FuriousPhil |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The storms come/from five directions/seeking the last/in distant lands
Scions of the blood/revealed through trials/caravan of heroes
Eternal light, eternal cold/Ancestral home/redemption from evil spirits
Minkai prophecy, author unknown
I am looking for players who would like to take part in an online play by post game using the Jade Regent adventure path. Ever since this adventure path was published, I have been looking forward to running it as a GM, but I haven’t had the opportunity to do it with an actual group yet, or found the right schedule to get everyone together at the same time. I have experience both running and playing in play by post games, and they can be a perfect opportunity for new players to become more familiar with the Pathfinder game, as well as for folks who don’t have a lot of free time in their schedules for tabletop gaming! I am always welcoming of new players, and am willing to help anyone who wants to jump in!
I would like to do all six volumes of Jade Regent, hopefully with the same players. So be aware, this may be a long-term game. Hopefully I can demonstrate that I am willing to see this through all the way to the end, but it may take several months to get there. If you have the endurance, then let’s give it a shot!
About Me and My Approach to GMing Play by Post
The format of play by post means there has to be some adjustment when compared to a tabletop session. I tend to emphasize narrative and role-playing over combat – yet I still think combat is a crucial part of the game. My job as a GM is to facilitate the pacing of the adventure and combat, and do it in a way that is exciting for the players involved. I also like to write descriptions of the action and environments the PCs find themselves in, and nurture relationships between PCs and NPCs. In short, I like to do play by post games as interactive fiction with the game mechanics forming the framework in which to tell the story. With all that said, I make great maps and icons for ‘grid’ combat, and put a lot of work into the games I run to make them an enjoyable experience for both me and the players!
Now here’s my standard disclaimer. If you like to create power builds, min/max, or otherwise like to metagame, then I am not the GM for you. There’s nothing wrong with playing the game that way, it’s just not the way I like to approach it. However, if you like creating ‘themes’ or ‘concepts’ for a character first, then building the character and their stats around that initial idea, then this is absolutely the game for you. I want characters and players who want to work together to solve problems and win combats, not folks who want to solo the adventure. Your relationships with the other PCs and NPCs are of greater importance in this adventure path than most, and I would like to see the emphasis placed on how you see your character developing as the story goes on. This doesn't mean you can’t optimize your character build, it’s just less of a priority with me.
Character Creation
Races – any of the Core Rulebook races. Races and content from the Advanced Race Guide and other sources may be allowed on a case by case basis.
Classes – classes from the Core Rulebook, Advanced Player Guide, Ultimate Magic, and Ultimate Combat are allowed.
Ability Scores – generated using the Purchase method with 20 points (High Fantasy). Maximum of 16 and minimum of 9 before racial modifiers.
Traits – at least one is required from the Jade Regent Player’s Guide. An additional trait can be selected from the Advanced Player’s Guide, the Pathfinder Player Companion series or the Pathfinder Campaign Setting series, or other sources may be allowed on a case by case basis.
If you would like to submit your character for consideration, please include a summary with the following information:
Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
Optional information: Why you would like to play in this campaign!
The recruitment thread will remain open until the 24th of February. Please let me know if you have any questions. Good luck!

Hijiro Hakamura |

I'm more than interested in joining a JR campaign, the one I am/was in seems to have stalled out, (still in Sandpoint, so didn't get very far (and with a diff character).)
All character info is in the profile - but here it is again in the order you've asked for it:
Character is Hijiro Hakamura and looks pretty much like this in his human form, which he stays in most of the time.
He comes from a small village in Minkai. On his way to the capital city to live and further his personal interests, he spent the night at a temple, which contained a torii (magical gate), which he passed through, unaware of the magical nature of the place. He woke up in Sandpoint, where he has lived since, always looking for a way home. (full background is on profile)
He is a 1st lvl ninja (could be straight rogue if you don't like the class though).
stats: Strength 11, Dexterity 18, Constitution 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 14.
skills: acrobatics 10, bluff 5, climb 6, disable 8, escape artist 4, perception 4, perform: comedy 5, craft: carpentry 5, sleight of hand 8, stealth 8, knowledge: local 5
feats: Weapon Finesse
special abilities:sneak attack 1d6; poison use, change shape; low light vision; +2 acrobatics; 1d4 bite attack in humanoid fox form; 3x/day: dancing lights
I can usually post multiple times per day, but most definitely at least once a day.

MannyGob |

Manny the Goblin. small and bald like a goblin, he sometimes wearsa jester's outfit while dancing at Ameiko's inn. Otherwise, he wears a drab shirt and pants.
(More info in profile)
Manny is an exiled Licktoad goblin who found picture books that were in a broken crate on the road. He thought the words were bad but the pictures were great and thought he could keep them. The other goblins burned the books and kicke dhim out. He fled to Sandpoint and scrounged in alleys until Ameiko found him and took pity and let him clean her in and peel veggies. he is 100% loyal to her for this and wants revenge on the Licktoads!
Rogue. Goblin stealth , weapon finesse. High dex, avergae other scores
Can post at least once a day.

Hiro Takemashi |

I would love to get in on this. I've been a regular participant in PbP's here at the Paizo site for almost four years now, and for nearly a year I've been waiting for a Jade Regent game that emphasizes narrative and role-playing while still including good combat.
My proposed character information is in this profile. While I've statted Hiro as a Samurai, based on his background he could be easily retooled as a Ninja (but I don't want to step on Hijiro's toes!). The details for Hiro the Samurai are summarized below:
Hiroku "Hiro" Takemashi
Age: 24
Height: 5'-6"
Weight: 160 lbs
Hiro bears the features of a typical Tian-Min, with pale yellowish skin and straight black hair worn in a topknot. His eyes are gold in color.
Hiro wasn’t always a tavern bouncer. Hiro's parents were servants of the Kaijitsu family, one of the noble families of Sandpoint, as were his ancestors who immigrated with the Kaijitsus to Avistan from the distant continent of Tian Xia. Hiro's father maintained the Kaijitu stables, while his mother served as the Kaijitsu housekeeper.
Two months after Hiro’s birth, the Kaijitsus gave birth to their daughter Ameiko. As children Hiro and Ameiko played together and were as close as siblings, even though Hiro was destined to be Ameiko’s servant when they both grew to maturity. As they grew older, Hiro's affection for Ameiko turned more amorous, although he never revealed his true feelings. Hiro was quite understandably upset when Ameiko ran away to become an adventurer with Sandru Vhiski, blaming the Varisian for taking the woman he loved away from Sandpoint while he was left behind to lead the life of a servant. He was even more upset with Sandru when Ameiko came back a year later changed - purchasing the Rusty Dragon and living in the tavern instead of the Kaijitsu manor, and refusing to talk about what happened to her or her companions during their adventures. Still, when Hiro’s parents were killed in a goblin raid on the town and Ameiko’s father was murdered a few days later, Ameiko quickly offered Hiro a job as a bouncer and a place to live at the Rusty Dragon. Since that time the two have become good friends again, although Hiro still holds a grudge against Sandru Vhiski and refuses to serve the man or even speak to him whenever his travels bring him back to Sandpoint and the Rusty Dragon. To Hiro, Sandru is little better than his Sczarni older brother Jubrayl.
What no one living today other than Hiro knows is that his ancestors were more than just servants for the Kaijitsus. His father was the last descendant of a line of samurai who served as protectors of the Kaijitsu family for centuries, while his mother was the last of a clan of ninja who served the Kaijitsus as secret bodyguards. Hiro's parents both taught him some of the skills of their respective trades, although the young man gravitated more to the way of the warrior than to the way of the silent killer. Now, with his parents dead, Hiro bears the mantle of secret protector of the last of the Kaijitsus.
Game Statistics (Summary):
Str 17, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +4, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +4, Know (nobility) +5, Perception +1, Sense Motive +5, Swim +4
Feats: Weapon Focus (Katana), Catch Off-Guard
Special Abilities: Challenge, Order of the Warrior, Resolve, Iaijutsu Strike
Posting: I usually post in the mornings before going to work and in the evenings after the kids go to bed. When I work at home I typically post throughout the day.

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

I love this character. He was actually in a Council of Thieves originally tht the DM quit on us, then another one, that the DM quit on us. The backstory needs a little bit of work to adjust for Jade Regent, but not all that much.
As to myself I have played several PbP's now, even did the first encounter of JR, before the DM quit on us lol.
I really love the caravan idea, and I really like the set up of this one as well. Not the most exciting reason to want to play it but there it is :)
I would be swapping out one of his traits for the Best Friend Trait that gives the bonus to bluff.
Edit. Sorry I meant the trait for diplomacy, Best Friend of Ameiko. Character adjusted. I would love any feedback

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Karasu, the battle crow.
Pulled from the Shackles (Port Peril) at birth by slavers, and sold at auction in Chelaix to a rich collector of “exotic” slaves. This particular slave master was known for his “Battle Crows”, an elite league of swordmaster Tengu rogues that fought in the pits in on the docks of Cassomir. Karasu was trained from a young age by older Tengus in the art, but alas, his time with these masters was cut short. During a transport across the Varisian Gulf, the caravan Karasu was a part of was attacked by bandit, and the young Tengu was gravely wounded. The caravan survived the altercation, but Karasu was left abandoned, left to die on the side of the road. When all seemed lost, and things started to grow dark, a beacon of hope showed on the road. An elf, lithe and beautiful, walked toward, and inspected the site of the battle. After a moments glance, she noticed the tengu child, chained and bloodied. She rushed the child to the nearest town of Sandpoint, to the healer Koya. The chains broken and the wounds healed, Karasu has lived out the rest of his days in Sandpoint with Shalelu, the elf who liberated him and saved his life. Motives include: Gaining wealth to help liberate slaves, Paying Shalelu back for what she did for him, Adventuring to see more of the world.
Campaign traits:
Rescued. +1 on Acrobatics checks
Freed Slave: +1 on Fortitude checks
Class: Rogue/Swordmaster
Str: 10
Dex: 18 (after race mod)
Con: 10 (after race mod)
Int: 11
Wis:16 (after race mod)
Cha: 12
Starting equipment: Falcata, 2 Kukri, Studded leather, and the Rogues Kit.
Skills (main ones I’ll be using) : Knowledge: Local +4, Stealth +10, Sense Motive +7, Survival +7 Perception +9, Disable Device +8, Sleight of Hand +8 and Acrobatics +9.
First level feat: Weapon Finesse
Special Abilities: Sneak Attack 1d6, and Trapfinding, Natural attack (bite1d3) Glide, Sword trained, Sneaky,
Posted my submission under the spoiler link. I can post on the thread at least once a day, if not much more.
I would love to play in this campaign. You seem like my kind of GM. Let me know if i need to make any adjustments, Thanks!
*edit Also this would be my first play-by-post, and I would need a a few pointers. Just a heads up!

Garridan Imoroa |

Garridan Imoroa, Fighter (shielded fighter) of the Sandpoint Militia.
He is a shielded fighter, and he is based around using a shield to both attack and defend. His starting feats are Shield Focus, Improved Shield Bash, and Two-Weapon Fighting. His early life on a farm has given him the Handle Animal Skill, and his interest in ancient ruins has given him Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (geography). His militia training has taught him Intimidate and Survival, and his attempts to copy what he had seen Shalelu do has given him Acrobatics. His stat line is (Str 15, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 12)
For more information please see my profile, where the complete build and a longer backstory is recorded.
I am available to post nearly constantly -- I'm on my computer at least 4 hours a day, and I check it randomly at numerous other times. If you want me to post, I'll probably be available.
I really want to be in this campaign because A: everything I've heard about it sounds really interesting (I have a great love of japanese and chinese fantasy), and B: I'm really interested in doing play by post, but I've never been picked to be in one. I would really like the chance to participate!

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dotting for interest. Id like to run an Human (Varisian) Alchemist. Ill do more on the character tonight from home since Im at work.
character idea is a 'snake oil salesman' type.... in a bit of trouble from the law, and needs to 'get' outta town ;) more or less. So he climbs in his vardo and awayyy he goes.

Amaranthine Witch |

Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
Hisashi Kaijitsu.
He is a tall androgynous Tian-Min, with long flowing white hair that sometimes shimmers as if in flames. His eyes are completely black, without iris or white. His skin is the tipical minkaian hue, but with a slight metallic shine. He has two small wings of heatless flame floating at his back. He can manifest an halo of light that looks like the sun from Shizuru's holy simbol.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
He is Ameiko and Tsuto's younger brother, and was born a year after the half-elf. His mother, concerned by the otherworldly looks of the baby, made the midwife lie to Lonjiku and say the baby had died and sent him to relatives of hers in Riddleport. Hisashi's main caretaker was his great-aunt, a venerable woman that practiced ancient Tian witchcraft. As he got older, he started studying under her. He wanted to visit his mother many times, but with her death, he forgot about Sandpoint. After news of his father's death, and the passing of his great-aunt, he travelled to Sandpoint to meet his closest living relative, his sister. He has been in town a couple of months, helping Ameiko in the Rusty Dragon and getting to know her.
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
I'd like him to be a peri-blooded aasimar, if not, he'd be human, and I'll change the description of the character.
He would start as a white haired witch, take a level of samurai down the line and go eldritch knight (a little like the male version of Ni-Chang from "The Forbidden Kingdom" but with spells).
str 14 dex 13 con 14 int 16 (14+2) wis 10 cha 14 (12+2)
feat: toughness
traits: younger brother (Ameiko), magical knack (witch)
skills: intimidate, knowledge (arcana), knowledge (nature), knowledge (history), spellcraft, use magic device
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
I can post once a day and likely more.
I'd like to play in this campaign because of the asian and travel themes, and because yesterday I was building this character and today I found this thread.
Could I roll on the variant aasirmar abilities table from Blood of Angels?

Gareth Brightblade |

I am dotting with Esme. She is a human Cleric of Desna (Varisian Pilgrim Archetype). Her crunch is included in her profile. I will put together the rest of the information soon. I plan for her to have travelled with a varisian merchant caravan who spends time in Sandpoint. She has come to idolize Ameiko due to the fact she has always believed in Esme's ability as a harrower and actually provided her with her first deck of harrow cards.
Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
-Esmeralda Zedallaya
-Esme is a relatively tall, dark complected varisian human. She has emerald green eyes and dark auburn hair. Her countenance is soft and she has a kind smile. There is a little wildness to her eyes due to her life in the caravan and her reverance for Desna.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
-Esme was born to a family of varisian's who travelled with a caravan of merchants and performers. Her entire life has been spent on the road. Her father was a crafter of fine bows and her mother was a fortune teller. After her mother died unexpectedly due an untreatable virus when Esme was only 9 years old, she was appointed an assistant to the caravan's priestess (Her father was unable to raise her on his own). She spent the next ten years serving the caravan with the priestess of Desna. During these years, she often spent time in Sandpoint and built a relationship with Ameiko. Ameiko encouraged her love for fortune telling and provided her with her first harrow deck. Ameiko has become like a big sister to her. About a week ago, her caravan was raided by goblins and she was the only survivor. Left for dead, the sheriff of Sandpoint and a group of soldiers rescued her. She has spent the last week recovering at the Rusty Dragon Inn with Ameiko who has provided her with the best care available.
She is motivated to find her way in the world as a cleric of Desna as well as a harrower. She wishes to serve her fellow man and travel. Her primary motivation is loyalty to Ameiko who she has grown to love and revere.
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
Crunch is in her profile.
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
Multiple times a day including weekends.
About me:
I enjoy good roleplaying as well as developing a character's personality. I am active on the boards and like to be a team player. My primary goal is to have fun and make the campaign fun for everyone involved. I can commit to a long term campaign :)

Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII |

duh forgot the two questions
Posting Rate Often usually several times per day.
Started PF about 2 years ago with PFS. Prior had played 2nd ed a little back in teh day and a lot of Heroes Unlimited and Rifts. I contine to play PFS and run one PbP game and am in several others ATM. Currently my favorite characters are this one, and a CE Goblin Rogue/Barbarian in a Way of the Wicked.

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Hello! I'd really love to join in a fun Jade Regent campaign based around the roleplay. Here's my initial concept for a character, hope you don't hate the Summoner class, but if you do I have other ideas as well.
Characters name and description
Name: Noshi'o Akemi (following the Tian style of last name first)
Crowned with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, Akemi stands slightly taller than her Tian-Min heritage would normally give her at 5'2". A small woman with a fair complexion and a serious expression usually worn on her face. Wears a shoulder-less dress with a long side-slit skirt leaving her legs free to run if she needs to. Arm bracers decorate her wrists and a dagger hangs at her belt.
Inspired by this (minus the high heels): http://th05.deviantart.net/fs42/PRE/f/2009/094/f/f/Blood_Summons_by_Saehral .jpg
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
Giving an exasperated groan Akemi looks up at her mother with strands of hair falling over her face, her arms rubbing her back where she hit the wall. "Can't I get even a moment to rest! I've been at this all morning. Besides, we don't even know who the Emperor's family is anymore! How am I supposed to protect someone I don't know."
Akemi's mother raises a stick over her head and smacks it across Akemi's shoulder, the padding of her simple clothes ensuring there wouldn't be a mark but making Akemi cry out, "You will not disgrace our family by giving up on our sworn duty. Your ancestors travelled with and protected the Emperors of Minkai with their dying breaths, and you will do the same, though we have lost our path, we will find it again when the true heir reveals himself. Now, stand up and summon your spirit Akemi. Remember the oath, "Our blood for the Emperor," and you will succeed."
Standing up shakily, Akemi steps back into the circle with a whispered, "Yes Mother," and raises her hands again, calling on the power of her spirit once again.
(I have more to the story, but you said brief and this part explains her motivations pretty well)
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
Noshi'o Akemi
Female Half-Elf Summoner
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 18
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Traits Charming, Childhood Crush (Ameiko) (1/day) (Ex)
Skills Acrobatics -1, Bluff +4 (+5 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Climb -1, Diplomacy +5 (+6 vs. characters who could be attracted to you), Escape Artist -1, Fly -1, Knowledge (arcana) +6, Perception +3, Ride -1, Spellcraft +6, Stealth -1, Swim -1, Use Magic Device +8
Spell-Like Abilities Summon Monster I (7/day)
Summoner Spells Known (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Shield, Mage Armor
0 (at will) Read Magic, Message, Detect Magic, Mage Hand
LG Medium Outsider
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural)
hp 11 (+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +0
Speed 40 ft.
Melee Bite (Bite) +3 (1d6+2/x2) and
Claw x2 (Claws) +3 x2 (1d4+2/x2)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. Trip)
Feats Power Attack -1/+2
Skills Acrobatics +2 (+6 jump), Bluff +4, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +6
SQ pounce
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
I can post every day, sometimes more than that depending on time constraints.

FuriousPhil |

Looks like some great responses so far!
I forgot to mention in the initial post, but I will be selecting four players, and they will all start out at 1st level. The AP uses the medium XP advancement track, and I'm fairly generous with items and XP as well.
The characters don't have to necessarily have a Dragon Empires flavor to them, although people in Varisia come from all over (Kaer Maga, for instance) so anything is possible.
Speaking of Kaer Maga though, I would probably be more inclined to go for more exotic races and 'monstrous' PCs if the campaign was set there. Sandpoint is still kind of a small town in the scheme of things, and while it might not be unheard of to see an exotic race or creature, it wouldn't be commonplace either. In other words, you might have to convince me if you want to play something other than human, elf, half-elf, half-orc, dwarf, gnome, and halfling. However, I'm open to anything as long as I think it can work within the story.
As far as alignment goes, I don't think LE, NE, or CE characters are going to work for this adventure path. Neutral and Good alignments are fine.
I look forward to seeing some more characters from folks who dotted the thread! Great ideas so far, it's going to be tough to make the final selection.
To reiterate, I am keeping the recruitment thread open for a week. Recruitment ends Feb 24 and the character selections will be made on the 25th. I'll open up the game play and discussion threads at that time.

Ostar Foehammer |

Dotting for interest - thinking of a good ol' fashioned LG cleric, good and protection domains, a support guy - defensive specialist, healer, buffer, party conscience.
@ FuriousPhil, what is the starting wealth?
Of mixed heritage, Ostar is light skinned, with close cropped brown hair and green eyes. Clean shaven in town but with a propensity towards heavy stubble after some time in the field. Ostar stands just under six feet tall, and his muscular frame tips the scales at around 185 lbs. Neither handsome nor ugly, Ostar's most noteable facial feature is a scar running down the right side of his face, over his eye. He sometimes runs his finger down the scar, as if remembering a lesson from long ago.
Given to bouts of moodiness and melancholy, Ostar has often been a loner, keeping others at a distance. He's often seen at the edge of a gathering, looking like he's going to join in - before stepping back into the shadows again, and returning to his lonely vigils. His few friends are very important to him, but he struggles with how to tell them that.
His parents are unknown; Ostar was discovered near death by Koya as she routed a band of Ogres. Her quick intercession led to the boy's recovery from near death. Taking pity on the orphan, she helped raise him from that day on. Neither speak much of that day; Koya knows what happened to Ostar's parents, but hasn't shared that information with anyone else.
Ostar's choice to follow Torag, rather than Desna, has caused a rift between him and Koya. While both good and lawful, Ostar often wonders where the line is drawn when protecting others: will protecting others make them weak? Should they not, at some point, learn to fend for themselves? These questions often restrain Ostar's natural inclination towards altruism. He'd much rather prepare before facing a dangerous situation, instead of running into danger half-cocked.
Trait choices will likely be rescued - Koya, and birthmark.
I can post several times a day, including weekends. I DM my own game on these boards, so I know how important everyone's regular participation is!

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Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
--Iozef Askander (aka Joseph Alexander)
about 5'10, slim build. Iozef is a Varisian. Olive skinned, dark hair goatee and dark eyes. The sparkle of with in in his eyes and he speaks with a charismatic tone as one who is used to people 'listening to him'. he's well groomed and wears finery that belies his near impoverished state.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
Iozef grew up as one of the semi-nomadic Varisians traveling from locale to locale dancing and singing...juggling...performing for the money of the locals However he didn't find the normal Varisian way of entertaining to his liking. Instead he learned how to dabble in crafting trinkets to ward off spirits. Herbs to settle the stomach. Concoctions to cure hangovers. He began to dabble in Alchemy and learned he had a natural bent towards the craft. Soon he had his own Vardo and began his foray from town to town 'selling' his wares and if in the selling he ran across a maiden or two, so much the better. It was during this time that he fell in with Sandru Vhiski, a Varisian Caravan Guard, and a roguish sort as well. He and Iozef became fast friends and Iozef fell in with the caravan traveling from town to town. Sandru went off to adventure and told Iozef that if he ever needed to find him to look up Jubrayl in Sandpoint. A few years later and Iozef had just that need as he fled from a noblemans accusations that Iozef had crossed the line, taking adventage of the noblemans wife while she was in an inebriated state from one of Iozef's potions....Its beside the point that it may be entirely true, as Iozef fled Maginmar quickly in the dead of night, just one step ahead of the nobles guards...his Vardo pointed towards Sandpoint...
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
Alchemist Human Varisian
St- 12
Dx- 12
Cn- 12
In- 17
Ws- 12
Ch- 14
Skill ranks (4Cl+3In+1R+1FC) will be in - Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Disable Device, Knowledge-Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Survival, Use Magic Device, Spellcraft
Feats at 1st level- Deft Hands and skill focus: Craft- Alchemy
Traits will be
'Rich Parents' (Bascally so He can have his Vardo ie Travelling Alchemy Lab....'Iozef's Elixers of Youth' Emblazoned on the side ;)
and Best Friend with Sandru Vhiski
Formula's: Bombers Eye, Comprehend Languages, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person
What I envision, with your permission, is to take a good portion of his 'starting wealth' and as he gains treasure to buy 'supplies' for his 'craft' alchemy and as he travels make things like Acid, Alchemists Fire, Kaava Musk et al. (and potions) for the party.
Alchemists Abilities: Alchemy, Extracts, Bombs, Mutagens, Brew Potion, Throw Anything
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
once to twice a day is easy enough

Kagehiro |

Amelius Blacktower
N male Human Sorcerer (Oni Bloodline)
Unknown to most, and due entirely to the tireless efforts of an immensely powerful abjurer, a black tower had remained on the outskirts of Sandpoint since the day Amelius was born. This was the tower of Sigurd, the afore-mentioned abjurer, and chosen ward of the oni-tainted child Amelius. Amelius was never permitted to leave the tower, despite several attempts to do so. His only contact with the rest of the world was a window peering out of a lonely tower that none knew existed, and the vast library of tomes and scrolls that lined the entirety of his home. Despite this, Amelius did not hate Sigurd - the old wizard apologized frequently for the unfortunate circumstances, but insisted the necessity of these precautions were of utmost importance. Beyond that, Sigurd had never been very forthcoming about the nature of Amelius's comfortable imprisonment. All that is known to him is that he needed to be hidden away from something terrible, Sigurd is not his father, and he carries an immense power in his blood. All this changed a year ago. Amelius awoke one morning in the grass before the tower - only the tower was no longer there. That black tower that had seemed like a prison for all his years was gone, and Sigurd with it. Humorously, his rantic about a black tower is what earned his new surname, Blacktower.
Sorry, this has ended up being a bit more lengthy than I had intended
Shalelu is the only one who witnessed that brief instance when 'The Black Tower' phased back into the world. An old man carried out the frail form of a mucher younger man, tears streaming down his face as he did so. He then turned and went back into the tower, which vanished once more and has not been seen since. Amelius has spent the interim at Sandpoint, stretching his social wings and being generally overwhelmed at the notion of there being an entire world out there that he can actually explore! He is quite taken with Shalelu. She was the only person willing to vouch for his mad tale; an act of kindness that has had a lasting impression on him.
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 8, Cha 18
Special Abilities: touch of agony 7/day (melee touch attack; 1d4 nonlethal damage for 1 round)
bloodline arcana (Whenever you cast a spell of the charm or compulsion subschool, you gain a bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks equal to the level of the spell for 1d4 rounds.)
Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st (4/day)—lock gaze, shield
0 (at will)—daze, ghost sound, prestidigitation, resistance
- Childhood Crush: Shalelu
Carefully Hidden (+1 Will Saves; +2 saves vs. divination effects)
- Eschew Materials
Spell Focus: Abjuration
Fearless Curiosity
Skills 2+Int +1(human) +1(favored class) = 7
- Craft (painting)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (History)
Knowledge (Planes)
Use Magic Device
As to why I want to join this campaign? Beyond the given "I've not played this AP and would very much like to," I am a big fan of the whole eastern culture/fantasy mashup. I have played a good bit of L5R in the past, and it's still one of my favorite settings to date. I'm curious to see Pathfinder's take on that style of game.

Caerwyn Callandriil |

For your consideration, Caerwyn Callandriil, Rogue (Scout) who was originally created for a Jade Regent campaign which died out fairly quickly, then reskinned for Rise of the Runelords campaign which died even faster.
His background is in his profile but to sum up when he was a young boy, Caerwyn and a group of friends became lost in the Brinestump when they were set upon by a band of goblins. After a brief skirmish the boys were surrounded and about to be killed when they were rescued by Shalelu and the boy's parents.
Taking Caerwyn under her wing the elven ranger taught him the ways of the wilderness. Caerwyn grew into a young man who joined the Sandpoint militia and now leads a small band of men on patrols around the area.
The crunch is in his profile
I see him going mostly Rogue, with a few fighter levels thrown in.
I'm available to post several times a day, except on weekends when it's family time.