How does ricochet shot work when firing spells through a gun? Does it work? Making a baddy for my (incredibly over powered) group. Thats one idea I had, and im looking for more stuff to do to really give them a run for their money.
Here goes, Amos Guilharts, Chelaxian Investigator.
An Introduction:
"Amos . . . Amos!"
Amos sat, eyes focused on his pocket watch. One, two, three bells. 16:37, Wealday, 21 Lamashan, 4715. "Yes, yes. Ah! Seif, how are you!" He tried to hide his embarrassment realizing it wasn't the waiter.
"Still at it with your notebooks, I see."
"Still won't let me know what it says?"
Amos' eyes went to slits, analyzing his old friend. "Yes."
Seif sighed, "So, nothings changed. Why did you want to meet me here? Surely you wanted more than a cup of cold coffee and to stare at your journal in my presence."
Amos looked to the smile lines at the corners of her lips, recalling her beautiful smile fondly. A smile no longer seen by many. "Seif, I wanted to see you again. Wanted to catch up. How have you been?" Amos already knew; down and scarce.
"I've been well. Busy, but well. The town is almost boiling at this point, hardly a time to rest."
"How is . . . Stanley?"
"Stephen. We split." Amos knew, he just wanted to hear it from her lips. He hid a smile by taking a sip of coffee. She was right; it was cold. "How about you? Still working for those f+$@ing Hellknights?" She spat the last word, literally.
"WITH, not for. A job is a job, Seif."
She screwed up her face at that. "But . . !"
"BUT! No, not lately. Mostly small cases. Jewels missing, children missing, petty crime." The waiter came back, but they both dismissed him. Amos took out a cigarette, and lit it. He offered on to Seif. She took one, even though he knew she quit judging by the lack of signature tobacco stains on her fingertips. She drew in, and exhaled. The smoke softened her features as though it went in and burned up a small part of her stress for a short time. She looked like the Seif he used to know if only for a moment. The self he used to love.
"You should come tomorrow." She knew why he asked her there. Now the conversation was getting somewhere.
"With you?"
"With me, by me, in the same rally as me. Either way. You should tag along."
He smiled, openly. He went back for a sip of coffee. Still damn cold. Don't wave off the waiter again. "Why not? I've been bored."
She gave a small smile. "Good." Her cigarette burned low. She too a last drag, burning her fingertips ever so slightly as always. She dropped her cigarette in his cold coffee. She smirked at him, and pushed away from the table.
"Wait," he said, "sit with me a little longer? No more business talk. Just old friends catching up."
She looked at him, a smile on her lips but not in her eyes. "No." She turned and headed for the door.
"See you tomorrow?" She didn't say anything back, just a wave of a hand was all the response he got. Was all he needed.
He couldn't tell if that went well or poorly. He thought about when they met, in the very same cafe with the same coffee roast and the same tobacco blend. He took out another cigarette and lit it. He reached for his coffee, and took a sip. He spat it back in the cup. Damn it all! That waiter . . . 3,2,1.
"Sir, anythi . . "
"Yes, more coffee."
Stat Block:
Name: Amos Guilharts
Gender: M, Race: Human, Class Level 1 (Investigator Rogue)
Alignment: CG, Size: M
Init +3; Senses ; Perception +8
AC: 16 ; Touch: 13 ; Flat-Footed: 13 ; (armor specfics)
HP: 8
Fort +; Ref +5; Will +1
Defensive Abilities ; DR ; Immune ; Resist ; SR
Speed 6
Space 30ft; Reach 5ft
Melee Sap: 1d6+1 B (x2), Rapier: 1d6+1 P (18/20 x2)
Ranged: Light Crossbow: 1d8 (19/20 x2 crits) P, 80ft (Ammo 40 bolts)
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack 1d6
Power of Suggestion:
Benefit: You may make a Bluff check to make observers believe that an object in your possession is actually a different object entirely. The DC for the check is 20 for items of a similar size, shape, and color (such as a glaive and a quarterstaff). Items of a different shape, size, or color raise the DC by 5 for each dissimilar aspect, or more if the dissimilarity is extreme. This deception lasts 1 minute; if the item is still in view, the observers may recognize their error unless you make another bluff check.
Str 12 , Dex 16 , Con 10 , Int 12 , Wis 12 , Cha 13
Base Atk 0; CMB 0; CMD 14 ( vs. trip)
Feats: Sap Adept, Skill Focus: Perception
Traits: Pattern Seeker, Power of Suggestion
Skills Bluff 5, Diplomacy 5, Disable Device 7, Disguise 5, Escape Artist 7, Knowledge (Local) 5, Perception 8, Sleight of Hand 7, Stealth 7;
Languages Common, Chelaxian
Combat Gear: Rapier, Sap, Light Crossbow, Studded Leather
Other Gear: Theives Tools, A pocket watch, A pair of unlabeled journals, 23 GP
Amos is the son of a Chelaxian dock worker and a Taldan makeup artist.
His father, a hard working alcoholic dock worker. He always wanted to be a sailor, but due to a bum leg and his drinking he was considered more of a liability to captains. He always kept a journal though, and would write down the ships, their cargo, their destinations and so on and so forth. He could guess the return times of all the ships and what they would be carrying down to the day with that little notebook.
His mother was a makeup artist at the Kintargo Opera House, and she loved her work. It was praised far and wide across Cheliax for its authenticity and its ability to really draw in the audience. She worked long nights, and unfortunately these night caught up with her in the form of her murder when Amos was 13 years old.
His father drank himself to death afterwards, and amos was left alone. On the brink of losing the house he decided he would find the man who killed his mother, and he would end his life. He was on the case, and in a matter of days he found the killer and brought him to justice. Apparently, the man was a serial killer, and the new of his finding and death brought Amos a reward, and he was able to keep the house.
He had an aptitude for the work, and started as a PI working for the local law enforcement and for people (mostly noble). Now, however, he takes smaller cases for more local people in attempts to bolster his local community.
He is 5'11", 190 pounds, 37 years old. He has well kept salt and peppered black hair slicked back and a black medium beard. He wears his studded leather craftily hidden in stylish vests as to not arouse suspicion. Dresses nonchalantly to blend in to crowds, but he has signature black leather boots that come to mid calf with his slim fitting slacks rolled up to the top of the boots. He has a slim athletic build like a swimmer, probably from the swimming that he does every day in the bay as a start to his day. He smokes cigarettes, and rarely drinks but when he does he drinks whiskey and a lot of it. He goes by Guilharts to strangers and new acquaintances, but allows close people to call his Amos.
Reason for being at the rally: Tagging along.
For your consideration, oh mighty Master of Game.
If I give common Foot Soldiers Muskets (for a French Revolution inspired camp), how would that adjust their CR? Are there general rules for this sort of thing?
Whats the damage die for a pistol whip without having the Pistol Whip deed? I'm making a Picaroon and I was wondering what my options were for when I run out of bullets. I dont want to be in the fray with a lump of iron in my hand.
I am going into a new group with lots of people who will be playing for the first or second time, and I decided I would put a spin on the whole game. I am going to be LE, something they probably wont see coming, and a negotiator at that.
What I'm getting to is, how can I better convince them that I am just a eccentric trick playing gnome while being evil the whole time? Undetectable alignment is a given.
I just finished reading a chapter in Words of Radiance with Kaladin and Wit where I was just so inspired to create Wit, the bard. (not named Wit, of course) I am gonna go with Court Bard, of course. I just need more race/feat/weapon help. Not help, but rather, inspiration. Let me know your thoughts!
I am coming in to this discussion late, and while I haven't read all the comments, but I have read The Way of Kings. I like to picture Wit as the best example for a well run CN character. I think I may play someone like Wit in the future . . . A bard, most certainly.
You make a hardy dwarven battle cleric, and let it be known that you A.) Dont have any heals, and B.) arent that kind of cleric. "Yeh can pray tae Torag to give yeh a c@#*! And mebeh hil take care o yer skinned knees, too"
Does anyone out there know when the Witchwar Legacy took place? In what year? Its Kinda going along with the way I'm going to do the Reign of Winter adventure path. Any info on the Witchwar or the topic in general would be most appreciated! Tips and tricks and the like,
I'm looking for a good intro into the world of Golarion, that will encompass much and more of the beautiful world that they have made up for us. Which pre-gen adventure should I run for them?
As the title implies, can my good magus cast "evil" spells (infernal healing is the spell in question) without being evil? I mean, its arcane, and according to arcane (well, the way I see it at least) is that good and evil are relative. Advice?
What all material does herolab have? Like, could I make a fetchling magus on there? Can't really find a reliable sum of product details so I figured I'd ask people who own it.
Running a campaign and it starts in Kerse. I'm just trying to get a real good feel for the setting of that city, so I'm looking to start a discussion about it and get some good ideas for nice descriptions and temperaments of the people there. So, what do you think?
Trying to make a Elric style (with intelligent sword and all) fetchling starsoul sorcerer. What would be the proper magic items to turn a frail sickly weak sorcerer into a combat capable force of terror for my PCs? (BTW he will be main enemy)
So, if I start to find that my PCs are having too easy of a time what is the proper way to make my game more challenging? Should I just pump CR or do I beef monsters individually? What are some of the better techniques out there?
ALright. One of my players wants to run a half elf half strix (wingless) I'm guessing for RP reasons but I'm having a hard time justifying it. She is super excited to play this and I'm done trying to turn her down. Any good advice out there?
hmm what's a good way to go about buffing them in that manner? as a slight 'ruse' I guess you could say. have these people everywhere that follow them around. OOH set it up to be like,
the PCs are investigating the dissapearence of a certain visitor of the town, and visitors go missing semi often, as they investigate they have drug peddlers kind of following them around, so they are convienently there, and they offer weaker willed Pcs the drugs under beguiling gift in secret. Like, when the fighter is alone or at least away a distance from other pcs. turns out the visitors have been subject to the same thing, viola they are blackmailed by the drug lord.
Like, say they were in an EXTREMELY shifty part of the world, and someone sneaks them, or convinces them to try and extremely addictive drug. Is that too underhanded? I think it'd make for great RP situations. Is there a right way to do this?
is there a good paizo/pathfinder podcast out there? or do you have one? looking for something to get good info about GMing and just generally playing pathfinder. funny stories or useful advice, that sort of thing.
I'm wondering if there are any players out there who have really played around with the alt rogue Scroll Scoundrel class. if so I'd like to get some build advice, and just generally see what other people think about the class. Thanks!
Do you secret roll it, or do you announce that a roll needs to be made?
The reason I ask is, one:Will secret rolls help to cut down metagaming, and 2:Loooking for the best way to do it, about to start GMing. Tried once before and it flopped.
Any other GM advice would be awesome as well, especially how to deal with unruly players. Thanks!
Thanks for the advice, I went with skirmisher ranger. Dont have to deal with spells that way. Still took the pioneer trait because who wants to pass up a free horse? I'm goin with twohanders and bows.
I'm wondering on the right way to build my Ranger for kingmaker. I'm thinking about going the horselord route, but my question is how ofter would i be able to participate in mounted combat? Is it worth it to go that route?