Lou Kasuri
Male Human Monk (Drunken Master, Master of Many Styles) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3;
Senses Perception +7
AC 17, touch 16, flat-footed 14 (+3 dexterity, +1 shield, +3 Wisdom)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +4,
Ref +5,
Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
. . quarterstaff +3 (1d6+4)
. . unarmed strike +3 (1d6+4)
Special Attacks stunning fist (1/day, DC 13)
Str 16,
Dex 17,
Con 14,
Int 13,
Wis 16,
Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +3 (+5 grapple); CMD 19 (21 vs. grapple)
Feats Improved Grapple, Improved Unarmed Strike, Monkey Style, Snapping Turtle Style +1, Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 13)
Traits Childhood Crush (Ameiko) (1/day) (Ex), Quain Martial Artist
Skills Acrobatics +10, Craft (painting) +5, Knowledge (local) +2, Linguistics +2, Perception +7, Profession (barkeep) +7, Profession (cook) +7
Languages Common, Tien, Varisian
SQ ac bonus +3, fuse style (2 styles), stunning fist (stun), unarmed strike (1d6)
Other Gear Quarterstaff, Ale (per gallon), Artisan's tools (Craft [painting]), Charcoal stick, Ink, black, Inkpen, Jug, Portrait book, Pulque (per wineskin), Waterproof bag (empty), 10 GP, 1 SP, 7 CP
Childhood Crush (Ameiko) (1/day) (Ex) - 0/1
Pulque (per wineskin) - 0/1
Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 13) - 0/1
Special Abilities
AC Bonus +3 The Monk adds his Wisdom bonus to AC and CMD, more at higher levels.
Childhood Crush (Ameiko) (1/day) (Ex) Gain crush's favor & +1 to saves(DC15 Cha check). +1 vs foe threatening them.
Fuse Style (2 styles) (Ex) At 1st level, a master of many styles can fuse two of the styles he knows into a more perfect style. The master of many styles can have two style feat stances active at once. Starting a stance provided by a style feat is still a swift action, but whe
Improved Grapple You don't provoke attacks of opportunity when grappling a foe.
Improved Unarmed Strike Unarmed strikes don't cause attacks of opportunity, and can be lethal.
Monkey Style Add Wisdom bonus on Acrobatics checks, and take no penalty for attacking while prone
Snapping Turtle Style +1 Gain +1 shield bonus to AC when at least one hand is free
Stunning Fist (1/day) (DC 13) You can stun an opponent with an unarmed attack.
Stunning Fist (Stun) (Ex) At 1st level, the monk gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, the monk gains the ability to apply a new condition to the target of his Stunning Fist. This conditio
Unarmed Strike (1d6) The Monk does lethal damage with his unarmed strikes.