Ærde: Lost and Found in the City of Wonders

Game Master Jibril Johan Sameh

On the north western edge of Al Aimtidad, the anvil desert, sits the jewel of the world, the city of Zhayalammar. It is the ancient city of invention, horror, passion, and sorcery.

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male (he/him)

Please post any discussion topics here.

male (he/him)

Character Generation
1) 1st level, 20pnt ability buy
2) no starting abilities over 19
3) background skills: yes; traits: 2, or 3 with a drawback; unchained classes: yes
4) please, no 3rd party publisher content. Otherwise, all classes (core, base, alternate, hybrid, and occult) are available
5) core races are best but other races are available in Zhyalammar: Aasimar, Catfolk, and Tiefling. You could also make a case for Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Undine, and Orc. If you want to play something else then talk me into it and know you may appear 'odd' to the rest of the already odd world.
6) traits and feats should be suggested in your fluff!
7) fluff to include: description, background, a friend, an enemy, a goal, and a fear
7) I am attaching a Primer on Ærde to the campaign info.

male (he/him)

Gameplay Style
1) I like to start people off at 1st level but I don't keep them there long. After, advancement is slow and magic items tend to be rare.
2) People can die - sorry, I am not out to kill anyone but I won't stop it from happening. My role is to make you cool not make you dead.
3) There will be no references to sexual assault in my game. Please don't use it in you backgrounds. This may make it difficult to make half-race characters. You can refer to 'children of war' tangentially but please no direct references. Rape will never be part of the plot. Also, if anyone has anything they find triggering please mention it. I have run many a game without spiders, a monster I love for its' vileness. If something comes up that you didn't mention please flag it for me - I can turn spiders to poisonous lizards in a wink.
4) I tend to be bloody and morbid but also love heroism. If you don't like getting attacked by drowned sailor zombies in half-sunken cemetaries then my game probably isn't for you. But, don't be afraid to try things - I try to reward creativity and do my best not to say no.
5) Three things that I believe make a great post: 1) react to the other players as best you can; 2) advance the game when possible/post in character when you aren't doing anything practical; and, 3) give other characters something to react to.
6) Although my world has a lot of detail it also has significant gaps. If you write a character and place something in their background it may get added permanently to my world. Example: a player wanted very much to play an orc. I created a neutral tribe of orcs (oernerian orcs) for them to come from.
7) No evil characters - conniving neutral is fine.

male (he/him)

House Rules: Natural 1s and 20s
- In combat a roll of natural 1 is always a miss. I may also require you to make a saving throw on an attack roll of natural 1 with failure resulting in some minor consequence and another natural one resulting in a more serious one.
- When using a skill a natural 1 is always a failure, regardless of the final score.
- In combat, a roll of natural 20 is always a hit (ex. a roll of 20 with a +4 modifier vs an AC of 25 hits). If the result would have been a hit anyway (ex. a roll of 20 with a +4 mod. vs an AC of 24), then the attack does full damage. If you confirm the critical you receive the damage multiplier. A nat. 20 on a confirmation roll stacks to another confirmation roll.
- A nat. 20 on a skill roll that doesn't beat the DC is a partial success (i.e. knowledge rolls still give some information, stealth rolls may work but leave the character in a precarious position, etc.) A nat. 20 on a skill roll that beats the DC is an exceptional success (i.e. knowledge rolls give extra insight, acrobatics rolls provide added distance, etc)

See! Told you it was detailed!
I'll give characters a think. There's nothing that particularly pops into my mind as something I'm dying to try.
Looking forward to playing some more in Aerde!!

male (he/him)

Don't worry if you need to dot-in as a different alias. I don't mind if the Players/Characters tabs get messy. I do like to keep my gameplay tab neat so try to keep questions and out of game chat to the discussion tab where practical.

What do people think of starting in a forced meeting? You have all somehow found your way into the prison wagon of someone who claims you are rightfully theirs. In the city, slavery is frowned upon and slavers are seen as lowlives but slavery isn't illegal. They have you in a metaphorical frying pan and may be transporting you to a literal fire. So when you generate your character please answer the question: How did you get there? For example: I was lost and waylaid / I have no memory of how I got here / I was betrayed by a friend or superior / I'm on the run and found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time / I have been a slave for ? amount of time.

Are you from Zhayalammar or are you a foreigner?

If people aren't up for a forced meeting, cool. I will go another route.

Please play around with ideas for characters and I can help to give you context. I've had character ideas based on a single trait and built up from there, and I've tried to make my favourite movie characters.

Also, I would be grateful if we kept the number of companions/familiars to a minimum. My preferred number is zero to one, with two as the absolute limit.

Hey! Thanks for the invite :)

I will start contemplating characters. I don't have a lot of time until after Wednesday. Then I'll read through the info on Aerde.

I'm willing to play whatever but I'm kinda rogue'd out at the moment so that would be my last choice.

Awaiting permission to access those files, and thinking about options... I think the next character in line I'd like to try out would be a spear-based warrior. Perhaps a Ranger/Fighter mix to get plenty of feats to play with while still having decent skills courtesy of the ranger class. Torn between dual-wielding two short spears vs taking a longspear and using some polearm fighting tricks with it. I'm feeling the two short spears more, but I believe feats have more potential for a reach weapon specialist.

Definitely don't want to play a healer this time around ;^)

male (he/him)

@Kirsdrake - sounds dynamic!

@All - sorry, the resolution on the language tree is still bad. Also, I'm working on a player map of the city. Hope to post it soon.

Got access to the files, thank ye. And by gods, you have really put some thought into the setting, haven't you? Never seen a language tree like that in any commercial campaign setting, even!

Anyway, would you consider spears as finessable weapons? The feat doesn't agree with that interpretation, but just consider the way a shaolin monk uses spears (short or long) in some old martial arts movie ;^) Those fellows definitely don't use Strength to swing the weapons around!

Also also, is there some human culture you'd think Spear Dancing Style would fit thematically? Since PF1 doesn't have too many feats to encourage using single-hand spears (over any other single-handed weapons, that is), that feat path would open some interesting doors while specializing in spears as I wanted...

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
Got access to the files, thank ye. And by gods, you have really put some thought into the setting, haven't you? Never seen a language tree like that in any commercial campaign setting, even!

I don't want to throw too much at people. It goes deep but then has massive gaps. People fill in those gaps as they ask interesting questions. I practice using design programs to improve my knowledge for work (adobe creative suite, excel, and sketchup) and I've been reformatting stuff from roleplaying since my 20s.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
Also also, is there some human culture you'd think Spear Dancing Style would fit thematically?

I think it would fit in very well with: Sahradhurone, Latronite, Ilmaninite, and Hlewmylani ... but particularly Latronite (not unlike varisian). Please check out the new link on humans when you have time.

I like the idea of forced meeting, coming together as captives. I'm starting to have a few ideas percolating. Can we get some more info on other races in Zhayalammar or nearby? I'm particularly interested in gnomes. I've never played one before.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
Anyway, would you consider spears as finessable weapons? The feat doesn't agree with that interpretation, but just consider the way a shaolin monk uses spears (short or long) in some old martial arts movie ;^) Those fellows definitely don't use Strength to swing the weapons around!

Sorry, gotta say no. There are feats that allow characters to use weapon finesse with weapons not mentioned in the feat description (i.e. Dueling Mastery and Dervish Dance) so I'm not going to expand the group. You can however take this feat below:

Spear Finesse (Combat)
Your body and your spear move as one in melee combat, subtlety as opposed to brute strength guides your blows.

Prerequisite(s): Dex 13, Weapon Finesse.

Benefit: Your Weapon Finesse expands to include any one weapon found in the fighter's spear weapon group made for a creature of your size category. If you carry a shield, its' armour check penalty applies to your attack rolls.

Special: If you are a fighter with weapon training in the spear weapon group then Spear Finesse applies to all weapons in that group.

Spear group: amentum, boar spear, chain spear, double spear, elven branched spear, harpoon, javelin, lance, longspear, orc skull ram, pilum, planson, shortspear, sibat, spear, stormshaft javelin, tiger fork, trident, and weighted spear.

GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
Sorry, gotta say no. There are feats that allow characters to use weapon finesse with weapons not mentioned in the feat description (i.e. Dueling Mastery and Dervish Dance) so I'm not going to expand the group.

Actually, not an issue after all since the second feat in the Spear Dancing tree does in fact make spears Finessable weapons. Another question - what you think about retraining feats? The way my build is shaping up would mean taking Weapon Focus on first level, with the intention of taking the Spear Dancing Style feat on 3rd. At that point I'd want to start using a 2h spear (possibly something with reach), but before that, it'd make much more sense to use a single 1h spear (and possibly a shield) on 1st level, than switching to 2 1h spears on 2nd level when the Ranger Combat Style feat grants me Two-Weapon Fighting, and then at level 3 retraining Weapon Focus (Spear) taken at 1st level to, say, Weapon Focus (Longspear) or something similar and start using that single 2h spear as a two-headed weapon.

Would that be OK?

Or, rather, would this work:

1st level: Spear Finesse and Weapon Finesse (human bonus feat)
2nd level: Two-Weapon Fighting from Ranger combat style class ability
3rd level: dip into fighter for an extra feat, retrain Spear Finesse into Weapon Focus (longspear), then pick both Spear Dancing Style and Spear Dancing Spiral (spiral does what the Spear Finesse did earlier)

Human Ranger / Level 6

I like the idea of a forced meeting. I haven't landed on any kind of character yet...

As for cultural background, I'm rather feeling a supertitious Hlewmylani warrior at the moment... if there is a reasonable way one would have ended up on the far side of the continent. Plenty of possibilities for a young tribal warrior to have ended up leaving the lands of his birth, though:

- tribe lost a war and survivors were sold into slavery and after coins exchanged hands a few times he ended up in Zhayalahmar
- left clan on some ritual solo journey that went spectacularly badly
- got exiled for something he actually did or fell to machinations of some of the clan's power players without having a say in the matters
- left the clan on some ritual journey that didn't actually end in disaster (yet), but he still hasn't done what he set out to do and honor prevents him from returning home empty-handed

male (he/him)

Forced meeting it is.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:

Or, rather, would this work:

1st level: Spear Finesse and Weapon Finesse (human bonus feat)
2nd level: Two-Weapon Fighting from Ranger combat style class ability
3rd level: dip into fighter for an extra feat, retrain Spear Finesse into Weapon Focus (longspear), then pick both Spear Dancing Style and Spear Dancing Spiral (spiral does what the Spear Finesse did earlier)

A fighter can retrain any of his feats already but con only retrain his bonus combat feats. That means you would have to take Spear finesse as a fighter's bonus feat at 1st level but couldn't retrain it until 4th. As there is already a path for this in the game rules then we should stay to the rules as written.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:

...The way my build is shaping up would mean taking Weapon Focus on first level, with the intention of taking the Spear Dancing Style feat on 3rd. At that point I'd want to start using a 2h spear (possibly something with reach), but before that, it'd make much more sense to use a single 1h spear (and possibly a shield) on 1st level, than switching to 2 1h spears on 2nd level when the Ranger Combat Style feat grants me Two-Weapon Fighting, and then at level 3 retraining Weapon Focus (Spear) taken at 1st level to, say, Weapon Focus (Longspear) or something similar and start using that single 2h spear as a two-headed weapon.

Would that be OK?

Sorry, sifting through this post. I'm finding it a bit confusing.

No need to if you don't allow retraining. Will have to think about how the mechanics will work out for me, but it's not like I'm trying to build a Pun-Pun remake or anything ;^) Will just mean it'll take a bit longer for the character to get going the way I wanted it to.

male (he/him)

The gist of your post is that you want to be able to retrain your weapon focus from spear to long spear. As this is a benefit of being a fighter I don't think it's a think I want to give for free. If you'd like the 'retrain a combat feat' ability as it's written in fighter (so starting at 4th lvl) you'll have to trade something for it.

As it's a part of one of the fighter's special abilities then I would trade you a ranger's: animal empathy, woodland stride, or swift tracker.

male (he/him)
Angie H wrote:
I like the idea of forced meeting, coming together as captives. I'm starting to have a few ideas percolating. Can we get some more info on other races in Zhayalammar or nearby? I'm particularly interested in gnomes. I've never played one before.

I've only ever had 1 player play a gnome in a game of mine. In a polymorph scroll reading backfire he was turned into a half-gnome/half starnosed mole. This is one of the gaps I have in my materials. I will give you what I have. If you want to make a gnome we can write details of the racial profile together.

GM Corey Homebrew wrote:
As it's a part of one of the fighter's special abilities then I would trade you a ranger's: animal empathy, woodland stride, or swift tracker.

Retraining is part of the rules itself, although an optional one. But if you don't like it, let's not make things complicated - I'll just have to pick up feats that don't do my character much good until a few levels later.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
Retraining is part of the rules itself, although an optional one. But if you don't like it, let's not make things complicated - I'll just have to pick up feats that don't do my character much good until a few levels later.

This is great. I'm happy with it as it is open to all classes and has a well defined process. I also feel that training from one spear type to another is not a huge leap so I support this. Thank you. I've never read this optional rule.

male (he/him)

I have posted a link on the gods of Ærde. You can see there are gaps (ie. the copy paste in the dwarven section).

My apologies. The stories of the saints are partially inspired by the martyrdom of christian saints. The fact that they are all women is inspired by the stories of the valkyrie. This means that these stories have a strong element of violence against women. People may find this objectionable or triggering. I have tried to make them stories about heroes. I will be rethinking my work on this.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
Retraining is part of the rules itself, although an optional one. But if you don't like it, let's not make things complicated - I'll just have to pick up feats that don't do my character much good until a few levels later.

I have read through these rules and am in favour of people being able to retrain the following:

Ability Score Increase
Class Feature
Skill Ranks
Spells Known

I am not allowing people to retrain to change:
Class Level
Racial Trait

We are using hit point averaging so retraining hit points is irrelevant.

You can only gain a new language by taking a rank in linguistics.

I'm good with swapping a single feat on 3rd level, so that's plenty for me. Does require finding a teacher, but that's a problem for later, and it's not like the character build is broken if getting the feat swapped takes a bit longer ;^)

Human Ranger / Level 6

I'm thinking of playing a cleric, unless anyone else wants that?

So it looks like we have a cleric (which I will never want to play) and a fighter. Shari, you up for magic? I can go sneaky.

I’m up for magic. I’ll be looking at stuff once my brain doesn’t feel so foggy. I tried the pain meds and I do not like the way they make me feel so I won’t be doing that again.

I’ve been contemplating a sorcerer but from what I’ve been reading, there isn’t a lot of spontaneous magic. Would it still be ok to play one? Otherwise I can be someone trained from the north.

If I can be a sorcerer I was leaning towards draconic or solar bloodline.

And most likely human but I could go elf if that would make more sense.

And I like the forced meeting.

male (he/him)
Kirsdrake wrote:
I'm good with swapping a single feat on 3rd level, so that's plenty for me. Does require finding a teacher, but that's a problem for later, and it's not like the character build is broken if getting the feat swapped takes a bit longer ;^)

The teacher is what I like about it - it sounds like a great roleplaying/writing opportunity

male (he/him)
Shari wrote:

I’ve been contemplating a sorcerer but from what I’ve been reading, there isn’t a lot of spontaneous magic. Would it still be ok to play one? Otherwise I can be someone trained from the north.

If I can be a sorcerer I was leaning towards draconic or solar bloodline.

And most likely human but I could go elf if that would make more sense.

And I like the forced meeting.

Hey Shari - sorcerer is great. Spontaneous magic is really good for Zhayalahmar. It's a pro-magic city (as opposed to several of the other cities). I really like the bloodline stuff for sorcerer - makes for great background. Be human or elf - all good. Many of the human ethnicities are not openly magic. Best for magic are: Iernanshun, Ilmaninite, Latronite, and Sahradhurone. But it would be great for other ethnicities to. It simply means you've been practicing in secret, maybe with a few other gifted.

Kirsdrake wrote:

As for cultural background, I'm rather feeling a supertitious Hlewmylani warrior at the moment... if there is a reasonable way one would have ended up on the far side of the continent. Plenty of possibilities for a young tribal warrior to have ended up leaving the lands of his birth, though:

- tribe lost a war and survivors were sold into slavery and after coins exchanged hands a few times he ended up in Zhayalahmar
- left clan on some ritual solo journey that went spectacularly badly
- got exiled for something he actually did or fell to machinations of some of the clan's power players without having a say in the matters
- left the clan on some ritual journey that didn't actually end in disaster (yet), but he still hasn't done what he set out to do and honor prevents him from returning home empty-handed

Now that the feat issue is sorted out to both of our satisfaction, do you have some feedback concerning how a Hlewmylani tribal might have ended up to the big city on the west coast, or if that is possible? Of all the human scienties, this one struck me as the most amusing (with what all those clan-specific supersitions and magic being reserved for the clan shamans only). Would that work? If so, is the Skirmisher archetype acceptable? It only takes effect on the 5th level (so not in a long while), but it does get rid of ranger's spellcasting abilities... and casting spells wouldn't seem to make sense for a noninitiated nobody.

male (he/him)

Divine magic does not have the same superstitious air as arcane magic. One shouldn't be ostentatious with it but it is seen as originating from the gods - church approval goes a long way.

I love skirmisher - please go ahead but don't feel you have to shy away from divine magic.

male (he/him)

Most human cultures (and some orcs) have a version of a 'vision quest'. Some (like Ærthane, Noroan, Ilmaninite) fast and hold vigil in an important place like a church. Others (like Iernanshun, Sahradhurone, Latronite) go on 'faith walks' where they leave their people and head off in a direction an augury device (an mystic threw bones for them) indicated. Hlewmylani tend to faith walks.

All four of your ideas work (lost war/solo ritual/exiled-machinations/unfinished journey). I'm excited to see which you flesh out.

Hlewmylani tribes are matriarchies - they look to the oldest woman to guide the tribe. They tend to be animal totemistic and are known for fighting or training 'stranger' beasts.

I think I'll give the gnome a skip. I feel like I should play one, only because I never have, but I'm not feeling it. There are too many interesting human possibilities. I'm still mulling things over.

As and aside, I've been listening to the Witcher series audiobooks, and I highly recommend them. Particularly the first two series of short stories, upon which the first season of the TV series is based. Peter Kenney reads them, and his ability with voices and accents is truly amazing.

Where are we standing on a Face for the group? Shari - sorcerers usually have high charisma? Does being our face work for your character concept? Anybody else? If there are no takers, I'll take it on.

Angie H wrote:
As and aside, I've been listening to the Witcher series audiobooks, and I highly recommend them. Particularly the first two series of short stories, upon which the first season of the TV series is based. Peter Kenney reads them, and his ability with voices and accents is truly amazing.

Haven't done the books, but I have played the games. And watched the quite enjoyable Netflix series. Witcher is indeed pretty good fun.

I’m ok taking on the face if you guys trust me with it :) Like you said, she’ll have a high charisma score for sorceress.

I’m leaning towards Draconic bloodline...shocking, I know ;)

male (he/him)
Shari wrote:

I’m ok taking on the face if you guys trust me with it :) Like you said, she’ll have a high charisma score for sorceress.

I’m leaning towards Draconic bloodline...shocking, I know ;)

In the very beginning there was Salmudingir (Sall-moo-din-gear or the void). The first of all creatures was the great dragon Ezeru (full name: Musezeru a Salmudingir or foul wind of the void). Badr (who was sung into existence by Leil-a) slew Ezeru and from the dragon fell 1,001 eggs which birthed to become the dragon races. One of those original eggs became Dollereeze, the enormous dragon that was slain and has since become the foundation of the city Dollerissium.

Not all dragons have been a scourge upon the earth. During the great first civilization of women and men (the Valitudh peoples) some dragons walked the earth in the guise of humans, elves, and dwarves. They mixed their blood with those peoples. Occasionally, that dormant blood awakens in later generations - even unto today.

As far as all peoples know no dragons walk amongst us today.

GM Corey Homebrew wrote:

Most human cultures (and some orcs) have a version of a 'vision quest'. Some (like Ærthane, Noroan, Ilmaninite) fast and hold vigil in an important place like a church. Others (like Iernanshun, Sahradhurone, Latronite) go on 'faith walks' where they leave their people and head off in a direction an augury device (an mystic threw bones for them) indicated. Hlewmylani tend to faith walks.

All four of your ideas work (lost war/solo ritual/exiled-machinations/unfinished journey). I'm excited to see which you flesh out.

Hlewmylani tribes are matriarchies - they look to the oldest woman to guide the tribe. They tend to be animal totemistic and are known for fighting or training 'stranger' beasts.

Right, I like what I hear. I'll take me one of those! Will start thinking about the background...

Since I’m building my character with the draconic bloodline, I didn’t really want to make her strength and dex into dump stats so I was leaning more towards lowering her intelligence and wisdom. To me that means that she’ll be extremely naive and not necessarily dumb. She’ll be seeing the good in everyone and can’t believe that someone could possibly have ill intentions.

HP 24nl/31| AC 16/14/12 | F+3/R+7/W+2 | CMB +2, CMD 16 | Acro 11, climb 5, DD 14, EA 10, Init 6, Perc 8, SoH 9, SM 5, Stealth 11, Surv 9

I'm starting to work on Dounia, ideas and thoughts welcome.

Human Ranger 2 / Fighter 2 | HP: 24/37| AC (temp): 19 (14 Tch, 16 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +8 R: +6 W: +1 | Init: +4 | Perc: +8 SM: +1 | SMB: +4, SMD: 15 |

And I shall start building my Hlewmylani tribesman under this alias. A lot of the stuff is still copy/pasted base from another character but that will change. The language guide suggested the tribes used germanic language base, so would a name of this type seem reasonable to you? Still time to change, until I hit the magical 10-post limit ;^) Been reading the last book of Weber's Safehold series, and these sort of names are wedged in tightly in my brain just now.

male (he/him)

I love the name. Germanic names, especially old german, is perfect

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