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A summoned bloodseeker attaches [1 action] then blood drains as second action so enemy is drained 1. Next round, assuming caster sustains, is 2 auto blood drains?

The enemy does not keep advancing drain beyond 1, right? This summoned creature just keeps drinking twice each combat round?

All that right?

ok, so there is a need for errata on page 278. Thanks.

Paizo - heres to hoping your monitoring your boards :-)

Another forum was debating this - but hoping for a Paizo clarification/errata.... tical_failures_on_attack/

lets do an example: monster AC 26 your to hit is a +4 and you roll a natural 20..

Page 278: When you make an attack and roll a natural 20 (the number on the die is 20), or if the result of your attack exceeds the target’s AC by 10, you achieve a critical success (also known as a critical hit).

To me it seems like on an attack roll a 20, you hit and its a crit per page 278

but page 445 seems to contradicts this saying you need to exceed by 10.... its a normal hit, but not a crit.


If using the action. Strike, and you fail by 11 or worse, is it a critical failure?
If so what is the negative effect?

Raging song "inspired rage" gives a Morale bonus to will save, what type of bonus is the +5 given to allies against fear? Aka - do the bonuses stack?

Once 10th level, does "Shield of Foresight" trigger on ANY raging song, for example - inspired rage ?

"When using raging song, he is immune to fear effects, and allies affected by his raging song gain a +5 bonus on saves against fear effects. This ability replaces the dirge of doom raging song."

Since it ability - not a special song - it applies to any of the raging songs?


You sure about that?

Skalds are considered to have the rage class feature it seems
1: they get rage powers

2: from paizo's website about the skald class:

"If an ally has her own rage class ability (such as barbarian's rage, bloodrager's bloodrage, or skald's inspired rage)"

Seems clear Paizo is saying skald's inspired rage IS a "rage class" ability.

Am I missing something?

Double Debilitate is not * on the website of all lists ents-advanced

But now I do see it is * on the specific webpage for that talent. So its a typo on the advanced list page then.

unchained rogue:

"At 4th level, whenever a rogue deals sneak attack damage to a foe, she can also debilitate the target of her attack, causing it to take a penalty for 1 round (this is in addition to any penalty caused by a rogue talent or other special ability). "

On a successful sneak attack, use debilitate injury AND something like ninja trick: Pressure points, or at higher level say "Crippling strike" - net is TWO effects from a single sneak attack?

Related: If the person has double debilitate (which does not seem marked with a *), so can they also apply the crippling strike - for net of three effects?

second question was more *IF* question 1 answer was you pick and stay with SINGLE race choice for all levels in that class, half-elves get TWO favored classes, so would the second class choice need to match the first class choice or not.

Errata about half humans raises other questions

1: Can you 'split' or must you choose one race and stick with it?

ex: 4th level char single class that is the "favored", so 4 pts.. Can you put 2 pts in "human" favored, and 2 in "hal-elf"? Or must all 4 pts go into a single (aka, pick ONCE and stick with that for that class).

(personally I would think you pick and stick to single race for that class, but looking for guidance).

2: if you multi-class (half elf), and so have 2 favored classes, can one class pick "half-elf" and the other class pick "human"?

"The entire area of the web is considered difficult terrain. Anyone moving through the webs must make a combat maneuver check or Escape Artist check as part of their move action, with a DC equal to the spell's DC. Creatures that fail lose their movement and become grappled in the first square of webbing that they enter."

If your moving *multiple* webbed squares on your turn (assuming your movement is high enough to overcome x2 cost to move more than 1 square), do you roll once per webbed square, or just one time for 'all' webbed squares? Seems one roll, since failure puts you in first square?

let me clarify - as a regular pathfinder rogue (not unchained), what if first sneak I use Offensive Defense, SECOND sneak I use befuddling strike. Do the effects stack?

what if first sneak I use Offensive Defense, SECOND sneak I use befuddling strike. Do the effects stack?

if you have both befuddling strike AND offense Defense, and sneak attack successfully ONE time, does BOTH effects go into effect?

What if you also have "pressure points", do all three sneak attack effects all trigger from one sneak attack hit - or just one of your choice??

New to this stuff: what is the size of each individual square - ie will basic lead figure fit? Agree with other comments - this is lacking specifics, I see people can only get info they need to decide to purchase as board posts. Unless the specs are on the BACK of the envelope - in which case need an expandable image for that also.

Blessing of Fervor and Metamagic

"Cast a single spell of 2nd level or lower as if it were an enlarged, extended, silent, or still spell"

Does that spell still then burn a higher spell slot?

example: Silent Spell: Level Increase: +1 (a silent spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)

Also, does the caster have to had to previously memorized the spell as a 'silent' version earlier that day?

Question on Called Shots and Critical triggered Feats.

Would Called Shot (say leg) and "Bleeding Critical" stack if a critial is confirmed?

Suggestions on what to do with someone who has say "Blinding Critical" and does a Called Shot to the legs then rolls a critical?

(cant seem to find a single definitve answer on this when i searched, if this is already clearly answered, just put the link)

Can say a pure wizard use a mithril buckler with no penalties - even though they dont have a shield use feat/ability?

What is the interaction with say bracers of armor +2 ? What is the AC of the player?

What stacks or not with Mage Armor?

If they later enchant the mithril bucker to say +1,what is the AC of the player?

A wiz has contingency and say "Wind Wall" to stop pesky archers.

If the archer wins initiative, so the wiz is flat footed, can the contingency still fire? (Trigger something like - If I am attacked or hit by a bow or crossbow, create a wind wall around me) I assume the arrow is shot and simulateously the wind wall will affect THAT arrow before it hits ?

What if the wiz cannot yet see the attacker (say greater invis on the archer)? I know the ammo would become visible - would that be enough?

What if the wiz was shot from behind - so didnt see the arrow? Would it trigger for the second arrow coming in on that same attack round?)

Can a contingency still "cast" if the wiz was in a "silent" area? (like silence 20' radius).

Is a shield gaurdian's spell like a contigency spell?


>>I haven't written anything up other than what I have posted already on here and the old website (if that even exists now).

Its still there.

Delve -
I am another DM interested in the alternate ending you describe, I like the concept of redeeming the plane. The player with the smoking eye would be disappointed in after killing Adima - the whole campaign ends abruptly with the plane issue still "open".

So... if you do find your maps of kophru sunken location map/encounters i would be interested.

Interesting - blast thru the door... nice next round action..

On the "surprise" he could open the door, cast and THEN close the door before the party can act? or after the cast - could he only then "move" to the side using the open door as "cover" - THEN blast thru the next round? Or is he "out of actions" and is then standing there in the open door facing the party?

I am rusty at running - but have a complex scenario, and need some help.

Players coming down a 5' wide straight corridor (single file), door about 40' way. On floor is an Alarm spell cast by the caster down that hall on the other side of a door. There is trash/junk on the floors which slows the party's movement thru that narrow tunnel.

Q1 - does the Rogue in the group get a "passive" attempt to "see" the alarm? Can he even disable it if he does see it?

Q2 - if the alarm spell triggers, can the enemy mage (since he knows for certain someone is approaching) and has "time" - open the door and cast a lightning bolt before the players can act ? Exactly when is initiative rolled in this case?

Q3 - lightning bolt. My players insist that a lightning bolt "grounds" on the first thing (player or monster) it hits. I assume it would continue down the line and hit more things - is it a straight line hitting multiple things...

Q4 - Beyond saving throws, Damage - is each player's damage rolled separately or does the bold do a "constant dam" and the saving throw rolls just affect that "consistent" damage?

Any help appreciated.