Hiro Takemashi |

Hey everyone, sorry for my absence. I've been sick as a dog (again!) with a sinus infection, and this is the first I've felt like sitting up in front of a computer in a few days. Working to catch up now.

FuriousPhil |

I finally got my connectivity issues fixed - at least temporarily. Next month I'm ditching the broadband card and going to 4G. Anyways, I've compiled the caravan statistics. for anyone who is interested. Let me know if you like your 'job' or if you'd like to choose another:
Star of Avistan – Varisian Caravan - Sandru Vhiski, Owner
OFFENSE 4 Attack 1d20 + 2
DEFENSE 3 Armor Class 10 + 3 = 13
MOBILITY 2 Security 1d20 + 2 + 1 = 1d20 + 3
MORALE 2 Resolve 1d20 + 2 + 2 = 1d20 + 4
Unrest - 0
Speed 32 miles/day hit points (total) 20 + 30 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 110
Traveller Capacity 14 Cargo Capacity 38 Consumption 5
1. Covered Wagon (hp 20 Trav. Cap. 6 Cargo Cap. 4 Cons. 2)
2. Fortune-Teller’s Wagon (hp 30 Trav. Cap. 2 Cargo Cap. 4 Cons. 1)
3. Supply Wagon (hp 20 Trav. Cap. 2 Cargo Cap. 10 Cons. 1)
4. Supply Wagon (+300 gp) (hp 20 Trav. Cap. 2 Cargo Cap. 10 Cons. 1)
5. Supply Wagon (+300 gp) (hp 20 Trav. Cap. 2 Cargo Cap. 10 Cons. 1)
Lucky Caravan (Prereq. – Fortune Teller Wagon)
Benefit: Once per week, you may roll twice when you are called upon to make an Attack, Security, or Resolve check. Take the higher result of these two rolls as your actual roll for the check.
Enhanced Caravan (Prereq. – Caravan Level 2)
Benefit: Increase two of your caravan’s primary statistics by +1 (max 10). You can gain this feat multiple times, the effects stack.
1. Sandru Vhiski – Driver/Trader
2. Bevelek – Driver
3. Vankor – Driver
4. Arturo – Driver
5. Kovnik – Driver
6. Koya Mvashti – Fortune-Teller (grants same bonus as Lucky Caravan Feat)
7. Ameiko Kaijitsu – Cook (reduce consumption by 2, min. 5)
8. Shalelu Andosana – Scout (2 units of provisions/day OR +1 to Security checks/day)
9. Eliaera – Entertainer (dancing/singing) (+1 bonus to Resolve checks)
10. Garridan – Guard (+1 to Offense, +1 to Security to avoid being surprised/ambushed)
11. Hiro – Guard (+1 to Offense, +1 to Security to avoid being surprised/ambushed)
12. Ilir – Entertainer (singer) (+1 bonus to Resolve checks)
13. Amelius/Skitterfoot – Spellcaster (as per guide, +1 to Security)
14. Rufus – Wainwright (consume 1 cargo unit, restore Security check total to hp)
Ameiko’s Investment (2000 gp)
2 supply wagons (600 gp)
cold-weather gear (200 gp) (1 CU) (no addtl. penalties to Security/Resolve when travelling through frigid climates)
trade goods x 20 (200 gp) (20 CU)
stores (provisions = 100, 20 days) x 10 (50 gp) (10 CU)
wainwright (10 gp; 10 gp/month)
repair materials x 3 (75 gp x 3 = 225 gp) (3 CU)
caravan gp remaining: 715
cargo units available for trade goods: 4
These rules are sort of going to be running in the background - they add another layer of complexity that I feel is going to slow us down in a play by post game. Where the AP calls for caravan specific things, I'll resolve most of it in the background, except when it affects PCs/NPCs directly, or it's integral to the story.
I'm going to leave the gameplay thread open for character RP until tomorrow, and then we'll move on to the journey to Brinewall!

FuriousPhil |

I hope we didn't lose Amelius or Hiro!
I know I'm pushing ahead pretty quickly, but Brinewall is where the remainder of 'The Brinewall Legacy' takes place, so I wanted to get us there quickly, while still giving the impression that time is passing as you travel in the caravan.
I'm going to try to let you guys sort of set the pace of the exploration of the ruins of the town and the castle.
Any feedback? Maps/combat seem OK? Too much DM NPCing? Too much self-indulgent writing? :) If there's anything I can do to make the game better, let me know.

Garridan Imoroa |

I'm fine with some quick pace, although when I logged on the other day and saw about a dozen posts my eyes almost popped out of my head. Definitely not a game I'd want to get behind on and have to play catch up.
I'm not sure if there's anything actually wrong with them, but for some reason your maps don't like to open in Camino -- it's not much trouble to open them in Chrome (I keep both open at all times for reasons that are somewhat obscure), so it's a minor quibble. Not sure what the problem is.
I've been enjoying the game so far myself -- no complaints so far! This is my first play by post, and I've liked it so much I've joined a bunch of other games on another site.

Eliaera Casateri |

I'm very much enjoying the game! One of my favourite PbP's I've been in. I love that the pacing is brisk and yet we have quite a lot of roleplaying going on as well, and I'm enjoying the NPC interactions as well.
The way you handled the travel is spot on for PbP, I think. Realistically there's not much we could do during the journey (apart from that which we covered in our own posts) so it would've been a drag on the whole. I'm playing in a Kingmaker game and I feel that the GM is dragging out the travelling part a little too much - "You come to a bridge" "We check to see if it's safe" "It's safe" "Okay, we move on" - it doesn't work in PbP. So yeah, I think you're doing well.
The combats feel somewhat easy but I don't think that's a fault on your behalf - we seem to get a lot of critical hits and otherwise good rolls! :P

Hiro Takemashi |

Not lost, just still recovering and then sidetracked by the holiday weekend (we're moving in a few weeks, so lots of cleaning out and packing). Sorry for the prolonged absence!
Like the looks of the caravan. Quite happy with Hiro's job as a guard.
I love this PbP and the pacing. As Eliaera said, excellent handling of the travel for a PbP.

Amelius Blacktower |

Total tangent incoming: if any one didn't notice, paizo added a huge lineup of new pictures to their icon/avatar selection. Not taken the time to see if there's a better Amelius quite yet, but if any of you find your current ones less than stellar, may be worth taking a look.

Ilir Olcana |

Post incoming in a few moments. Apologies for the delay; there was an unexpected political development this evening which demanded my attendance.
Regarding the avatars, I'd love to look, but the page always seems spotty and buggy when loading to me.

Eliaera Casateri |

I had a quick look around for a better Eliaera one but didn't come up with any. Couple of my other characters got nice shiny new pictures though. :)
I did notice that the official Ameiko art is up, though, as well as other art from Jade Regent, so the rest of the NPCs probably have their official images floating around somewhere in there too.

Eliaera Casateri |

Alright, semester's FINALLY over and all my assignments are done! Apologies for my lack of posts the past week+, everything should be back in order from now on. :)

Amelius Blacktower |

Sometimes I think Paizo's servers are sticks of butter wrapped in the hopes and dreams of a company. That it's worked at all is still a wonder.

FuriousPhil |

Well, it looks like the duplicate post got deleted by mods or a bot or something, so no harm done.
I do hate it when my tags are sloppy and the time limit to edit is past. Ah, well.
I'm prepping some stuff for Brinewall Castle, so it should be pretty fun to explore. Pretty much going to stick to script...I think.

Eliaera Casateri |

I flagged the duplicate post for the mods to come clean it up :) I think you can also flag the post for "bad BBCode markup" if you'd like to fix that too.

FuriousPhil |

Due to, well, just being busy as hell with work (I'm a contractor, and the owner of the business), and running games with my real-life gaming groups, I have neglected this game, and I apologize for that.
I don't want to throw in the towel just yet, as long as you guys want to continue. Would it be all right if I put it on hiatus for about a month or so? I can contact you by PM when I have a little more time to put maps together and can actually sit down and crunch out combats.

Hiro Takemashi |

Glad to hear you're okay!
Totally understand about the time issue. I'm swamped myself with various issues related to our move as well as trying to wrap up lots of things at work before I leave next month. I'm good with taking a hiatus until August.
Best of luck!

Ilir Olcana |

Putting the game on hiatus is much preferable to losing it altogether. :) Good luck with everything, and see ya round!
Seconded. Best of luck in the meantime!