The Lost Voice |

Open for Discussion.
How does 13 points to start sound? Not too far beyond the norm, but just that edge of something more?

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello fellow Potential Starfinder Agents!
I am excited to take this baby out for a drive!
Dirk Gently is already built in my head. I just need to build his Profile.
Here is an Outline, so we can compare notes.
13 Point Buy plus +1 Theme plus Race -2 Wis, +2 Dex/ Cha
Str 10 Dex 18 (+2 race, +6) Con 10 Int 12 (+2) Wis 8 Cha 18 (+2 race, +1 Theme, +5)
Skills (6+int) 7
Acrobatics (Dex)+8(1), Athletics (Str), Diplomacy (Cha)+8(1), Intimidate (Cha)+8(1), Mysticism (Wis), Perception (Wis)+3(1), Physical Science (Int), Profession (Cha, Int, or Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex)+8(1).
Skill Adept
Computers (Int)+7(1), Engineering (Int)+7(1)
Skill Synergy (Computers/ Engineering)
Plus those already stated in Recruitment for Alternate Class Features and Archetype.
Not the dps, but more a Poor man's Operative.
He will be relying on Flanking and Feinting (@3rd) to make up for lower BaB.
I imagine that any Dex Builds will overlap a bit... absolutely no worries here. As long as each of us does our jobs, we will be fine.
Still really hoping for a Tank....
Should be fun!

Zephyr Starrr |

I like 13, 30% doesn't suck.
By the numbers though, the Standard Fantasy & High Fantasy point buys differ by 67% (15 vs 25). That said, the upper value purchase ratios aren't 1:1 in PF either.
For me, I would designate High Space Opera as 15 points. 1:1 buying power, modified stat may be up to 20, nothing else higher than 18, NO buy backs (as in, no stat may be lower than 10 to get more points)
In which case Dorien could have the 20 point Cha he deserves ...

Zephyr Starrr |

I'm not a fan of Gestalt. I do have an option if we're one short, but not two.
Well I hope we can get "the alias who I know best as Pyros"
They are a great player.Now that I am "out" about my telekinetic concept, I'll go all in that I revile "gestalt" : yet another ridiculous term like dipping and feat-tax to try to make something sound cool which isn't.
Multiclassing for 1/2 the XP ... yeah, that.
No thank you.

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have actually never played Gestalt. It was just my desperate attempt at making this game a Green Light (not to be confused with Red Light, which probably will come up at some point in this AP).
I agree that those Extras can be a bit much.
And, I could see where you were going and I also have a bit of a Theme...

Dorian 'Grey' |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I am going to start putting his Crunch in a Profile! We have 4!

Dirk Gently. |

Weird! Took longer than I thought...lol.
I had a difficult time finding a format that I liked...
Not a lot (zero) Avatars available for a Dirindi.

Pertinax Islaran |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ok, Ouachitonian/Pyros/etc checking in. Should be more or less ready. Didn't realize this thread was active yet. I'll cross post a question I asked in recruitment, if y'all have thoughts:
What do you guys think about the Star Knight archetype? There's some decent stuff in there, but man is that a lot of Stellar Revelations to give up. Seems like it might be better to have him notionally look well upon the Hellknights and all, but not walk that path himself. But I've got until Level 2 to decide, I guess.
Likewise Extra Manifestation. Seems like it'd be cool to wield stellar sword and shield, for example, but is it worth giving up a zenith revelation? I've got until 9th to decide on that one, though. No rush.

The Lost Voice |

While all of you were preparing for the trip, there was a communication through the channels of the school from one "Taeron", providing an InfoDot to a personality/interest/hobby profiler V.I. that will walk you through the paces. This smacks of Public Relations, and is something that is alluding to this being more than a simple trip to Absalom Station— something is trying to be built here.
What would the resulting profile look like for your characters??

The Lost Voice |

So, for the newcomer— and those new(-ish), my default resources are:
Hephaistos, and Archives of Nethys
Painlord's guide to Play-by-Post is wonderful, and I have it favorited.
Othewise, with this start, this is going to be the fourth time I'll be running Dead Suns— hence the twist and flavor–, and have seen some gaps where things could be filled, others could be fleshed out, and where there's room for some flexibility. So feel free to inject color and flavor where you feel appropriate, take some of the tools and fill things in if you see some atmosphere or something that could help add life to this shared space we're working with.
Otherwise, how's everyone looking on their characters? I've got an opening post up in Gameplay to set the motion and a bit of extra padding, but I'm hoping we can get a good flow of playing off of each other to make this fun.

Dirk Gently. |

Dirk Gently, Holistic Detective (actually a spy) is ready and roaring to get started on his initial assignment!
Welcome to the crew, bluedove! Your concept fits in perfectly.

bluedove |

Thank you! Everything is connected, after all. ^_^
Ok, so first thing I've been looking at is races. I think I'm leaning toward a Ganzi with the Armor Avatar alternate trait, if that is allowable. Though an Astrazoan seems like it would have a lot of creative RP options to play with.
I noticed that Bodyguard works differently in Starfinder, no using AoO's to Aid Another. Though it still chains with In Harm's Way. But if we're unlikely to fight in formation, these aren't of much use.
Do the Themes take the place of traits? And was someone already taking the Solar Armor manifestation? I'm having trouble telling if Armor or Shield is the greater bonus, seems situational. Also I don't know which is easier to bolster with gear. Or how much we get to spend initially.
Input is really very welcome!

The Lost Voice |

Solar Shield is the one Manifestation not taken, and that does work well mechanically with the Ganzi Armor Avatar Alternate Racial Trait. I do like the Ganzi, as that is a bit of color that was not present before. Astrozoan is a lot, but in my experience, I don't know how much RP can be guaranteed. This is a marathon in terms of a game, and while some will post quickly, by nature, this will not be fast, but I will be aiming for it to be fun.
Themes are similar to the PF version of traits, serving to make a slightly more cohesive concept than the piecemeal nature of PF traits, mostly due to the scattered sources. Whether or not it would be relevant immediately, I can't say, as I was looking for the concepts that would be the characters. It could play out wildly differently, which is why I'm not really expecting everyone to be cohesive at level one— everyone is just coming together under the auspices of tradition and promotion, after all.
Initially, everyone has 1000 credits to spend, though there will be a couple of extras that will get added on in the course of the opening. Of note, the Scaling Equipment Rules and Specialized Uses for Resolve Points give some additional flexibility that gives more options, but neither are mandatory.
One thought: Are Critical Failures a desirable thing?

Zephyr Starrr |

You know I think that is an excellent question, and I want to spend part of the weekend thinking about it. From a storytelling perspective: what critical failures can we pinpoint in space opera storytelling? I feel like I remember some from Star Wars, maybe the debate would be regular vs crit. But I will think on it for sure.

bluedove |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Ganzi Shield maiden it is! Was the point buy a 13? I cant see how to get the Hephaistos sheet to figure that in.
How bad do Crit Fails tend to be? Like the weapon jams and has to be serviced before it's used again, or it blows up in your hand, destroying it and doing damage to the wielder?
Edit: I think I've done all I can at this point. Selected Armor Avatar and Bolstered Anatomy. Also the Electrical Attunement. Feat is Shield Wall and put my limited skills into Bluff, Piloting, and Perception. Bought Freebooter Armor I and now I'm broke. XD

Dorian 'Grey' |

@bluedove Con and Cha. Nice! Toughness! Race is sweet. If Tanking is your role, then perhaps Heavy Armor Proficiency or perhaps even Power Armor later?
Only ask because of lower Dex. The only problem with Heavy Armor is the penalty(s). It is a tough choice. Your KAC and EAC seem good. Anything at/over 14 is good at 1st...lol.
Unless you do plan to take Dual Manifestations at 9th for Solarian Armor? Not gonna lie, the visual is sweet.
There are Solarian Crystals that you add to your Solarian Weapon (Shield) that are nice.
The 13 point buy turns into 14 with your Theme, so nice!
Looks good!
CRIT Fails? Hmmm....I do love PF2e....for rp purposes I definitely like it.
As a player who may not like it at the time ..lol.

bluedove |

@bluedove Con and Cha. Nice! Toughness! Race is sweet. If Tanking is your role, then perhaps Heavy Armor Proficiency or perhaps even Power Armor later?
Only ask because of lower Dex. The only problem with Heavy Armor is the penalty(s). It is a tough choice. Your KAC and EAC seem good. Anything at/over 14 is good at 1st...lol.
There are Solarian Crystals that you add to your Solarian Weapon (Shield) that are nice.
It's just a 10 pt buy at this point as I can't figure out how to get the sheet to give me 3 more points. I was aiming for either 16 in Dex, or 12 in Str and 14 in Dex. Probably the latter if I plan for heavier armor later.
She's probably shield bashing as an attack at first. Unless it might be better to get Coveralls for armor and spend for a ranged weapon? Recommendations? The gear is where I'm virtually clueless.
I will look at the crystals and try to find an affordable one in the meantime.

Dorian 'Grey' |

You can always just Do what she does! once we get started...lol.
If you do plan to go Solar Armor at 9th then I would say Dex 16 to max Light Armor.
Although at 5th, 10th, 15th we get 4 Ability boosts so your Dex 14 can be Dex 18 at 10th. Something to keep in mind.

The Lost Voice |

In sharing the character sheet, you can generate a read-only link that anyone that clicks on it can view the current sheet. The .pdf output is new to me.
Regarding setting your Ability scores appropriately in Hephaistos: in the Ability tab, just set the method to "Rolling Ability Scores". You should be able to set the values appropriately then.
For weaponry, you are correct in that your Solar Shield remains viable as a melee weapon, so if you wanted something cheap and ranged, a Tactical Skipshot Pistol works. Otherwise, a Backpack, Personal Comm Unit, a couple changes of clothes, hygiene kit, and other miscellany will be all that you need to start, and you would not feel the loss of it. Everyone will get the chance to grow into the role that they want to take, and some shifting may occur. I'm not going to disallow alterations if they just aren't working out as you would like.
For everyone: What appearance does your Solarian Manifestation take?

Zephyr Starrr |

Ganzi Shield maiden it is! Was the point buy a 13? I cant see how to get the Hephaistos sheet to figure that in.
How bad do Crit Fails tend to be? Like the weapon jams and has to be serviced before it's used again, or it blows up in your hand, destroying it and doing damage to the wielder?
Edit: I think I've done all I can at this point. Selected Armor Avatar and Bolstered Anatomy. Also the Electrical Attunement. Feat is Shield Wall and put my limited skills into Bluff, Piloting, and Perception. Bought Freebooter Armor I and now I'm broke. XD
blue -- my suggestion would be to switch the "Method" under abilities to Rolling Ability Scores, and then simply fill in what you have selected properly. No worries, someone will call you out if you're off ;)

Dirk Gently. |

Dirk Gently Solar Manifestation--Lunar Weapon--appears as yellow/white lightning bolts!
I picture him as looking like The Flash, except in his own unique attire...
When he activates his Lunar Weapon--Moon-colored--lightning bolts spring into his hand.
When he is in Resistance or Energy mode lightning jumps off his entire body like The Flash.
Not original but I really like the image...lol.

Pertinax Islaran |

Pertinax's manifestation is a blade made of fire that seems to come directly out of his hand, Pretty much like the iconic's does, though in Pertinax's case it shifts colors as he becomes more attuned, from red to yellow to white.

The Lost Voice |

...How bad do Crit Fails tend to be? Like the weapon jams and has to be serviced before it's used again, or it blows up in your hand, destroying it and doing damage to the wielder?
It's the inverse of a Critical Hit. The gun might damage you and need an action to reload, or it gains a condition that can be repaired, but until it does, it impairs its use. They're not terrible, but they will disrupt a plan significantly. Cosmic Crit's Critical Fail Deck is a relatively reasonable example of what you might expect.
Sparks, Dirk, and Zephyr(who is taking the weekend) have yet to make their entry into the Gameplay channel.

Zephyr Starrr |

bluedove wrote:...How bad do Crit Fails tend to be? Like the weapon jams and has to be serviced before it's used again, or it blows up in your hand, destroying it and doing damage to the wielder?It's the inverse of a Critical Hit. The gun might damage you and need an action to reload, or it gains a condition that can be repaired, but until it does, it impairs its use. They're not terrible, but they will disrupt a plan significantly. Cosmic Crit's Critical Fail Deck is a relatively reasonable example of what you might expect.
Sparks, Dirk, and Zephyr(who is taking the weekend) have yet to make their entry into the Gameplay channel.
Haven't annouced that too many places, wow ;)
I have some time to at least dot in.Was able to take some time to zero in on Zeph last night also.
He will actually be an Elf, but a concept I came up with a while back
3/4 Elf, not Half
I will post a family tree at some point soon, but he retains his longing for Castrovel as he is an Asanan Elf. Living with his Paternal Grandfather's family has been a blessing, but it has been a hard one.

bluedove |

Collateral Damage
Whoops! Your aim is way off. If there’s a creature within 15 feet of your target, make a second attack against the nearest creature and hope it’s an enemy.Self-Immolation
You don’t know the spell disintegrate. Or do you? Either way, you just cast some variety on yourself. Receive 1d20 per spell level in damage.
Yikes, this is not terrible? Eeep! Gonna vote no for my part. >.<
I think I got my build and gear sorted. The Solarion Crystal will have to be a future purchase. I still couldn't find how to share a link to the sheet, so it's still a pdf.
I have written a physical description, though it didn't show up on the sheet. Her parentage will be (mostly) human, with her Ganzi heritage coming from her mother and intensified by having been conceived/carried during Drift travel.
Her Solar Shield will appear to be made from glowing blue energy built from hexes, like this but be shaped and with a hint of pattern like the Hylian Shield ^_^

Zephyr Starrr |

Crit Fail Deck wrote:Collateral Damage
Whoops! Your aim is way off. If there’s a creature within 15 feet of your target, make a second attack against the nearest creature and hope it’s an enemy.Self-Immolation
You don’t know the spell disintegrate. Or do you? Either way, you just cast some variety on yourself. Receive 1d20 per spell level in damage.Yikes, this is not terrible? Eeep! Gonna vote no for my part. >.<
I think I got my build and gear sorted. The Solarion Crystal will have to be a future purchase. I still couldn't find how to share a link to the sheet, so it's still a pdf.
I have written a physical description, though it didn't show up on the sheet. Her parentage will be (mostly) human, with her Ganzi heritage coming from her mother and intensified by having been conceived/carried during Drift travel.
** spoiler omitted **
Her Solar Shield will appear to be made from glowing blue energy built from hexes, like this but be shaped and with a hint of pattern like the Hylian Shield ^_^
blue - if you go across the nav bar to where is say SHARE, click that
then click where it says CREATE LINK (no idea why it says anything about a campaign), then you will have a link, like thishttps://hephaistos.azurewebsites.net/character/1439213657

bluedove |

Ok, I see it finally. But apparently my sheet errored out my purchases and I have to make them again so I will fix all of that tomorrow.
Hopefully I'm understanding our set-up correctly, we've just finished school and are about to travel to Absalom Station to begin professional work? Did we all attend the same Academy? Is it likely that we know each other?

The Lost Voice |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pretty much. Everyone has completed either schooling or training at the academy or one closely associated with it. All of you are set to travel on the same ship that has been chartered expressly for this trip. If there is skills overlap, I'd have no doubt that you would have encountered each other in that capacity.
Also, to offer a little bit more customization, I'm willing to let everyone flex some of your starting proficiencies into feats. For example, Solarians get basic and advanced melee weapons. If you like, you could trade Advanced Melee Weapons for a feat and use that as normal, with prerequisites still required.

Dirk Gently. |

Zephyr Starrr |

Sparks Goforth |

Sorry to be late to the party. I was traveling over the weekend. Will have a character profile completed and post here soon.
Actually, I forgot I worked out the profile already. I still have to outfit him, but I think all his stats are right.

Dirk Gently. |

Apologies, Sparks, but been planning that since the start...lol.

The Lost Voice |

Is it like knowledge skills in Pathfinder, where you can only access up to DC 10 untrained? Or is it completely unusable untrained?
Correct. It is generally unusable. Any task beyond the scope of a casual end-user would require a check, other than Recall Knowledge.
Everyone will be meeting the pilot and Taeron tomorrow.

The Lost Voice |

This time on the ship is intended to establish some familiarity with your characters, give yourselves the opportunity to stretch your legs, and given that the HAC can be used for a multitude of purposes, serve as a media and instruction hub for the duration of the trip. Once everyone is satisfied, just let me know and we can arrive at the start of the adventure.

bluedove |

I enjoy characterization but I've learned not everyone shares that inclination and/or has the time to spare for it, so I won't go much further with Zemfira's "tour" as it seems like we'll be leaving the Excelsior and her relevance behind soon. Just leaning into her theme as it's one of the most clearly defined aspects of her character.
Speaking of that, have I selected poorly? I just assumed that in a Starfinder adventure, piloting would be a fairly necessary skill set to cover, but if we spend most of our time on a space station or taking commercial transport, I may have wasted one of my very limited skill points. XD
Also, should I add a surname? I have it in mind that she comes from a reasonably wealthy family of Kalistocratic values, likely merchants and/or artisans, but my lack of familiarity with the setting makes it harder to nail that down. Gem cutters/dealers, maybe? Is there a likely corporation associated with such?

The Lost Voice |

Your interaction does work to help define your character, and I like to offer the opportunity, since I find that it helps a fair amount and often allows some development that might not otherwise have the chance to occur.
You have not selected poorly, in fact a Pilot is always something that comes in handy, especially with some of the non-standard uses of having that level of skill in something.
A surname can be done at your choice, and there can be a business or businesses, depending on how her family developed.

Dirk Gently. |

Piloting in any SF game is probably a great choice...lol. I just didn't have enough...yet!
I was going to play Dirk a bit conservative. How am I doing....

Zephyr Starrr |

I enjoy characterization but I've learned not everyone shares that inclination and/or has the time to spare for it, so I won't go much further with Zemfira's "tour" as it seems like we'll be leaving the Excelsior and her relevance behind soon. Just leaning into her theme as it's one of the most clearly defined aspects of her character.
Speaking of that, have I selected poorly? I just assumed that in a Starfinder adventure, piloting would be a fairly necessary skill set to cover, but if we spend most of our time on a space station or taking commercial transport, I may have wasted one of my very limited skill points. XD
Also, should I add a surname? I have it in mind that she comes from a reasonably wealthy family of Kalistocratic values, likely merchants and/or artisans, but my lack of familiarity with the setting makes it harder to nail that down. Gem cutters/dealers, maybe? Is there a likely corporation associated with such?
I read this and actually wondered if you were okay.
I was so excited that GM was giving Zemfira the 2nd Seat on their outboaund voyage ... but then you seemed to question choosing piloting. For me it seemed like an amazingly cool RP opportunity, for her to be at the helm of a space liner. Maybe I missed something though.Other than the part about prophets not having sex which isn't really ever cleared up in terms of them having kids, Zem is pretty cool to me. I had planned for she & Zeph to chat about stuff at some point, I hope that's okay.

bluedove |

I read this and actually wondered if you were okay.
I was so excited that GM was giving Zemfira the 2nd Seat on their outboaund voyage ... but then you seemed to question choosing piloting. For me it seemed like an amazingly cool RP opportunity, for her to be at the helm of a space liner. Maybe I missed something though.Other than the part about prophets not having sex which isn't really ever cleared up in terms of them having kids, Zem is pretty cool to me. I had planned for she & Zeph to chat about stuff at some point, I hope that's okay.
No need to worry! ^_^ I am always happy to interact with the party and will always respond in kind.
It's actually very par for the course for me to second guess my character design. I'm still just feeling things out/seeking guidance where I'm less informed and uncertain. Thank you for the reassurance!
I just meant to say that since the GM is going to wait until we are finished with our Excelsior related business before moving us on to "the start of the adventure", that I won't take up much more time interacting with NPC's rather than the party. I will still take up some as I do want to take advantage of the opportunity. I don't want to delay us from moving forward. Not for long, anyway. XD
I was going to play Dirk a bit conservative. How am I doing....
Seems good to me! Like a leaf in the stream of creation... ^_~

Sparks Goforth |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The main interaction I've thought to pursue is for Sparks to challenge others to some kind of video or board game, since he is a very playful being. But I can take it as read if we are ready to get to some adventure elements.
I'm sensing Zem and Zephyr (nice alliteration, that) are from upper class families. I'm not very familiar with the Kalistocrats either as a social class or a religious group. I can, of course, read source material, but since Sparks' religion is what he mainly knows about, I'll let the RP reveal what such folk are like. His parents likely know the group professionally (diplomat and priestess) so he likely has an academic understanding of them, but little personal experience, unless the Kalistocrats were common at the academy.
Dirk and Pertinax seem to be from a lower class or status. Sparks would not care about that, of course, being egalitarian in nature.
That raises a background question about the academy. What sort of people attend the academy. Is it like an Ivy League school where the upper class and people with money and influence send their children (with lower status students only able to enter if they are top notch students) or is it more like a state school that is more focused on providing an education for everyone, particularly those who may be excluded from the more prestigious private schools? Or is it an eclectic private school that fills a niche that attracts people who are keenly focused on learning what it offers?

Pertinax Islaran |

In Pertinax's background, he was a well-liked, if not exceptional student, but one who had fallen in with what the administration considered a bad crowd and become a bit of a juvenile delinquent (at least as the authorities see it). So he was "awarded" this scholarship to get him out of the local authorities hair, and not have to send him to a juvenile detention center one day. Or, as seen from his perspective, the undead oppressors exiled him for being part of a Pharasmin sect (albeit a very junior member) that wants to overthrow Bone Sage rule on Eox.

The Lost Voice |

...That raises a background question about the academy. What sort of people attend the academy. Is it like an Ivy League school where the upper class and people with money and influence send their children (with lower status students only able to enter if they are top notch students) or is it more like a state school that is more focused on providing an education for everyone, particularly those who may be excluded from the more prestigious private schools? Or is it an eclectic private school that fills a niche that attracts people who are keenly focused on learning what it offers?
I've collected the bits that got expanded on in the Campaign Info. I imagine the academy as a mix of the second two. A school set up initially to study unique stellar phenomena that incidentally or coincidentally had a few notable names come from or join. Then you have the religious call from individuals that view the unique properties of the system as a sign from a deity or deities, so enough congregation promotes learned thought, or at least study. All of this around the notion that it's pretty difficult to focus on discovery when there's nearby conflict, and conflict is annoying as well as detrimental, so alliances solidify and learning grows.
Then you get to the point where notable names have come from or to the area, notoriety becomes a thing that can be leveraged for good or ill, and it gets collected into PR and that study. PR begets or is born from Entertainment, so there's that inclusion.
So if it is a stellar concept, notable leyline existence, and other "star" metaphors, the System often adopts it or fosters it, and as long as notoriety garners attention, their "star" rises. In time, the Academy— and by association the other schools in the Dhacian Rota become more exclusive.
Essentially, it started at your second concept, is developing into the third, and has yet to introduce elements of the first concept, but eventually will if it becomes famed enough.
That was an interesting line of thought to explore, does that help with your framing?

Zephyr Starrr |

Hello! Disregard if you are all full. I've never played Starfinder and would likely need help with the learning curve. But I liked the opener and the references being made so I thought I might make an attempt at a concept.
Blue stars burn hot, bright and fast. That's the problem, you see. They burn themselves out or supernova all too soon. When they first manifested, the news was bittersweet. Living into retirement was unlikely. So they embraced their fate and sought to do as much as they could while they were around to do it. To make a name for themselves and make their family proud.
Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with the setting to put in much detail. I don't even know what Alien/Race to pick. There are so many! The Worlanisi seemed interesting, but I saw the shield manifestation wasn't yet utilized but I'm not sure a small character lends itself well to tanking.
Is anyone going for piloting? That was an impulse to include in the concept, but wasn't sure if that role was already filled.
Anyway, would appreciate input toward choices that would synergize well with the concept or are just good for the build. I have built a pretty effective bodyguarding cavalier for PF1e before so I'm not completely hopeless. XD
Sorry Pyros ... I felt like Blue was honest enough on the way "in" about not knowing much about the setting ... so I figured I would help substantiate Sun Tzu versus calling anyone out. Hope that's okay with everyone.