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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
my little gripe is the room descriptions you read to the players like room c24 "Whatever this room’s original use, today it serves as a
then 2 paragraphs down it says there are 2 cultish worshipping here.
so the text should have been this "Whatever this room’s original use, today it serves as a
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
guys for pawns storage have you see this
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
one of my players hates ship combat she feels that some of the actions requiring to be higher level doesn't make sense. here a example Target System
the two should be reverse its should be easier to lock on the ship then to target specific systems. new sailor "sorry sir i cann't lock on to that battleship, i am new sir but i can target their turrets tho sir" ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
well i am Gm my sunday group right now they think they are playing Harnmaster roleplaying system. but at the end of dead suns part 1,(I got they felt they didn't like starfinder. but found out they just didn't care for ship combat) so when we switch systems i just secertly had their characters hit with sleeping gas while they sleep and put them into a matrix like state. an one of the character finally woke up. thats where i left it last sunday ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
i like earthdawn's spell system where you have the spells you learn you can cast them all day but you have to use a what is called a spell matrix which you have few of or you could risk casting with raw magic which can cause horrors to notice you and you take feedback damage base on the level of taint in the area ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
you could do this instead of feats at 1st level,5th level, 9th level, 13th level,and 17th level. you have at 1st
so for ex. a dwarf would have
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
ok last game session we had a talk if the group like playing starfinder.
which i find kinda funny is that the APs are geared for 4 players but ship combat looks geared for 6 players. my group is only 4 players when they have ship combat where some ships can fire multiple guns do to 2+ gunners they can on;y fire one due to that minor crew action cann't be taken if someone went in that phase. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
ok i running Incident on Absalom Station my group has done caught in the crossfire says the exp is 600
then they hit the fusion queen and wipe out the guards and the vesk and boss lady and that nets 400*2 for each set of guards and 400 for bosses so there total exp is 2800 is that each pc or divided among them i have 4 pcs in the group ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
guy what do you think about my pc first ship BP Costs: Explorer (12) + Pulse Gray (100 PCU) (10) + M4 thrusters (2) + Mk 1 armor (3) + mk 2 duonode (8) + Mk 1 defenses (2) + Signal Basic (75 PCU min.) (6) + budget short-range sensors (+0) (2) + basic shields 40 (5) + gyrolaser (3) + light laser cannon (2) = 55/55
Attack (Turret) light laser cannon (2d4)
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
guys should some ship be limited to a max tier like fighters and such?
BP Costs: Fighter (8) + Pulse Red (175 PCU) (17) + T14 thrusters (7) +
Attack (Aft) chain cannon (6d4)
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
in my games my players gotten used to weapon restricts. in harn you cann't walk around with weapons and armor in towns. i input those rules in my d&d games too. i am currently running a traveller game waiting till the alein book comes out before starting a starfinder game. i will bring traveller law levels into the game in some form. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Well you could do what spycraft does have HP and wounds. hps you gain per level but wounds = con score. in that system if you get crit the damage comes off wounds. you go neg con you die. so if you have let say 112 hp and 22 con so that 22 wounds
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
remember the terrain you in effects how far u can see ex.
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