War of Immortals AMA

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Tunu40 wrote:
Any new companion content: animal companion, familiar, specific familiar stuff?

Generally speaking, no. However, the Shaman (a Practice of the Animist) has feats and abilities for a Sprit Familiar that makes one of their apparitions a familiar.

There are also two mythic destinies that revolve heavily around companions. The Apocalypse Rider has some interesting interactions with their mount (can be any existing mount) that beefs them up. Also, the Beast Lord is ALL about your companion. Think Beast Master on steroids, so there are some interesting feats there.

However, I do not see anything else in the book regarding companions, familiars, or Eidolons.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
What is your favorite piece of art from the book, and what does it look like?

The battle scene that takes up the entire page 68. It shows the two iconics smiling as they are surrounded by undead and have a tribe of orcs fighting with them. The detail is a thing of beauty and it really showcases the iconics' personalities and even has one injured orc sitting on the ground getting healed by the Garden of Healing vessel spell.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Zoken44 wrote:
Information on the Seneschal please and thank you!


- Witch Class Archetype
- Can still choose any Patron you wish at level 1
- Familiar ability is unchanged
- you lose your patron's lesson and gain the Manifest Will hex which does different things based on your magic tradition (damage, healing, cover, or movement hampering)
- You get Witch's Charge free at your lvl 2 dedication, but can't target your familiar or any of your minions. However you can have Manifest Will emanate from your charge if you wish
- My favorite feat is lvl 6 that can basically make any spell do spirit damage instead of normal damage (once per hour). So instead of Fireball, you can have Spritball! And it is a free action Spellshape.
- At the end, you basically become a patron yourself and it has feats leading up to that that give you the feel.

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

can you give spell slots or a familiar to your charge?

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Zoken44 wrote:
can you give spell slots or a familiar to your charge?

Patron's Whisper (lvl 10) - you can talk to your charge over any distance and if you lie to them, they get a penalty to detect it

Unstable Patronage (lvl 14) - at the start of the day, you can choose a spell your familiar knows and your charge can cast the spell as an innate spell.

Patron Reborn (lvl 20) - basically you are a patron and can give all the benefits thereof to them.

R3st8 wrote:
What is the point? the rarity system ensures this will be collecting dust on a shelf, yeah I'm being negative because like the archetype and will never be able to use it.

All the tables I know ignore rarity rules because they are whack.

Not to mention the exemplar dedication isn't rare.

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exequiel759 wrote:
R3st8 wrote:
What is the point? the rarity system ensures this will be collecting dust on a shelf, yeah I'm being negative because like the archetype and will never be able to use it.

All the tables I know ignore rarity rules because they are whack.

Not to mention the exemplar dedication isn't rare.

It got errata'd to be.


exequiel759 wrote:
R3st8 wrote:
What is the point? the rarity system ensures this will be collecting dust on a shelf, yeah I'm being negative because like the archetype and will never be able to use it.

All the tables I know ignore rarity rules because they are whack.

Not to mention the exemplar dedication isn't rare.

It is.

Day -14 Errata fixed it.

Paizo Employee Director of Rules & Lore

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exequiel759 wrote:
R3st8 wrote:
What is the point? the rarity system ensures this will be collecting dust on a shelf, yeah I'm being negative because like the archetype and will never be able to use it.

All the tables I know ignore rarity rules because they are whack.

Not to mention the exemplar dedication isn't rare.

Blave wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:

Is the exemplar multiclass dedication really a warcrime against game balance? (Full ikon from the dedication, no rarity tag, only 12 dex or strength prereq, no limitation on just leaving the immanence permanently if you don't want to burn the action to restore your spark after transcending - an issue that goes away at level 12 when you can get a second ikon.)

Sounds like psychic archetype, but for martials, and much worse.

At least that part has been corrected. The dedication is Rare, just like the class.

You can see the clarification in the Alternate Mythic Rules found on the War of Immortals product site.

You missed a whole convo on the previous page of this thread (and today's blog.)

So what's the capstone feat (L20) for archfiend like? Curious how the mythic archetype capstones stack up to normal class ones.

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exequiel759 wrote:
Not to mention the exemplar dedication isn't rare.

It is, they issued a correction.

But the Exemplar class in general is going to get a bunch of groups that previously paid no attention to rarity to at least give it a little consideration, since "RARE" is different from "Uncommon" and there genuinely have not been a bunch of player-facing rare things to date (most are "specific to the adventure that they're attached to").

Any GM who has previously said "not this time" to a player playing a poppet, android, or skeleton in a campaign or an inventor or gunslinger PC will have no problem making a similar call on the Exemplar.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Calliope5431 wrote:
So what's the capstone feat (L20) for archfiend like? Curious how the mythic archetype capstones stack up to normal class ones.

Fiend Eternal: You become a true Archfiend and stop aging. You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it. You can transport there at will and if you ever hit 0 HP you become unconscious, but are transported to your Seat of Power in your realm and wake up an hour later. You also get a small group of fiendish followers who live in your realm.

Flavor is awesome and one of my favorites. Mechanically it is very good as well. I also love that our Witch iconic is the one pictured in the art as becoming the Archfiend.

So daemons have their own unique mythic destiny, while other evil outsiders (not sure if Pathfinder still uses this term or not though) share archfiend? I have always suspected that Paizo favors daemons over other evil outsiders, or perhaps over all the other outsiders (perhaps because daemons are entirely Paizo's creation?), and now it is proven!

Not sure why neutral outsiders have no mythic destiny of their own.

I'm surprised at prophesied monarch, since after Aroden died no prophecy works at all.

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People didn't ask but I will post anyway, as it's an archetype that I was interested in.

Vindicator is basically the Ranger that specializes in focus spells. The Hunters Edge is the Vindicator one that gives +1 status bonus to spell attacks and -1 status penalty to saves on the hunted prey against your spells. (Increase to 2 at lvl 17).

It also gives the Vindicators Mark focus spell, a 2 actions focus spells that can only be used against your Prey, spell attack do 2d4 spirit damage and for 1 minute after your attacks deal +2 damage against the enemy, you can dismiss the spell on the turn that you hit an enemy with an attack to deal extra 2d6 spirit damage. Scales every 2 spell ranks for 2d4 initial damage, +1 damage to attacks and 2d6 to the dimissal.

Lvl 10 have another exclusive focus spell on the Judgment that gives weakness 5 (scales to max 15 at max spell rank) against fortitude save, for 1 minute (or the next strike/spell if the enemy succeed the save).

Envoy's Alliance

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

What's the Capstone on the broken Chain?

Invictus Fatum wrote:
Calliope5431 wrote:
So what's the capstone feat (L20) for archfiend like? Curious how the mythic archetype capstones stack up to normal class ones.

Fiend Eternal: You become a true Archfiend and stop aging. You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it. You can transport there at will and if you ever hit 0 HP you become unconscious, but are transported to your Seat of Power in your realm and wake up an hour later. You also get a small group of fiendish followers who live in your realm.

Flavor is awesome and one of my favorites. Mechanically it is very good as well. I also love that our Witch iconic is the one pictured in the art as becoming the Archfiend.

Oh that is very cool.

Can you choose not to go to the seat of power when reduced to 0 hp? I can see it getting somewhat messy in combat, given you may want to stay in the combat at 0 hp and get healed rather than getting banished. Especially give all the durability boosts mythic characters get so they don't die as fast while at 0.

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Kyrone wrote:

People didn't ask but I will post anyway, as it's an archetype that I was interested in.

Vindicator is basically the Ranger that specializes in focus spells. The Hunters Edge is the Vindicator one that gives +1 status bonus to spell attacks and -1 status penalty to saves on the hunted prey against your spells. (Increase to 2 at lvl 17).

It also gives the Vindicators Mark focus spell, a 2 actions focus spells that can only be used against your Prey, spell attack do 2d4 spirit damage and for 1 minute after your attacks deal +2 damage against the enemy, you can dismiss the spell on the turn that you hit an enemy with an attack to deal extra 2d6 spirit damage. Scales every 2 spell ranks for 2d4 initial damage, +1 damage to attacks and 2d6 to the dimissal.

Lvl 10 have another exclusive focus spell on the Judgment that gives weakness 5 (scales to max 15 at max spell rank) against fortitude save, for 1 minute (or the next strike/spell if the enemy succeed the save).

That's sick with Share Prey as well. Giving the enemy penalties to saves against the party caster's spells in addition to your own.

Dark Archive

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Aenigma wrote:

I'm surprised at prophesied monarch, since after Aroden died no prophecy works at all.

I'll focus on this part of your post. Prophesied Monarch is less about prophesy and more about the person of myth to lead us in our time of need trope. It even calls out that while the prophesies are gone, these people still exist.

Basically it is about a soul born in a time of great need to lead their people through a hardship or to a destiny. Even if/when you die, your memory lives on and your soul does not move through the river of souls. It simply waits to be reborn again to take up the mantle and lead once more when next they are needed.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Invictus Fatum wrote:
Calliope5431 wrote:
So what's the capstone feat (L20) for archfiend like? Curious how the mythic archetype capstones stack up to normal class ones.

Fiend Eternal: You become a true Archfiend and stop aging. You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it. You can transport there at will and if you ever hit 0 HP you become unconscious, but are transported to your Seat of Power in your realm and wake up an hour later. You also get a small group of fiendish followers who live in your realm.

Flavor is awesome and one of my favorites. Mechanically it is very good as well. I also love that our Witch iconic is the one pictured in the art as becoming the Archfiend.

Now I want to play as a demon who lives in a windmill surrounded by tulips :P

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Aenigma wrote:
So daemons have their own unique mythic destiny, while other evil outsiders (not sure if Pathfinder still uses this term or not though) share archfiend? I have always suspected that Paizo favors daemons over other evil outsiders, or perhaps over all the other outsiders (perhaps because daemons are entirely Paizo's creation?), and now it is proven!

I don't see how that holds water. For one thing, can you point to a single AP where daemons were the primary antagonists? Because I can point to at least one, Wrath of the Righteous, where demons were the primary foes, and thanks to their ties with Cheliax, devils form significant opposition in multiple APs, with the party going to Hell in at least one, Hell's Rebels.

Daemons have received relatively little spotlight in comparison; it's just their turn now, is all.
It's also entirely possible that the separate destiny was made because there is enough of a thematic difference between general, fiendish powers, and fiendish powers that center on a special mount, that shoving them into the same destiny would have made the single fiendish destiny overly large compared to the others.

Invictus Fatum wrote:
You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it.

Where the windmills slowly grind the souls of the wicked into fertilizer for the tulips of despair. :P

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Perpdepog wrote:
Aenigma wrote:
So daemons have their own unique mythic destiny, while other evil outsiders (not sure if Pathfinder still uses this term or not though) share archfiend? I have always suspected that Paizo favors daemons over other evil outsiders, or perhaps over all the other outsiders (perhaps because daemons are entirely Paizo's creation?), and now it is proven!

I don't see how that holds water. For one thing, can you point to a single AP where daemons were the primary antagonists? Because I can point to at least one, Wrath of the Righteous, where demons were the primary foes, and thanks to their ties with Cheliax, devils form significant opposition in multiple APs, with the party going to Hell in at least one, Hell's Rebels.

Daemons have received relatively little spotlight in comparison; it's just their turn now, is all.
It's also entirely possible that the separate destiny was made because there is enough of a thematic difference between general, fiendish powers, and fiendish powers that center on a special mount, that shoving them into the same destiny would have made the single fiendish destiny overly large compared to the others.

Invictus Fatum wrote:
You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it.
Where the windmills slowly grind the souls of the wicked into fertilizer for the tulips of despair. :P

A fiend lived in a windmill in old Amsterdam

A windmill with a fiend in and he wasn't grousin'
He sang every morning, "How lucky I am
Living in a windmill in old Amsterdam!"
I saw a fiend!
There on the stair!
(Where on the stair?)
Right there!
A little fiend with clogs on
Well I declare!
Going clip-clippety-clop on the stair
Oh yeah!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Perpdepog wrote:
Aenigma wrote:
So daemons have their own unique mythic destiny, while other evil outsiders (not sure if Pathfinder still uses this term or not though) share archfiend? I have always suspected that Paizo favors daemons over other evil outsiders, or perhaps over all the other outsiders (perhaps because daemons are entirely Paizo's creation?), and now it is proven!

I don't see how that holds water. For one thing, can you point to a single AP where daemons were the primary antagonists? Because I can point to at least one, Wrath of the Righteous, where demons were the primary foes, and thanks to their ties with Cheliax, devils form significant opposition in multiple APs, with the party going to Hell in at least one, Hell's Rebels.

Daemons have received relatively little spotlight in comparison; it's just their turn now, is all.
It's also entirely possible that the separate destiny was made because there is enough of a thematic difference between general, fiendish powers, and fiendish powers that center on a special mount, that shoving them into the same destiny would have made the single fiendish destiny overly large compared to the others.

Invictus Fatum wrote:
You're realm is fully created and within Hell, the Outer Rifts, The Netherlands, or some other demiplane with fiendish tendencies you wish with you ruling it.
Where the windmills slowly grind the souls of the wicked into fertilizer for the tulips of despair. :P

Daemons are easily the most neglected of the "big 3" families of fiends. Multiple products in 1E centered around demons and devils - Wrath and Hell's Rebels, yes, but also Demons Revisited, Hell's Vengeance, and Council of Thieves. Second Darkness centered around the high priestess of the demon lord Abraxas and the demon-worshiping drow houses more generally. There is no equivalent product for daemons - I'm struggling to think of a major daemon-affiliated villain in any published adventures, honestly. And as opposed to the Worldwound or Cheliax, there is no significant nation or region where daemons are dominant on Golarion. And we got demonic/diabolic (that is, devil) sorcerers in 2E with nary a mention of daemonic bloodline (though it did exist in 1E).

Heck, James Jacobs has (I believe on these very forums) stated that demons are his favorite. If I had to put money on it, I suspect that demons would probably show up the most out of the different fiendish families in a survey of all Paizo products, and daemons the least.

So yeah, daemons deserve their time in the spotlight. While I would gleefully lobby for a different mythic destiny for each of "demon lord", "archdevil", "velstrac demagogue", "qlippoth lord", etc, that is not going to happen unless Paizo puts out an entire book devoted to nothing but mythic destinies, or if they show up in APs - which is unlikely.

Calliope5431 wrote:

Can you choose not to go to the seat of power when reduced to 0 hp? I can see it getting somewhat messy in combat, given you may want to stay in the combat at 0 hp and get healed rather than getting banished. Especially give all the durability boosts mythic characters get so they don't die as fast while at 0.

I don't have the book and haven't seen this feat you're asking about, but I have seen there's a 6th level Mythic feat to "lol, no" any damage or death effect that would kill you or reduce you to 0 HP, so that's an option to dodge this if you have the mythic points to use it.

shroudb wrote:

That's sick with Share Prey as well. Giving the enemy penalties to saves against the party caster's spells in addition to your own.

I have seen claims that it only applies to Warden spells, so it would only help other rangers. But I don't have high confidence in that report.

Liberty's Edge

Invictus Fatum wrote:
Aenigma wrote:

I'm surprised at prophesied monarch, since after Aroden died no prophecy works at all.

I'll focus on this part of your post. Prophesied Monarch is less about prophesy and more about the person of myth to lead us in our time of need trope. It even calls out that while the prophesies are gone, these people still exist.

Basically it is about a soul born in a time of great need to lead their people through a hardship or to a destiny. Even if/when you die, your memory lives on and your soul does not move through the river of souls. It simply waits to be reborn again to take up the mantle and lead once more when next they are needed.

For some reason, this reminded me of Paranoia RPG's clones.

The Raven Black wrote:
Invictus Fatum wrote:
Aenigma wrote:

I'm surprised at prophesied monarch, since after Aroden died no prophecy works at all.

I'll focus on this part of your post. Prophesied Monarch is less about prophesy and more about the person of myth to lead us in our time of need trope. It even calls out that while the prophesies are gone, these people still exist.

Basically it is about a soul born in a time of great need to lead their people through a hardship or to a destiny. Even if/when you die, your memory lives on and your soul does not move through the river of souls. It simply waits to be reborn again to take up the mantle and lead once more when next they are needed.

For some reason, this reminded me of Paranoia RPG's clones.

Fear not, for in our time of greatest need, Friend Computer's chosen, [NAME REDACTED], shall save us!

Grand Lodge

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Is there a scarf ikon?

Dark Archive

I saw some people talking about new Fighter feats. Did any other classes get additional feats, outside of class archetypes?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Old_Man_Robot wrote:
I saw some people talking about new Fighter feats. Did any other classes get additional feats, outside of class archetypes?

Yes, the Avenger Class Archetype section has a little section stapled onto the end that provides two spear feats for the Rogue Ranger AND Fighter.

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