
koul's page

27 posts (308 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.


Dotting for interest too. I have been looking for a Jade Regent pbp for quite some time now.

Steelfiredragon wrote:

how much smurf could a smurf smurf if a smurf could smurf smurf?

Exactly smurf and not one smurf.

bring on the smurfs

smurfity smurf

but it is only one picture. With all other pdfs I have, there is no problem (aside from the interactive maps from the Jade Regent AP but that was to be expected with the interactivity). What is different with this picture then with other pictures with a picture and a text layer? (like the maps in the APs which alsoo have a text layer above the picture layer).

Kaer Maga, hands down.

Something about this city just does it for me.

Don't disallow the character, disallow the items. If he won't listen and keeps argueing, show him the door. He agreed to play Pathfinder with you as DM and so he also agreed to play by the rules. The rules disallow what he intends to do. Period.

There is nothing to argue.

OT: Sometimes I really hate the sense of entitlement modern RPG Players think they have the right to. Why can'T they just trust the DM to know what he is doing. This kind of behavior leads nowhere but to a futile arms race which will suck out the fun for everyone involved...

shafti76 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
shafti76 wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
And go back and look at the FRCS and notice the number of things on the map that have no information in the book, that is how every campaign setting book ever written looks like.

True, but Forgotten Realms also had a ton more places filled in with infomation. Hell there are towns detailed in the realms to the point you can find out what the innkeepers name is. Thats the kind of detail that I want. As I said in my review they shouldn't have called it a campaign setting they should have called it an outline of a campaign setting or "The Inner sea fill in the blanks campaign setting"

Its a pretty book, I just wish it was more substance.

And how many books did it take to get to that detail? That level of detail does not exist in a main campaign setting book and it seems really silly to expect it in one book.

Well actually they did it in one book in 2nd edition. The 2nd edition FR handbook picked some of the main towns represented on the FR world map and detailed them. Thats all I wanted, just detail 1 town in each country, that would have been a big help.

Some Gazette's maybe on PDF to fill in the some more detail whould be great.

Sorry, I own the 2E campaign setting, and that kind of detail was not in there either. All the setting Box did was outlining the world and giving here and there a close up view, you asked for detail on a mine system and not on a town.

The inner Sea World guide is an overview for the DM over the world and not a close up view of every nitpicky detail. for the detail you need a specific setting book, like the Lands of the Linnorm kings etc. Even in the FR, Waterdeep had its own setting book.

And now compare Golarion with the FR and see how many years the FR existed and how much books there were for the FR in all those years...

I am still in.

The Inner Sea World Guide will be also necessary

I can't check, but for me, the Brinewall Legacy looked ok in Good Reader, but for the other parts (don't know really about Night of Frozen Shadow, but the other two I am sure) the pictures were kinda dark and the name plates almost unreadable.

One thing to remember is, that intimidation is the threat of torture or dire consequences, actual torture doesn't really need a roll from the PCs, but a Will save from the victim (Perhaps allow the players a Heal check or Profession (Torturer)check to pnalize the save).

To intimidate someone, you threaten him and hope that he is afraid enough to talk, if not you have either the opportunity to try another intimidate attempt, stop this or follow through with your threat which leads to the will save.

Intimidate is there that you don't need to torture.

I am intersted to join too, concept would be a Varisian Starsoul Sorcerer, foster child of Koya Mvashti. Her starsoul heritage tempting her to go out adventuring.

To those who have made it into the group: Have fun and don't let the monsters eat you.

Looking forward to your PbP, Spiral_Ninja.

As everyone is allready posting stats: I thought you wanted only a rough draft for the character before friday night. Or should I post Que Xuan's stats allready?

Just to clarify, my concept has a name: Que Xuan.

i would like to post the concept for my character. Seeing that so much want to play a divine or arcane charact, I think I refrain from my initial idea and want to propose a Ninja.

Que Xuan is the daughter of Tian immigrants to Ustalav, living in Lepistadt. Her parents flew from Tian out of reasons unknown to her and live the life of peacefull crafts men. Nevertheless her parents trained her in the secret ways of the Ninja and someday she was lucky enough to save the Professors life.

I would be interested too, thinking about either a oracle or a sorcerer.

Kamelguru wrote:

If there is ANY skill that does not need to be restricted, it is knowledge (engineering).

Arcana, dungeoneering, nature, planes and religion all have combat uses, and are all likely to be VERY useful outside combat for the average adventurer.

Local, history and nobility can all be used to learn key information to gain an edge in a politically geared campaign.

Then we are left with Engineering and geography. And Geography at least have some obvious uses, like giving you an edge by knowing what manner of landscape you are going to deal with in a certain region.

Engineering, as it stands, has ONE application as far as I have seen: "Is it safe to step on this bridge/enter this building?". And if THAT was the point, why strip the most appropriate term (Architecture) from the old skill, in order to keep the term (engineering) that seems like it does not apply at all.

As an engineer in real life, i can assure you, that the knowledge about engineering doesn't really help you in doing those repairs, at least not without practicall knowledge which is represented with the craft and profession skills.

I met a lot of engineers who thought, just because they studied the topic, they would have more practical knowledge then someone whoe learned the practical part of the profession and mostly they were proven wrong...

Registered as koul over at I submitted a basic sheet for Nanya and will refine it a bit over the weekend.

I think I throw my hat in here as well.

set 1:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 2) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 4) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11

set 2:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 1) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 = 11
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 4) + 6 = 11

Hmm which set to take? Difficult question ;-).

I think I will go for set 1.

Ok, I try it again with Nanya:

Nanya is a young human wizard of Vudrani origin. She has learned the magical arts (with a speciality in abjuration) in the college of Absalom. Durng her studies there she visited several lectures with the Professor and she followed his theories with great interest. She spent many hours argueing with him and even later exchanged letters with him about these discussions. She views the Professor as a friend and mentor.

In one of his letters he asked her to come to Ustalav to help him with his studies and so she scraped together her savings and started the long journey from Absalom to Ustalav. During the journey she heard from his death and that she was mentioned in his last will.

congratulations to the "chosen five", have fun and my the dice gods smile on you ^^

Just dropping by to show that I still want to play in this.

Good luck everyone.

More information on Nanya:

Nanya is 5'9'' tall with skin like milky coffee. Her long dark brown hair has a shot of red in it and hangs down to the middle of her back. Hazel eyes look curious into the world and are framed with dark kajal and colorfull make up. She has a ring in her left nose wing which is linked with a chain to a ring in her left ear. Several piercings in brows and ears show her Vudrani heritage.
Nanya normally prefers to wear a Choli (a kind of tight short blouse or vest) and a lehenga (a long skirt) accompanied with a pair of strappy sandals. She seems to have a faible for the color green.

The most defining character trait for Nanya is curiosity. She likes to know what is going on and she asks why. Despite the fact that she has onlly theoretical experiences, she dreams of adventure. She wants to see new lands, search through half buried ruins and learn more about the doings of past cultures. Another trait of her is, is that she is prone to absent-mindedness.
Despite of that is Nanya an outgoing and always polite woman who cares deep about people she can call friends and is ready to fight for them with her life if it is necessary.

DM Hamied wrote:
Sounds good. When in Nanya's journey do you imagine she learns of Lorrimor's death? Or does she maybe arrive in Ravengro expecting for him to greet her?

I imagined that she learned about his death after her arrival in Ravengro.

I know, I am late to the party, but i want to enter a concept too.

Nanya is a young human wizard of Vudrani origin. She has learned the magical arts in the college of Absalom. Durng her studies there she visited several lectures with the Professor and she followed his theories with great interest. She spent many hours argueing with him and even later exchanged letters with him about these discussions.

In one of his letters he asked her to come to Ustalav to help him with him studies and so she scraped together her savings and started the long journey from Absalom to Ustalav.


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 18 (16 + 2 from racial mod)
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 14


Teachers Pet

Extremely Fashionable (Diplomacy Class skill)