Larissa Brightfoot |

Hit points 1d8 ⇒ 1
BAB becomes +1
Will Save Bonus becomes +3
Additional 1st-level spell cast per day
Add 0th-level spell to repertoire.
Note: The class description says the oracle gets a bonus spell at 2nd and every two levels thereafter, but the Life mystery indicates that the bonus spell comes at 3rd and every two levels thereafter. I assume the more specific rules (the Life mystery) prevail.
EDIT: Per the errata, the Life mystery also gets its bonus spells on the even levels, so Larissa will have detect undead as an available spell at second level.
Add ranks in Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Religion), Spellcraft, and Survival.

dungeonmaster heathy |


Larissa Brightfoot |

Lady Alinya Gurov |

Alinya's level two notes:
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Will
+1 Level-0 spell prepared
+1 Level-1 spell prepared
+1 DC to channel saves
Skill ranks in Kn(History), Kn(Nobility), Kn (Planes), Kn(Religion), Sense Motive, Spellcraft
HP 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Hmm. Well clerics don't take a lot of levelling up then :)

AinvarG |

Insanely busy with work. I'll see if I can get Myron updated tomorrow.
I'm actually considering taking a fighter level to load up on heavy armour, better weapons and a feat. The alchemist doesn't have to worry about arcane spell failure, right?
Well, it's not mentioned in the class description. It says they are proficient with light armor but no mention of "without the normal arcane spell failure chance" like they do with the summoner. FWIW

Art |

Nice shiny level 2 characters everyone :) Couple of notes about Alinya...
I decided to stop taking ranks in Heal as it's a clear overlap with Larissa. Is that OK with you Larissa? I took an extra knowledge instead.
I'm also thinking that Alinya will try out being a more offense minded buffer - so I took Bless x2 and Magic Weapon. Again, that's partly about avoiding too much overlap with Larissa and Rholf. Means that Wod, Castiel, Myron, and Edwin should get a good mix of buffs.

Larissa Brightfoot |

Nice shiny level 2 characters everyone :) Couple of notes about Alinya...
I decided to stop taking ranks in Heal as it's a clear overlap with Larissa. Is that OK with you Larissa? I took an extra knowledge instead.
I'm also thinking that Alinya will try out being a more offense minded buffer - so I took Bless x2 and Magic Weapon. Again, that's partly about avoiding too much overlap with Larissa and Rholf. Means that Wod, Castiel, Myron, and Edwin should get a good mix of buffs.
Thanks for asking, but it's entirely up to you. Larissa is definitely a healbot, so feel free to exploit some other facets of your class. I'm going to continue to put ranks in Heal. Which reminds me, Larissa needs to pick up a healer's kit or two - I always forget that. Unless someone else has one and will let her use it for the party good, of course.

Art |

Thanks for asking, but it's entirely up to you. Larissa is definitely a healbot, so feel free to exploit some other facets of your class. I'm going to continue to put ranks in Heal. Which reminds me, Larissa needs to pick up a healer's kit or two - I always forget that. Unless someone else has one and will let her use it for the party good, of course.
That's good then. Alinya will 'off-heal', to use an MMOism. I wanted to pick up a healer's kit but couldn't afford one, and still can't. IIRC they run to about 50gp. Alinya would put some coin (say 10gp) towards one for the group.

Larissa Brightfoot |

Larissa Brightfoot wrote:Thanks for asking, but it's entirely up to you. Larissa is definitely a healbot, so feel free to exploit some other facets of your class. I'm going to continue to put ranks in Heal. Which reminds me, Larissa needs to pick up a healer's kit or two - I always forget that. Unless someone else has one and will let her use it for the party good, of course.That's good then. Alinya will 'off-heal', to use an MMOism. I wanted to pick up a healer's kit but couldn't afford one, and still can't. IIRC they run to about 50gp. Alinya would put some coin (say 10gp) towards one for the group.
Larissa has not a copper to her name, I equipped her with 'gifts' from the orphanage. Oh, and keep in mind that she cannot channel positive energy (yet), so any larger group heals are still entirely limited to the clerics present. At third level, she will pick up that ability although less often per day than a cleric.
And... what does 'off-heal' mean? I'm not familiar with MMO-speak.

Lady Alinya Gurov |

OK - I hadn't realised that about oracles and channeling. Good to know!
An off-healer, in MMO speak, is defined in contrast to a main-healer. The main-healer is the person whose primary role in the party it is to keep people's HP above zero. That is their major, sometimes sole, focus. Their build, equipment, even user-interface, will be directed to watching the little green health bars go down and casting spells to make them go back up.
By contrast an off-healer is playing a character who can do that, but isn't devoted to it to the same extent. They'll be smiting a few enemies, buffing a few allies, and maybe throwing the odd heal around to help out. It's only if the main-healer gets overwhelmed (lots of big crits in a row), stunned, or killed, that they will swing into full time healing mode.
Whew, well that's a long post about not much to anyone who doesn't play MMOs :) And at low levels our resources are low enough that it doesn't matter too much - Alinya can still spontaneously cure, and can use her channels for healing if needed.

Larissa Brightfoot |

I'm not sure channeling is available to oracles of the other mysteries. A limited form of it is available as a revelation to oracles of the life mystery. She also has a revelation that she hasn't tried to use yet -- at first level, its duration is so short, I had to be particular about when I tried it out, and we didn't get to a situation that fit.
Anyway, I'm sure we can coordinate our efforts - having Larissa healing will hopefully allow the main channel-wielders in the party to use theirs as an offensive weapon against undead foes...

Art |

Yeah that should work very well. I have to admit that I am a bit fuzzy about a few of the APG classes - part of me regards them as too new-fangled. That's the part of me that thinks we shoulda stuck with Fighter/Cleric/Mage/Thief and by the way you kids git offa my lawn.
Also, heads up that I am heading off snowboarding after work today for the weekend, and will have reduced posting opportunities this weekend. There should be internet access at the lodge, but probably not on the mountain :)

dungeonmaster heathy |

No intrusion at all!
Aubrey the Malformed came up with it.
We create spreadsheet graph paper on google documents by modifying the width of the columns down to the height of the spreadsheet's rows, and create our maps thusly. There's colors for really basic differentiations, and you can draw rooms with a little border function.
It's extremely lowtech, as befits my computer graphic abilities, but it does prove to be crude but effective. Before that we were just mapping at home on graph paper with called coordinates; kinda like Battleship.....
I can make my documents available to anybody with the link, and I can move their characters and enemies around on the battlemap fairly quickly.

AinvarG |

I have no idea how, but another game used the provided map as a background for the spreadsheet, then adjusted the grid to match the size of the squares on the 'printed' map.
What blew me away was he figured out how to take our forum avatars and include them on the map so they would 'float' and the players could click and drag them into their new positions.
I still have no idea how he did either of those, but was very neat to see. I do it the same way Heathy does it, myself.

![]() |

Everybody - I'm sorry about my reduced posting rate. With travel time, I'm usually gone from 8 in the morning to 9 at night most days, and since I have no internet access at work I sometimes struggle to keep up. 'm pretty confident that this will improve in a couple of months, though, so please bear with me until then.

Ragadolf |

It's all good. I like the fact that WHen I do get busy, (And it;s coming!) ;P I can miss a day, and except for the amount of reading I have to do to catch up, (From all of you posting-over-achievers!) ;) It's like I didn't miss anything, just jump back in and go! :)
I hope your at least getting OT for all that time at work Vatters! That would be nice. (I seriously miss OT,...) :(