An orphan born in Kaer Maga, Alvin was raised in a mean city with lean and hungry gangs constantly on the prowl. You had to have quick wits and strong fists to survive, and that's what he had. The gangs that rise and fall were his support and his life into his teens years, but that's a hollow life, there's no real freedom and there's no real recognition in that for someone as young as him, it would take years to get anywhere within the gangs, even with his talent for brawling.
At the age of 15 he left the gangs to strike a name in Kaer Maga. Of course in the city of a thousand strangers this is a difficult thing to do. Brawling in bars, back alleys, and in underground fighting clubs he found himself constantly seeking the approval of the savage champions to be found in the arenas. These predominately hailed from barbarian tribes and he picked up many languages there, and also a respect for brute force and quick wits. Never let it be said barbarians don't think things out. They know that most fights are lost or won in the first few seconds, and to win you have to put it all on the line every time.
During this time in the fighting arenas he fell in with a Sczarni family. They needed muscle to help with their smuggling in the area, and they weren't exactly welcome by more experienced and reputable guards. While not particular found of the cultural aspects of the Sczarni, certainly loved their freedom and independence. Of course being Sczarni he learned all about smuggling, blending in, and in general their lifestyle of care free ways and in general being hated wherever you go. He eventually focused more on the smuggling side of things in the hopes he could make a real name for himself, seeing adventurers come in with great stories and treasures, the dream of such a life began to haunt him more and more every day, of respect, wealth, and women.
After being run out of the last town they were in, he separated from the family to pursue his own agenda. As much as he loved them and values their ways, it's just not quite for him. He doesn't want to be chased out of town every town and hovel, he wants attention and craves supremacy.
Jubrayl Vhiski is just the man he needs to meet. With his connections, he should be able to find some adventurers to team up with and crack some heads and make a name for himself. With rumors of giants and goblins organizing, there's bound to be groups in need of another strong arm, and he's got them.
It's time to get famous or die trying, he's tired of obscurity, and he's tired of playing to someone else's tune.