dungeonmaster heathy |

There's been a little attrition in my "Heathy's Isle of Dread" game; was wondering if any of you guys wanted to jump in with a 14th level dude?.....
Just a thought.
Got Mothy=Beldan....a rogue,
Rags=Elgan....an elven druid,
Pat Curtin=Pip the halfling cover song master Bard, and
Vatnisse=Altai the wizard
(who has a homonculous of a flesh golem named Claw).....
They just got teleported somewhere.....Oriental,.....from Asgard (long story;)
I think it was a 25 point build? If you wanted to make kinda a Japanese type dude, that's cool; however, everybody else is a "gaijin" of sorts, so I can figure something out.

dungeonmaster heathy |

And it's kinda......slowish right now; compared to how it all used to be, and I don't have all the details on the Oriental thing nailed down yet. But I'm committed to the game; no chance of packing it up in the next few months anyway.
I'm using "Wa" from "Kara-Tur," as I just scored the box for $7.50 at Half Price Books. Imagined through a glass darkly, of course....

dungeonmaster heathy |

I kinda just decided to run Sound of a Thousand Screams in Japan (or Wu, as it were,.....) it's all good if anybody's read the adventure. I think it'll end up being really different......just the basic ideas, with a lot of stuff changed out. Enough to keep it from boring somebody who read the adventure.

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Glitterboy! That's what I was reaching for...
But yes, OK, d20 it is. Still favoring magus, maybe with the soulforger archetype.
I don’t know how any of the archetypes from UC stack up mechanics wise, but the kensai looks like a fun one for a Japanese style magus.

AinvarG |

Will Cooper wrote:I don’t know how any of the archetypes from UC stack up mechanics wise, but the kensai looks like a fun one for a Japanese style magus.Glitterboy! That's what I was reaching for...
But yes, OK, d20 it is. Still favoring magus, maybe with the soulforger archetype.
I saw that one - it does look attractive. The Bard archetype Dervish Dancer sounds fun, too. Right now, I'm working up a Gnomish Cleric of Irori to see how he shapes up. Healing and Knowledge domains. Not exactly the tough cleric I thought I was going to work on, but he should work as a backstop for, say, a rogue's sneak attack.

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It looks pretty good.
Yeah, I’ve seen some bad reviews, but the one of the few movie critics I’m inclined to respect gave it 4/5 ... we have some game days coming up with my group where we probably won’t have enough people to play, I’m thinking of suggesting those who can make it go and see John Carter one night.

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Rags, in regards to levelling up and bard spells, the good news is that not every adventure in the series is as undead heavy as this one is ... but overall the series does seem to have a lot of enemies that are mostly immune to mind effecting stuff.
As well as the various ‘buff’ type spells (of which the bard spell lists contain some good ones), you may wish to consider some of the following for low level spells:
1st: Grease, Chord of Shards, Remove Fear, Summon Monster (various)
2nd: Alter Self, Blistering Invective, Ghostbane Dirge, Ghostly Disguise, Versatile Weapon

Will Cooper RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Heathy, I've been Struck by an Idea. I want to redesign Alinya as an arcane caster - probably a necromancer. The concept and background are unchanged, but she uses arcane knowledge to control and destroy undead rather than channeling divine power.
Would that work for you? - we could just do it as one of those reality blips.

Will Cooper RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Yeah that's part of the drive I think. Channeling has often been Alinya's best option, but it's often exactly what Rholf and Larissa have also been doing. Not a 'real' problem, but then our spells overlap and all in all I'd rather have a more defined role for my bookish young lady. I probably wouldn't have asked if we hadn't set a precedent early in the campaign.
I've never seen a Mystic Theurge in the wild. How do they work out? I have a certain amount of worry that she would end up somehow underpowered, but it's a good suggestion. Has the advantage of not needing to go outside the normal game for a redesign, and develops rather than rewrites the character.

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I have been in a game with a mystic theurge only once (that I recall) in 3.5; the character seemed pretty powerful, but it was purpose built at highish level, rather than levelling from 1 up - I think you're right, at least for a time there you'd probably be / feel somewhat under powered.
I wasn't sure how much you'd want to abandon the version of Alinya as already played, and how much everyone was comfortable retconning the healing and channeling she's done so far, but I see your point with the overlap with Larissa and Rholf. The more I think about it, a bookish wizard would probably fit Alinya's character as well (if not better than) a cleric.

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My understanding is that, as it stands, the mystic theurge is a bit under-powered, though that's based on the 3.5 version and I'm not aware if the PF version has been upped in the power stakes. Th big drawback is casting spells at effectively character level minus 2 - and the number of spell options tends not to compensate. There's a 3.5 PrC called True Necromancer (in Libris Mortis?) which is a bit like the mystic theurge but skewed to undead, but my recollection is that it always felt a bit like an "NPC PrC" - fun for a bad guy, maybe not appropiate for a good guy - although it might be just the ticket for Carrion Crown.