Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain Multi-Pack

3.20/5 (based on 6 ratings)
Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Basic
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Whether you need a wild plain, a city square, an arena floor, or the open sea, set the scene for nearly any adventure with the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain Multi-Pack! Cover all your ground effectively with four different full-color textures: grassland, stone floor, street, and water! Usable by experienced GMs and novices alike for a vast variety of games, Pathfinder Flip-Mats fit perfectly into any Game Master’s arsenal, giving you vibrant playspaces you can customize however you like! Don't waste your time sketching when you could be playing. With the Pathfinder Flip-Mat: Basic Terrain Multi-Pack, now you can focus on what matters the most: the action in your game.

Note: This product is not part of any subscription, but Pathfinder Maps subscribers who preorder this set will receive a free PDF edition of this product when the print edition ships. (Note that you will need to have an active Pathfinder Maps subscription at the time this product ships in order to receive the PDF for free.)

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3.20/5 (based on 6 ratings)

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You're Basic!


There’s not a lot to say about the Basic Terrain Multi-Pack beyond the basics you can read about in the product description. It’s a set of two 24x30 inch gridded mats that, as with all Paizo flip-mats, accepts wet erase, dry erase, or even permanent marker. Each side of the mats is a different colour and is very lightly textured to serve as an otherwise-featureless landscape: grasslands, stone floor, water, and street. By “otherwise-featureless”, I mean that these are uniform in pattern—there aren’t any fallen trees in the grasslands or broken cobblestones in the street. But to me that’s okay, as it’s not the point of the set and other flip-mats exist that provide that additional layer of detail. In terms of the colouring and texture that are there, I think each side is a good representation except that the “street” side doesn’t seem particularly evocative of anything at all.

In terms of usefulness, I think it’s really going to depend on the level of immersion you want players to have during encounters. Featureless grids aren’t hard to find, and the Bigger Basic flip-mat could stand-in for any of these terrains. But if you’re vexed with players who are like “why is the ocean a light tan”, then having terrain-specific but detail-free flip-mats could be useful. I don’t have those players and don’t use this set very often, though it’s always handy, of course, to have some extra mats available to pre-draw certain encounters. And if you don’t already have any blank flip-mats, then this is a good value and worth the purchase.

So Disappointed.


Ever since I discovered the Pathfinder game, I've been hooked. I've had to use blank, white grids that we couldn't draw on to play. So I finally bought this Flip-Mat set.

Wish I didn't.

These don't sit flat. It's clear that the ink will get stuck in the creases. I have just purchased the official "Adventure Grid" for the 5th edition of the world's oldest role-playing game. There really is no comparison between the two products. The Grid is thicker and folds out flat and straight. I'll be using that and these Flip-Mats will stay on the shelf.

Can't believe I'm about to say this about a Pathfinder product .... but stay away from this one, it's not worth it.

One of the most useful set of maps.


The GM sale was going on recently, and even though I already have a sizeable flip mat collection, I had $20 burning a hole in my pocket. I figured that any self-respecting GM should at least have the maps labeled "basic" in their collection.

I was very pleasantly surprised by what I received.

First off, I received it only two business days after I placed the order, and I placed the order later in the day. So, I was very satisfied with the delivery speed.

I do have to echo with the others that the printing of these flip mats is kind of dark. The flip mats don't have to glow neon, but a few shades lighter would do wonders to help accent the details.

There are details. Sure, for the most part, these flip mats are just repeated designs, but there are intricacies to the patterns that make them interesting.

Here is why these are useful:

* If you also have a collection of map packs, these flip mats make a very useful base to put all of the smaller map pack cards on top of. This helps complete the picture, and it gives the characters room to move around and up to the map pack objects. One of the drawbacks of using the map packs is that if you just use them on a gaming table, they are small, and seem to just be floating in space. Putting them on top of these maps helps ground them.

* These fold up just like the other flip mats and can be carried with your books in your backpack. Then just fold them out, and use markers on them. After the game, just wipe them off and fold them back up. Easy peasy. Very transportable.

* The four terrains are the main four terrains that characters will encounter, and in my opinion, they offer a variety of terrains that the rest of the library of flip mats just doesn't offer.

I would say that for newer GMs starting out, this should be one of the first accessories that they buy - along with a set of markers. And seasoned GMs will really appreciate the versatility of these flip maps.

Great Idea...

3/5 execution.

I love the design of this product, and I believe they went with a good mix of terrain types. Unfortunately, only the dungeon floor pattern is light/sparse enough to really show wet erase markers. Alas, if only the other textures were lighter and/or less busy, this would easily be a five-star product. As it is, you're better off sticking with Flip-Mat: Basic.


Useful set for all GMs


If you are attracted to the flip-mats but don't have the resources to buy lots, buy these. The package contains two double-sided mats. One is watery on one side and covered in light stone tile on the other. The other features meadow-like terrain and worn flagstone on the other. While the particular point of these is that they are largely "blank" with very little detailing, there are a lot of nice subtle touches to the design that makes these more desirable to have than the basic flip-mat--for example, shallow puddles dispersed across the flagstone, areas of strewn rocks and light undergrowth on the meadow. The detail is well designed without being distracting or getting in the way of items you may wish to place or draw on the mat.

I expect these will mesh very well with a number of map cards from the map packs, so you could create an endless variety of landscapes with these and the cards, or of course you can draw or embellish as you see fit with whatever tools you have at your disposal.

My only complaints are relatively minor:
First, as with all of the flip mats, I wish the brightness and saturation was turned up just a notch on the color; in particular the flagstone one needs to be a tad lighter and show more contrast, and the meadow is more of an ooky green than nice grass green. None of these are TOO dark, but most save the stone-tile side perhaps a bit dull, and I always prefer lighter, brighter mats upon which anything I draw will show up brilliantly. I am being nitpicky here, in full admission--these work fine as they are, but lighter or brighter would be even better in my opinion.

Second, I wish the water side had been a cave floor/darklands floor instead (perhaps usable for wasteland terrain as well). You are FAR more likely to need such terrain than you are ever going to need a blank water mat. While you can use the stone tile or flagstone maps for dungeons, something for natural terrain would have been ideal. Also, if you're really wanting water terrain, you're likely to want to be purchasing one of the other water-scene-based flip mats, many of which also have blank water sides, and I can't imagine needing more than one. However again if this is all you're getting in flip mats, this will absolutely cover a wide range of needs.

It is still a nice, practical product and I look forward to using these extensively.

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Webstore Gninja Minion

Aaaand announced! Please note that is is not part of the Pathfinder Maps subscription, but if you have an active Pathfinder Maps subscription and preorder this, you will receive the PDF for free when the print edition ships.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

These Terrains have been covered in other maps already correct? THis just brings them together in a set?

Webstore Gninja Minion

Dragnmoon wrote:
These Terrains have been covered in other maps already correct? THis just brings them together in a set?

Correct, which is why they're not part of the subscription. This *is* a great way to have spares, or if you want to donate to a beginning GM, or prizes on game days, etc. :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This will be something I will definitely pre-order. Cool!

Any chance of another set with say Ice, Mountain, Desert, and ... erm ...

some other basic Terrains?

Just curious.


Does the availability of this mean there will be a shift in standard flip mat designs? (Ie away from the inclusion of blank* sides)

I know they've never been actually blank, but you know what I mean. It has been a point of contention for some, over the years.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Steve Geddes wrote:
Does the availability of this mean there will be a shift in standard flip mat designs?

It looks like the last "blank" sided map we did was City Streets, so yes, there has been a shift. :)

Thanks, liz. That should make several people happy. Good call splitting them like this. If they sell well, I would like to add swamp and wooden floorboards to The_Minstrel_Wyrm's list of suggestions for pack two.

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:

This will be something I will definitely pre-order. Cool!

Any chance of another set with say Ice, Mountain, Desert, and ... erm ...

some other basic Terrains?

Just curious.


I second this request. Another base pack with Desert, Mountain/Hills, Ice and Swamp would be VERY important.

Dark Archive

Even though I already own quite a few flip-mats, there's always room for spare copies! :)

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

This looks pretty good! I'll be adding that to next months subscription :)

Grand Lodge

About time!
I've been asking for / complaining that you should've been making these for a while now.
In my eyes, blank terrain maps are the perfect flip mats.

And yes! I agree with The_Minstrel_Wyrm / Steve Geddes / Enpeze
Snow-Ice / Swamp / Desert / Mountain for Basic Terrain Multi-Pack Vol 2

Cannot wait for this and will be buying!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pretty soon my flipmats will take up more space than my books.

This is a fantastic idea.

I always though that one side of FlipMat: Basic should have been grass/wilderness. Hopefully this product, like Basic, is intended to be kept in print, so both sides of the "no blank sides to flip mats" debate can be happy. :)


This makes me happy. I love the 'basic' flip mats for their versatility. Now I won't have to keep using the same blank grey one so much! And, put me on the list also for the more terrain types!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote:

This is a fantastic idea.

I always though that one side of FlipMat: Basic should have been grass/wilderness.

Have you considered "Bandit Outpost"?

The front is a fairly useful stockade, and the back is basically grassland.

JohnF wrote:

Have you considered "Bandit Outpost"?

The front is a fairly useful stockade, and the back is basically grassland.

Thank you for the suggestion, but I was speaking in a more general, if-you-only-buy-one kinda way -- as I personally have a flip-mat problem.

I currently own:
City Market
River Crossing
Dragon's Lair
Waterfront Tavern
Pirate Island
City Streets
Village Square
Country Inn
Town Square
Deep Forest
Watch Station

In the past I have owned, and subsequently given away/lost/worn out:
Forest Path
City Square

...that said, I do not own Bandit Outpost. Yet. :)

While "blanks" don't really pique my interest (because I have a few, and a few is more than enough; not because they are bad), I'm definitely interested here because the terrain is on them, and I agree that snow ones and a few other terrain types would be worth doing.

Good call by the way on the non-subscription thing. Still I would send out some sort of announcement to maps subscribers repeating what you said here about the preorder. Not everyone combs the messageboards and product pages.

Dark Archive

YAY! Definitely getting this map pack.

Liberty's Edge

As a relative newcomer to PF I don't have any flip-mats yet so this seems like a great place to start.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Updated product with final cover and description.

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but having never purchased a physical map, what are the dimensions of these maps?


Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
GM Idyll wrote:

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but having never purchased a physical map, what are the dimensions of these maps?


9 8"x10" panels, for a total of 24"x30" fully folded out

Dark Archive

Enlight_Bystand wrote:
GM Idyll wrote:

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but having never purchased a physical map, what are the dimensions of these maps?


9 8"x10" panels, for a total of 24"x30" fully folded out

Does this mean these flip mats are folded in the box? Or are they individual panels that can be placed side-by-side on the table? And if the former, will these be released as the latter?

Webstore Gninja Minion

ckdragons wrote:
Enlight_Bystand wrote:
GM Idyll wrote:

Sorry if this is an obvious question, but having never purchased a physical map, what are the dimensions of these maps?


9 8"x10" panels, for a total of 24"x30" fully folded out
Does this mean these flip mats are folded in the box? Or are they individual panels that can be placed side-by-side on the table? And if the former, will these be released as the latter?

The flip-mats do not come with storage, but they are folded in the packaging. Each Flip-Mat is double-sided, and each Flip-Mat is 24x30". We do not have plans to release them as individual 8x10" tiles (though you could probably grab the PDF and print it out into an 8x10" form). If you're looking for tiled maps, check out our Map Packs.

New to this stuff: what is the size of each individual square - ie will basic lead figure fit? Agree with other comments - this is lacking specifics, I see people can only get info they need to decide to purchase as board posts. Unless the specs are on the BACK of the envelope - in which case need an expandable image for that also.

They are one inch squares. Most figures work fine on them.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Doug Hood wrote:
New to this stuff: what is the size of each individual square - ie will basic lead figure fit? Agree with other comments - this is lacking specifics, I see people can only get info they need to decide to purchase as board posts. Unless the specs are on the BACK of the envelope - in which case need an expandable image for that also.

It's one inch square. Stats can be found on other products in the line. For instance, the previous Basic Flip Mat

I store mine folded vertically between the side of my desk and the wall. They could be folded both vertically and horizontally, but I find it takes a bit longer for it to straiten out afterwards. The already thick paper is embossed/impregnated with a chemical that lets you use it with whiteboard markers.

Pick up a pack of wet erase markers and you can quickly setup a combat. Dry erase will work fine, they tend to get unintentionally erased easily.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Awhile ago a bag containing some of my gaming stuff was stolen, including most of my flipmats with blank sides.

It's like you made this JUST FOR ME.

Good. This will mean that I can get a big passel of the maps I've missed in one shot. I have several, but missed many of the early ones.

Scarab Sages

Very useful maps. And it seems the packaging issues the last maps suffered from are resolved, at least my maps arrived in pristine condition.

Can we have basic maps for desert and frozen terrain soonish? Pretty please?

This is exactly what i have been waiting for. Now all I need is money. :(

Any chance of ever getting the blue "water" mat individually? I've got several of the other types and don't have any need for more copies of the same, but I sure would like a blank mat of water terrain...

drkfathr1 wrote:
Any chance of ever getting the blue "water" mat individually? I've got several of the other types and don't have any need for more copies of the same, but I sure would like a blank mat of water terrain...

Try the Ship flip mat it has a blank water side in addition to a cool map of a ship with several decks.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

what would be nice if there was a option to have the mats ship rolled instead of folded so there wouldn't any ceases in it

Just bought the product on amazon and it's fantastic!
However I was wondering how much will I damage the product if I cut it 8x10 (the folded size) to obtain 6 separate rectangles which are more convenient to manage IMHO.

Will the cutted edge absorb ink making it not removable?

Consider that I would cut the flip mat with a professional cutter in a perfect straight line at the copy shop.

Scarab Sages

~Maxiride wrote:

Just bought the product on amazon and it's fantastic!

However I was wondering how much will I damage the product if I cut it 8x10 (the folded size) to obtain 6 separate rectangles which are more convenient to manage IMHO.

Will the cutted edge absorb ink making it not removable?

Consider that I would cut the flip mat with a professional cutter in a perfect straight line at the copy shop.

I imagine the damage would be more than inconvenient. Investing in the pdf and have them printed & laminated might be more convenient.

feytharn wrote:
~Maxiride wrote:

Just bought the product on amazon and it's fantastic!

However I was wondering how much will I damage the product if I cut it 8x10 (the folded size) to obtain 6 separate rectangles which are more convenient to manage IMHO.

Will the cutted edge absorb ink making it not removable?

Consider that I would cut the flip mat with a professional cutter in a perfect straight line at the copy shop.

I imagine the damage would be more than inconvenient. Investing in the pdf and have them printed & laminated might be more convenient.

My local stores can laminate printed paper with common plastic which unfortunately doesn't work with dry erase (the ink doesn't actually get down at all on the plastic), wet erase markers remains a bit "liquid"..

I'm having an hard time to find a proper laminating material for this purpose that's why I bought the flip mat. Otherwise I could print ahead of times entire dungeons! :D

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I don't think ink even on the edges will wreck the mat (unless you REALLY soak it) but I am not understanding why you consider cutting it up more convenient. If it's a matter of it not unfolding flat, it doesn't take long for a heavy object to flatten it out during pre-game prep time.

If you like smaller bits to shove around, map packs may also be generally more desirable for you.

DeathQuaker wrote:

I don't think ink even on the edges will wreck the mat (unless you REALLY soak it) but I am not understanding why you consider cutting it up more convenient. If it's a matter of it not unfolding flat, it doesn't take long for a heavy object to flatten it out during pre-game prep time.

If you like smaller bits to shove around, map packs may also be generally more desirable for you.

It's not a matter of unfolding it. Folding the mat in the "opposite" direction solves the issue quickly. It's that I think that doing a battle with the map folded, and than maybe I need to extend it a bit, I can only double it's size each time. Having spare rectangles allows me to overlap them to maybe show just half of the second tile underneath the first.

Scarab Sages

~Maxiride wrote:
feytharn wrote:
~Maxiride wrote:

Just bought the product on amazon and it's fantastic!

However I was wondering how much will I damage the product if I cut it 8x10 (the folded size) to obtain 6 separate rectangles which are more convenient to manage IMHO.

Will the cutted edge absorb ink making it not removable?

Consider that I would cut the flip mat with a professional cutter in a perfect straight line at the copy shop.

I imagine the damage would be more than inconvenient. Investing in the pdf and have them printed & laminated might be more convenient.

My local stores can laminate printed paper with common plastic which unfortunately doesn't work with dry erase (the ink doesn't actually get down at all on the plastic), wet erase markers remains a bit "liquid"..

That is strange, it always worked well with overhead markers for me :-(

feytharn wrote:
~Maxiride wrote:
feytharn wrote:
~Maxiride wrote:

Just bought the product on amazon and it's fantastic!

However I was wondering how much will I damage the product if I cut it 8x10 (the folded size) to obtain 6 separate rectangles which are more convenient to manage IMHO.

Will the cutted edge absorb ink making it not removable?

Consider that I would cut the flip mat with a professional cutter in a perfect straight line at the copy shop.

I imagine the damage would be more than inconvenient. Investing in the pdf and have them printed & laminated might be more convenient.

My local stores can laminate printed paper with common plastic which unfortunately doesn't work with dry erase (the ink doesn't actually get down at all on the plastic), wet erase markers remains a bit "liquid"..

That is strange, it always worked well with overhead markers for me :-(

If I could find how it's called the material used to cover the flip mats maybe I will be able to search more accurately. 'cause at the moment I honestly don't know what to look for custom laminated sheets.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

~Maxiride wrote:
If I could find how it's called the material used to cover the flip mats maybe I will be able to search more accurately. 'cause at the moment I honestly don't know what to look for custom laminated sheets.

It's not a lamination-type material. It's a sort of varnish that's applied as part of the printing process.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

These mats are actually pretty dark -- The water and forest/underbrush mats in particular are not as useful as I had hoped. If you use some island & ship overlays for the water, or huts, trees, etc. for the forest, I can see how they would be very useful.

Dark Archive


Consisting of:

-sky/clouds (for aerial battles)
-plains/steppe or lava/fire

Marco Massoudi wrote:


Consisting of:

-sky/clouds (for aerial battles)
-plains/steppe or lava/fire

I second that motion! :)

Am I the only one who seems to see these types of mats as consistently problematic at or near the folds with minis falling over. I've attempted to reverse fold and leave out for a bit but they've never lain completely flat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Felix Danger wrote:
Am I the only one who seems to see these types of mats as consistently problematic at or near the folds with minis falling over. I've attempted to reverse fold and leave out for a bit but they've never lain completely flat.

I picked up a 2.5 x 3.4ft art portrait carry case just for flip mats, have kept them flat and they store nice under/behind a couch. But yes, constant folds do cause a problem, and a hot iron and moist towel are not always handy to smooth one out.


I'm new to pathfinder and seeing this product I wanted to know if it comes as 2 flip mats with different terrains on each side or is it only one mat with 2 terrains that need to be picked when placing the order for it?

Dark Archive

Aragot wrote:


I'm new to pathfinder and seeing this product I wanted to know if it comes as 2 flip mats with different terrains on each side or is it only one mat with 2 terrains that need to be picked when placing the order for it?

2 flip-mats with 4 different double sides.:-)

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