
Amaranthine Witch's page

399 posts (765 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 aliases.


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Sad to see you go, it was a pleasure to play with you. I wish you the best.

Hi, I sent you an email because I couldn't change an outdated card on my payment methods, and I finally figured out I had to go through my subscriptions page. Now the problem is I have two shipments pending and this month's just went through and not the pending ones.

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A couple or three of this people are dead in my Golarion, and I'm not really sure I like the Sapphire Butterfly having such a prominent role in Kintargo or the entries told as stories, but on the whole this is a good lore book.

I've tested positive, which is slightly ironic as I was one of the techs that had to start performing the Coronavirus tests at our lab. But I'm feeling relatively better and I've dusted off my old laptop (my pc is in the room I share with my brother, where he's confined), so I can post again.

Thanks for botting Shaserai Joana, you picked exactly what I was thinking.

Dotting for interest. I'm working on a half-elf sylvan rogue//witch, which is likely what I'll be submitting.

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Syries wrote:
Bespell weapon is great if you know a target has weaknesses. Fighting against a Cinder Rat? Hit em with a ray of frost, bespell weapon, then follow up with an attack from Hand of the Apprentice. You've just made them take an extra 1d6+5 damage you otherwise would not have been able to do without bespell weapon.

You can't use bespell weapon with cantrips.

Sorry to hear that Crisischild, I hope everything went well and you feel better.

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NotBothered wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Thank you.

It's Treerazer, as in he razes trees.

Argh, I did it again and I can't edit now. I'm gonna set Shaserai as the default profile. Are you able to delete that post Joana?

F. Castor wrote:

Question regarding the following (emphasis mine):

Universalist Wizards (Core Rulebook) wrote:
Instead of specializing narrowly in an arcane school, you can become a universalist wizard—by studying all the schools equally, you devote yourself to understanding the full breadth of the arcane arts. For each level of spell you can cast, you can use Drain Bonded item once per day to recall a spell of that level (instead of using it only once per day in total). You gain an extra wizard class feat, and you add one 1st-level spell of your choice to your spellbook.

Is this in addition to the five 1st-level spells a 1st-level wizard has in his spellbook? The text is more or less identical to the equivalent entry in the other specific arcane school entries.

For example (emphasis mine again)...

Transmutation (Core Rulebook) wrote:
As a transmuter, you alter the physical properties of things, transforming creatures, objects, the natural world, and even yourself at your whim. You understand that change is inevitable. You add one 1st-level transmutation spell (such as magic weapon) to your spellbook. You learn the physical boost school spell.
However, in the entry titled Sample Spellbook it seems to indicate that you only get to have an additional known spell in your spellbook if you are a specialist wizard.

I'd trust more the text of the ability than a sidebar, as they most likely were developed separately. The universalist may have gotten their free spell later on.

Shaserai smiles at the brazen human.

"I do recall seeing you about as I was researching." He shrugs and makes a so-so gesture "I haven't found anything but that is worrying in itself. Today is not the day for those matters though." He turns to the young redheaded woman that has approached the table "I for one wouldn't turn down a bowl of that stew, miss. Also a mug of ale, dwarven if you have it. The same for my fellows here if they so desire, on me, of course."

Ragnhild Iona Eklund wrote:

Ragna is 20.

I bought items I think would be needed for our castle assault, specifically a climbing kit. Some of yall got some low athletic scores. Might retcon some of them when new info becomes available. I got a repair kit for my shield we probably only need one between us, they're expensive-ish. Healing kit is five gold so we should probably pool our money to get one for the Medicine trained person since you need one to use the skill when we get to that point.

Are we using hero points? They seem to be part of the base game, but I know some PBP DM's don't like adding rerolls to an already slow form of play.

As a cloistered cleric I don't have expenses such as armor or weapons so I already got the healing kit. I debated taking artisan's tools (blacksmith) instead of the repair kit, but they are expensive, heavy and it doesn't make much sense to lug them around. When we have some downtime I'll get them, in the meantime the repair kit is there to be able to do something with crafting.

I have 3 hours left of a 14hour shift at the lab. I thought I'd have time to post during the day, but it's been crazy. When I get home I'll finalize the profile and post.

Shaserai is 29, which would be young for an elf but he has lived mainly among dwarfs his whole life and he's a full-fledged cleric so he doesn't particularly feel young.

The fact that elves are explicitly adults by 20 (even if other elves think they need to reach a century to be fully emotionally mature) is one of my favorite lore changes of PF2.

Ooops. I posted the dot on the gameplay thread without selecting Shaserai's profile by error and now my main shows up in the characters tab. Is that fixable?

F. Castor wrote:
Joana wrote:
Innate Spells wrote:
You’re always trained in spell attack rolls and spell DCs for your innate spells, even if you aren’t otherwise trained in spell attack rolls or spell DCs. If your proficiency in spell attack rolls or spell DCs is expert or better, apply that proficiency to your innate spells, too. You use your Charisma modifier as your spellcasting ability modifier for innate spells unless otherwise specified.

Okay, this looks like the germane paragraph. Sentence 1 tells us you get the Trained bonus of 2 + level to your attack roll; fine. Sentence 2 tells you if you have Expert or better from some other feature, you can use that; okay. Sentence 3 says modify your attack with Charisma; all right.

So the question is, is there a difference between arcane spell attack proficiency and divine spell attack proficiency? By my reading, I'd have to say that there is or they wouldn't bother delineating the proficiencies by spell tradition. If you were a wizard with an innate arcane spell, sentence 2 would let you cast it with the expert proficiency bonus at level 7 when your arcane spell attack proficiency increased.

So at 7th level, Shaserai's attack with produce flame would get +9 from trained proficiency and use his Cha bonus, while his attack with, say, searing light would get +11 from expert proficiency and use his Wis bonus, if I'm reading it right. (Spell level no longer factors into the numbers, I think?)

But I'm open to be persuaded otherwise if someone has a different reading.

I think I agree with you here. Not only does there seem to be a differentiation between arcane and divine spell attack proficiency, but, at least going by the Arcane Sense feat, even innate spells appear to be divided by spell tradition. For example, the Arcane Sense skill feat grants detect magic as an innate arcane spell specifically rather than as an innate spell in general.

Joana wrote:
Jonagher grew up in town so it's likely that he and Ragnhild

I had a feeling it might be that way. The fact they didn't specify "proficiency in spell attack rolls or spell DCs is expert or better" in the spell's tradition tripped me up.

I think I want 16 in charisma then, in fact, I even could take a boost from constitution and put it into charisma. That would make Shaserai a mental powerhouse with I 14/W 18/C 16, but rather fragile with S 10/D 12/C 8.

Joana wrote:
Amaranthine Witch wrote:
Joana, can I gain access to Dwarven?

Absolutely! (But before I typed "absolutely," I had to go check the book to make sure I'm not stepping on the Adopted Ancestry feat. It's good, though; speaking Dwarven isn't accessed via a dwarf ancestry feat.)

How did Shaserai learn Elven? I mean, yeah, the CRB says you know it automatically because you're an elf, but how did Shaserai learn it, if his mother died when he was an infant and he was raised by dwarves? Did Rogar make a point of having him learn it to keep in touch with his heritage? Did he decide to learn it himself? From whom? (This is a flavor question to dig into the character's background, fyi, not "justify the mechanics or I'll take your language away." ;)

I only listed it because the core book said so. Thinking on it more, Shaserai would have learned Elven mainly from books and maybe a little practice with travelers passing through town as he is curious about his heritage but not so much that he'd travel to Kyonin to try to find his roots. He didn't even ask Rogar to fins him a tutor or anything like that because he didn't want the dwarf to think he resented not being brought up as a proper elf. As a result he speaks with a strong dwarven accent and uses formal and sometimes archaic forms of the language.

Hello everyone!

Thanks for the opportunity Joana. It's been a while since I've played by post and I'm exited to do so again.

I was not really on board with PF2, but after reading the corebook in detail and looking at it without PF1 expectations made me want to play it. I'm looking forward to exploring the opportunities of this system with all of you.

Now, about my character. This is his recruitment post:

Amaranthine Witch wrote:

Here is my full submission. When I first proposed the character I was still thinking with a PF1 brain and wanted to make a cleric of Yuelral focused on healing and crafting. Then I realized it was only the core gods and that left Shelyn and Torag. I've used Shelyn a lot in the past so I decided on Torag, but I already committed to being an elf, so I thought, why not?

Name: Shaserai Stonecutter
Alignment: LG
Ancestry: Elf (seer Elf)
Background: Haunting Vision
Class: Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) of Torag


Shaserai was born in a little town on the Five Kings mountains, where his mother Eleara, an elven trader returning to Kyonin from her travels, had to stop unexpectedly due to going into early labor. Aided as she was by a dwarven acolyte of Folgrit, the birth was uneventful, and Eleara gave him his name.
Mother and son were recovering when disaster struck. A freak fire consumed the inn where they were staying. When the fire was put out, they found Eleara dead and her little son fighting for his life. Shaserai was taken to the temple, where acolytes of Folgrit and Torag healed him.
The priest of Torag, Rogar Stonecutter, attempted to find any clues to locate the little elf’s family, but the fire had consumed all of Eleara’s possessions along with her life, thus leaving Shaserai orphaned. Rogar decided to take him in and raise him as his own.
When Shaserai was around 10 years old his nightmares started. They always involved fire, sometimes a woman would try to speak to him but Shaserai couldn’t hear her over the din of the flames, other times he could feel a looming presence behind him, always behind him, as inescapable as the fire that consumed all.
Rogar always comforted little Shaserai, but as he got older dream and reality started to blur. By the time he was fifteen, Shaserai had woken up to find himself surrounded by flames thrice. Rogar helped the boy channel this innate magic and directed his growing obsession with flames to the working of the forge.
Finding in metalworking his passion, Shaserai became an acolyte of Torag, studying under his adoptive father. In his studies of the faiths of Golarion, Shaserai came across the draconic god Dahak and a sense of deja vu came over him. Some instinct told him that Dahak was linked to his fiery nightmares so as his training continued Shaserai took every opportunity to learn about the evil dragon god.
Recently, his dreams started to become more focused and in his last one he saw a statue surrounded by six water towers, all burning along the rest of the town they stood in. Travelers passing through identified the setting of his latest dream as the town of Breachill so Shaserai, with the blessing of his father and superior in the church, traveled there. Hoping find out more about his dreams and help out in case his dream came true an the town burned he joined the Call for Heroes.

My vision for Shaserai is of a divine mage.

His heritage would be seer and his ancestry feat would go to otherworldly magic for produce flame, for two extra cantrips and the tie in to his backstory (it is implied he started the fire that killed his mother).
Being a cloistered cleric, he gets a domain, which would be Family
(Creation was my choice at first, but I find splash of art too whimsical for Shaserai). That gives him the ability to once per fight give +1 to will to someone (+2 against emotion) and try to counteract one emotion effect.

In the skills territory, he gets Religion and Crafting from cleric and 3 plus his intelligence modifier free choices (1 from his background as it's also Religion). My picks would be medicine, diplomacy, intimidation, nature and perform, but I'm opening to changing them based on party needs.

He speeks Common and Elven because he is an elf, and I'll get celestial as one of his additional languages.
Joana, can I gain access to Dwarven? He's a Five Kings Mountain native and has been raised by a dwarf, so I'd like to take it with my second additional language.

I have two stat arrays I'm considering:

-10 12 10 14 18 14
-10 12 10 14 16 16

The first one gets maximum wisdom which is good for so many things, while the second one gets me 1 more heal from divine font, 1 extra attack and damage with produce flame and allows for double 18's at level 5, but -1 to all the things wisdom is good for.
I'm torn but right now I lean towards the second array.

One question. As Produce Flame from otherwoldly magic is an innate spell, would it use my divine spellcasting proficiency and spell dc in spite of being arcane? The text from page 302 makes me think this is the case, but I have my doubts I'm reading it right.

Good luck everyone! There's LOTS of interesting characters to chose from.

Have a good time everyone!

I withdraw my submission, I'm not happy with how the background is turning out, and the deadline is today.

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Atalius wrote:
Just as the subject matter says, looking to use Elemental Toss/Elemental Motion more times per day any suggestions?

As a sorcerer you automatically get back a focus point every 10 minutes. The quickest way to get a 2nd point is to take the dedication of an archetype that lets you take a focus spell as a 4th level feat (2 levels before advanced bloodline).

Keep in mind though that until level 12 you can only regain 1 focus per refocus activity and you can only refocus if you have spent focus. So if you use 2 points you only have one point for the rest of the day.

Sorry I forgot to say it explicitly but Shaserai is male.

Have a great game!

Here is my full submission. When I first proposed the character I was still thinking with a PF1 brain and wanted to make a cleric of Yuelral focused on healing and crafting. Then I realized it was only the core gods and that left Shelyn and Torag. I've used Shelyn a lot in the past so I decided on Torag, but I already committed to being an elf, so I thought, why not?

Name: Shaserai Stonecutter
Alignment: LG
Ancestry: Elf (seer Elf)
Background: Haunting Vision
Class: Cleric (Cloistered Cleric) of Torag


Shaserai was born in a little town on the Five Kings mountains, where his mother Eleara, an elven trader returning to Kyonin from her travels, had to stop unexpectedly due to going into early labor. Aided as she was by a dwarven acolyte of Folgrit, the birth was uneventful, and Eleara gave him his name.
Mother and son were recovering when disaster struck. A freak fire consumed the inn where they were staying. When the fire was put out, they found Eleara dead and her little son fighting for his life. Shaserai was taken to the temple, where acolytes of Folgrit and Torag healed him.
The priest of Torag, Rogar Stonecutter, attempted to find any clues to locate the little elf’s family, but the fire had consumed all of Eleara’s possessions along with her life, thus leaving Shaserai orphaned. Rogar decided to take him in and raise him as his own.
When Shaserai was around 10 years old his nightmares started. They always involved fire, sometimes a woman would try to speak to him but Shaserai couldn’t hear her over the din of the flames, other times he could feel a looming presence behind him, always behind him, as inescapable as the fire that consumed all.
Rogar always comforted little Shaserai, but as he got older dream and reality started to blur. By the time he was fifteen, Shaserai had woken up to find himself surrounded by flames thrice. Rogar helped the boy channel this innate magic and directed his growing obsession with flames to the working of the forge.
Finding in metalworking his passion, Shaserai became an acolyte of Torag, studying under his adoptive father. In his studies of the faiths of Golarion, Shaserai came across the draconic god Dahak and a sense of deja vu came over him. Some instinct told him that Dahak was linked to his fiery nightmares so as his training continued Shaserai took every opportunity to learn about the evil dragon god.

Recently, his dreams started to become more focused and in his last one he saw a statue surrounded by six water towers, all burning along the rest of the town they stood in. Travelers passing through identified the setting of his latest dream as the town of Breachill so Shaserai, with the blessing of his father and superior in the church, traveled there. Hoping find out more about his dreams and help out in case his dream came true an the town burned he joined the Call for Heroes.

Hi, I have applied to another Hellknight Hill recruitment, I hope it's okay to also apply here with another concept I want to try out in PF2.

A-Elf (Seer Elf)
B-Haunting Vision
C-Cloistered Cleric (Who is maybe going to take sorcerer dedication)

I have to go to work now, so when I have a moment I'll complete my submission.

My take on this is that the only uncommon spell that really tickles my fancy in PF1 is teleport, which is now meh, I mean, none of my mages would want to take it now. If the party has to go somewhere, everyone chip in and hire a carriage, because I pass on wasting a spell slot on that.

Incidentally, I think it doesn't bother me overmuch because the first character I want to play is a Draconic Sorcerer with champion dedication, so spells are quaternary at best (behind melee, focus and intimidation) and I haven't been looking very close at that chapter. If I ever get to play a wizard maybe it will bother me more.

This is Rokar, a draconic sorcerer devotee of Iomedae who looks to multiclass to champion. I have to finish the equipment and write the background.

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rasplundjr wrote:

Core Rulebook

Ancestries - Chapter 2
Goblin Feats
Pg 48
Goblin Scuttle
"Trigger An ally ends a move action adjacent to you.
You take advantage of your ally’s movement to adjust your
position. You Step."

Seems to be some truncated text to me.
You Step what? Behind Under Around Next To Away From....

I think that means you take the action called Step: Move 5 feet without triggering reactions.

Pixie Rogue wrote:

So in the campaign info, you say standard ability score distribution, so you don’t want us to use the character creation process from the CRB?

I haven’t analyzed the point equivalent of a PF2 character built with the new guidelines - might be an interesting comparison.

I assume standard ability generation means the default ABC method.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

Personally, I would go Dex-focused over the Str-focus version in the sidebar:

Human/Versatile Human, [any background with Str, Dex, Con, or Wis bonus]
14 Str, 18 Dex, 12 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis, 10 Cha
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, plus whatever
1st- Fleet, Natural Ambition (Ki Strike), [background], Monastic Weaponry (to use bo staff and shuriken at low levels, mostly)
2nd- Elemental Fist, Quick Jump
3rd- Expert Athletics, Feather Step
4th- Flying Kick, Powerful Leap
5th- Expert Acrobatics, General Training (Titan Wrestler)
6th- Ki Blast, Cat Fall
7th- Master Acrobatics, Incredible Initiative
8th- Wild Winds Initiate, Kip Up
9th- Master Athletics, Multitalented (Rogue Dedication)
10th- Sneak Attacker, Wall Jump
11th- Expert Diplomacy*, Toughness
12th- Wind Jump, Hobnobber*
13th- Expert Stealth, General Training (Fast Recovery)*
14th- Wild Winds Gust, [whatever]*
15th- Legendary Athletics, Cloud Jump

The last 5 levels or so should be tailored to the needs of your table. Once you gain Wild Winds Initiate, you should be using it at the start of each combat and then Refocusing after the combat ends to regain the focus point. The other focus point using abilities should be reserved for specific situations.

*- or whatever suits your fancy

At level 12 you may consider Mediative Focus instead. If not, you only dispose of 1 focus per combat once you have used all 3 in an encounter.

Eltacolibre wrote:

It's not all doom and gloom.

We are just talking the basics here, the ki monk on his own.

Magic items have ways to give focus points too, every day.

Yeah, no. There are only 2 items that give focus, and both give them 1/day to cast specific focus spells. The cassock of devotion to cast a domain spell or the druid's vestments to cast an order spell. Also, they are level 11 and level 10 items respectively.

I'm thinking of submitting a LG gold draconic sorcerer with the intention of going into champion dedication. I want to try out the 2nd Edition rules, and right now no one I know wants to change to PF2.

Wow, I hadn't caught that. That majorly dampens any enthusiasm I had for making a ki-focused monk or a draconic sorcerer.

My issue is that the only changes you can make to an object are the noted above, explicitly excluded from the ending of the spell by the parentheses.

What does this line in the prestidigitation spell mean?

"Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists only as long as you Sustain the Spell."

I think I'm not explaining what I mean well enough (english is my 3rd language, sorry). I mean, if the PC's of Rise of the Runelords continued the campaing claiming Xin-Shalast and/or delegations from the varisian city-states moved there, how would Sorshen deal with that in establishing New Thassilon?

James Jacobs wrote:
bananahell wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

The whole POINT of Sorshen's redemption is that she does not WANT to conquer nations or cities...

Sorshen isn't stupid. She knows that the world is a different place, and her goal is to rule in harmony, not in disharmony. She chose the region she did to establish New Thassilon specifically because no heroes would be compelled to rise up and defend a land she's conquering, because the Kodar Mountains and Xin-Shalast and the neighboring lands are wilderness regions.

So Lost Kingdoms laid the grounds for a campaign involving the slow colonization of Xin-Shalast by various Varisian factions. Additionally, Rise of the Runelords has a Continuing the Campaign bit about the heroes continuing to "pacify" Xin-Shalast.

Assuming that these plot threads were followed and a decent community consisting of a few high-level post-Rise adventurers has begun to form in Xin-Shalast, how might Sorshen react to these people who already call Xin-Shalast home?

Obviously something like this is up to GM interpretation, but a little insight into how a redeemed Sorshen might go about negotiating with adventurers who aren't especially keen to handing over Xin-Shalast to another Runelord would be nice.

Sorshen would not react well. She'd defend her lands from colonization as best she could, and she's pretty good at that.

Frankly, that suggests to me an interesting potential plot where the PCs are exiles in New Thassilon and have to defend themselves from aggressive Linnorm Kings or Varisians or Shoanti, which would be an interesting inversion of the expected plot line.

THAT SAID: Going forward, I'm hoping that New Thassilon and Varisia will develop into a more friendly alliance than an aggressive one.

But in this supposition it's Sorshen that'd be colonizing another people's land. I'd like clarification on this, because I was also wondering.

Rysky wrote:
Daviren Hosk wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Killing the Goblin that took your eye, fine. Killing every Goblin because they're a Goblin? Yeah no retcon needed, you got a problem.

Probably just a matter of time before I get hauled into Magnimar for past "crimes against goblin-kind".

I preferred the good ol' days. Lopping off Goblin ears, putting bounties on the little buggers, pickling one of their Chiefs. Good times. Good times. What's a Goblinoid hating ranger to do these days?

Time's are a-changing. I'm going to find Shalelu and head over to the Rusty Dragon and get drunk. The world just up and changed on us...

And if I see even one deluded "Hug a Helpful Goblin" do-gooder, I'm gonna lose it...

You are a sad, sad, strange little man.

You do realize that Daviren is a NPC in Sandpoint yes? And so far all he's said corresponds to that NPC.

To be fair though, Daviren is not a Good man, he is True Neutral.

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lordcirth wrote:
Amaranthine Witch wrote:

And to be a little on topic. For me it's not a better game. The codification of EVERYTHING is a drawback. Ancestries have been pruned too much from the races (still hate having half-elf and half-orc in the human ancestry btw). Martial stuff is great (kinda iffy on the champion). Caster classes most important feature has been gutted though: spells only scaling by spell slot feels awful, the number of spells has gone way down (supplemented by at-will and encounter powers though, which I'm mostly postivie about, even though only damage cantrips and shield feel worthwhile, both dancing lights and prestidigitation are worse than in PF1 and don't scale at all), they have toned down most buffs as well as flight and teleportation (both my favorite kind of magic), duration and number of targets of spells down across the board, upping base spell levels (teleport, purify food and water!!!, fly...), the uncommon tag is a plague upon the spell chapter...

(Yes, I'm salty)

When I play, I play mainly spellcasters, and I don't know if I can enjoy PF2's take on those classes. I'll still try them though, as I want to want to keep giving Paizo my money.

But many of your spells now scale with your casting skill, through attack rolls or saves, as well as through heightening.

While that is true it does nothing for utility spells and buffs, they must be cast at a higher level to get better, if at all.

I'm interested in this. I've played to mid book 3 IRL before and I do own and have read the Anniversary Edition. I hope that's not an impediment.

By that I was referencing both Nocticula's ascension abandoning the lust purview (she doesn't even grant the charm domain anymore, at least in PF1) and Sorshen retraining her Lust specialization away (which is what I gather "Even as Sorshen increasingly abandons the old ways..." means when in reference to magical traditions).

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SteelGuts wrote:

I don't care about Seoni new outfit the old one was just over the top sexualised, but it is a shame for Sajan. He looks less Shoanti now, I think.

However some of that PG thing just wrecked my favorite monsters: Ogres were way better before. Now they look like generic cannibal monsters, but no more consanguinity or mutations, that's a shame. Same for the Succubus, who looks like a Tieffling courtisan rather than the lust demon.

I think that being more conservative for players is okay, but some monsters should keep the atrocity/maturity they deserved, in the core representation.

I am afraid when the art of Noctila & Sorshen are going to come out. They both use lust power.

And it is not for the sake of it, just that if you want to have some mature thematic and monsters, it should be ok for these few monsters to be represented in terrible ways. That is what make them monsters and opponents.

I remember a time when Goblins hide for trying to catch and eat childrens... Now they eat pickles for god's sake.

Sajan was never shoanti, he's vudrani. And his PF2 art update is one of my least liked. He lost so much muscle and the ab/pecs window.

Also, both Sorshen and Nocticula have left their lustful selves in PF1 along with their evil alignments and revealing outfits.


And to be a little on topic. For me it's not a better game. The codification of EVERYTHING is a drawback. Ancestries have been pruned too much from the races (still hate having half-elf and half-orc in the human ancestry btw). Martial stuff is great (kinda iffy on the champion). Caster classes most important feature has been gutted though: spells only scaling by spell slot feels awful, the number of spells has gone way down (supplemented by at-will and encounter powers though, which I'm mostly postivie about, even though only damage cantrips and shield feel worthwhile, both dancing lights and prestidigitation are worse than in PF1 and don't scale at all), they have toned down most buffs as well as flight and teleportation (both my favorite kind of magic), duration and number of targets of spells down across the board, upping base spell levels (teleport, purify food and water!!!, fly...), the uncommon tag is a plague upon the spell chapter...

(Yes, I'm salty)

When I play, I play mainly spellcasters, and I don't know if I can enjoy PF2's take on those classes. I'll still try them though, as I want to want to keep giving Paizo my money.

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Kelseus wrote:
SoulDragon298 wrote:
Kelseus wrote:
SoulDragon298 wrote:
Well, while there are some things said here that sound interesting, they’re far outweighed by things I don’t like the sound of. Seems like second edition is definitely not my thing, which saddens me slightly. But at least I still have Starfinder, and first edition isn’t going anywhere.

I would actually argue that there is a clear progression from Starfinder to P2.

The idea of
-scaling damage as you level
-having well defined lanes for each class
-AC more clearly scaling with level
-item levels
-reduced action economy
-every class has their version of "rogue talents"

If you like SF, I would suggest at least giving P2 a try, as it is clear that Paizo used what they learned from building SF from scratch and applied those lessons to P2. Really the only thing keeping SF from going full P2 is that they wanted it to be backward compatible.

Another big change from P1 to P2 is Monster design. What I mean by that is instead of Monsters just being walking HP sinks in different skins (one example given by Mark Seifter is the Dire Tiger and Owlbear stat blocks being almost indistinguishable if you remove the name at the top) each monster is given some unique and interesting ability to make it stand out, making combats more dynamic.

That monster design does sound interesting, but I’m still a bit iffy on PF2. I know I should play it before judging, but it’s really not sounding like something I’d like personally. I put story over mechanics of course, but I still wanna be able to enjoy the mechanics.

I would also say that many of the changes were for one of two reasons.

First, to make the game easier to learn/play. Just take action economy. In P1 you have Standard, Move, Free, Swift, Immediate, and Full-round actions. But Sometimes not. Also there are actions that are not actions like the 5 ft step, and all of them are conditional. In P2, you have 3 actions, and some "tasks" take more than one, but it's really...

Yeah, no.

You have 3 actions, some activities take multiple actions. Then you may or may not have reactions, each with a unique trigger. Then you have free actions, which you can take on your turn. Except when they have triggers, then they behave like reactions, without using up your reaction.

Malk_Content wrote:
Also anyone can use their deception instead if they have the Lie To Me feat. Fittingly enough this makes barristers top choice for negotiating with the fey.

Except that PF2 barristers are nice guys (they get diplomacy).

What I don't get is this "stronger for their level" thing. Wasn't the change from CR to level meant to normalize what you could expect from each level? If it's a skilled monster, and it's skills are superior to other monsters of it's level, it needs to go up in level.

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The book is indeed beautiful, but leafing through it left me with an indistinct "meh" feeling. I'll have to buckle down this weekend and read it in detail from cover to cover to form a solid opinion, but what I've read of ancestries, spells and feats doesn't give me great hopes that it'll wow me.
I can see the appeal for other people though, as it seems like a solid system.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Joana wrote:
Having just skimmed through the adventure, I am in love with NPC Alak Stagram and want to make sure he plays a prominent role. As such, I think I'll tamper with the beginning so that Alak is the one looking to hire adventurers to help find his ancestors' ring. Calmont, having eavesdropped information about Alseta's Ring without knowing what it is, thinks they're one and the same but was rebuffed by Alak and the council as not being a qualified adventuring party, giving him a grudge against everyone involved that leads to him setting the fire.

Alak really rubbed me the wrong way. He is a "cool bro" who thinks Asmodeus totally rocks, even though he doesn't do that religion thing. He's also an armiger of the Nail, the order responsible of bringing "civilization" to the "savages" by force. Despite this, your idea is good for groups that might like him.

I had, surprisingly, no problem with Warbal and Helba.

"Miss, I couldn't help but look at your list, and I've seen that I'm not in it."

Jesper, I put together Morant's home from the rooms in Ultimate Campaign, if you would prefer to set another price (then I'll see how it pans out with the new pricing) or not to use those rules (then I'll deduct some gp for a room at an inn and call it a day) you just have to say and I'll change it.

captain yesterday wrote:
That's all.

Not really, there's also the veiled master and two servitor races in the skum and faceless stalkers.

Brain collectors are indeed the only Dominion of the Black creature I've come across.

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