Larissa Brightfoot |

I don't see a downside to that, I was just wondering if it would be worth it to increase the DC for the undead to halve the damage. Obviously, if I'm going to be healing most of the time, I'll get less benefit from it.
Maybe I'll extra channel now and look at improved next time around...

Ragadolf |

Thanks guys. I appreciate the kind thoughts.
I'm fine, really. I just worry about my wife.
(Of course I do that a lot anyway) ;)
She was very close to her grandmother, And I don't think the full impact has hit her yet.
Just pray for her and her family, (and that I remember to keep my 'sensitive' hat on for the next several weeks!)
Thanks AinvarG, I needed that image! ;)
I can just see my own departed grandmother looking down on me from upstairs, shaking her head every time I buy a gaming book! :)
(Not that she had any complaints with gaming that I am aware of. But she could stretch a penny until it turned into copper wire!) :D

Ragadolf |

um,... ok,... wow,... That IS thrifty. (Was he Scottish?) ;)
But I figure that he probably used up what he saved in the extra soap he used afterwords.
If not,... ewww!
(JK! JK!) :D
Seriously, my grandmother worked for Wal-Mart for 40 years. She actually worked for Sam Walden. (The poor man MUST be turning over in his grave at what they are doing to his company! /rant)
She also invested as much as she was allowed to in her stock options. And they split while she was still working there. Like 4 times.
Let's just say that when she had her stroke, my family never had to spend any money to take care of her. She had it covered.
I really wish I was more like her. ;)

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Hope you feel better soon Heath.
We’ve been having some strange-ass weather here. It’s mid summer, but we’ve been getting a lot of rain and cold weather, I think a lot of people have been coming down with sore throats and colds because of that. I’ve had that sort of ‘rusty’ throat in the mornings for the past few days, that may or may not develop into a full blown cold or whatever.

AinvarG |

And on this side of the equator, in what should be the depths of winter, we went for a lovely bicycle ride today. Seems a little odd to be riding a bicycle when there is snow on the ground (not a lot, but still). Weird weather, for sure. In fact, if not for family obligations in December, we would be able to claim to have ridden our bikes every month since we got them.
(Not that we could ride every day, but I really don't expect to be getting the bike out of storage this time of year, you know? Except maybe for repairs...)
Hope you guys are all feeling better soon. I will do my best to continue dodging the bugs, myself.

Ragadolf |

Weird weather EVERYwhere then!
DOwn here in Lousy-anna, (where it is not unusual to mow your yard in December, but still) With the exception of maybe 2 or 3 days, I have never worn my coat this 'winter'. And today, in the middle of what should be the coldest part of the year here, my daughter is currently outside in shorts bouncing a basketball. ;P
JUst got over the bleechies myself. Hope the rest of you feel better soon!

Ragadolf |

Wifey; and I'm outta ibuprofen; and I racked myself on the ice,.....
It's been a reeeeeeeeely mild winter here; no freezes or hardly any; it's been 60 or 70 deg f. for a high every day.
Um,... Owie?
Sounds like our 'winter' here in Lousy-anna.
We've been 60-70 F here almost the entire winter as well. I think I've actually worn my coat once.
Maybe twice. ;P

Will Cooper RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Warning: blatant self promotion follows.
The entries for Round 2 of RPG Superstar 2012 are up. Please visit my organisation, the Stormsworn Company, and let me know what you think. The rest of the competition is all decided by public voting, so please consider me for one of your eight votes. Many thanks!
Mothman - thanks for your comments already :)

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By the way Heath, I’m probably going to be running Carrion Crown for my RL group starting in a few months. I’ve read through some of it before we started playing, and I’ve cracked HoH open to have another look at the Ravengro article, the haunt article and the new monsters the other day – I’ll probably re-read it in earnest in the next couple of weeks to start prep for my game. Hope you don’t mind, also if I nab a few of the changes you’ve made to things (might be a larger than standard group too).
We were going to do Kingmaker, which looks awesome ... but ended up seeming a bit too epic in scope, I don’t think we would finish it inside of 6 years.

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In pbp ... probably not. How long have we been doing RotRL, I don’t think we’re officially done with book 3 yet (or at least not properly started book 4). Still, your games probably keep a slightly faster pace than Aubrey’s ... let’s see, we started the actual game here at the start of April last year, so we’ve got two months to finish book 1 in under a year ... could be do-able.

Larissa Brightfoot |

I can't believe I so badly misjudged what I was getting into and I appear to have survived to tell the tale, running down alongside the stairs like that. I thought I could knock out some skeletons before they could gang up on us, but I had no idea they weren't all there yet...

dungeonmaster heathy |

It's great to be seriously contemplating a fighting retreat. The shuffling horde adds a real degree of tension to the fight. I'm actually glad we decided to adventure up here with our resources already low. Proper scary stuff - nice work heathy.
** spoiler omitted **
It's hard to build tension in a pbp; it's kinda a slow medium.

dungeonmaster heathy |

I can't believe I so badly misjudged what I was getting into and I appear to have survived to tell the tale, running down alongside the stairs like that. I thought I could knock out some skeletons before they could gang up on us, but I had no idea they weren't all there yet...