Ancient Dream Dragon

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Dark Archive

FWIW, I'd skip the frost giants.

Dark Archive

If you wanted to Go Big, there are some wonderful full maps of the town that you could use run the entire siege on a single map! I've ran this scenarios a few times, both in person on a battle map and online. Use what you're comfortable with. I personally like the full map so show the full scale of the encounter. But Bjorn has some good advice. The adventure does break down the siege into individual encounters that you can run in sequence. If the party starts dragging their feet, you can always have them spot the incoming
next encounter to help speed them with the current encounter.

Dark Archive

When I ran that campaign many years ago, I felt that the joining of the Sihedron would have been a great conclusion to the campaign. Book 6 felt unnecessary and "tacked on" to the end of the story.

One option you can do it that the joining of the Sihedron is interrupted by the specified events. The power of that event prevents the reforging. The party would then have a better purpose to deal with that event so they can complete their primary task.

Dark Archive

Fair Strides wrote:
Strife2002 wrote:
El oh el, was just brought to my attention that the energy drain ability can only be applied once per round, so nevermind on this one? I guess if the slam attack misses, you can always try with the other attacks in the same round.
What is the source on this? The ability in the bestiaries just says it's automatic when the listed attacks hit, and that multiple successful attacks stack...

This is listed in the vampire description.

Energy Drain (Su): A creature hit by a vampire’s slam (or other natural weapon) gains two negative levels. This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the number of attacks a vampire makes.

I couldn't find it mentioned in other sections listing energy drain for universal abilities. So, this may be a vampire-specific limitation.

As a GM, I'm good with using the once/round limit for all creatures as it's can turn so deadly against the PCs.

Dark Archive

Cori Marie wrote:
Did you not take advantage of last year's that Aaron told you was coming?

Sadly, I missed it :(

Dark Archive

Think you all missed the mark here. No Black Friday Sale on old PF1e PDF product?! Been waiting for a sale on these... not spending $120 per AP set to complete my collection, especially on 6+ year old product. I'm sure I'm not alone here... :(

Dark Archive

Does the Snap Shot feat allow an attack of opportunity when the target that is provoking is around a hard corner?


O = Open space; W = Wall; A = Attacker; T = Target


Dark Archive

X2Brute wrote:
I wish these were the kind of d4 that had the number at the top instead of the bottom

Tradition! Original old school d4s!

Dark Archive

Personally: Random Treasure

For a black market, design a few level-appropriate items for each character that they may be interested in but nothing you know would break the campaign.

Dark Archive

Woot! And thank you!

Dark Archive

Just found these... awesome work! Thank you.

Dark Archive

You could make a Gargantuan-sized cardboard template and put the largest giant miniature you have on it. I did this once for a Huge dragon when I only had a Large dragon miniature. Created a 3 inch by 3 inch cardboard template, drew the grid lines, and placed the figure in the middle of it.

Dark Archive

TriOmegaZero wrote:
She tagged along.


Dark Archive

Where did Mimi come from? Confused by their appearance in this latest comic.

Dark Archive

In today's society, I would speak with your players who will be participating. If they find anything offensive, encourage them to say something. Your players are the perfect gauge to whether something is offensive.

Further, if you want to error on the side of caution, there shouldn't be any issues with you making changes before the game.

With role-playing games, it all about communication between you and your players.


Dark Archive

I'd like a copy please.
ckdragons at

Dark Archive

You're maps are very good! Keep up the excellent work!

Dark Archive

Damuth wrote:

I found this Google Drive link during my search for the same: Assets for Book 3

I hope you can find what you're looking for!

This is an awesome collection. Any chance to link the other 5 books?

Dark Archive

Strife2002 wrote:
Thanks! Though I warn you I'm probaby about as interesting as anyone who has (checks notes) spent the last 10+ years obsessing over errata from a single adventure path could be expected to be.

Can't wait for you to start the next one! LOL

Only 23 more to go!

Dark Archive

While this doesn't defend Paizo's decision to not provide the high resolution maps, there may be other factors in play when using Devir service. It's possible they used an image sharpening utility to clean up the existing image as part of the service. I have seen a few available, though never used any myself.

However, the idea that even in today's technology that Paizo isn't provided with high resolution maps from their designers is mind boggling. Understandable 20 years ago, but not today.

Dark Archive

Thank you, Strife! For continuing to update the RotRL errata. I'd like to buy you a coffee if we ever run into each other RL.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

How often will you have sales on the PDF books for PF1 Adventure Paths? I'm missing a few and would like to complete my collection. However, paying $120 for each set is way out of my budget, especially for such old content. Thanks.

Dark Archive

Getting the same error.

Dark Archive

Is anyone to help explain how this area works? I'm mapping out area A16-A17 of Citadel Dinyar. The way the map and the room descriptions are very confusing.

Is A17 and gate to the East the main entrance to the Citadel?

How does the drawbridge work to access the tower that is A16?

A16 looks like it's in a some cave? Where is the path going from the door?

Dark Archive

To the different ranks of the Thrune Agent stack?
Thrune Loyal Agent
Thrune Trusted Agent
Thrune Bound Agent

Dark Archive

I believe your biggest hurdle with 2 PCs, even when those PCs are powerful, will be action economy. Single boss fights are going to be heroic, but with multiple enemies, its either going to be a lot of nothing because the baddies can't hit/effect the PCs, or the PCs are going to get worn down by attrition. For these reasons, I agree with Erpa that a DMPC would be helpful more than providing the 2 PCs with Mythic levels.

Dark Archive

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To clarify for myself, a character standing at the doorway of a 20 ft x 20 ft room would take 2 or 4 Perception checks to scan the room for traps?

The +1 DC on the Perception check(s) looking at the farther half of the room.

How much time is used if the character then Takes 20 on the room? Is that even possible if there are any traps in the room or are they automatically triggered?

Dark Archive

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Sorry if this was asked before...

Does this Bestiary allow a 1E GM to run Kingmaker 2E AP at the relative same power level as a 2E GM would use? Are the 1E creatures in this bestiary balanced to the author's expectation of difficulty?

I understand there were some balance change between the PF editions. I'm hoping to clarify this isn't just a straight up swap where 1E PCs are either going to find this with cake-walk fights or possible TPK fights.

There is also mentions of hazards/traps. What about skill checks commonly throughout the non-fight portion of the AP? Or will those need to be manually adjusted by a 1E GM?

I've always wanted to run this AP, and happy that this edition was released. I've heard good things about it so far.

Thank you!

Dark Archive

Use the giant template for Big Gogmut?

Dark Archive

Yeah, the next book has a dragon doing dragon things. That poor town.

In my campaign, a PC ranger decided that 1v1 with the dragon using his bow was a good idea. Insert focused dragon = poor ranger barely escaped with single-digit hp.

Dark Archive

If it were me, if K fails his save against a planar effect (highly unlikely with his saves), I'd let the effect happen for a round. At the start of the next round, probably timed to the start of the player's turn that used the effect, K pops back automatically because of the pull from the Eye. Explain it as such. The PCs Spellcraft should be high enough to understand what happens from the effect. It gives the players a bit of satisfaction that a powerful spell worked, albeit temporarily.

Dark Archive

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This was from a home-brew game long ago. The characters were adventuring in the snow-capped mountains, I forgot exactly why they were there, but I'll never forget their encounter with a large wyrm. As they traveled, they spotted a white dragon fly overhead. They tracked it back to it lair, prepped their fire spells and cold defenses for the fight, snuck in while it slumbered, and attacked! It was then they noticed the dragon's pinkish eyes as it breathed fire in defense, It was then they realized their mistake... they were fighting an albino red dragon!

Dark Archive

Does Cackle extend the duration of Bouda's Eye when the Witch also has the Evil Eye hex?

Bouda's Eye A bouda’s gaze can bestow ill fortune on her enemies. This hex can affect a creature within 30 feet that the bouda can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (bouda’s choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. The hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the bouda’s Intelligence modifier. A successful Will saving throw reduces the duration of the hex to 1 round. Once per day when the bouda uses this hex, she can impose two different penalties on the target instead of just one. If the bouda takes the evil eye hex, it increases the number of different penalties she can impose on the hex’s target by 1. At 8th level, the penalties imposed by this hex increase to –4. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Evil Eye The witch can cause doubt to creep into the mind of a foe within 30 feet that she can see. The target takes a –2 penalty on one of the following (witch's choice): AC, ability checks, attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks. This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch's Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round. This is a mind-affecting effect. At 8th level the penalty increases to –4.

Cackle A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, fortune hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 round.

Dark Archive

Ok, let me ask a different similar question....

Does anyone know the source book this particular map of Senara comes from?


This map is different than the map of Senara included in The Inferno Gate.

Dark Archive

Does anyone have an updated (corrected) map of Senara? I'm hoping that I can find a map without the underground aqueduct shown. I saw this asked earlier in this thread but there was no response. I was able to find an "alternate" version of a map of Senara, but unsure if this will work. My group is starting Book 3 probably at the start of the year.
Alternate Map of Senara

Dark Archive

Converted into link:
How easy is it to convert 1e adventures into 2e

Dark Archive

Are you referring to RETURN of the Runelords? RotRL has been used to refer to RISE of the Runelords. :)

The devs design for timelines has always been the published year of an AP series matching the Golarian year equivalent. However, it's completely up to you if you want your campaign to match this design.

Rise of the Runelords was released in 2007, which as you indicated, is set in AR 4707.

Jade Reagent was released in 2011, and is set in AR 4711.

Return of the Runelords was released in 2018, and is set in AR 4718.

Hope this helps.

Dark Archive

Any update soon for PF1E site? :)

Dark Archive

Personally, I never really tracked any sin points in my campaigns. Instead asking the players just before entering Runeforge what they thought would be their character's most influencing sin. I wouldn't tell them why I was asking until they entered the first wing.

Dark Archive

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Roonfizzle Garnackle wrote:

I took a peek! I'm WELL past book one (Just started the final assault yesterday), but these are well done, and DON'T HAVE A GRID!! As someone who's fought tooth and nail to get a grid to line up in a VTT... and given up more times than I want to think about, it's a big positive.

Edit: Some of them have grid lines from cobblestones, this makes me sad, as I was excited.

(Still) Very Well Done!

I'd agree with you, however, it's not like narchy didn't actually add all that information in the map itself to make it super easy to line everything up. And don't all VTTs have a grid overlay, usable with that provided information? :-/

Great job narchy!

Dark Archive

Yes, this helps. Thank you.

Dark Archive

Where is Fort Estazano located? I can find that it's near Longacre but I can't find any reference in what direction and how far. Does anyone know where to find this info? I feel like I'vd scoured Book 1 and couldn't find it. Searching online has been fruitless, too! Thanks.

Dark Archive

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I'm still running 2 PF1E games (Rise of the Runelords, Hell's Vengeance). Both online. Rise is every other week. Hell's is weekly. Both groups will continue into another PF1E AP when they're finished with these. Rise is currently in Book 6 and will run Shattered Star next. Hell's is unknown at this time as we're still in Book 1.

Dark Archive

How does the spell shadowbard interact with a Thundercaller Bard with the Thunder Call ability? Does this mean the bard can use Thunder Call twice (once by him and once by the shadowbard) each round?

Dark Archive

You could siphon loot from another area to include in the Vault. Or as I played it, the Vault other treasures were looted with Baraket. The gloves were left behind because didn't detect as magic, appearing as normal gauntlets (artifacts can be fickle like that). Allow the players to find a well hidden message in Thassalonian that suggests these gloves are more than they seem. This message was overlooked by the previous looting party. Gave my PCs a nice hook to investigate this interesting item.

Dark Archive

This is wandering into house rule territory, I like just averaging it out. If the dragon's breath weapon recharges every 1d4 rounds, I make it available every other round. 1d4+1 or 1d6 = every three rounds. While it removes the possibility of back-to-back breath weapon rounds, it is one less thing I have to spend time to roll and note the time. Minor same time during the combat, but removing even a minute helps speed up combat. And it also stops that horrible feeling knowing the dragon can't breath for 4 more rounds and combat will probably be over by then.

Dark Archive

The Adventure Paths PDFs come with an Interactive Maps PDF that allows switching between Player and GM-only views.

Dark Archive

The Fetish ability of the Bouda archetype replaces the Familiar class feature of the Witch. Does this also prevent the Witch from selecting a Patron?

Bouda Archtype
This ability replaces the familiar class feature.

Witch Patron Spells
Patron Spells: At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron.

Dark Archive

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Awesome! It's working now! Thank you!

Dark Archive

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Using Windows 10 and Firefox 88.0.1 (64-bit)

When I click the + for "Add this post as a favorite", the webpage snaps to the top of the page. This happens on any post on different webpages. I also tried logging off and signing in my account and restarting Firefox (I'm always in incognito mode).

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