Jekara |

I would like to throw my name into the hat! I enjoy eastern themed games and I have been wanting to play this AP since it was released. I have read the submissions other people have made and they all seem like they would be fun to RPG with. Here's hoping for selection!!! XD
Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
HP- 10, AC - 18 (10 base + 5 armor + 2 shield + 1 dex), Alignment - NG
INI - +7 (+4 Imp. Ini +2 trait +1 dex) [roll twice, take either result)
STR - 14 DEX - 12 CON - 14 INT - 12 WIS - 13 CHA - 15(13 base,+2 racial)
SAVES - Fort - +2, Ref - +1, Will - +3
SKILLS (4 base + 1 Int +1 FC) - Heal, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Perception, Spellcraft
FEATS - Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception) [racial feat]
Lame Curse (speed reduced by 10ft),
Temporal Celerity Revelation (roll initiative twice, take either result)
Spells (learn all CURE spells or HARM spells at appropriate level, HEAL selected)
Elven Reflexes - +2 Ini
Childhood Crush [Shalelu Andosana] - Make daily DC15 CHA check. If the check passes, receive a +1 on all saves for 24 hours. Always receive a +1 to hit vs. creatures that threaten Shalelu. The save bonus applies at all times if Shalelu's love is won.
0 Level (inf) - Detect Magic, Guidance, Resistance, Guidance
1 Level (4/day) - Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Shield of Faith
Morningstar, Javelin (x4), Scale Mail, Heavy Wooden Shield, Backpack, Bedroll, Blanket, Flint and Steel, Torch (x3), Small Steel Mirror, Hemp Rope (50ft), Grappling Hook, Trail Rations (5days), Waterskin, Flask, Explorer's Outfit, Beltpouch
12GP, 1SP, 7CP
I intend to take levels of Barbarian and, eventually, to become a Rage Prophet. The idea behind this character is to focus on buffs and then go in for the kill. He will be heavily armored and, eventually, cast higher level magic that can assist the entire party.
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
P.S. - Good luck to all applicants! If I don't get selected, no hard feelings! Play your heart out! :D

Grisham |

Grisham is a dwarf with strawberry blonde hair and pale gray eyes. He has an intricate tattoo on his left forearm – it seems to be a design drawn around some dwarven runes, but he doesn’t leave it exposed long enough for anyone to decipher it. A hint of a silver-colored chain is visible around his neck, but it disappears under whatever shirt he is wearing. He drinks heavily and even other dwarves consider him gruff. He does not discuss his past.
Ability Scores: Str: 14 Dex: 14 Con:12 Int:16 Wis: 12 Cha: 8
Skills (only listing ones that there are points in): Perception (+2), Profession: cook (+8), Profession: soldier (+5) Sense Motive (+6), Survival (+6)
Feats: Weapon Focus (Dwarven Longhammer), Skill Focus (cook)
Traits: Caravan Guard, Suspicious
Why do I want to be in this? I was looking for another game to pick up & one that is going to last for a while is good – I don’t want to have to find a new one every couple weeks. Must admit, I know nothing about Jade Regent, but I've downloaded the player stuff & started skimming it. I had been hesitate about PbP, but now that I've started, I really like it. The extent to which the role-playing can be emphasized and characters more deeply developed compared to tabletop is my style. In fact, as I am restarting a game I have GM'd on and off for a decade, I'm making it half PbP for that very reason.

Bandru Varz |

I introduce Bandru Vhiski
Bandru Vhiski, the younger brother of Sandru, was but an infant when their parents died. He knew nothing of the family line of business growing up and was never trained that way. He did learn about it eventually especially with his oldest brother deep in the tradition. Bandru would not be tempted because his brother Sandru made sure of it by sending him to a Temple of Erastil to be taught and raised. Bandru was a diligent student and decided to give his life to Erastil by becoming a monk. He easily threw off the binds of possesions and the trappings for desires. Sandru studdied the weapon of Erastil, the long bow. His dedication to this study proved very fruitful as he mastered the use and had abilities using the bow that most could never accomplish. When he left the monks and priests gave him a shortbow, arrows, and traveling clothes for his journey back home. The idea, as the high priest put it, was for Bandru to find his true calling by finding himself and his own purpose. So he has only recently returned to Sandpoint to reconnect with his brother Sandru.
Brandru has a strong sense of right an wrong and respect for the law. He does not look kindly on anyone breaking the law or doing harm to innocence.
Male Human Monk (Zen Archer) 1
LG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +8
AC 17, touch 17, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +6
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +2 (1d6+2/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +2 (1d6/x3)
Special Attacks flurry of blows -1/-1
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 19
Feats Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, Perfect Strike (2d20) (1/day), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits Reactionary, Younger Sibling (Sandru) (Ex)
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +6, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +6
Languages Common
SQ ac bonus +4, unarmed strike (1d6)
Other Gear Arrows (40), Shortbow, 3 GP
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +4 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Flurry of Blows -1/-1 (Ex) Make Flurry of Blows attack as a full rd action.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Perfect Strike (2d20) (1/day) With certain weapons, roll twice, higher is attack, lower is confirmation roll.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.
Younger Sibling (Sandru) (Ex) +1 vs foes threatening sibling.

Bandru Varz |

Ohh my I forgot the questions sorry was late when I finished.
Bandru is a slender well muscled man in his mid twenties of average height. His hair is styled in a top knot pulled back so the length falls back behind his head. He disposition is quiet and reserved. He has returned to reconnect with his family and discover his purpose.
I can post many times a day and have as needed in all the pbp games I am currently involved.
PbP is my outlet to role play because I do not have a local group. I am very interested in Jade Regent for the Asian theme and the NPC relationship structure, plus I have heard good things about the AP.
As stated before PbP is my only outlet so I am definite in it for the long haul. Thank you for your consideration.

Shin Oharu |

Shin Oharu
Short for his age and as thin as a willow tree, Shin Oharu looks both otherwordlly and fragile. This boy's skin is the color of a clear sky; shades of azure blue fading to softer hues at the tips of his fingers, nose and lips. His hair contrasts sharply as chin-length black hair that resembles long brush strokes of ink on parchment. Shin's eyes are seemingly blind pools of pearl white coloration framed by starkly contrasting dark lashes. A single red dot the size of a copper piece is painted on Shin's brow between and just above his eyebrows.
As emaciated and frail as he is, much of Shin's fragile build is hidden by a loosely fitting robe of snow white silk that covers his body. A jet blash sash worn around his waist is trimmed with sapphire embroidery and a silver medallion marked with the family crest of the Kaijitsu's is prominently displayed. To the left and right of this seal are two smaller copper medallions, one bearing the avian symbol of Sheylyn, and the other the blade symbol of Shizuru.
Around Shin's right wrist is a bracelet made from fragments of O-Yori armor stained with blood and burned on the edges. Around his left wrist is a red silk band wrapped several times over.
Shin Oharu is the most recent incarnation of a Samsaran that has served the Amatatsu (Kaijitsu) family for generations. Bound to the family line as their immortal protector and tutor, Shin's recent death has called him back to this world in a weakened state of spiritual strength but physical fragility. He safeguards the secret of the Kaijitsu family with his life in the hopes that one day Ameiko is ready to ascend to her birthright.
For more detail, see character profile.
Shin formed from the ephemeral force of spirit that all samsaran's come with recollected history of past monastic training amalgamated into new experiences. He, hoeever, maintains an untapped potential that will allow him to conjure forth the combined spiritual essence of all previous incarnations of his life to aid him in battle.
Str: 9, Dex: 12, Con: 7, Int: 12, Wis: 18, Cha: 16
Feats: Crane Style, Crane Wing
Traits: Best Friend (Ameiko), Sacred Touch
Plan: Monk multiclassing into Summoner (synthesist) and fighter. Shin's eidolon will be an amalgamation of all his previous samsaran incarnations called forth to protect the Amatatsu line in their hour of need.

Sumak Tesarani |

Sumak Tesarani is a rather typical halfling with green eyes, cinnamon skin tone and black hair. He usually wore a modest uniform and riding boots in green and brown tones.
Sumak was raised in a varisian caravan, his family having been killed in a skirmish near the cheliaxian border. He knew to ride before he was able to walk and spent a joyful childhood with the traders. While travelling, he met other halflings who taught him the virtue of protecting the innocents and he was following the edicts of the order of the paw before he had time to think about it. He was 20 at the most when fate brought him to Sandpoint where he befriended Kaye Tesarani and Koya Mvashti. The first adopted him in her family, making him maybe the strangest people living in the Pixie's Kitten while the second gave him someone to protect. He has spent the last 10 years patrolling Sandpoint and helping people in the village and he finds himself becoming more and more impatient to see unknown lands once more.
Male halfling cavalier (emissary), order of the paw (if accepted)
Alternate racial trait : outrider
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 11
Traits : Friend of the family (Koya), Reactionnary
Skills : Ride, Handle animal, Perception, Sense motive, Survival
Feats : Mounted combat, Weapon finesse
Class abilities : Mount, Challenge 1/day
Character sheet not finished I'll wait to see if I'm chosen.
Once per day is a minimum (unless of course some unforeseen problem occurs). I would say between 1 and 5 per day, maybe more during weekdays, maybe only once during weekends. I never played PbP before.
Well. Travelling, exploring, escorting a caravan : all that look like fun ideas for a campaign. To be honest "it's an AP I never played before" is also a motivation.

Ilir Olcana |

This is Stratos from earlier under the avatar of my submission.
Please give my story a read. It is the story I find most important to any character, and if you feel it will mesh with your campaign, I would be more than happy to align the mechanics (which were merely duplicated for formatting purposes).
As of now, his ability scores and class (Paladin (Hospitaler)) are completed in his profile. I will adjust the rest of mechanics to match later today.
You can find Ilir's story either in his profile or in the spoiler below.
I also invite criticism from other applicants. Advice is always a welcome gift!
Business was still harsh, and over the next few years, Ellion fought to make ends meet. Ilir never went hungry, but his childhood friends began to be kept away by protective parents, seeing their families as above his as time went on. Due this, Ilir spent more and more time at Shelyn's temple. His voice was among the sweetest they had, and he thoroughly enjoyed singing her hymns as they were free and allowed him to grow his talent.
When he was 11, his father abruptly told him they would be leaving the city the next morning. Something bad had happened, it was clear, but Ilir didn't know what. In reality, Ellion had disrupted a smuggling operation that was undermining his business; though he exacted a substantial sum of money, he slew a small group of the smugglers, and he knew retribution would be swift. Ilir escaped during the night and gave a tearful hug goodbye to the head priestess, and he was off on a ship with his father the next morning.
Many ports of trade brought the ship to a (relatively) small town called Sandpoint. There, the displaced merchant used his newly-gotten wealth to purchase a residence and start life anew. Though a center of worship was not as extravagant, Ilir made inroads with the new faithful. Not long after he arrived, one of the town's residents, Sandru Vhiski, had his parents killed in a storm. Not usually the religious type, he wandered into the temple one day during a song. Ilir offered his condolences, and the two started a friendship.
The youth spent more time with that fortune teller, Koya, than with Ilir though, and he was rarely seen around the half-elf's church. Unhappy with this situation, Ilir would make excuses to see Sandru, and he developed a fondness for the teen. When they came of age - within a year of each other, Sandru elected to become a caravan guard. Ilir, though upset with this further separation, understood Sandru's brother and his group and treacherous influence, so it was probably for the best. Devout in his commitment to Shelyn, however, Ilir took up practice with arms, out of a subconscious desire to be more like Sandru. He became a guardian of the temple, something nearly unheard of for Shelyn to have. He was ever excited at Sandru's return, and the two shared drink and bread together frequently during these spells of togetherness.
After a while, Sandru delved into the adventuring business, and Ilir sought to follow him. Sandru continuously declined him though, saying it was too dangerous for someone who had a future as a singer. Though rather upset, Koya told him things always had a way of working themselves out. Though somewhat irrationally upset with her for stealing Sandru away from him in his earlier days, Ilir appreciated her sage advice. One day, after Sandru returned from an expedition, his eyes looked different. Ilir never could uncover what happened to him on that trek, but at least he was home. Before long, it was almost like old times, and Ilir couldn't be happier. When talk came of Sandru starting his own caravan, Ilir wouldn't take no for an answer: He would be with his companion every step of the way.
Throughout it all, his father was pleased with how well his son had been adapting. Though Ilir would have had a splendid future as a priest or a singer, Ellion couldn't fault him for following his heart; after all, he'd done the same. Seeing the two ride off in the caravan made him think perhaps now his income and wealth were stable, a visit to Anna would be in order. Hopefully, time had eroded his infamy with the smugglers...

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Submitting Reinala Denson
CG Female Human Rogue
When Armed: Reinala wears a lamellar cuirass that covers her torso and shoulders. She keeps a set of darts behind her belt, ready to throw, carries a longspear to keep foes at bay, and has a short sword belted at her waist. Her grip on the spear looks awkward and unpracticed, and she is constantly tugging at the cuirass, as though uncomfortable in such attire.
When Unarmed: Reinala wears a very simple outfit, her blue shirt hanging loose, and grey wool skirt a touch worn at the end. Her feet are very simply bound by leather shoes. In colder months, she covers in heavy furs to keep out the chill.

Fabian Benavente |

The format of play by post means there has to be some adjustment when compared to a tabletop session. I tend to emphasize narrative and role-playing over combat – yet I still think combat is a crucial part of the game. My job as a GM is to facilitate the pacing of the adventure and combat, and do it in a way that is exciting for the players involved. I also like to write descriptions of the action and environments the PCs find themselves in, and nurture relationships between PCs and NPCs. In short, I like to do play by post games as interactive fiction with the game mechanics forming the framework in which to tell the story. With all that said, I make great maps and icons for ‘grid’...
Wow! This is pretty much exactly the way I 'try' to run my games (PBEMs rather than PBPs) so I will definitely be submitting a character for your consideration.
I'm in the process of reading the Player's Handbook but I have pretty much settled on a male sorcerer with the Celestial bloodline; details forthcoming...

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Submitting Zoranto. I'm relatively new to PF and very new to pbps. But I'm very eager to play in an adventure path and the format of this AP sounds great.
Zoranto is of medium height and slender build. While on caravan duty he carries a long bow and a heavy mace that he prefers not to use. His hair is shorter than the average Varisian, and his clothes are muted in color and are intended to blend in to his surroundings. However, while not working Zoranto wears a bright red sash around his waist.
Male Human (Varisian) Fighter (Archer) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Heavy mace +3 (1d8+2/x2)
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8/x3)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Deadly Aim -1/+2, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits Caravan Guard (Sandru), Devotee of the Green (Knowledge [nature])
Skills Acrobatics +2, Climb +5, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Ride +2,
Stealth +2, Survival +6, Swim +1
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Arrows (40), Heavy mace, Longbow, 36 GP
Special Abilities
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
I can post at least once a day and most days I should be able to post more.

Ralin Vhiski |

Thank you for offering to GM this adventure path FuriousPhil. You seem to have quite a bit of applications and I hope I don't get lost in the mix, but whatever happens, I hope you have a great game! I'll eagerly await the results of your selections.
My Submission:
Name: Ralin Vhiski
Description: Ralin is the spitting image of his older brother, Sandru, with a few minor differences such as appearing quite a bit more youthful. He wears his hair long and leaves his face unshaven until it becomes too itchy. He often dresses very similar to his brother, mimicking him in secret admiration. While his clothes and general appearance are similar to his brother, his equipment is vastly different. Posing as an adventure as best he can, he wears a standard longsword on his hip and strings fiddle across his back. On occasion a few villagers have seen him hiking on the outskirts of the town with all manner of adventuring gear such as a rope, backpack, sleeping roll, etc.
Ralin shares much of his history with his brother Sandru. He admires his brother and wants to be an adventurer like him, but is held in place by an oath made to Sandru that he would lead a simpler life. He has spent much of his days learning from Ameiko and spends the others earning his keep by performing at the Rusty Dragon. He is over-confident and bold, taking any dare that he is challenged with.
The not-so-brief version...
"Luck favors the bold," is a shout that almost always precedes Ralin's extremely foolhardy stunts. From jumping off the Rusty Dragon's roof into a tub of water below, to launching himself off a ramp in a make-shift wagon across a gorge. The most interesting thing about his stunts is that he can make them appear as if anyone could do it - inspiring those around him. Although he rarely shows it, he hates the glory and attention that he gets when he performs a successful stunt. He feels as if it is worthless in the grand scheme, but it is a step towards his only goal to prove to his brother that he has what it takes to be an adventurer.
He is only a few years younger than Sandru, and a man in his own right, but Ralin has been kept youthful by his brother's incessant desire that he not adventure. Perhaps Sandru wishes to maintain some semblance of the better times in the past, before the deaths of their parents, by keeping his younger brother 'innocent' from the pains of the world, but it is this desire that has only emboldened the youthful Vhiski. Bred for adventure, yet withheld from its trials, Ralin has become extremely overconfident.
Although far from content, the aspiring adventurer has remained in Sandpoint, learning from Ameiko - quite possibly at Sandru's behest. The only upside of his miserable, boring life, is that he is able to spend time with Ameiko. Most of the enjoyment in the time spent with her stems from the idea that he is with her and his brother is not. While he is not practicing his bardic arts with Ameiko, the younger Vhiski is entertaining the patrons of the Rusty Dragon tavern by singing and playing the fiddle.
The cruelties of life, such as fighting, have almost completely escaped Ralin during his time in Sandpoint. In the few rare times that he has had to fight, he has often resorted to dirty tactics to win. Never wanting to fail and disappoint his brother or to show he is not fit for adventure, he has a desire to win at all costs. He pushes himself to the limits and always takes on a challenge or dare, but he also respects and loves his brother dearly, never wanting to disappoint him. He only waits for the permission of his brother to one day have his own adventure and leave the boring confines of Sandpoint behind.
Bard (Daredevil)
Str: 14 -> 16 with racial
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 13
Wis: 10
Cha: 14
Skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Escape Artist, Perform (String), Perform (Sing), Kn: Local, Use Magic Device
Traits: Younger Sibling, Contagious Mettle
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty Fighting
Spells: 0. Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mending
1. Grease, Animate Rope
I can post at least once a day. Most days I can post continuously from 7 to 9 PST. I can do small updates throughout the day via my phone, but nothing too comprehensive. I like to devote as much effort as I can to my posts.

Sancho, the Magnificent |

Hey FuriousPhil,
My celestial sorcerer turned into a fire elementalist wizard once I started writing him; I hope you don't mind. :)
Well, thanks for hosting a game and please consider my character submission. I have set up an alias with his 'crunch' but the questions you wanted answered are below.
Sancho is a young man who does his best to pass unnoticed in a crowd of people. He is tall and of slender build but by no means weak. He’s usually wearing modest clothing as befit the season. Picture here.
All of this changes when he turns into ”The Magnificent”. During those times, the young man dons a simple, black mask and an elaborate wizard costume, complete with a red-orange cape with flame motifs. It seems that this change is not only physical as Sancho loses his inherent shyness and becomes an accomplished stage performer; more on that below.
Sancho was travelling with a band of Szarni for as long as he could remember. The young wizard had been mesmerized by one of the females in the group and was led to believe that there was a potential romantic future with her. Sancho, shy by nature, was taught how to put on a show with the use of his magic while, unbeknownst to him, the rest of the Szarni fleeced the crowd. When the young man became aware of the situation and confronted the Szarni about it, he was not only expelled from the caravan but almost killed in the process. He then learned that the young woman he was in love with had no interest in him other than in his skill at entertaining crowds.
Alone in the road for some time, he was picked by Sandru and his caravan who gave him a fair deal and sense of belonging. He continued to study magic as he plied his entertainment trade but was relieved to be making an honest living for a change. After a few years of hearing about Sandru’s adventures, he wanted nothing more than to emulate his older ’brother’.
Sancho is naturally shy and only comes out of his shell when behind his mask. The young man is still naive about the world at large and does not trust strangers easily. He is at his best when surrounded by children and those he has learned to call his friends.
Fire seems to bring out a destructive streak in him and he is sometimes scared at his own destructive power. He can be seen flush with excitement after using his magic, especially his fire magic. He’s starting to question his own nature and is afraid that he may not be as mild-mannered as he thinks he is.
(Note: Only the start since I am sure the character will take a personality of his own once I start playing.)
1st level wizard (fire elementalist)
Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10
Only showing skills with at least 1 rank
Appraise +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
k.arcana +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
k.nature +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
Linguistics +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
Perception +1 = 1r
Perform +1 = 1r
Spellcraft +8 = 1r + 4 (int)
Improved initiative
Level 0, 3 prepared (P), ALL known, DC=14
Read Magic (automatic)
Detect Magic
Level 1, 2+1 prepared (P), 7 known, DC=15
Burning hands (S)
Mage armor (P)
Color spray (P)
Feather fall
Comprehend languages
Scribe scroll
Arcane bond (amulet)
Fire elemental school (+1 spell/lvl)
Fire supremacy (resist fire 5, as swift action envelop in fire, melee attacks take lvl/2 damage)
Fire Jet (20’ line of fire as std action, 1d6+lvl/2 damage, save for ½ with DC=15, if ail then catch fire and 1d6 fire next round, 7/day)
I can post on a daily basis (including weekends), more than once per day depending on what's going on in the game.
Like I wrote above, I'm very excited to be playing in a game that will be
'...interactive fiction with the game mechanics forming the framework in which to tell the story...
I host a couple of games where this is the philosophy and am excited to be able to participate in one as a player.
The JR AP has received good reviews but, to be honest, I would have tried out no matter what AP you were going to run as long as it was run with the above philosophy in mind.
Please let me know if you need further information at this time and happy gaming!

Ilir Olcana |

In case you decide to make your decision quicker than posted, I thought I'd complete everything for the submission now. As stated before, I still welcome criticism with Ilir's background under the second spoiler in both substance and style - from the DM and applicants alike.
One of the few ways he refuses to be like Sandru is with regards to piercings; he won't have anything to do with metal going through his skin if he can help it! While Ilir has had some run-ins with some unsavory types in town, he possesses only a few small scars on his arms and thighs. As such, he values defense over offense in and out of combat; even when warm, he usually wears very modest clothing, covering all but his hands and face.
Born in Oppara, Ilir was the son of a rather wealthy Elven merchant and a serf of a human maiden. His father, Ellion, provided for his mother as best he could, her laboring in one of the city's other districts, but his trade waned with each passing year, and it wasn't long before their arrangement became untenable. The lord to which Anna - his mother - was indentured sought fit to move him to one of his holdings North in the country, and Ellion could not afford to buy her freedom. Instead, the two split in a heartbreaking separation; as Ilir was only 5 at the time, it is one of the few memories he had of his mother.
Business was still harsh, and over the next few years, Ellion fought to make ends meet. Ilir never went hungry, but his childhood friends began to be kept away by protective parents, seeing their families as above his as time went on. Due this, Ilir spent more and more time at Shelyn's temple. His voice was among the sweetest they had, and he thoroughly enjoyed singing her hymns as they were free and allowed him to grow his talent. Between time at the church and his ponderous amounts of time swimming in the river, his kneebiter years were mostly uneventful.
When he was 11, his father abruptly told him they would be leaving the city the next morning. Something bad had happened, it was clear, but Ilir didn't know what. In reality, Ellion had disrupted a smuggling operation that was undermining his business; though he exacted a substantial sum of money, he slew a small group of the smugglers, and he knew retribution would be swift. Ilir escaped during the night and gave a tearful hug goodbye to the head priestess, and he was off on a ship with his father the next morning.
Many ports of trade brought the ship to a (relatively) small town called Sandpoint. There, the displaced merchant used his newly-gotten wealth to purchase a residence and start life anew. Though a center of worship was not as extravagant, Ilir made inroads with the new faithful. Not long after he arrived, one of the town's residents, Sandru Vhiski, had his parents killed in a storm. Not usually the religious type, he wandered into the temple one day during a song. Ilir offered his condolences, and the two started a friendship.
The youth spent more time with that fortune teller, Koya, than with Ilir though, and he was rarely seen around the half-elf's church. Unhappy with this situation, Ilir would make excuses to see Sandru, and he developed a fondness for the teen. When they came of age - within a year of each other, Sandru elected to become a caravan guard. Ilir, though upset with this further separation, understood Sandru's brother and his group and treacherous influence, so it was probably for the best. Devout in his commitment to Shelyn, however, Ilir took up practice with arms, out of a subconscious desire to be more like Sandru. He became a guardian of the temple, something nearly unheard of for Shelyn to have. He was ever excited at Sandru's return, and the two shared drink and bread together frequently during these spells of togetherness.
After a while, Sandru delved into the adventuring business, and Ilir sought to follow him. Sandru continuously declined him though, saying it was too dangerous for someone who had a future as a singer. Though rather upset, Koya told him things always had a way of working themselves out. Though somewhat irrationally upset with her for stealing Sandru away from him in his earlier days, Ilir appreciated her sage advice. One day, after Sandru returned from an expedition, his eyes looked different. Ilir never could uncover what happened to him on that trek, but at least he was home. Before long, it was almost like old times, and Ilir couldn't be happier. When talk came of Sandru starting his own caravan, Ilir wouldn't take no for an answer: He would be with his companion every step of the way.
Throughout it all, his father was pleased with how well his son had been adapting. Though Ilir would have had a splendid future as a priest or a singer, Ellion couldn't fault him for following his heart; after all, he'd done the same. Seeing the two ride off in the caravan made him think perhaps now his income and wealth were stable, a visit to Anna would be in order. Hopefully, time had eroded his infamy with the smugglers...

Lou Kasuri |

most everything to answer the questions is in the alias.
How often I can post: barring real life issues I usually find time to get 2 a day sometimes more. sometimes less depending on other interactions. I don't like to post just for the sake of posting with nothing to contribute but I will if it seems there is a lull in the posting
Why would I like to play in this campaign?
Well honesty is best for this question. I bulit this chaarcter for this AP and never made it in after several tries. I have been wanting to try this concept for a long time just could not get him into a game. (except as an NPC for my own game, which really isn't the same thing)

Yuto the Bard |

Here is Yuto the bard. I went with the Younger siblign trait, choosing ameiko. Knowing a bit about the fmaily from Rise of the runelords, I made him a half brother.
Yuto is the half brother of Ameiko, the youngest of the Kaijitsu children. Although Yuto has yearned for adventure, his sister has discourage him from following in her footsteps, saying it's too dangerous and he lacks the skill to survive such a hard life. And so Yuto became an performer in sandpoint, often taking stage at the Rusty Dragon. Still he dreams of adventure, and with his parents and older brother gone, more thna ever he wants out of sandpoint.
His motivations are 3 fold: Women, Adventure, and Family
Yuto loves to meet new women, and perhaps he's had a few rough relationships in Snadpoitn and getting out of town wouldn't be a bad idea.
Yuto yearns for adventure, like the tale shis sister, Ameiko used to tell him. New places, damsels in distress, vaults of treasure. Despite his sisters warnigns, Yuot forgets the darker part of adventuring and has romanticized such tales.
Yuto has no fmaily left except for Ameiko, and where she goes, he will travel. While she was owner of the Rusty Dragon it seemed she would stay in sandpoint forever, and despite the recent events, was relatively safe. With her joining the caravan, Yuto sees no option but to accompany her, and he secretly hopes to win her approval with heroics during the journey.
Yuto is of obvious Tien descent, though it is clear that Ameiko is only his half sister. Yuto is tall for a Tien and though his eyes are narrow and his hair is a s black as his sisters, they share little else in resemblence. Yuto keeps his face clean shaven and his long hair tied back. Yuto dresses in thick leathers, though always with a fashionable hat and bright colors, looking to make an impression.
2 reasons: 1) I think your Style sound slike one I would enjoy
and 2) I like to experienc enew places and AP's and this is one I know nothing about beyond the player's guide and what Rise of the Runelords told us about the family. Never having paled a camapign that goes through the crown of the world of Tien makes this very interesting to me
AC 13
Touch 13
F.F. 10
Fort +0
Reflex +3
Will +2
BAB +0
Melee +1
Range +3
CMB +4
CMD 14
Bow +3
Younger sibling -Ameiko
Savant -Sing
Feats - Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot
Bluff 7:1+3+3
Diplomacy 7:1+3+3
Disable Device
Escape Artist
Handle Animal
History 6:1+1+3+1
Local 6:1+1+3+1
Linguistics 5:1+1+3
Perception 3:1-1+3
Perform 7:1+3+3
Sing: 9:1+3+3+2
Sense Motive
Sleight of Hand
Use Magic Device 7:1+3+3
bardic performance: 7/day
Spells Known
4: Summon Instrument, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light
2: Sleep, Hideous Laughter
Spells per day
2 - Sleep, Hideous Laughter
Studded leather +3, +5, -1 - 25g
Rapier 1d6, 18-2/x2 - 20g
Shortbow 1d6 20x3 60' - 30g

Ashe |

Name: Takamatsu Nobunaga, Called Taka
Str 17 , Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 17
Skills: Knowledge religion, Diplomacy, Sense Motive
Feats: Fey Foundling
I am on the boards from 9am to 6pm Monday-Friday. I work IT and have a good amount of down time. I can post many times a day. I check at night usually at least once. Eastern Time.
I really like the feel of Jade Regent once reading the player guide. I like that it should feel like an epic quest trudging forward over the country side. Not using the ways of magic to travel. I also am a big fan of Ninja’s and Samurai. I would be most dedicated to this game. My character would be taking the bond with his weapon focusing heavily on the relationship that samurai and their blade had.

Franco Dangerfield |

Here we are, extended crunch is in the profile.
Class Summary
Str 16 , Dex 14, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 9, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Handle Animal +6, Perception +4, Stealth +7
Feats: Combat Expertise, Improved Dirty Trick, Improved Disarm
Traits:Friend of the Family, Tattooed Mystic
history, where he came from, and what his motivation may be.
Why this Campaign

Diego Valdez Contributor |

Character’s Name and a description of what they look like.
Enrica is of mixed descent, though the Chelish shows most in her fair complexion, blue eyes, and black hair, which she wears cut short. She is of average height and has an athletic, well toned build.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
It was in this hard time that she first encountered the elf Shalelu while out hunting. She began to talk with Shalelu and learn from her and over time began to see her as a friend. Maybe Shalelu knew, or maybe not but she began to fill the hole in Enricas heart, the one left by the death of her father and the absence of her mother. When she opened up to Shalelu and talked with the elf about her problems, fears, and hopes, she realized the things that mattered in life and began to make amends with her mother.
She was 17 and finally finding happiness in her life again when the new cathedral was completed. What began as a wonderful day with her mother, one she had thought she would never have again after her father died, ended in heartbreak. When the goblins attacked they both ran, but were cornered by a particularly nasty goblin. When it lunged at Enrica her mother shoved her out of the way and took the brunt of the creatures assault. While she wrestled with the goblin she screamed for Enrica to run. So she did. Enrica survived the day, but her mother was among the dead. It was devastating. She decided she would never be helpless again and decided to join the town guard and see what training she could get from Shalelu. Before she could the town was attacked again. She took up her bow in its defense and did what she could.
That was five years ago. Since she has learned a lot. With no family, except maybe Shalelu, and with Sandpoint being filled with so much grief she has decided maybe it is time to move on. It doesn’t matter where. She’d rather not leave Shalelu but she can’t stay here much longer. It hurts too much.
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
STR 12 DEX 18 (16 +2 human) CON 11 INT 10 WIS 14 CHA 12
Skills: Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Linguistics, Perception, Ride,
Stealth, Survival
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits: Hero Worship (Shalelu), Local Know It All (Sandpoint)
Favored Enemy: Goblinoids
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
I work days but I can post every evening after 7pm my time (mountain time, GMT -7)

Zataya "Fire Bringer" |

I'd like to throw my hat in for this one, as well.
As she grew, she played with the other children in the clan. She was not particularly good at the mock fighting and wrestling that they engaged in, but she was nimble, and found that she was passable at ranged combat. However, her ifrit heritage became more apparent as time went on - the elders of the clan saw this and realized she might have great potential as a sorceress.
The next day, she was selected to begin her training with the clan shamans, to unlock the sorcerous power locked within her. They had one other student - the chieftain's daughter, Tama. Though Zataya was much younger, she excelled where the other did not. Zataya found that she had a natural affinity to fire, and could react more quickly than Tama in the face of danger. After several short months, her teachers began to concentrate their focus on her instead of Tama, grooming her for a significant position in the clan. Seeing this, Tama became jealous.
During her time in training, she learned about the power of tattoos. Her people used tattoos for many reasons - in fact, they gave Zataya one on her back, which ultimately granted Zataya clarity of mind. In addition, she gave herself a tattoo of a scorpion on her ankle...which she then bonded with and was able to coax out of her skin.
Some months passed, and when Zataya's naming day finally came, and she received her tribal tattoo and the honorific "Fire Bringer", Tama was furious. It was bad enough that she was being supplanted, but Zataya wasn't even human. She plotted to have Zataya killed the following week; two young warriors snuck into Zataya's tent in the middle of the night and knocked her unconscious, then dragged her away. She awoke as they were about to smash her skull with an earthbreaker - she was able to use her magic to escape.
As she ran from the only home she had ever known, she was found by Shalelu Andosana, out on one of her treks into Varisia. She was able to convince Zataya to follow her to Sandpoint.
When Zataya arrived, with only the clothes on her back, she was taken in by Ameiko Kaijitsu, until such time as Zataya could stand on her own two feet. As a result of Ameiko's kindness, Zataya was able to make a new life for herself in Sandpoint; from that point on, Zataya vowed to be more like Ameiko. She's been hearing rumors recently, however, of Ameiko leaving on a caravan bound for distant lands; perhaps they need more assistance...
Ifrit Sorceress (Elemental (Fire) Bloodline) 1
Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 8
Cha: 18
She has ranks in Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Planes), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device (all class skills).
For feats, she has a Varisian Tattoo and Eschew Materials. She has the following spells:
Cantrips - Detect Magic, Ghost Sound (DC 15), Message, Prestidigitation.
1st-Level- Color Spray (DC 16), Grease (DC 16)
She can also cast enlarge person as an SLA once per day, and dancing lights three times per day.

Eliaera Casateri |

Alice here. Finally completed my character. The full write-up is in my profile, but I'll provide a summarised version here.
Character's Name and a description of what they look like.
A brief paragraph of their history, where they came from, and what their motivation may be.
However, a Sczarni gang moved into their neighbourhood and began demanding payment and other favours. Her mother, unable to adequately provide for her daughter on top of the protection money, turned to drugs to handle the stress and prostitution on the side to handle the money. The two were forced to flee Magnimar for Sandpoint when threats were made against Eliaera.
The Mvashti family helped them settle into Sandpoint, but Eliaera was caught in a deep depression from the events of the past few years until she was introduced to Ameiko. The two became fast friends with their shared interests in artistic endeavours and in adventure (although Eliaera was mostly just a theoretical fan of heroism from fiction at that stage). Eventually, Ameiko helped Eliaera come out of her shell.
Now, with Ameiko bustling to set off on adventure and Eliaera feeling the pull of her Varisian heritage beyond Sandpoint, many things seem to be set in motion. She desires more than anything to see what the world has to offer, and also to help her friend in anything she can, but she finds herself unsure of the person she truly is--what is an artefact of the depression, what is her simply mimicking Ameiko who she looks up to so much, and what is her true self now that she is no longer an innocent child?
Her motivations at this stage are simple: to journey, to learn, to experience all that life has to offer. My motivations for her are to let her grow as a person along the great journey, to discover who she is in all facets of life.
I chose the "Best Friends" trait with Ameiko, but in truth her "trait" with her is a mix between that, Childhood Crush, and Hero Worship. She harbours some romantic feelings for Ameiko, but is not yet at a position where she would admit that to herself--we'll have to see how things progress on that front!
A brief summary of their class, including ability scores, skills, feats, spells, special abilities.
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Traits: Best Friend (Ameiko), Intense Artist
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +8, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Perception +4, Perform (Dance) +4, Perform (Sing) +7, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +6
Feats: Arcane Strike (archetype bonus), Lingering Performance, Weapon Finesse
Spells: 1st--charm person, cure light wounds; 0--dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, prestidigitation
Special Abilities: bardic performance 7 rounds/day (distraction, rallying cry, fascinate [DC 13], inspire courage +1)
I have a full stat-block in my profile.
How often you can post (at least once per day frequency is preferred).
Why you would like to play in this campaign!
Eliaera is actually one of the first characters I ever created in a TTRPG. She's changed quite a lot since I first wrote her up as a highly dragon-influenced sublime chord for 3.5e Eberron, but she's fundamentally very dear to me. I have thought long and hard about how I'd like her to develop as a character and have very clear ideas as to how she reacts in many situations. I figured it would be an awesome opportunity to play her in what appears to be a very serious, dedicated, long-term game, the thematics of which I dig so hard!
On a side note, this is the first time I'll have ever played a queer character in a TTRPG, despite being a queer woman myself. So we can see how that goes! :)

FuriousPhil |

I've compiled a list so far of the characters, after checking out all of the background stories, classes and concepts. It's been great reading through all of the great, creative ideas you guys have come up with so far. You are certainly going to make my job picking just four PCs challenging!
Also, I will be selecting four alternates if for some reason the initial selections aren't able to post or drop out. If that does happen, I'll select randomly or based on class.
Here's what I have so far, a total of 34 character submissions, with a couple who have already withdrawn themselves from consideration in italics:
Hijiro Hakamura - male kitsune ninja
Manny the Goblin - male gobin rogue
Hiroku Takemashi - male human (Tian) samurai
Caelia Taviskin - female human (Chelish) cleric of Pharasma
Alvin Brusk - male human barbarian
Fizzwiddle Glockenfleffor XXII - male gnome bard
Sola - female catfolk oracle (life)
Karasu - male tengu rogue/swordmaster
Garridan Imoroa - male human (Varisian) fighter
Hisashi Kaijitsu -male human (Tian/Varisian) witch
Esmeralda Zedallaya - female human (Varisian) cleric of Desna
Lou Kasuri - male human (Tian/Varisian) monk
Noshi'o Akemi - female half-elf summoner
Zhu - male human (Tian) oracle
Ostar Foehammer - male human cleric of Torag
Iozef Askander - male human (Varisian) alchemist
Amelius Blacktower - male human sorcerer (oni bloodline)
Sumak Tesarani - male halfling cavalier (emissary)
Caerwyn Callandriil - male half-elf rogue (scout)
Elorick Barley - male half-elf oracle (time)
Grisham - male dwarf fighter
Bandru Vhiski - male human monk (zen archer)
Shin Oharu - male samsaran monk
Ilir Olcana - male half-elf paladin (hospitaler)
Reinala Denson - female human (Ulfen) rogue
Zoranto - male human (Varisian) fighter (archer)
Rhalin Vhiski - male human (Varisian) bard (daredevil)
Sancho the Magnificent - male human (Varisian) wizard (fire elementalist)
Franco Dangerfield - male human fighter (cad)
Yuto the Bard - male human bard
Takamatsu Nobunaga - male aasimar paladin
Enrica Alleva - female human (Chelish/Varisian) ranger
Zataya Fire-Bringer - female ifrit sorceror (elemental [fire] bloodline)
Eliaera Casateri - female human (Varisian) bard (arcane duelist)
I'll be making the selections on the 24th, and posting the final selections both here and in the discussion thread, so if there is anything you would like to change, or if there is anyone else who would like to submit a character, make sure you do it before the deadline. Thanks to everyone who has submitted a character so far - it's been a pleasure reading all of the stories you guys have come up with so far!

![]() |

Changing Zorahnto a little, fleshed out his background but didn't touch his stats. Sorry about that,
Here's everything again:
The first few years in the wilder areas was difficult, too worried to visit any larger settlement for fear of being recognized, the family had to learn to trap, hunt and, with the help of a few friendly woodsman, spot exotic and valuable plant life. They traded with a few rural farmsteads until Zorahnto was eleven. At this point they sent him, unlikely to be recognized, into the bigger communities and settlements in order to get a better deal for their wares. It was during these visits that Zorahnto got a taste of life outside the forest and his wanderlust started to grow.
Skilled in hunting and trapping Zorahnto is a fine archer and naturalist. Before his seventeenth birthday, over ten years after they left Magnimar, Zorahnto's parents gave their blessings for him to go into the city and seek his adventure. It has been a year since Zorahnto left, working on Sandru's caravan as a guard. Although exciting at first, Zorahnto feels there are better opportunities out there for one with skills such as his, and has decided to leave the caravan. As soon as he can bring himself to tell Sandru.
Zorahnto is of medium height and slender build. While on caravan duty he carries a long bow and a heavy mace. His hair is shorter than the average Varisian, and his clothes are muted in color and are intended to blend in to his surroundings. However, while not working Zorahnto has acquired the affectation of wearing a bright red sash around his waist.
Male Human (Varisian) Fighter (Archer) 1
CG Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 12 (1d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Heavy mace +3 (1d8+2/x2)
Ranged Longbow +4 (1d8/x3)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Deadly Aim -1/+2, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits Caravan Guard (Sandru), Devotee of the Green (Knowledge [nature])
Skills Acrobatics +2, Climb +5, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Intimidate +4, Knowledge (nature) +5, Ride +2,
Stealth +2, Survival +6, Swim +1
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear Studded leather armor, Arrows (40), Heavy mace, Longbow, Backpack (empty), Blanket,
Explorer's outfit, Flint and steel, Torch (3), Trail rations (5), 19 GP, 9 SP, 7 CP
Special Abilities
Deadly Aim -1/+2 Trade a penalty to ranged attacks for a bonus to ranged damage.
Point Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.

Old Mammoth |
You already have over thirty, so one more submission wouldn't hurt, would it?
Sorry, but I couldn't write this any shorter. :(
The mother of Talathel was a human adventurer, who had sneaked to explore the ancient elven city of Celwynvian. Whatever happened there, she never told anyone, but she managed to limp to the village of Crying Leaf, wounded, tired, and shaken. The elves there let her stay for a while, but soon she started showing signs of pregrancy. Everyone's fears were confirmed when she gave birth to a half-drow, a spawn of a terrifying cousin of the normal elves.
His mother left the town soon enough, leaving Talathel in the care of the elves. They considered initially just killing him, but in the end decided that he could stay there until adulthood, after which he would leave, never to return again.
This didn't mean that he was accepted, however. He lived at the outskirts of the town in virtual solitude, and whatever interaction he had was marred by badly-hidden contempt at him. There was one exception to the rule, however: Shalelu Andosana, who despite not actually living in the village, saw through his vile ancestry and kept him company whenever she visited the village, treating him almost like a younger brother and teaching him how to move and survive in the wilds.
After the day he had to leave the village, he spent some time accompanying Shalelu on her travels, but left soon enough for the Theumanexus College in Korvosa, to further hone his partly innate magical skill, with the aid of a magic item that changed his appearance to one of a "normal" half-elf. His studies went well enough, despite that he used a lot of his time practicing with a pelicular (some would say badly crafted) bastard sword he had made himself. Everything looked good...
...Until a magical mishap left the item disguising his true nature permanently broken. He barely managed to escape the city and, his face hidden by a heavy cloak, made his way to Sandpoint, where he temporarily resides in the Rusty Drangon, which he knows Shalelu visits from time to time. He knows that it will be only a matter of time (Days? Weeks?) before he'll have to leave, but he wants to see Shalelu again before that.
I have a vague idea about Talathel's personality, but I think that I'll rather have it form naturally during play (if I'm accepted, of course) than trying to put it into words here. However, I want to assure that I do not think that CN equals Chaotic Stupid and that he is able to play nicely in group. :)
With a dusky gray skin tone and silver hair, Talathel could easily be mistaken with a full-blooded drow. Should anyone take a closer look, however, his humanlike, brown eyes betray his half-bloodiness. Most of the time, however, he dresses in a heavy cloak that covers his face entirely.
Male CN Half-Elf Magus (Kensai) 1
STR 17; DEX 12; CON 12; INT 15; WIS 9; CHA 13
Skills (ranks): Craft (Weapons) +6 (1); Knowledge (Arcana) +6 (1); Diplomacy +1 (1); Spellcraft +6 (1); Use Magic Device +5 (1); Perception +1 (0); Survival +1 (0);
Feats: Weapon Focus (Katana)(bonus); Extra Arcane Pool;
Traits: Student Survivalist; Reactionary; (I know... I know... But it fits the background!)
Spells Known:
Level 0: (2/day, DC 12) All.
Level 1: (1/day, DC 13) Color Spray, Shield, Silent Image, True Strike, Vanish
Special abilities:
Arcane Pool (5)
Spell Combat (Make all attacks and cast.)
Canny Defense (Add 1 point of Intelligence bonus per class level to AC)
Drow-Blooded (Alternate racial trait, replaces Low-light vision.) (Gain darkvision 60 feet and light blindness.)
Drow Magic(Alternate racial trait, replaces Adaptability and Multitalented.) (Cast dancing lights, darkness, and faerie fire each once per day.)
Elven Immunities (Immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.)
Keen Senses (+2 racial bonus on Perception checks.)
And that should be everything. The stats are not 100% ready, but everything that was requested is there. Ask away if you have anything to ask. :)
I can post at least once a day on most days, even weekends.

Theodus of the River Kingdom |

Ok my character should be good.
He is the child of a Riverkingdoms Bandit lord. When his father died his men turned on him and his sister running them out of their home. After reaching an age when he could he ventured to his old home and found out more about his father and his first spellbook. He has decided he needs to know more about his fathers past to be able to avenge him.
For a full background check the profile.
Kind of a somber young man but not forlorn. He will add to a conversation when is needed and make sure that the course of action is a ever forward and never back. He is fascinated with books and their construction and will talk to anyone with a similar interest.
An average sized man of tan skin and short dark hair. Unremarkable from a crowd but easily remembered if needed. He is normally seen in loose fitting cloths a Hood and sash over his face for travel.
I am on the message board a lot in the mornings and can post longer more involved things then. In the evening I generally work but I am still able to get online and post short back and forths. I can post probably over 10 times a day if needed.
I look forward to playing.

Hiro Takemashi |

Just some minor edits to my skills based on equipment purchases (revisions mainly due to armor check penalty):
Skills: Climb +5, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +4, Know (nobility) +5, Perception +1, Sense Motive +5, Swim +6
As to why I'd like to play in this campaign: I really like the description of the GM's approach to Play by Post, and I've been wanting to get into a Jade Regent game that emphasizes narrative and role-playing while still including good combat. Plus, looking at the quality of the other character submissions, I would love to play in a campaign with any of these folks!
Thanks for the consideration, and good luck to everyone!

FuriousPhil |

After some deliberation, and considering I had so many character submissions to choose from, I've decided that I am going to select 5 PCs and 5 alternates.
Unless anyone is opposed, I'd like to close the recruitment thread a day early, and post my selections tomorrow. That way, I can get the gameplay and discussion thread going on a Sunday when I have all day to answer questions and post the relevant info.
Again, thanks for your interest. I'm very excited about running this AP.

Old Mammoth |
To be honest, I'm not very keen on the idea of closing the recruitment early. I have made some pretty late submissions myself, (as in a hour before deadline) and it would not be fair for someone who has put a lot of time to make a submission just to find out that the recruitment has been closed a day earlier.
Also, a thing I forgot to mention:
The main thing for me in this AP is the focus on the interaction between the PCs and the NPCs. Especially the fact that the same key NPC's are going to be involved for the whole AP, which allows deeper relationships than with the usual Quest-giver/Big bad/Kidnapped princess.
You also seem to understand how PbP's work quite well, and Jade Regent is one the more intresting AP's out there. (Not to say that the rest are uninteresting, but the premise certainly is strong.)
Good luck for everyone!

FuriousPhil |

We'll stick to the original deadline then. Character submissions and edits need to be finalized by the end of the day tomorrow (recruitment ends at 11:59 PM EST on the 24th). I'll post the selections either late that night or the next day.
I've just about finished up my notes for the first part of the Brinewall Legacy and am currently working on the second part. I'll be working on some of the maps next week as well.