Jade Regent (Inactive)

Game Master FuriousPhil

A mysterious destiny awaits a group of adventurers and their friends from the small Varisian town of Sandpoint, a destiny that may eventually take them across the world to visit strange lands and confront powerful enemies.

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good luck to all and hope that Lou can find an AP to call his

Being selected will be difficult but I guess the good thing is that whoever gets picked will get to play along some very decent PCs!

Lots of luck!

Alright, this was a really tough decision. I took the time to read the background stories of all the characters, and thought about how the characters might work together throughout the course of the campaign. There were a lot of other factors involved in the decision making process as well, but I was finally able to narrow it down to the final five.

Garridan Imoroa - male human (Varisian) fighter

Amelius Blacktower - male human sorcerer (oni bloodline)

Caerwyn Callandriil - male half-elf rogue (scout)

Eliaera Casateri - female human (Varisian) bard (arcane duelist)

Ostar Foehammer - male human cleric of Torag

Congratulations! I'll have a post up tomorrow in the discussion thread with some details about how I want to approach the details of this adventure path and how I like to do play by post games in general.

In case any of the selected players have to drop out or we need a replacement, the following five alternates were selected, in no particular order:

Hiroku Takemashi - male human (Tian) samurai
Reinala Denson - female human (Ulfen) rogue
Ilir Olcana - male half-elf paladin (hospitaler)
Sumak Tesarani - male halfling cavalier (emissary)
Enrica Alleva - female human (Chelish/Varisian) ranger

If the need arises, I'll contact you via PM.

Also, let me say that it really was fun to read everyone's ideas. I'm sorry if you didn't get selected this time around, but keep trying! I'm going to be tied up with this Jade Regent thing for a while, but I hope I might have the chance to run a game for some of you in the future. Thanks again to everyone who expressed an interest.

Thank you very much for selecting me! I'm really looking forward to this, and I hope everyone selected is as excited as I am.

Yaaaay! :D Awesome! I'm so excited! Wheeeee! *dance*

Looking forward to playing with y'all.

Congrats to all who made the cut - enjoy the game!

And here I thought I was going to be lost in a sea of submissiony awesomeness. Many thanks!

Congrats to everyone who is going to play - looks like you'll have a great game!

Thank you for the selection. I look forward to playing with you and everyone else.

Wonderful! Thank you very much for the selection! I am looking forward to gaming with all of you!

oh well looks like Lou will never find a home.
at least I can play him as NPC in my game.

Congrats to those selected and happy gaming!

Congratulations to the selected party!

FuriousPhil, thank you for selecting me for the list of alternates. I look forward to following this PbP - and not just because I may get a chance to play in it in the future! This looks like a great group.

Great gaming, everyone!

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