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Caelia Taviskin's page

46 posts. Alias of Calinthas Aldimay.

Full Name

Caelia Taviskin




Cleric (Merciful Healer)







Special Abilities

Channel Energy


Neutral Good







Homepage URL

Character Sheet

Strength 8
Dexterity 17
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 17
Charisma 18

About Caelia Taviskin

Caelia Taviskin
Female Neutral Good Human (Taldan) Cleric (Merciful Healer), Level 1, Init +3, HP 8/8, Speed 30
AC 16, Touch 13, Flat-footed 13, CMD 12, Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5, CMB -1, Base Attack Bonus 0
Cold Iron Scimitar -1 (1d6-1, 18-20/x2)
Light Crossbow (10) +3 (1d8, 19-20/x2)
Cold Iron Dagger +3 (1d4-1, 19-20/x2)
Masterwork Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +3 Dex)
Abilities Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 18
Condition None
Languages Common (Taldan), Hallit
Traits Touched by Divinity, Blessed Touch
Feats Selective Channeling, Weapon Finesse

Reference Image

Caelia is a kind and altruistic person, devoting her life to helping heal the sick. She regularly gives alms to the poor, and defends the down trodden by whatever means at her disposal. As such, she generally leaves a great impression with the people she meets, and has respect among the residents of Kenabres. She is also wise beyond her years, and carefully considers all options before making any decisions.

Though outwardly kind and outgoing, Caelia has a somewhat pessimistic view of the world around her, and occasionally suffers from bouts of melancholy. Though she tries to help others in whatever ways she can, she struggles with feelings that her efforts are insignificant in the face of the evil pouring out from the Worldwound.

While an accomplished healer, Caelia harbors some self doubt and insecurities, feelings which she guards well. She is somewhat of a perfectionist, and highly critical of her own work.

Caelia (pron. Kay-lee-ah) is the younger of two children born to Theodric and Julia Taviskin, residents of the city of Kenabres. The Taviskin family family has resided in Kenabres for several generations, and has a long history of serving the various religious orders that have launched crusades as healers and medics. Though not specifically loyal to any one order in particular, the Taviskin's have enjoyed the friendship and gratitude of the various Crusaders for the healing and spiritual guidance they have provided. When Caelia was a child, both she and her older brother Iosef became acutely aware of their familial history watching their father Theodric serve during the 4th Crusade.

Raised as devout followers of Sarenra, both Caelia and her brother showed signs divine influence from a young age, though such power manifested itself differently in the children; Caelia was gifted with the ability to heal through divine energy, while her brother's abilities seemed to harness Sarenrae's light through the sword. Recognizing their talents early, Theodric had both of his children trained to hone their respective skills. The two siblings excelled at their studies and prayer; Caelia herself was several years to young to serve during the 4th Crusade, but her brother came of age and took up his sword to fight alongside the Order of the Flaming Lance. Caelia idolized her brother during this time, as he successfully completed several campaigns and became a seasoned warrior for good; tragically for Caelia and her parents, Iosef disappeared during a particularly disastrous counter-attack against the Storm King. Several years have passed since Iosef disappeared, and while Caelia's parents have lost hope for their sons survival, Caelia prays regularly for his safety and survival, though she suspects the worst.

In the years since the 4th Crusade ended, Caelia completed her training as a physician and divine healer of Sarenrae, and spends her time helping out at the local infirmary and hospitals in Kenabres, aiding the sick. Detesting war and violence, Caelia has been at least somewhat at peace with the Crusaders reticence to challenge the Storm King, though secretly she yearns for an opportunity to accompany some Crusaders into the Worldwound, to see what might have become of her older brother.