Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?

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LOL, Okay, okay, take the PvP elsewhere guys, sheesh.

Male Silastrix Magus (Bladebound Kensai) 11 (HP 83/83 AC 30, T 23, Flat 11 - F+9 R+9 W+8 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +13

...but but he insulted my wings.......also dice rollers don't work in pm....

Shadow Lodge


I'm so glad for you.

Shadow Lodge

So out of all of us Shoto and Chu are the sneakiest lol. +19 and +15 respectively. That of course doesn't include spells of course~

Maiathreen Gyssearnith wrote:
...but but he insulted my wings.......also dice rollers don't work in pm....

You could always start another arena thread. ;-)

Male Silastrix Magus (Bladebound Kensai) 11 (HP 83/83 AC 30, T 23, Flat 11 - F+9 R+9 W+8 Init +12; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Low-Light Vision (X2), Per +13

O.O...DRA character arena thread....hmmm the possibilities....

Waiting on y'all, at this point...

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Me too. Though I'm a bit confused as to who is talking to who at this point, and what I actually hear.

AFAIK you hear anything said by anyone EXCEPT Zhongyi, Imuri, or Kyras.

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Okay, that's what I assumed.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

That helps - I wasn't sure who Gwen was talking to.

Gwen was speaking to everyone and anyone who can hear her.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Just some checking in on the people there - is Ghar evident among the group? He told them to meet him in the Park, but if we see him there, then perhaps he's gotten the message. If not, Azami will mention him if Tokine doesn't.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I was waiting for a response from Kyras. I will move on (from Imuri's [perspective) if I don't hear anything by tonight.

Good observation, Azami. I was wondering if he was gonna get away with that. :-D

And yeah, whenever DMB is buried at work like this, I tend not to wait too long for posts from him, per his advice.

He was listed as being there, just not a gregarious as Gwen, I assumed. But seeing DRA response maybe that was not the case

Shadow Lodge

CApologies been dealing with a lot of appointments recently and some RL stuff. :p

I will try and move Chu along but he is sticking with Tokine as she requested.

Edited my responses to reflect Ghar not being there, since that is the consensus. :-)

Thanks, Tokine. If I did list him then it was an error on my part as he left you at the door to the temple and has not yet returned.

Bad timing with the big showdown coming up, but I have a 2-week trip to Italy coming up Saturday. I should have ready access to wi-fi for an occasional peak (and hopefully post) at the boards, but I doubt it will be a priority, as I am tour directing for our group. DM-PC as needed if there is too much of a delay.

Shadow Lodge

major wind storm is tearing southcentral here in alaska. I may/may not have internet. :( I will post if I can.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Admit it, Isaac. You love to hate me. :b

Poor Envoy-Six is a bit tsundere.

Have a great vacation, Meowzebub!

Steven T. Helt wrote:
Admit it, Isaac. You love to hate me. :b

I gotta say, the mutual(?) respect/mutual antagonism relationship between Imuri and Kyras has really become an awesome dynamic. I didn't expect it at all, but it's developed so well and so naturally. Great work, guys.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Hopefully Kyras will antagonize a lot more people by the time this adventure is through!

Haha, well if Captain Lamorak shows up that's surely to happen!

Female Sylph Magus (Staff Magus & Cabalist) / 9| HP 72/72 AC 23*or more*, T 14, Flat 18- F+9 R+8 W+9 Init +4; Senses: Darkvision 60ft; Per +9(+11))
DM Downrightamazed wrote:
Haha, well if Captain Lamorak shows up that's surely to happen!

I cannot Wait for that to happen!

Wasn't clear to me what Imuri was doing, so I left it open for him to say he went with or went off on his own.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Totally doing the exchange for Aki-Kirei. I'd also like to send word for Swift to find me.

I'm back in the states, but not yet home (stuck with bad hotel and airport Internet till then). Had a good trip, but it will good to get back home. I will try to get read-up and back in the threads over the next day or two. Should be home and up to speed by Thursday night. Sorry for the posting gap.

Welcome back! You're just in time for a revelation, of sorts. >:-D

Shadow Lodge

This is a heck of a time to get a 20 on an initiative roll. :D

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Sorry guys, been totally out of it. Was mostly out of regular internet service from Thursday-Sunday because I was at dance camp, and then have been swamped with work and tiredness since I got back. Trying to catch up, and hopefully will have something early tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

Dance Camp! :O Azami DANCES! Cannot compute, reptilian mind unable to process. *Dies* ;D J/K

Hopefully you had fun yes? :)

Irondawn's a hell of a dancer. I can attest to this.

@Kyras: The language the statue used was Aklo, BTW, which I don't see on your profile so I assumed you couldn't understand it. Lemme know if that's not the case.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

@Chu - I had a great time. Wasn't teaching this year, so noooo responsibilities. But I think I was fighting off a cold at the same time, so I was wrecked when I came back.

Chu that was an extraordinarily well-timed and well-used hero point. I mean seriously, you have no idea. :-)

@Imuri: anything you need me for in terms of preparing for your "exchange", or shall we handwave to your departure for the meeting? I'm fine either way, didn't know how detailed you wanted/needed to get with it.

Shadow Lodge

I'm very glad that succeeded. Luckily the dice roller lined up for me today as those were some startling nice rolls. :D I'm glad the hero point worked out as well~

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I'm ready for the exchange. I hope Imuri is familiar with the protocol for such things.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Man, I have no idea where people are, honestly. So if she shouldn't have heard what Chu said---I assumed he didn't hide it ---we could ignore all of that. In the future, feel free to post in the discussion thread that you're pretty sure she couldn't hear that from there, and I'll not expect an answer.

DRA - do you have the ability to delete posts from your threads after the usual time limit?

*sighs* Azami comes off unduly biting when she's actually trying to just be professional and no nonsense - it's her job to assess the opposition. And her words aren't condoning Kyras behaviour.

(She was internally bothered by Chu's tone, but I guess that didn't come through that that was internal.) Oh well. Guess she better get used to it - everyone here is so sensitive, in her opinion. ;)

No, sorry, my edit/delete window is the same as everyone else's.

Shadow Lodge

It's no problem as Chu wouldn't have hid it anyway, this day has been a long one for him and despite his better judgement he's growing more and more frustrated. So no worries it is what it is now. :)

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

*snaps* I had hoped the DM would have ULTIMATE POWERS.

Anyway. Seriously, if you ever think something I said was in error, bring it up. I'm not easily offended and I know I'm wrong just as much as everyone else. Just like Azami pulled out her BLADE at first, and then put back her BOW. *ahem*


Shadow Lodge

Lol didn't even see that! Heh. If I have an issue I would discuss it with you. But as for this damage done for Chu's rash words lol and the doing continues. :)

Yeah it is kinda lame that DMs don't have more... Editing power on their game thread, especially when extremely grevious errors occur. But they're just as powerful as players in the end. ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

So...the exchange, boss?

Reckon you've all already figured this out, but Chu has been sucked into a headcuttin' duel.

M Human Gamer 5/DJ 10

So is he Steve Vai or Ralph Macchio?

Well, that remains to be seen. ;-)

Also, big post for everybody underground coming tomorrow AM. I have it ready to rock in a notepad doc on my work computer; I was gonna put it up this afternoon, but the site was down when I went to post it. :-/

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