Kaleb Hesse

Invictus Fatum's page

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 265 posts (485 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


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Not sure how you are getting that nobody is talking about it. I've seen tons of stuff (both on this forum and elsewhere) about the Alchemist and Swashbuckler especially (and some on Sorceror, Barbarian, and even Wrestler). Also videos on the Versatile Heritage including a full accounting of Dragon Blooded.

Unfortunately I'm on my mobile and not great with linking here, so I can't easily link them, but they are out there and not hard to fund and tons of people are talking.

Personally, I've been inspired to make an alchemist with all the details we've gotten so far. Just waiting for my copy to ship.

Also, please add Wisdom Check to your video links. I've found him informative and entertaining lately.

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People talking how this will be like Arkham Horror and I, the old guy, am thinking this is a lot like Hero Quest. Even looks and is named similar. When it first released, Hero Quest is what got me into RPGs in the late 80s.

I'm excited!

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Xenocrat wrote:
In PF1 attribute substitution let you use a good stat for a bad one. These feats and class abilities are letting you use the worst stat in place of one of the best ones.

That is completely situational. In PF1e I constantly replaced Cha with Int for "Use Magic Device" to great effect with classes like Witch or Wizard.

In this case, INT is the class' KAS, making it extremely good for Commander. Especially co.bined with the things it can inherently do with Lore Warfare.

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Zoken44 wrote:
The only issue I can think of there, is "single action attacks" might open the door for things like Shove, disarm, trip, etc which all have the attack trait, as well as any one action feats that have the attack trait.

That is a good point. While I don't really see an issue so much with Shove, Disarm, Trip, Grab, having any 1 action feat with the attack trait is rather open ended.

It just feels like Paizo painted themselves into a corner with the classification of Kinetic Blasts for any future synergy with classes like this. It just feels bad to think that (IMO) one of the best classes in the game, can't play nice with the likes of a Commander.

Hoping somebody smarter than me can figure out a way to make it mechanically work, so that this class isn't excluded, and so they have the option to do a future class similar to Kineticist that doesn't use strikes or spells can be done without worry for compatibility issues.

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exequiel759 wrote:
Not to mention that I see other classes benefiting from these features much more since the delayed progression hurts the class a lot.

For the same reason the Magus and Summoner get delayed spell proficiency. Their power budget is loaded, and a lot is upfront.

- Accelerated armor proficiency
- Armor specialization from lvl 1
- Taunt is a powerful feature
- Intercept Strike
- Threat Techniques
- Shield Block

Frankly these are very powerful frontloaded abilities. Not to mention, since this class is Strength based, you'll likely start with 18 Str. which means you'll still be ahead of classes like the Inventor and Thaumaturge on your "to-hit" for most levels.

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Squiggit wrote:
Guntermench wrote:
I'm not sure the delayed proficiency for offense is entirely required. I don't think the defense looks that good.

I mean it basically can't be required. It has normal martial proficiency for huge chunks of the game.

Expert comes at 5 for most martials and 7 for the Guardian.

Master comes at 13 for most martials and 17 for the Guardian.

So that's levels 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, and 16 that it's behind. Not even a third of your career if you go the full 20. If you're playing a half campaign like AV, it's only 2 levels.

... So what in the world about the Guardian is specifically overpowered enough that they need Caster weapon proficiency, but only at those six specific levels? What makes the Guardian too strong at exactly level 5 and 6 but balanced again at level 7?

I can't see a logic here.

It is using the same logic as they used for Magus and Summoner as this is the same progression for their spellcasting proficiencies. I think this is a power budget adjustment for the frontloaded features they get such as the armor specialization at lvl 1, Taunt, Intercept Strike, threat technique, and overall durability.

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I said it in the Commander forum, but think it applies to both somewhat. PLEASE remember Kineticists when building these and future classes. Since their blasts are not strikes or spells, many of the feats and abilities don't do much for them.

My Kineticists wants to be part of the squad too. Perhaps rewarding many of these to say "single action attacks..." to include them as well as any future class that uses similar mechanics.

P.S. overall well done, these classes are awesome!

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Dubious Scholar wrote:
Although I saw it pointed out that while it has a clause to make it work with spellcasters, it doesn't have an equivalent for Kineticists. It seems like it should allow (single action?) Elemental Blasts.

Oh yes, PLEASE keep Kineticists in mind and future classes that might use similar mechanics. It feels really bad not to be included for many of these feats. Perhaps change the language on many of the Commander's abilities to say "single attack actions..."

Sure, it is more wordy, but it includes Kineticist blasts and future proofs for similar types of classes that may come later.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Still doing my initial read of the playtest, but half to say that the Guardian is everything I could ask for in a martial tank! Champion is alright, but doesn't hold a candle to this Guardian!

Hampering Sweeps - Really, as a lvl 2 feat! I can think of SOOOOO many ways that this can be the beginning of the end for so many fights. As a GM I'd call this OP and really have redesign combats for it. As a player, this would make my entire build. Probably should have a save to it though.

Flying Tackle - very thematic and can't wait to use it, no notes!

Shielded Attrition - a way for a martial to deny reactions is just sweet. If it had a saving throw even, I'd be happy, but don't think it needs one.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to read further beyond skimming, but absolutely love what I'm seeing so far.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I am literally still reading through the Playtest material and have come across Combat Medic. From the lvl 1 feat:

You are trained in Medicine and can use your Intelligence modifier in place of your Wisdom modifier for Medicine checks.

This is something that 2e has mostly avoided doing that was very rampant in PF1e. That is to say, changing the ability mod for a skill or action. The only other one I know of is the Thief being able to do dex-to-damage (though there may be another I'm missing). Sure, there are a few that let you use a different skill, but those are usually for very specific activities, and not replacing the mod used for a skill, but what skill is used.

Honestly, while I know a lot of people might like this, I'm not convinced it is a good trend for the game. Once it is in place, that opens the door to other feats to do similar and frankly, I'm not a fan and as a former power gamer in 1e, it was heavily abused there. Am I over reacting?

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Can't wait for the playtest to land!

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I'm really hoping this is what my player's and I hoped Extinction Curse was going to be. We are in book 6 of EC, and while fun, we started in hopes of it being a true Circus adventure, then we're disappointed partly into book 2 and on when the circus felt more like an afterthought.

Not to criticise as we are still having fun (book 5 was very entertaining as an AP book). That said, if this AP keeps the Opera front and center the whole way (with related adventuring of course) it may just be my groups dream AP.

Dark Archive

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Sanityfaerie wrote:
Another neat thing is that we maybe get to find out what happens when you have a god that dies but their worshippers don't stop. What does that do? does it do anything? If they go before Pharasma to be judged, how does she deal with that?

I'd bet they are handled the same as Atheists at that point.

"Despite their lack of faith, atheists' souls are still judged by Pharasma. Some become bodiless spirits in the Astral Plane or are reincarnated, but most find their fate in the Graveyard of Souls"

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Gorum, our god of war himself is confirmed to be marked for death. Now the question is, how will he die? Who or what will kill him? Let's have some fun with conjecture while we wait months for the answer.

I dont have a good guess right now, but I don't think he'll die IN the War of Immortals, but that his death will CAUSE the war of Immortals.

In nearly all of the Godsrain prophecies, the god who died caused a lot of havoc with their domains. Almost twisting them out of control. I think similar happens here. The god of war dies, and as a result the biggest war the universe has ever seen starts.

Let's keep the interesting theories going!

Dark Archive

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Elfteiroh wrote:
logic_poet wrote:
What level does this AP end at?
The AP goes from lvl 5 to 15, if I recall correctly. So the PCs should either end at 15 or 16 (usually Paizo exclude the level up you get with the "last boss" of their adventures when talking about the "levels" they span, like Ap starting at lvl 1 often ends with a level up to 11, but they say lvl 1 to 10 because you don't "get" to play that 11th level).

I belive it would be 13.

Book 1 = 5-7
Book 2 = 8-10
Book 3 = 11-13

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Dubious Scholar wrote:

It's worth noting that Nethys is far from the only god of magic around. This is another case of consequences that seem far more catastrophic than makes sense (see also Urgathoa).

I suppose it also flies in the face of it being possible to reproduce the effects of working with Spirit via traditions that do not, and such. Are the essences truly so different if a wizard can learn to cast something like Divine Wrath with the opposite of the proper essences?

The way I read it is that magic didn't fail because he died, but his death in such an explosion from his failed experiment, created dead zones of magic. I'd say that is plausible.

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You may stop now. I am complete. This is my dragon of choice. Love it!

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Finally, the debate on the wounded condition is over. You ONLY add the wounded value when you go down and gain the dying condition. Not on checks and not on further damage. Thank you!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Sounds great, but I won't be trying it personally. Without a free version to try before you buy it just doesn't appeal. I don't NEED it, it is more of a nice to have and those apps should really give an option to test it out first.

As for asking for a refund if I don't like it...well that is a crapshoot and not something I would typically do.

Take a lesson from Pathbuilder and build a free and paid version. I paid for that a week after trying it. Or put together a trial period.

Keep it up though, sounds interesting.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This looks really fun. What is going to make-or-break it for me is how viably the familiar is in combat situations since a good chunk of the power budget is geared towards that.

Not to mention the hex reworks, but I'm less concerned with that piece as PF2e has had some great advancement in focus spells since the Witch was released (looking at Psychic, Animist, and while not exactly focus, the Inventor has similar features).

Absolutely can't wait!

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Likely unpopular opinion, but I'm a bit concerned. Looks like from this, most thongs will remain much the same and while fun, these classes were pretty overturned. Heck, the Exemplare reads like it is getting buffed.

Anyway, I'm sure most people will disagree or shun this opinion, but I'm truly concerned with the future.

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Sanityfaerie wrote:

...and the fact that she's taken Gom-gom as her familiar is kind of cool too.

I dont think that was a familiar. From the description, sounds like she uses Crawling Fire.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It has been mentioned, but us with its own thread. This is my #1 ask. I feel like a decent amount of this class needs scaled down, but this aspect should scale up. I'd love to have the Avatar form be available as early as lvl 3, and then get more powerful as you level and even have a capstone feat to achieve the ultimate avatar form.

Please Paizo, make this happen.

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I really like the changes. Have to ask though, why doesn't Thunderstrike have the "Air" trait?

Dark Archive

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Applied_People wrote:
Counter Elements counteract level needs to scale.

It does scale. It is an impulse and the counteract rank is half your impulse level rounded up. Impulses auto-level.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

It is more limited right now due to the wood trait being new. That said, the remaster is certain to change that and put it on a number of spells.

RoE had a number of wood spells and mentions some from SoM that should now have the wood trait. Talk to your GM as well, at my tables I'd allow anything with the plant trait to also be cast with that feat as well as those are almost certainly going to get the wood trait with the reprintings.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I like it. Less book keeping and there was already confusion with innate spells anyway. You are still limited by spellcasting ability (i.e Int), but now can more easily multiclass with like abilitied classes. All is good.

Dark Archive

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Verzen wrote:
'Nough said

Then proceeds to immediately reply to their own post...apparently 'nought wasn't said.

Jokes aside, I agree. Would love a Shield ikon.

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Personally I'm in the camp of doing something similar to the Kineticist armor feats. You have to make a lasting choice for them (choosing an element that will follow you) and so it is more meaningful than just a lvl 1 feat.

So, an ikon that gives the equivalent of medium armor that follows your light armor proficiency is my thought. More than just a feat and that is chosen in place of another ikon, so you have to really think about it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Wow, I rarely play lvl 20 so might not have this in full perspective...BUT this full group of Kineticists is just wrecking it. Amazing, I love this class!

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I'm going to guess Anamist and Exemplar.

Will also go out on the limb and say Anamist is a divine Wisdom caster and Exemplar has a divine spark and is a light armored melee.

Dark Archive

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Blakeg wrote:
Caleb Garofalo wrote:
Rain of Rust Feat does not list a duration.

Interesting. Time to switch to metal/water.... Endless rain of rust everywhere you go LOL.

Just start spamming it and never stop.

Fresh Produce at level one heals 1d4+1
Heightened is 1d4+5.

Tremor base damage is 1d8.
Heightened increases it by 1d10.

Intentional or accidental?

Not as good as endless rain of rust :D

Meh, even then it's weak. I mean it would only hurt metal creatures, and how often do you run into those (aside from Golems who are immune to it anyway)

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breithauptclan wrote:

As a more sane hope:


They said it was a brand new class. Mediums exist in PF1e

Dark Archive

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Great Con. Now, when is somebody going to step in and make Roiling Mudslide playable? What is the range and area?

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I love the Kineticist! I love it so much I've not been able to decide on my next build because I want to play them all. So, what is your favorite impulse(s).

I typically play low to mid levels, so don't pay much mind to higher levels myself.

Personally I LOVE Scrap Barricade. I'm a sucker for wall spells and this comes online at lvl 6 and is a true wall in that they can't choose to walk through it. When they do break it down they are punished with some damage and then I can throw another one up!

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1. If they are adventuring in a known hostile area (such as most dungeons) then having weapons out is a given for me. If they are in a typically non-hostile area (such as walking in a city or using public transport like a ship) then they do not have their weapons out.

2. As for the Kinetic Aura, I plan to treat this similar to the Summoner's Eidolon. Since it is harmless, unless there is a reason for it to be an issue (such as a social situation) I will allow them to walk around with it active.

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Themetricsystem wrote:
People always forget about yeast :(

I prefer my yeast with a little barley and hops.

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aobst128 wrote:
Invictus Fatum wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
I'm in love with solar detonation. An aoe blinding effect even without the damage is fantastic.
I did as well until I noticed the Incapacitation trait. That ruined it for me. As it stands (hopefully errata will fix) the incapacitation is not only for the blind, but damage too. That makes this horrible in my eyes.
Well, on one end, if you've got enough targets to justify an aoe, it's likely most won't be affected by incapacitation. It's likely it's meant just for the blinding effect though.

Meh, glad you still like it. Doesn't seem worth the feat for me unfortunately. If it were recorded so the incapacitation only applied to the blind then perhaps. But then there are other options I suppose.

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aobst128 wrote:
I'm in love with solar detonation. An aoe blinding effect even without the damage is fantastic.

I did as well until I noticed the Incapacitation trait. That ruined it for me. As it stands (hopefully errata will fix) the incapacitation is not only for the blind, but damage too. That makes this horrible in my eyes.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I know Summon spells are widely considered not great (I like them), but I'm wondering if this book as changed how the Summon Elemental spell stacks up to the other summon spells now. I know there are a lot of creatures with the "elemental" tag and wonder if that spell now has something else to offer. Has anybody looked at that yet?

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Mammoth Daddy wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Mammoth Daddy wrote:
Does the planes of wood or metal have elemental lords?
Yep. Freeing them was a big part of what made those planes visible and available again.
Who are they? What are their personalities? Is there two per wood and metal or are they singular lords?

Metal 1 (Ferrumnestra) - basically a Rust Monster in deity form. Doesn't care about what is going on, just keeps cleaning up and destroying what is no longer needed.

Metal 2 (Laudinmio) - Implied to be the first alchemist and highly intelligent. Though feels they are responsible for the downfall of the Metal plane and basically now sleeps all the time and wakes up occasionally in a confused state.

Wood 1 (Shumunue) - came to the wood plane and said "hey, we should make these plants and trees move like animals" and then proceeded to carve animals out of the trees and giving them consciousness.

Wood 2 (Verilorn) - a gardener really. Used to let things grow wild, but then bad things happened and they got depressed/angry and decided that everything had to be very orderly in order to prevent his people from being abused and so now is grouchy. Got in an argument with Shumunue eons ago and they are now not talking.

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aobst128 wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
aobst128 wrote:
Just got my copy. How does the at will protector tree ability scale? Not sure if "spell rank" is a remaster term. There's no way it scales like I think it does right? Seems pretty OP.

I believe "spell rank" is precisely synonymous with "spell level". So you'd say 5th rank spell instead of 5th level spell.

The whole "level means so many different things in these games" has been a problem for 20+ years.

So it scales half as quickly as a max level spell would for your level? That's the way I'm reading it. You get a plus 1 spell level per 4 levels I think. That seems more likely than an at will max level protector tree

No, it scales the same as any caster using the spell would scale it if they kept it in their highest level slot. It scales at "a rank half your level rounded up" which is precisely when full casters get a new spell rank. So it would heighten at character levels 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17 & 19

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I really hope, with a new store and new forums, that we also get a better organized play site. It is full of errors, very slow and cumbersome. I love Pathfinder Society and the various boons and ACP system, but the actual functionality of it is not a great experience.

Until I see/hear otherwise, I choose to be optimistic that it will get a makeover too.

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pixierose wrote:

Im just gonna ignore that gnome and halfling slander. Lol.

I would like to see another bird ancestry. But perhaps with tengu, Beastkin, and eventually awakened animal we have a decent amount.(not to mention how Nephellim can have animal traits) idk i just think there is some potential there.

You forgot Strix...everybody forgets Strix

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MrVauxs wrote:

I love the variety, although after the hype now I sure feel empty having read the book hahah.

Unfortunately there are some typos or at least weird spellings that I have found...

Kinetic Expertise seems to have a somewhat duplicated flavor text:
"Your kinetic gate grows stronger, making your elements harder to resist. The power flowing from you is even harder to resist. Your proficiency rank for your kineticist class DC increases to expert."

And Gate Attenuators have a weird structure in the first sentence:
"... making literal the elemental gates kineticists possess within their bodies."
Probably meant "making the literal elemental gates that kineticists possess" / "making the elemental gates kineticists possess within their bodies literal"?

Neither of those examples really bother me and "making literal the elemental gates..." is grammatically correct and uses a more formal writing style.

The parts that slightly annoy me (love everything so far really though) is that a few cases of the non-remake language slipped in. Most noticeable to me are the armor feats for kineticist still list requirements like 16 strength rather than +3 strength. Other places in the book don't do that, seems like it is just an editing miss.

I also HATE that there is still nested traits even though they said they were stopping that practice. First readthrough I missed that all impulses have the Concentrate trait because that is nested in with the Impulse trait.

That said, these are nitpicks from me.

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I'm hoping that Kineticist gets the Summoner treatment. Summoner is one of the few classes that keeps getting expanded. They got a new Eidolon in Book of the Dead and a new one in Rage of Elements. Eidolon is basically to the Summoner what the Element is to the Kineticist. If we get an element every other rulebook (within a limit of course) that would be fantastic.

It may be a pipe dream, but I'm going to hold to it.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I should know this as I've been with Paizo since they were a magazine for another game, but I don't so I'm going to ask. Is the Boneyard the platform at the top of the Axis? Is the boneyard in Axis, touch Axis, or am I just missing something else?

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Couldn't agree more. Air, Earth Wood, Water junctions are amazing (I love the tactical play of water so rank it up there too).

Fire doesn't feel great as it just seems fire should have had the 1 die higher built in already so theirs feels almost obligatory to make fire good.

Metal is a decent concept, but the damage won't be enough to matter in most cases. Which is a real shame because I love how metal turned out otherwise (except the magnetic aura, most monsters don't use metal).

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Invictus Fatum wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
This was probably already asked but how do two-action blasts improve at higher levels? I recall a concern being that adding Con to damage put them behind cantrips in terms of damage assuming it was the only feature they gained.

They really didn't. The only advantage at higher levels I can see is if you are trying to trigger your junction (which requires a 2-action blast/impulse) with a blast instead of one of your other impulses.

If there are 2 things I find slightly disappointing in Kineticist I'd say it is this (2-action blast scales VERY poorly) and the fact that your blasts don't get an extra die of damage until lvl 5 (one level behind a striking rune) as it goes up at lvl+4. So at lvl 4, your blasts are very week compared to other options both martial and cantrips.

P.S. would love if somebody told me I was misreading the blast progression, but it looks like an extra die at lvls 5,9,13,17 since it is listed as "Level+4" and I'm assuming it starts. Though as I think about it lvl 4,8,12,16,& 20 makes more sense...I'm confusing myself...help!

I read the scaling the same way but I wouldn't mind being wrong. Worth noting though the two action blast can combine with other abilities to get a lot more than just its raw dice. The fire aura junction is one example, but there's also full strength to damage options. You also get item bonuses to hit, so I think the cantrip comparisons are missing a lot. The average at maxed levels only deals 32 damage on a hit. A maxed thrown 2 action impulse can can be 34.5 without touching auras and other enhancements, and you can follow up with another blast after that. Electric arc + shortbow is the only thing I'd wonder about out damaging it.

Yeah, I get that and at higher levels it is no issue (though no runes like martials and a number of cantrips go vs. saves). I just find lvl 4 to be very odd and the progression maxing at 17 odd as well. Especially since they did the attenuator at the same level as you get your first potency rune. Would love for somebody to say that it is 1-4-8-12-16-20 under the logic that the blast doesn't have a level and thus is considered a lvl 0 ability so the lvl+4 is 0+4=4.

Anyway, unless somebody confirms that, it is just going to be my little pet peeve.

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Xenocrat wrote:
You're not misreading it, first bump is at 5th level.

Thank you, I'm back to being sad, but have my sanity back. Martials are doing 2dx+str+x (weapon and class dependent). Telekenetic Projectile is doing 2d6+int/cha. Poor Kineticist is doing 1dx+x (maybe str, maybe con, maybe neither).

Oh well, there is so much to love that I won't focus on that.

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