Background: Raised on a slaver breeding farm, where unscrupulous nobles play god and experiment with cross-breeding... creating specialized "live stock" to garner higher profits. Among the oddities, he was odd.
They ripped babies away from their mothers, to break down any boobs that might form, no family, no belonging. But, what that actually did was create a sisterhood of mothers that cared for any child, the maternal instinct was so deep. And the children cared for any parent or adult, the mismatched and motley albeit transient community became stronger.
The brands that were meant to mark them as mere property, instead provided unity.
Then came the mercenaries, each different... But United but they're hatred of slavers. Thom saw one infiltrate the compound defense, by skill and magic. They chatted, and with some inside information, the night was nearly bloodless.
His continued existence challenges the laws of probability and he identifies with the impossible. Not a flagrant disregard for the laws of nature, but the willingness to put in the mental and physical work to attain what others believe to be out of reach.
Description: Long and lean with narrow shoulders for a Half-Orc, Thom's silhouette passes for that of a tall athletic human. His animalistic features of uni-brow, tusk and jutting jaw are subdued, ferocity and intimidation giving way to a uncertain pensivity on his facial features.
Demeanor: Open and straight-forward, Thom tends to conduct himself with confidence and assurance. Helpful, gregarious and never haughty, he is ready to pitch in without an invitation. Each moment is a gift, so he is prone to action. He has a soft spot for children & education, mothers & opportunity... and a fan of the underdog.
Diplomacy: Life is all about balance and achieving balance sometimes requires leverage. Being keenly aware of other's drives and motives, allows Thom to diffuse most situations and navigate towards a positive outcome for the greater good or what's needs to be done currently towards the greater good.
Combat: The world is fraught with conflict, friction. It takes all forms and his personal view is to avoid it. Can't we all just get along and respect one another. Many a time, he's learned that others do not share this view. Unmollified, these individuals insist on physical confrontation.
Thom isn't physically powerful, so he plays to his other "strengths," feinting in combat and leveraging what he's learned about anatomy and precision. He's very collaborative in combat, as he is in other areas. He is an excellent flanking partner.
Stealth: Unseen is unmolested, simple enough. Stealth is a skill and a tool, to be used liberally as needed. He will not hide as others are being hurt, however. That goes against his sensibilities. Alone, he will hide as much as needed, waiting for the perfect opportunity to... strike.
Quirk(s): Word play. Speaking as if everything is positive in the most dire situation. Trying to diffuse a situation, even during combat.
Philosophy: The only constant is change. Environment is not an obstacle, merely a canvas. The impossible is just what you haven't imagined... yet.