, or an easy way to build walls around what information is known where. I bow to your superior ability in that area. I could possibly play additional online games, but they would have to be significantly different areas of the world/characters from Mina. Tanith could do well online, but Stormfare is just...too close to home.
I don't know how I do it without my brain exploding. The two toughest moments were 1) playing two characters working roughly together, but knowing what character A would do would lead him directly into something that character B would cause, and 2) two characters working at cross-purpouses and knowing that everything they would want to do would be so much easier if they worked together.
Very hard to keep both of everything in character, and not go meta. I'm probably going to start arguing with myself out loud at the table soon.

Dave Herman |

Oh yes, I also forgot Kendal, the human sorceror. Accidentally killed by his favorite spell. Kai would feel guilty about this if he even knew it happened.
And there was that inquisitor of Zon-Kuthon. Can't remember his name.
And a Half-Orc Paladin that died really fast.
Plus two characters that got dropped fairly quickly.

Maiathreen Gyssearnith |

So can't wait for my Vision's of War art book. I love the pathfinder art. :) If only it came with a PDF. *Sigh~*
Wrath of the Righteous is interesting. ( @.@)/ Can't stop reading it lol...
Interesting eh? ;)

DM Downrightamazed |

Yeah, like I said earlier, I picked up my deluxe edition of Visions of War at GenCon, and got to meet and chat with Wayne and his wife, Ged, over in Artists' Alley. Such wonderful people! Both are so incredibly nice. What's funny is the book was already signed and numbered, then he signed and dedicated it at his booth, and for the first fifteen people who came to him to get that book signed (I was number 5(!)), we all got stickers giving a discount on the "Goblin's Fire Red" wine that Paizo is producing/sponsoring to celebrate their 10th anniversary, and for which WAR did the label painting. So my book is triple-signed. I talked with Wayne for a bit, then turned around, and there was Tyler Walpole, sitting by himself. Needless to say, there went another 20 minutes talking with him. Also a super great guy. He's done some of my favorite alternate covers to the PFR comics.
Oh! And also, on day two, I went back to Artists' Alley to buy more art, and to get a couple WAR prints, and he insisted on signing all my prints, and remembered my name from the day before! Since I was one of approximately 2903840238 overweight, beardy midwesterners he must have seen in those 24 hours between my visits, I think it speaks well of his skills at "booth management" and his talent at remembering faces that he could recall who I was. Also, Ged forgot to get my name for my receipt, so she wrote "Dude With Fab Beard". I'll treasure that forever, LOL.

DM Downrightamazed |

Mechanics question, monsieur DRA. How many free action reloads would you allow in a combat round? Infinite would be silly, but only one seems to make having a free action reload a bit less awesome than it should be.
I generally allow "upwards substitution", so you can substitute a Free for a Swift, Move, or Standard. This way you can load multiple barrels, but each reload eats a bigger and bigger action. So to reload a double-barrel pistol, for example, would use up your Free and your Swift actions for that round.

Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder |

Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder wrote:Mechanics question, monsieur DRA. How many free action reloads would you allow in a combat round? Infinite would be silly, but only one seems to make having a free action reload a bit less awesome than it should be.I generally allow "upwards substitution", so you can substitute a Free for a Swift, Move, or Standard. This way you can load multiple barrels, but each reload eats a bigger and bigger action. So to reload a double-barrel pistol, for example, would use up your Free and your Swift actions for that round.
Fair enough, so then I get my free reload via lightning reload and swift from the bandolier.

Khaladon |

Wow, that's awesome, thanks for all the PC info, Dave and Irondawn! Helps to (in my imagination at least) fill out DRA's awesome world. Anyone up for a single, comprehensive list?
I seemed to have missed where Urk Boombringer fits into all that though?
Speaking of Booms, as for avoiding "brain 'splosins", I dunno, I think it's just something you do when ya have to. For example, there was an awesome crossover period where several of us had two PC's from different DRA games all interacting and fighting alongside each other for a fair bit of time. It's was one of my best RPG moments ever. Without my originally or intentionally planning it, it turned out that my two PCs really disliked each other. Which wasn't all that surprising really, as they are quite different in almost every way. And now we have another such scenario coming up here in mists! (I've only got one PC in it this time though, but still super stoked). So ya, not that I haven't made more than a couple mistakes myself, but gaming in multiple, connected, games can definitely be done, methinks.
And speaking of that, come join us over at The Seer's Journey, Irondawn!! We're down to four (maybe five) regular posting players, and we could Definitely use the help at the moment. It's an Awesome game! Plus, it's always nice to have some (genuine sourced, all natural) feminine energy injected into a game, IMHO :)

Dave Herman |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

@Khaladon Re: Brainsplosions. Yes and no. Pbp I think is easier, it's like writing a story. Running two characters in turn based combat, on the table, well... that being said, it's a blast. But pretty exhausting, mentally.
Urk, well I added a bit more info to his profile page. He originated as CG NPC goblin in a game I was running RL that kinda died due to RL issues on my end. Everybody liked him, and I liked using him, so I made a different version of him for a PbP Skull & Shackles that died off pretty quickly. A few months ago, we did an all day one off session, and I made this version of Urk, and decided Urk was a pan-dimensional being that existed across the multiverse. And every other multiverse. He is the eternal mischief-maker, and a herald of chaos. DRA found this amusing, and told me to prep Urk for Mists. There are many more Urks out there, all chaotic alignment, all some kind of goblin. I may compile a Big Bok of Urks someday, for my own amusement.

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To avoid muddling up the game thread with my opinion.
@Imuri He could have shot before they got close, especially since there was a giant tree like creature, and a pony size gremlin in the middle of the room just moments before he shot you. Your men hadn't drawn their weapons either yet I would think as a lot of things were happening at once to. Just my opinion.

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If they are modeled anything like Imuri, they draw either as a free action or with their initiative roll, and I described them surrounding him before he fired.
If DRA or Urk feels the shot gets off, that's fine. Imuri keeps his Dex bonus and we roll initiative. But the Shoto teach their samurai to strike first, not to get shot while waiting to roll initiative.

Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder |

Not flat-footed won't help here (extra damage is from the Up-Close and Deadly deed), and per Gunslinger's Initiative, the gun is drawn as part of Urk's initiative role. Also, Urk will be shooting before there are any adjacent samurai.
In all fairness, I DID roll initiative right after saying I was going to shoot you. If you missed that bit, we can retcon in your initiative check and do-over if necessary.
Urk certainly isn't going to wait for a bunch of dudes with swords to walk up to him before he starts shooting. He's a goblin, but he isn't a moron.

DM Downrightamazed |

Okay, so I take responsibility for the current shenanigans between Imuri and Urk; the Shoto Lord DID in fact roll Sense Motive, which could/should have told him Urk was under an enchantment and gonna fire, which would have set off tactical movement and the rolling of initiative, etc. I agree that ALL of you would have been on high alert, so let's roll initiative. If Urk wins initiative then we'll let his shot stand and proceed in initiative order. If not, then the shot never happened. Basically I think we just got ahead of ourselves, and I should have reigned things in sooner.
So, Urk initiative first: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
Now Shoto initiative: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
===============this part written after I previewed the rolls=====
Looks like Urk wins. The shot and damage stand, but now it is the Shoto's turn, and they will all have weapons drawn. Imuri, proceed when ready. Assume your samurai were en route to surround Urk when he snuck off a shot. They are currently all 10' away from the goblin, and you are 15' away.

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I see some messages I missed before.
No worries, Chu...we all work together to keep the rules straight, and PBP require extra help.
Urk: my only thoughts about being flatfooted were you having the drop on me and not getting an initiative roll. You are just fine. I just want my Dex bonus and a chance to go first.
That done...let's get it on, Mr. "I shot the 2013 RPG Superstar Woo Hoo".

Khaladon |

Uh.....Imuri rerolls his Initiative roll.
I'll post appropriately and the fight can move on from there. Gimme just a minute.
Ah, was wondering about that. but it's:
Order Abilities:Strike With No Thought (Ex) Imuri may reroll an Initiative check once per day.
Nice, that.

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So since Chu only ever met Na-Calanon once, save for knowing his name. Would he remember him at all or would the events of today be forgotten to him other than there's an abomination laying in the street?
Edit Oh yeah the coming posts will be interesting. :) At this point I am going to with the Not remembering part unless otherwise~

Urk Boombringer Gremlinsploder |

I see some messages I missed before.
No worries, Chu...we all work together to keep the rules straight, and PBP require extra help.
Urk: my only thoughts about being flatfooted were you having the drop on me and not getting an initiative roll. You are just fine. I just want my Dex bonus and a chance to go first.
That done...let's get it on, Mr. "I shot the 2013 RPG Superstar Woo Hoo".
Lol. I thought about it and I realize I could have handled it better. Like maybe a 'hey, no, we're in combat now so roll initiative please.' before I did the shooting thingee. I'm still game for a retcon along the lines of "we're all paying more attention" if DRA will allow it. Or we can roll with it.

DM Downrightamazed |

I didn't see your original initiative roll..just DRA's. How about if I just take the damage from the first shot and we go on with you killing invisible Imuri before you bleed out?
I'm comfortable with this if Urk is. So he got his shot off, but then got cut and now Imuri is invisible and the Shoto samurai are guarding Bethany. So it's come down to Urk vs. Imuri.
Urk, that okay with you?