dungeonmaster heathy |

So far, I've got
Kruely: Someone with INT 6
Mothers: A witch?
Aubers: A doubt-racked paladin
Raggy: A skill-focused rogue?
Patters: An overwrought summoner
Arters: A nosy noblegirl cleric
Vatters: A semi-demented artillery captain (with ranks in Profession: Siege engineer!)
I got 7 player's, game's hemmed up.
25 point buy, standard gold.
Most people know me; Art's new to me although he read Aub's eberron campaign, so he knows what I'm capable of.....
seriously, I'm usually down for whatever, just run it by me so it's not a surprise.
If you have a good idear of how you knew the professor, I'm game, if not I might make something up or you're just Rosenkrantz or Guildenstern outsider looking in at the beginning of the festivities.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:I'm just glad nobody asked to be a humanoid deinonychus ninja.
"ranks in Profession: Siege engineer" INDEED !
Hey, I'll play a awakened dinosaur alchemist! "Yes yes, smoothskinned human, I will blow up these ghouls for you. My payment will be 200 pounds of uncooked triceratops meat."

Myron Swackhammer |

Here's a starting point for my alchemist.
I was thinking some of us may be returning home from a crusade at Lastwall or something like that. With that, one of us got a letter from the professor, and the others, having nothing better to do AND sharing a lust for adventure, came along.
Oh, and Kruely's ah, slow PC is clearly Art's manservant.

Lady Alinya Gurov |

Here's a starting point for my alchemist.
I was thinking some of us may be returning home from a crusade at Lastwall or something like that. With that, one of us got a letter from the professor, and the others, having nothing better to do AND sharing a lust for adventure, came along.
Oh, and Kruely's ah, slow PC is clearly Art's manservant.
Ah yes, dear old Wod. Been in the family since before I can remember. Not the sharpest arrow in the quiver, but such a comfort in a time of trouble.
j/k and feel free to ignore, Kruely :)

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So I statted up a necromancer, but I’m still vacillating between that and the cleric (my cleric looks pretty different to Art’s …). We’ll see. Largish party it can be good to have two clerics so one doesn't get stuck with healing duty the whole time ... but always nice to have a full progression arcane caster too.
Pat, is the good doctor a summoner or a wizard?

Dr. Nigel Erebus |

I think Pat is intending to be a Summoner.
And I'd love to have two clerics in the party. In any party, actually.
Indeed I study those arcane arts that rip the very fabric of time and space asunder, bringing forth marvels from the nether realm to do my bidding!
Yep. I am studying the Summoner class as we speak, should have prelim stats up tonight, InShahAllah

Ragadolf |

Heh, Great guys! I'm enjoying it already! ;P
I'm always down for the Arcane caster role, if we need one. I was leaning towards a Cleric of Callidean (sp?) but we've obviously got that covered. ;P
I'm actually planning on playing my rougue-ish PC as a cross between Sherlock Holmes and/or Indiana Jones. But he has a (healthy?) interest in the Arcane. He primarily gets by with an max'd out 'Use Magic Device' roll and all the oddball magic items a group usually picks up.
Although I read somewhere about with the right feats you can get a whip-wielding wiz who delivers touch spells with his whip,... :D

F. Castor |

Although I read somewhere about with the right feats you can get a whip-wielding wiz who delivers touch spells with his whip,... :D
If you will excuse the threadjack...
That would be the magus actually and his spellstrike class ability. :-)
Again, sorry for the intrusion. Back to your regular programming.

Castiel of Fangwood |

Castiel of Fangwood wrote:Here is the combat cleric idea ...Very different indeed. If you're wearing that much armor, how do you carry all the books?
You can't kill a zombie with a book lass. Well ... maybe if you throw it hard enough ...

Ragadolf |

Heh. Oh yeah, my PC 'Sherlock Holmes' personality should fit in here just about right,... ;P
Any tips/tricks to getting the most out of a whip? (Even if I'm not casting through it) ;P (The scorpion whip version obviously. No sense in hitting anybody if I can't hurt them.)
-Have to burn a feat for Exotic weapon obviously,...

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Heh. Oh yeah, my PC 'Sherlock Holmes' personality should fit in here just about right,... ;P
Any tips/tricks to getting the most out of a whip? (Even if I'm not casting through it) ;P (The scorpion whip version obviously. No sense in hitting anybody if I can't hurt them.)
-Have to burn a feat for Exotic weapon obviously,...
All I know about whips are that those bondage websites always make them look so easy and fun to use ... erm, I mean those cattle-herding websites ...
Apart from that I don’t know much about whips. If you take a level in bard you are proficient in whip – whether or not that helps you I don’t know. Other than that feats like weapon focus and weapon finesse (if your dex is better than strength) will probably help you hit. You can use it to disarm and trip – possibly such actions will not provoke AoOs if used with reach? If that's the case, no need to burn feats on Improved Trip and Improved Disarm I suppose!

Lady Alinya Gurov |

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains... are often used in the rites of Calistria, as described in volume three of Elgenin's Comparative Religions of the Inner Sea. And in the rites of Abadar, but the less said there the better.
Oh, and Castiel, please don't get zombie ichor on any of my books, thank you.

Castiel of Fangwood |

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains... are often used in the rites of Calistria, as described in volume three of Elgenin's Comparative Religions of the Inner Sea. And in the rites of Abadar, but the less said there the better.
Oh, and Castiel, please don't get zombie ichor on any of my books, thank you.
Acts, Chapter 7, Verse 23:
And verily did holy Iomedae pursue the creature into the library.But upon entering, the monstrosity rushed at her, knocking her sacred blade from her grasp.
Iomedae reached for her sword, but her fingers closed on a heavy tome of sacred text.
And lo; as the monster crouched for a second attack, Iomedae did throw the book at it.

Ragadolf |

Acts, Chapter 7, Verse 23:
And verily did holy Iomedae pursue the creature into the library.
But upon entering, the monstrosity rushed at her, knocking her sacred blade from her grasp.
Iomedae reached for her sword, but her fingers closed on a heavy tome of sacred text.
And lo; as the monster crouched for a second attack, Iomedae did throw the book at it.
Uh hem,...
I was perusing the maneuver/feat lists today, and it was strangely silent on whether or not a trip attempt still provoked an AoO or a return trip attempt if used with reach.
Weapon finesse is, I think, a requirement for any skill based character.
Really, I saw it in the rules somewhere,...

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Well I suppose they could take an AoO if they have equal reach. Otherwise I don’t see that it would be possible. Hmmm ... can you make a Sunder or Disarm attempt as an AoO? If so they could probably do that too (ie, targeting the whip rather than the wielder).
More importantly than this, is your character going to wear a fedora and have an acute fear of snakes?

Ragadolf |

A distinct possibility, since the more I research building a 'Sherlock Holmes' style PC, the more I realize how difficult it is! ;P
Seriously, a rogue with a High Int gets an ungodly # of skill points, but has almost no K: skills on his class list! It's hard to do a know-it-all PC with no K: skills! ;P
An archaeologist would be easier, simply pick a trait that adds 'K:history' to your skill list, and there you go! :)
Either way, Weapon finesse, a rapier, and a whip,... yep, that' smy thinking,... fedora,... is that PF core rules?

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Well a bard has almost as many skill points as a rogue, has all the knowledge skills on their list and get a bonus to knowledge skill checks (in the form of their ‘bardic knowledge’ ability). Plus they are proficient with whip!
On the other hand, not having a skill on your class list is not as bad in PF as it was in 3.5, you just miss out on the extra +3 bonus – an issue that can be offset somewhat with enough skill points and a high intelligence score.
There were some feats in 3.5 that gave you extra skills on your class list (similar feats probably exist in PF). There are also some traits in PF that allow you to treat certain skills (including knowledge skills in some cases, not sure about history in particular) as class skills.
I’m sure it would be easy and fairly legit to come up with a trait ‘Student of History: You studied history in depth. +1 (or +2) trait bonus to Knowledge, History checks and this skill is always a class skill for you.’

Ragadolf |

Yep, still looking at those (there IS one for history, actually)
Heh, just found this,
-There is a trait (heirloom weapon?) where you inherit a master work weapon. Your choice. And you are automatically proficient with it. :)
-Just down that same list is 'prehensile whip' where you can specifically use your whip as a rope ad grappling hook. A-la famous fedora wearers,...
I'm going to have to look at bard now,... I can see Sherlock having been a bard, his 'performances' were his powerful expositions,... (If it's late enough, I can justify anything!) ;P
Off to look at teh bard now,... and then to bed!

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As for Sherlock Holmes, there is a ‘Detective’ bard archetype and an ‘Investigator’ rogue archetype in PF. There is also a ‘Master Inquisitive’ (or something) PrC in Eberron which may or may not work well in other settings (it is basically meant to emulate a pulp detective with a few quasi-magical abilities thrown in).

Myron Swackhammer |

I have most of the mechanical stuff in place now. I spent all my money on my chainshirt, so I'm armed with a sling and a spear... Good thing I have my bombs!
Also, alchemists have an awesome skill list. Even with my 4+INT skill points, I still don't have enough to take all the skills I want!

Dr. Nigel Erebus |

Dr. Nigel Erebus wrote:I shall repair to my chamber in anticipation of our opening scene!"You want me make them quiet?"
"No no my good fellow. You can be of assistance by fetching me my valise over there. Be gentle, for it holds the accoutrements of my craft. Should aught befall them there would be a reckoning unto like there never has been on the face of Golarion before!"

Castiel of Fangwood |

I have most of the mechanical stuff in place now. I spent all my money on my chainshirt, so I'm armed with a sling and a spear... Good thing I have my bombs!
Also, alchemists have an awesome skill list. Even with my 4+INT skill points, I still don't have enough to take all the skills I want!
Yeah, the alchemist looks good, I was considering playing one for CH's Ravenloft game.
Castiel should be done mechanically too, need to put together some description and background notes.

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I think I'm ready to go. My connection to the professor isn't the strongest, but it is at least somewhat plausible.
A final question - I have the Extra Bombs feat, but I'm considering dropping it in favour of Far Shot. Any thoughts?
More bombs are always fun. I guess Far Shot depends on how close you like to get to the action. 20 feet range increments is not much, so reducing the penalty might be good, but it still doesn’t make your bombs a truly long range weapon.
I think we’re using traits – so you still get to choose two of those! There are campaign specific traits in the (free downloadable) Carrion Crown Players Guide which provide some ideas on a connection to the Professor.