For a 3 book adventure, I think book 1 can remain largely the same. Book 2 you cut out either the Serpentfolk or Froglegs, and focus on one big bad while trimming half of the book. Then the second half could be some kind of exploration through the Mwangi jungle, possibly with the knights of Abendego still, ending with a dungeon and boss (prison of the Vacant Eye maybe).
Then for book 3 you could do a quick diplomatic mission at Mzali, followed by Dajermube, which somehow connects the adventure to the King of Biting Ants (maybe showing where Old Mage Jatembe is as thanks for birthing a new god). Then end the book with an expedition to the red planet to defeat the King of Biting Ants (skipping the Iobane and Cathedral) and bringing back Old Mage Jatembe.
I think this keeps the best parts of the AP but it will definitely feel rushed. Just staying endlessly on campus with all kinds of magical shenanigans happening there might be a better experience, depending on the group.
Any more lore on the Godsrain that we didn't know about? Effects of Gorum's death, other dieties who died?
Anyone? I saw someone replied to my comment about orc gods, but from another source. I also heard rumours elsewhere of Osirian and hag gods dying. What is in this specific book? I want to know which gods die besides Gorum.
This might be better as its own separate thread focused on the lore of war of the immortals. It seems like a lot of the folks flocking to this thread are looking for mechanics or at least stuff that can be pulled from the book quickly, without deep diving into the text for all of the lore writing. Someone who has read the book deep enough to have answers for you, might not be keeping up with a fast moving AMA thread on it?
Makes sense, but as always reddit delivers within 10 minutes of asking a question. Here are major spoilers for what happens to other gods according to one reddit user:
The Empyreal Lord Cernunnos was tricked into a hole in the edge of the stars and got cast beyond the Dark Tapestry by Garzaah, the first Primal Dragon.
The Dwarven God Grundinnar and Primordial Inevitable Otolmens vanished 'as though they never existed' after fighting each other.
The Sarkorian God Sturovenen destroying a shard of Gorum preventing it from being used by demons remaining in the Sarkoris Scar.
The Empyreal Lord Smiad teamed up with Saint Fang, Gorum's former servant, and went on a dragonslaying campaign to kill as many evil dragons as possible, but Dahak took offense and obliterated them without an issue.
Zagresh was slain by Grask Uldeth, who challenged him for his godship as orcs like to do when they die. Grask then stabbed Torag to show the dwarves 'orcish wrath' for their actions towards orc now and in the past.
Sezelrian was slain by Mahja the Firehair, same deal with orcs challenging their gods. Additionally, Lanishra was slain by Mahja's second-in-command, Uirch Reaversbane.
Any more lore on the Godsrain that we didn't know about? Effects of Gorum's death, other dieties who died?
Anyone? I saw someone replied to my comment about orc gods, but from another source. I also heard rumours elsewhere of Osirian and hag gods dying. What is in this specific book? I want to know which gods die besides Gorum.
I would love to understand what the AP KM creator's intentions were with how powerful the masks were intended to be after creation at the Masking Ceremony in Tireless Hall Chapter 2 of SOT, KM. Was it the creative team's intention to allow adventurers to pick from the Magical masks in the Adventure toolbox on page 73, and if so what levels?
Was it the author's intention to have the masks remain unmagical unless students transferred stuff from other masks that were found, to leave it wide open to GMs to grow the masks in power as the students grow, or to use the relic system in the Gamemastery Guide?
As a new GM, I would be more comfortable with a little more guidance on intent.
I believe the intention is for masks to possibly become more powerful in the following ways:
1. By finding the Magical masks you are talking about as loot, and letting Teacher Ot transfer its powers to the players' own masks. This is what is described in book 1 chapter 3 at the places where such treasure is found (in the tunnels near Stone Ghost's lair).
2. By choosing mask-related feats in the Magaambyan attendant archetype which is gained through the study system. The Magic Warrior archetype could also be chosen but is not granted for free.
So I don't think masks are supposed to do anything right after the masking ceremony. They just replace the beads in a more powerful way roleplay-wise, not mechanically.
That said, other people have indeed incorporated the Relic subsystem from the GMG for these masks, which I believe would also work fine if the players are okay with having more options.
For those who mentioned that PF2 should have been more flexible with for example using int with a Religion check to recall knowledge about undead, this is already in the rules: "If the GM deems it appropriate for a certain situation, however, they might have you use a different ability modifier for a skill check or when determining your skill DC." (Source)
For some reason it just never happens in practice, I haven't seen any PF2 GM make use of this rule and as a GM I never use it myself. Maybe I should, but then I think players will expect to always be able to swap their ability modifiers.
The ideal scenario to me would be where a better version of the current Alchemist is some kind of generalist subclass, while the other subclasses are better at their own niche but worse at doing other stuff. A bit similar to the wizard schools, with one universalist school. I wouldn't even mind if the general subclass would be the best one mechanically, as long as bombers are good at throwing bombs all the time and mutagens can fulfill the Hulk or Jekyll and Hide fantasy. Make them more noob-friendly, not punish bombers for throwing bombs and doing what the Fumbus image suggests you should be doing.
I use recall knowledge on NPCs all the time, though mostly out of combat. Have been doing this since PF1. I roughly know what an NPC knows about the main plot mostly, but that's about it. There are infinitely many unforeseen situations while roleplaying so that I could not imagine NOT rolling dice to determine what an NPC knows.
'I ask the bartender what he knows about the barbarian king' <GM rolls dice, crit fails> 'The bartender has heard rumours that the barbarian king can turn into a dragon'
'I tell the fruit merchant in a subtle way that I know the fish merchant is using false weights' <GM rolls dice, crit success, PC rolls diplomacy, crit success> 'It seems that she already knew that, but she is impressed by your gossip and trusts you a lot more'
And here is some information on the new teachers (partly thanks to u/stoneofthewise):
Xhosiliawa. A kobold, and Xhokan's sister. She looks a bit down on Xhokan and has the opposite personality, valuing freedom and chaos, also in her teaching. She pretends to be of high social class (wearing flamboyant clothes) and is very ambitious, and hopes to become head of the Magaambya some day.
Varashod. An android who specializes in the body and soul of humanoids. As quite the emotionless teacher, it has no qualms disecting animals (or even humanoids if the school would allow it) and uses illusions of humanoid bodies to teach what is inside, physically and spiritually. It has an amazing grasp of humanoid life and experiences but does not experience all of it itself, leaving it in a constant state of wonder about everything that students do.
Yavased. An old ratfolk from the Golden Road. Still wears clothing as if he lives in the desert, but somehow the rainy weather of Nantambu does not seem to effect him. Though not quite a cleric, he is somewhat of an expert on all deities and religions of Golarion, which is why he left his home country of Rahadoum. He gets angry at anyone who speaks before they think.
Berendu. An old Bekyar who was a chime-ringer for over 25 years. She decided to study at the Magaambya at old age, where she met her imp familiar Haxtria. Her experience as a Chime Ringer made it an easy decision for the Magaambya to offer her a teaching position, and though she has returned her chimes, her voice keeps any student in line who was thinking of disobeying a Magaambya rule.
Elresja. One of Teacher Ot's cousins (and good friends) who is somewhat of a multi-talent. You can find him tinkering with clockwork materials almost any time he is not teaching or researching something. He is also a talented bass player, often requested to support other musicians around Nantambu, though unlike Ot he sees music as something from deep in the soul, rather than mathematics in air form. Sometimes the Magaambya asks him to craft high level magical items.
Hi everyone, I have updated the system into a 5 year course list, with the fifth year being an internship in Nantambu. This is because at the start of book 3, the PCs are expected to be lvl7 in their primary branch, so if they are also half that level in their secondary branch, that means 50 courses are required to be passed, which happens in 5 years in this system. After that, you can either follow the AP and let the PCs become teachers, or treat the trip to Bloodsalt as some kind of graduation or practical research project to finish their studies if you want to delay them becoming teachers.
Thanks to The Oddest Duckling for helping me with the final courses!
The link in the first post should still work, but if anyone wants to make adaptations to their campaign, here is the source code for scribe.pf2:
source text:
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Magaambya bi-weekly study system
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Magaambya bi-weekly study system
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# Magaambya bi-weekly study system ((Title))
A bi-weekly study system for Life in the Academy (Strength of Thousands).
The Life in the Academy system detailed in *Pathfinder Adventure Path #169: Kindled Magic* works great for those who do not want to spend too much time on downtime. This alternative bi-weekly system is for those who want a bit more elaborate downtime, where players progress in their study by taking courses that they can choose.
## Courses ((+Courses))
The Magaambya offers many courses, as detailed at the end of this document. While some courses require your character to study from books and scrolls, many courses take a more hands-on approach where students learn by solving practical problems. There are three types of courses: **general courses**, **branch courses**, and **electives**.
Your character first chooses a primary and secondary branch, starting at level 0 in both and advancing in level as you complete your courses. After choosing your branch, you have to choose which courses to follow in the coming year:
* Choose 10 courses in total each year.
* Choose at least 4 courses that are either general courses or part of your primary branch, and choose at least 2 courses that are either general courses or part of your secondary branch.
* The remaining courses can be anything, even electives or courses from a different branch.
* In the first year, some general courses are obligatory, as indicated on the course list.
* For general courses and courses not part of your primary or secondary branch, choose whether they belong to your primary or your secondary branch.
If you pass 5 courses belonging to your primary or secondary branch, you advance in that branch by one level. Note that you can’t advance your primary branch level above your character’s level, or your secondary branch level above half your character’s level (both with a minimum of 0), but you can 'save' your passed courses to level up your branch later.
If you pass all 10 courses you chose, you can pick 10 new courses from the next year, no matter if this took less or more than a year for your character to happen.
Some of the downtime activities have influence on the relationship with NPCs. For this, the Influence subsystem is used (*Gamemastery Guide pg. 151*), with Discover and Influence opportunities. The GM might give you bonuses when your relationship with an NPC reaches a certain number of Influence Points.
## Downtime periods ((+Downtime Periods))
In this system, each downtime period consists of two weeks, where 10 days can be used during the work days, for example to study, and 5 days consist of free time during the evenings and weekends that can be used for other activities.
## Downtime activities ((+Downtime Activities))
The following downtime activities are available to choose during any two week downtime period. Typically, the 10 work days are used for studying, while the 5 days of free time are used for relaxing and socializing, or for standard downtime activities such as Earn Income or Craft.
# Study ((++Study))
; downtime
**Requirements** You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant.
You spend 10 days to give everything you have to your studies, in keeping with your branch. Choose one of your 10 courses and whether it belongs to your primary or second branch. Attempt a skill check with one of the course’s associated skills against a standard DC of the branch’s level.
**Critical Success** Incredible results! You ace every exam and cause a stir that all the instructors notice. You pass the chosen course and immediately also pass another course.
**Success** You succeed in your studies admirably and pass the chosen course.
**Failure** You need to work harder and try again next time.
**Critical Failure** You make a major mistake that requires you to perform remedial studies. Next time you Study, the outcome is one degree of success lower.
# Cram ((++Cram))
; downtime
**Requirements** You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant, and your branch level for either your primary or secondary branch is 2 or more levels below the limit
Realizing that you’re falling behind in your studies, you cram more than you probably should. You spend 15 days in total, which includes your free time, to catch up in your studies. This causes you to attempt to do the Study activity twice during this time. However, the extra studying comes at a price. Until you have taken the Rest downtime activity, you’re particularly tired from all the extra hours cramming; at the start of each day of adventuring, you must succeed at a DC 8 flat check or be fatigued for that day.
# Rest ((++Rest))
; downtime
You spend your 5 days of free time to rest. You become fully healthy, clearing any negative non-magical conditions (going by the nursery if needed), and you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to one of the downtime activities in the next period. This also clears the fatigued effect of the Cram activity and the negative effect of a Critical Failure of the Study activity.
# Hang out ((++Hang Out))
; downtime
You spend all of your 5 days of free time to socialize with an NPC, hanging out and doing hobbies together. Attempt a Discover or Influence check with the NPC (as detailed in *Gamemastery Guide pg. 151*).
# PRACTICAL RESEARCH ((++Practical Research))
; downtime
**Requirement** You are a conversant or lore-speaker.
You identify something interesting in the field and perform special research on it. This requires an appropriate check, which the GM will describe when the opportunity arises. The results of the check vary. While they typically include all the benefits of the Study activity, some opportunities for Practical Research also offer unique benefits, such as access to new character options.
# Study together ((++Study Together))
; downtime
**Requirements** You are an initiate, attendant, or conversant.
You form a study group together with one NPC or PC. You spend 10 days to study together for the same course, doing projects and homework together. This can benefit both your studies but could also easily distract you. Attempt a Will save (if there are two PCs, the one with the highest Will attempts the save).
**Critical Success** You both enhance each other's studies with great teamwork. Attempt a Study check: if you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead, and if you roll a success, you get a critical success instead. In addition, gain an Influence Point with the NPC.
**Success** You manage to work effectively as a team with no distractions. Attempt a Study check and a Discover or Influence check at the same time.
**Failure** You both become distracted when working together. Attempt a Study check with a -2 penalty, and attempt a Discover or Influence check on the NPC at the same time.
**Critical Failure** You both don't get along due to your differences in studying for this course. Attempt a Study check. It becomes one degree of success worse. In addition, lose an Influence Point with the NPC.
# Explore Nantambu ((++Explore Nantambu))
; downtime
You spend your 5 days of free time to find a place of interest in the Magaambya or in Nantambu and surroundings. If the place is well-known, you succeed automatically. If the place is secret or niche, attempt a Diplomacy, Perception or relevant Lore check.
**Critical Success** As success, but you also find another place of your GM's choice that they think would be useful or of interest to you.
**Success** You find the place of interest.
**Failure** You didn't manage to find anything of interest.
**Critical Failure** You got lost or ran into trouble. Until you have taken the Rest downtime activity, you’re particularly tired from exploring the city; at the start of each day of adventuring, you must succeed at a DC 8 flat check or be fatigued for that day.
# List of Courses ((+List of Courses))
##### Year 1
**General Courses** ( * = obligatory) | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
* History of the Magaambya | Society, Academia/Magaambya Lore, Arcana, Nature | Ahassunu
* The Cantrip Project | Arcana, Nature | Oyamba
* ***One of the following***:
Druidic for Beginners (Druids only) | Nature | Ulawa
Spellbooks and Scribing Methods | Arcana | Tahenkot
The Elements as a Source of Magic | Arcana, Nature | Ayuwari
The Eight Schools of Magic | Arcana, Nature, Religion, Occultism | Oyamba
**Cascade Bearer Courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Principles of Metamagic | Arcana, Nature, Occultism | Lesedi
Interpreting Dreams | Occultism, Religion, Deception | Lesedi
Deities of Golarion | Religion, Society, Diplomacy | Yavased
An Introduction to Anathema | Religion, Nature, Diplomacy | Yavased
Linear Approximations of Leylines | Crafting, Arcana, Occultism | Ot
**Emerald Boughs Courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Garundi Geography | Terrain Lore, Survival, Nature | Mezitani
The Xanmba Dialect | Society, Diplomacy, Performance | Xhosiliawa
Working Effectively as a Team | Diplomacy, Society, Intimidation| Xhosiliawa
Familiar Theory | Arcana, Nature, Crafting| Berendu
How not to be recognized: Mundane and Magical Disguises | Deception, Society, Stealth |Berendu
**Rain-Scribes Courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Care and Identification of Mwangi Flora and Fauna | Nature, Survival, Medicine| Ulawa
Blending and Substituting Spells | Arcana, Occultism, Deception |Mezitani
Scrolls, Staves and Wands | Arcana, Crafting, Deception| Varashod
Garundi Geography | Terrain Lore, Survival, Nature| Mezitani
Principles of Metamagic | Arcana, Nature, Occultism| Varashod
**Tempest-Sun Mages Courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Following the Footsteps of the Ten Magic Warriors | Athletics, Magic Warrior / Jatembe / Magaambya Lore, Acrobatics| Ahassunu
Mundane Weapons and Armor | Crafting, Intimidation, Warfare Lore | Oyamba
Jungle Rhythms and Melodies | Performance, Nature, Survival |Nhyira
Physical Expression| Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation |Tahenkot
Unarmed Combat Training| Athletics, Medicine, Intimidation |Ayuwari
**Uzunjati Courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
The Art of Storytelling | Performance, any Lore, Society |Elresja
An Introduction to Theatre and Drama| Performance, any Lore, Society |Nhyira
Mwangi Diplomatic Relations| Diplomacy, Society, Settlement Lore |Ahassunu
Jungle Rhythms and Melodies| Performance, Nature, Survival |Nhyira
Following the Footsteps of the Ten Magic Warriors | Athletics, Magic Warrior / Magaambya Lore, Acrobatics |Ahassunu
**Elective Courses** | Skills | Teacher
--- | --- | ---
Exploring Ancient Ruins | Survival, Stealth, Thievery| Mezitani
Stars and Planets of the Material Plane and their Influence | Religion, Occultism, Nature | Ahassunu and Lesedi
Alchemical Formula Notations and Basic Alchemical Reactions | Crafting, Arcana, Deception |Zuma
The Power of Tattoos | Crafting, Religion, Intimidation| Zuma
Prayers and Rituals | Religion, Society, Occultism| Zuma
##### Year 2
**General Courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Halcyon Magic 1 | Arcana, Nature |Ayuwari
History of the Mwangi Expanse | Society, Survival, Nature |Oyamba
Introduction to Magical Research Design | Crafting, Arcana, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore |Ot
Introduction to Runic Systems Theory | Crafting, Arcana, Society |Ot
Advanced Druidic (Druids only) | Nature| Ulawa
**Cascade bearer courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Elemental Ballistics | Arcana, Nature, Crafting| Ot
Links between the Four Essences | Arcana, Nature, Occultism |Yavased
The Planes of the Multiverse | Occultism, Religion, Lore about a specific plane| Lesedi
Empyreal Lords and other Demigods | Religion, Occultism, Lore about a specific deity or demigod |Yavased
Advanced Magical Research Design | Crafting, Arcana, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore| Ot
**Emerald boughs courses** | Skills | Teacher
--- | --- | ---
Mwangi Diplomatic Relations | Diplomacy, Society, Settlement Lore| Ahassunu
Nantambu Politics | Nantambu Lore, Society, Diplomacy |Xhosiliawa
Dinner and Party Etiquette | Society, Diplomacy, Deception |Xhosiliawa
Responsible Enchantment | Occultism, Society, Diplomacy |Berendu
The Truth behind Names | Occultism, Society, Lore about a specific creature |Berendu
**Rain-scribes courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
The Truth behind Names | Occultism, Society, Lore about a specific creature| Berendu
Advanced Runic Systems Theory | Crafting, Arcana, Society |Mezitani
The Planes of the Multiverse | Occultism, Religion, Lore about a specific plane |Lesedi
Humanoid Anatomy 1 | Medicine, Humanoid Lore, Survival |Varashod
Poisons and Diseases | Medicine, Survival, Thievery |Ulawa
**Tempest-sun mages courses** |**Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
The Art of Flight | Acrobatics, Arcana, Nature| Tahenkot
Abjuration Rituals | Arcana, Nature, Occultism| Ayuwari
Traps and Snares | Survival, Thievery, Crafting| Tahenkot
Voice Training |Intimidation, Performance, Medicine | Ayuwari
Humanoid Anatomy 1 | Medicine, Humanoid Lore, Survival |Varashod
**Uzunjati courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Advanced Runic Systems Theory | Crafting, Arcana, Society| Mezitani
Seducing with Words | Diplomacy, Performance, Deception| Nhyira
Creating Magical Items Part 1: Reading Formulas | Crafting, Arcana, Deception| Elresja
Chords and Bass in Mwangi Music | Performance, Nature, Survival| Elresja
Advanced Techniques in Theatre and Drama | Performance, any Lore, Society| Nhyira
**Elective courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Insects in Magic and Ecology | Nature, Survival, Thievery| Ulawa
Extraplanar Creatures and their Whims | Occultism, Religion, Lore about a specific plane or creature |Lesedi
Health and Nutrition |Medicine, Survival, Lore about a food or drink |Ayuwari and Yao
Potion and Elixir Brewing | Crafting, Arcana, Occultism |Zuma
The Origins of the Multiverse and Deity Relationships| Religion, Occultism, Lore about a specific deity or plane| Zuma
**Cascade bearer courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Summoning and Banishment | Religion, Occultism, Lore about a specific creature |Lesedi
Spell Design 3 | Arcana, Nature, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore |Ot
Advanced Metamagic | Arcana, Nature, Occultism| Lesedi
Occult and Divine Magic and Forbidden Lore | Occultism, Religion, Lore about a specific Creature| Yavased
Ancient Text Translation in Practice| Society, Deception, Academia/Library Lore| Lesedi
**Emerald boughs courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
The Art of Compromise | Diplomacy, Society, Deception| Ahassunu
Mwangi Linguistics | Society, Deception, Academia/Library Lore| Mezitani
Effects of the collapse of the Shory Empire on Modern Mwangi Politics - how the power has trickled down and effects us even today | Society, Occultism, Academia/Library Lore| Ahassunu
Social Network Theory | Diplomacy, Society, Occultism| Berendu
Subtle Influences with Music and Smell | Occultism, Performance, Survival| Xhosiliawa
**Rain-scribes courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Magical Pollution and how to clean it up | Occultism, Nature, Survival |Ulawa
Ancient Languages of the Inner Sea | Society, Deception, Academia/Library Lore| Mezitani
Ancient Text Translation in Practice | Society, Deception, Academia/Library Lore |Lesedi
Humanoid Anatomy 2 | Medicine, Humanoid Lore, Survival| Varashod
Mwangi Linguistics | Society, Deception, Academia/Library Lore| Mezitani
**Tempest-sun mages courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Famous Battles through History | Performance, Athletics, Society |Tahenkot
Humanoid Anatomy 2 | Medicine, Humanoid Lore, Survival| Varashod
Blended Martial Arts | Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation| Ayuwari
Defensive Espionage | Stealth, Thievery, Society| Tahenkot
Dances of the Outer Planes | Performance, Occultism, Acrobatics| Ayuwari
**Uzunjati courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Pre-Earthfall design| Crafting, Society, Performance |Nhyira
Famous Battles through History | Performance, Athletics, Society| Tahenkot
Effects of the collapse of the Shory Empire on Modern Mwangi Politics - how the power has trickled down and effects us even today | Society, Occultism, Academia/Library Lore| Ahassunu
Creating Magical Items Part 2: Crafting and Activation Mechanics | Crafting, Arcana, Deception| Elresja
Subtle Influences with Music and Smell | Occultism, Performance, Survival| Xhosiliawa
**Elective courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Defense against scrying spells | Occultism, Stealth, Deception| Zuma
Material and Ethereal Alchemical Reactions | Crafting, Occultism, Arcana| Zuma
Clockwork Creations | Crafting, Arcana, Thievery| Elresja
The Power of Folklore | Any lore, Performance, Diplomacy| Ahassunu
An Introduction to Chime-Ringing | Society, Nantambu Lore, Intimidation| Berendu
##### Year 4
**General Courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Halcyon Magic 3 | Arcana, Nature| Ayuwari
Arcane and Primal Ethics | Arcana, Nature, Religion |Oyamba
A Systematic Approach to Lore Review | Arcana, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore| Ot
Secrets and Sayings of Old Mage Jatembe |Society, Magaambya Lore, Arcana, Nature| Oyamba
Quantitative Research and Analysis | Arcana, Nature, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore| Lesedi
**Cascade bearer courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Spell Design 4 | Arcana, Nature, Academia/Magaambya/Library Lore | Ot
Magical Inversions and Counters | Arcana, Athletics, Occultism| Tahenkot
Portal, Scrying and Messaging Network Design| Arcana, Occultism, Society| Ot + Lesedi
Runic Inscriptions and their Applications| Occultism, Thievery, Crafting| Yavased
Turning Imagination into Reality| Occultism, Society, Deception| Yavased
**Emerald boughs courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
The Meaning of Work in Contemporary Societies | Society, Diplomacy, Lore related to a profession| Ahassunu
Representing the Magaambya in a Hostile World| Diplomacy, Intimidation, Academia/Magaambya Lore| Ahassunu
Practical Therapy and how to Support Victims of Disaster| Medicine, Religion, Performance| Berendu+Varashod
Effectively Reducing Hostility | Diplomacy, Stealth, Performance| Berendu
Insidious Creatures and Sickness and What to Do with Them | Medicine, Religion, Lore related to a creature| Xhosiliawa
**Rain-scribes courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Environmental Economics | Nature, Society, Accounting Lore |Mezitani
Practical Therapy and how to Support Victims of Disaster | Medicine, Religion, Performance| Berendu+Varashod
Restoration of Balance in Natural Systems | Nature, Religion, Lore related to a terrain |Ulawa
How Souls Flow | Religion, Medicine, Boneyard Lore| Varashod
Navigating Extreme Natural and Planar Disasters | Survival, Acrobatics, Lore related to a plane or terrain| Mezitani
**Tempest-sun mages courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Magical Inversions and Counters | Arcana, Athletics, Occultism| Tahenkot
Insidious Creatures and Sickness and What to Do with Them| Medicine, Religion, Lore related to a creature| Xhosiliawa
Advanced Military Tactics and Defenses: a New Way to Control the Battlefield |Athletics, Intimidation, Warfare Lore| Ayuwari
Representing the Magaambya in a Hostile World | Diplomacy, Intimidation, Academia/Magaambya Lore| Ahassunu
Shielding Mind and Spirit| Occultism, Religion, Intimidation |Ayuwari
**Uzunjati courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
How to Establish New Cultures| Society, Performance, Theatre Lore| Elresja
Turning Imagination into Reality | Occultism, Society, Deception| Yavased
Shielding Mind and Spirit | Occultism, Religion, Intimidation |Ayuwari
Developing your own Art Style | Performance, Art Lore, Theatre Lore |Nhyira
Weaving Astrology into your Daily Life| Occultism, Religion| Ahassunu
**Elective courses** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Geometrical Glass Blowing | Crafting, Thievery| Lesedi
Removing Doubts about the Presence of Undetectable Enemies | Occultism, Deception| Zuma
Precision Clockwork | Crafting, Arcana, Thievery| Elresja
End Time Prophecies | Religion, Lore of a specific deity| Yavased
Advanced Chime-Ringing Techniques | Society, Nantambu Lore, Intimidation |Berendu
##### Year 5
This year consists of an internship anywhere in Nantambu or surroundings, where you use and practice all that you have learned at the Magaambya at a local establishment. Example establishments and
the related Lore or Skill are given below the course list, but feel free to discuss a different option with the GM. Besides the supervisor at the local establishment, you have to find one teacher of the Magaambya who helps to guide you through the project.
**Internship (counts as 10 courses)** | **Skills** | **Teacher**
--- | --- | ---
Part 1: first contact | Diplomacy, Society, Nantambu Lore| Internship supervisor
Part 2: specifying tasks and milestones | Society, Academia Lore, relevant Lore or Skill |Internship supervisor
Part 3: observation | Perception, relevant Lore or Skill| Internship supervisor
Part 4: getting to know the team | Diplomacy, Society, Performance| Internship supervisor
Part 5: self study | Academia/Library Lore, relevant Lore or Skill| Internship supervisor
Part 6: first milestone | Relevant Lore or Skill| Internship supervisor
Part 7: second milestone | Relevant Lore or Skill | Internship supervisor
Part 8: transferring knowledge | Performance, Diplomacy| Internship supervisor
Part 9: presenting results | Performance, Diplomacy, Intimidation| Internship supervisor
Part 10: self-reflection and final report | Academia/Library/Magaambya Lore, relevant Lore or Skill| Internship supervisor
**Establishment** | **Relevant Lore or Skill**
--- | ---
Theater | Theater Lore or Performance
Restaurant | Lore of a type of food or drink
Temple | Lore of a specific deity
The Council | Legal Lore or Nantambu Lore
The Civic League Boathouse | Sailing Lore or Crafting
Fire-Pot's Forge | Crafting
Goana's Carvings | Crafting
Last Chance Shop | Mercantile Lore
Glassblower's Guild | Guild Lore or Crafting
Chime-Ringers | Nantambu Lore or Intimidation
Fish and Farm Federation | Fishing Lore or Farming Lore
Merchants and Traders Consortium | Mercantile Lore
Woodworkers Alliance | Crafting
Millers and Bakers Collective | Milling Lore or Baking Lore
Primary School | Society
Clockworks | Crafting
Yeah, all the things I've seen asked are either:
1. in the bestiaries, with monsters that have cool abilities
2. in pre-written adventures (APs or PFS)
3. in the GMG (how to customize creatures)
You will need all three, though. If you have a homebrew campaign and you only look at the bestiary, then it is a valid criticism that the same creature can't feel both like a boss and later like a minion, if the only thing that changes is the level of the party. If you then look at the GMG, you might feel a bit lost if you don't look at examples from existing adventures. If you do have a pre-written adventure, you will still want to customize the experience to your players, for which the bestiaries or GMG can help.
Luckily, all of this is available for free on AoN.
As a practical example, the way I do it is to take a monster from a certain level, think about what would make it cooler (let's say a petrifying gaze, for example because I saw it in a pre-written adventure), then look at higher-level monsters that have such an ability (basilisk/medusa), then add the ability to the boss using the rules in the GMG. It might actually need lower AC or hp to compensate for the ability, but as OP says this makes the boss more interesting. If I wanted the monster to have more actions, I would look at creatures with reactions for inspiration, or something that triggers on a crit or on death. Plenty of examples in the bestiaries.
One thing that I feel like is missing is clear rules for how to design troops, because they sort of have multiple stages. But you can look at the existing ones and figure it out quickly. Another thing is multi-stage boss fights in general, or bosses with multiple spots in the initiative order. Again, there are some examples, but clear rules of thumb would help.
I don't understand getting disappointed about something not changing from how it has always worked.
Like if going from 18 to 19 to 20 in two boosts was a huge failure of design, I'm confused why we never saw people complaining about it before the remaster? Like suggesting house rules or something?
What? There have been many complaints about ability scores in PF2.
It's one of those things that do not make sense unless you've been playing TTRPGs since the 1970s, just like Vancian casting and spell levels. Actually, spell levels and ability scores suffer from exactly the same issue: an arbitrary linear formula that you need to remember, instead of just using level and modifier for everything.
Spell level = [Character Level]/2 rounded up
Ability score = 10+2*[Ability Modifier]
The remaster would have been an excellent opportunity to tidy this all up. Actually, the switch from PF1 to PF2 would have been too, but roleplay veterans have a larger voice than new players unfortunately.
For the last mission at level 1, the Uzunjati mission, players are supposed to tell a story and also say something about the morale of the story. What did your players come up with?
My players had the following:
Kobold alchemist wrote:
You are never too old to learn.
Dwarven fighter wrote:
Sometimes you have to take a different perspective to see what is truly going on.
Human druid wrote:
You can ignore what is happening outside, but it is possible that what is happening outside does not ignore you.
I have run two alchemists as a DM. I have not seen the Alchemist run out of bombs past the low levels. High level alchemists never run out of bombs. The goggles are useless for them.
There is always someone arguing some niche case which almost never comes up for an item that is badly designed. This is a badly designed item that needs a fix. I made it better so the alchemist player felt like having one. If a class's main reason for wanting this item is "I ran out of my strongest bomb, so I have to rely on my weaker bombs and these goggles keep the item bonus to hit up to par with my strongest bombs so my even weaker bombs from Perpetual Infusions are certainly going to do worse damage leads to the self-doubting question...why am I even here?"
If that is the line of thinking, that item is not great. Bombers should never run out of their strongest bombs during battle past the low levels.
I don't think it hurts to buff this item, but I would argue that ignoring lesser cover is its main advantage, not the item bonus. It essentially allows you to have +1 (on top of the bomb's item bonus) in the common situation that there is an ally or enemy between you and your target.
The mechanics are not the issue. You pay some gold and you use an item in one hand, and you spend an action to increase your AC: that's all fine. The issue is purely thematic: the typical monk fantasy fights with two hands free (except those who use certain weapons, which is a different problem with its own thread). Or at least not with a shield or buckler.
So, if there was some kind of class feature given for free, with exactly the same mechanics as a shield but different fluff, that would solve it. It would be a small buff due to no gold needed to spend on a shield, but that's all. Maybe compensate it by not giving shield block as an option. So the parry option given above would work. But you don't want to rely on reflavouring when it's such a classical power fantasy.
Hey Grifta, thanks a lot for your feedback! Appreciate your kind words and the effort you put into this.
Oh, I didn't do the math exactly, but this is absolutely intended. I was wondering what kind of characters would be disciplined enough to turn a group activity not too much into a social activity / party (which is what a charismatic character might do), while also not turning it into a solo study (which is what an intelligent character might do). A wise character would be able to balance this. Totally subjective, I know, but that's what you get with abilities anyway. I can completely imagine the clerics and druids, and also the monks and rangers, to better be able to seriously lead such a group effort, as opposed to the more charisma-based or int-based characters.
It is not as unbalanced as you portray here though. A high wis character might have less charisma, which they might need to succeed with the Hangout (many influence checks will be charisma-based). And a high int character might be better at the Study checks, as many int-based skills are used for Study checks, and they would be trained in more of such skills. Not too sure about this last point as it depends a lot on the chosen branch and on the class, but I have more points:
- having a 90% chance to get a free Hangout, even with a -2 penalty, is still a very good trade-off for those who find their NPC relationships important. Even more so if a low nr. of points is required for an NPC influence benefit (this completely depends on the Influence subsystem, which is left open).
- You can completely ignore this activity if you want and just Study and Hang Out in the same period anyway. You won't get as much benefit as a high wis character going for this option, but it is still a good option.
- A low wis PC can Study Together with a high wis PC. I made sure that the highest Will save counts in this case, because the high wis character would take the lead in the teamwork. In this case, you don't get the influence bonus with the NPC, but you could still get the possibility to turn a Study success into a crit success.
It is good that people using this system are aware of the unbalance though, and I like your recommended changes, they indeed make it all more balanced (except that maybe high charisma characters would have a slight advantage, which would be fine for a teamwork-based activity too!).
The reason to tie it to a save instead of a skill, is that in my opinion you need discipline to not let a group activity degenerate into a social activity, or to avoid the trap of getting distracted, but to keep yourself and others focused on the task. I found Will to be the most fitting save. But your skill suggestions make sense too.
I don't think there are many fiends in this AP. At least the Charau-Ka and Usaro don't play any significant role, for whatever reason. I've prepared some adjustments for my campaign where they do play a more important role, you can find it here.
Wait, Stone ghost doesn't know undercommon? That seems like quite an oversight. My players know so many languages, but not undercommon, so they had some trouble with the gremlins so far. I will have to add it to stone ghost to make him a believable commander of gremlins.
Both of them can get to dying 3 before being healed back or doing a heroic recovery. So the hp is mainly important to determine the first time they go down.
I take your bet everyday. But I don't think we'll ever be able to get to the end of it.
One could build one party and the other the other party, and then you pick four encounters from different APs at different levels and let the same objective GM run the four encounters for the two different parties. The GM can also determine conditions like everyone at half hp and out of focus points but 10 minutes time before combat, or everyone knew a particular skill challenge was coming up the next day so they have time to pick the right spells. Running 8 encounters is still an investment but might be doable.
I really love this resource! I notice that the courses only go up to Year 3. This should coincide roughly with the party starting book 3 (where they graduate). What do you plan to do/suggest for leveling up past then? Just going back to the original system?
Thanks! I haven't given it much thought yet, but I was under the impression that at some point the original system wants characters to switch to the practical research activity. Alternatively, I have seen many ideas of not immediately making the PCs teachers, but first let them supervise other students or do some graduation project (or both at the same time). I think this would be a good option for book 3 rather than more courses.
So rather than traditional courses, switch to other things like internship / practical research / graduation project / custom courses / inventing new spells / supervising newer students / learning to teach.
I think I've seen literally every class mentioned in this thread now for Samurai, besides full casters and alchemist. So maybe the word Samurai is actually as versatile as something like the words Mage or Hero, and we won't come to any conclusion because basically everything is possible.
I did like the Swashbuckler solution though, for keeping a weapon sheathed to gain panache. You could disallow tumbling through to gain panache with this option, and instead give it any of the thousand Samurai mechanics discussed in this thread to compensate.
Since the Tian Xia announcement, I've heard an awful lot of general desire for a Samurai Class... and almost no specifics. "Guy with a sword, who is maybe in armor or not" isn't much of a pitch, y'know?
Agreed. Isn't unarmored swordmaster just a swashbuckler or a monk with monk weapon? Isn't armored swordmaster on a horse just a fighter or champion, possibly with cavalier?
I guess letting monks use Japanese-style swords would fulfil one part of the fantasy. Homebrewing that is easy: give a weapon the monk tag and possibly remove another tag if it's too good.
I really enjoyed this! The course list is excellent!
Just curious - Have you come up with any info about the new teachers you added?
Not yet, I'll probably improvise something in my campaign. But someone on reddit started work on this:
I really like this and have started fleshing out the new teachers. Since their names were similar, I have made Xhosiliawa a kobold and a sister to Xhokan from the Powderpile. Varashod is an android. Working on the others.
While the vanilla 'Life in the Magaambya' study system is too bare-bones for my taste, the expanded Magaambya with weekly checks is too overwhelming for me. So in my system, I picked some parts from these systems, as well as from the Monthly study system (which includes exams, and roles for branches), to make a new bi-weekly study system. I don't have a calendar or exams but I do have a course list, as my players indicated they would like to choose the courses their characters are following, and I've seen some nice examples of courses online already.
for the Magaambya. This document is written from a player's perspective. The branch benefits remain the same, though you could also change the benefits based on what courses the players took. I also encourage to combine it with an NPC Influence system, for which many options can be found online: I personally like this one best. How many Influence Points (or Friendship or Relation Points) you need for an NPC to give a certain advantage is left open. I also had to introduce some new teachers, else the teaching load of the staff mentioned in the AP would become ridiculous. For example, there is only one Emerald Boughs teacher mentioned (Zuma) and it is mentioned that he only teaches electives, so I made up some alchemy and other related courses for him.
Now we have 4 possible study system options (3-monthly, monthly, bi-weekly and weekly), so I hope this will be useful to someone. Please let me know if you have any critique!
A historical ninja was essentially a spy whose job was mostly to gather intel and report them to their Lords. They rarely assassinated people, as blood splatters would be too glaring and obvious. The idea of this stealthy and powerful warrior came from medias.
Speaking of generic names, I think 'Spy' would be an excellent class name that could cover some things that the current rogue does not cover. Stealthy poisoner with smoke bomb and some ki magic (ninja) could be covered by it, as could the Vigilante (though this is already an archetype), but also more diplomatic characters that don't necessarily want to use music, the gods, or the blood of their ancestors to influence people.
I think you are drawing very different conclusions to me about the difference between a tool, and AI given your use of comparisons like drawing/painting and cameras.
What's your conclusion? Both photography and painting are art forms, wouldn't both human-GMs and AI-GMs be valid TTRPG forms?
Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
I would not agree that generating “art” and text “supports” storytelling.
Why not? And what do you think of virtual dice rollers and fantasy name generators that have been around for much longer?
In my opinion, it's only a matter of years before most of the media we consume (books, memes, films, etc.) will be mostly AI-generated. TTRPGs will follow suit, with AI taking a prominent role, just like VTTs have taken an important role since the pandemic.
That is not to say there will not be a place for human GMs. Just like people have continued to draw and paint even though we have cameras, and people still calculate things by hand even though we have calculators, people will keep GMing. But AI will be a huge support, and in many cases I think a human GM might not be needed at all in the future, except for those who want to have that old-school feeling, just like some people right now do not want to use digital dice-rolling tools because they like rolling physical dice.
Already people are generating art and text with AI to support their storytelling. As long as we view AI as a tool this is the way to go in my opinion.
It doesn't really make sense that a crime boss could amass wealth and power in a society where wealth is meaningless.
Maybe she wants to go back to the old ways, or just keep wealth for herself instead of sharing it with society. However...
What I would recommend instead is still playing up the ways in which Nantambu approaches this ideal while having it fall short for practical reasons (the rest of the world is not like this, after all) and then having some of those shortcomings resolve throughout the AP.
This sounds like a very good idea to me. The events with Salathiss and Froglegs like you mention, and later with Dimari-Diji visiting Nantambu, could all result into big changes in Nantambu society.
And thanks for answering my questions! This helps.
keftiu wrote:
I feel like the positive influences from both the Magaambya and the city's connection to the plane of Axis can definitely be highlighted without turning the city into a post-scarcity utopia. Personally, I would advise against committing to the idea as hard as you propose; first, it would involve a lot of rewrites, but more than that it undercuts Osibu's role both in the Mwangi Expanse and in this AP as... well, a utopian Mwangi city full of magic that's worth protecting.
Plane of Axis? I missed that, is it in the Mwangi expanse book? And yes I would have to make sure Osibu still plays an important role, I didn't yet have a solution for that. Taking your and hauk's ideas together, maybe Nantambu is on the edge of becoming a paradise, but some troubles need to be solved (stone ghost, frogless, salathis, etc.) and once Osibu is protected and Dimari-Diji visits Nantambu, the heroes can help shape Nantambu into a paradise city like Osibu.
Another thought on this (apologies for the double post): if Nantambu is so utopian, then it makes Walkena's argument significantly weaker - why put up with his tyranny when a perfect life is so relatively close at hand? The hardscrabble lives folk make in Bloodcove or while (re)building Vidrian are somewhat cheapened if they could just move to a nearby slice of paradise.
This, however, doesn't seem an issue to me. Because it is already the case (Nantambu being a haven of peace and culture), just to a lesser degree. And Nantambu is much too open of a society for Walkena.
In my opinion, the high levels are not so much of a problem. Characters have so many options there already, and would likely use their reaction for something else. What you can do is make the DC the same as the primary check DC (or 2 less as proposed in this thread), but only for DCs up to 20. After that, keep it at DC20 like in the core rules.
I love your ideas about involving the Charau-Ka and Usaro! I was wondering why they didn't show up in this AP. Having a student from this region since the start would be a good idea, luckily I can still implement this in my campaign.
In preparing for this AP, I've decided that I really wanted to lean into the utopian aspects of Nantambu. It is already described as a haven of peace, learning and culture, but I want to take it one step further. The Magaambya being focused on both arcane and primal magic also gives me solarpunk vibes, with nature and magic (instead of nature and technology) as core aspects of the city. With so much magic going around, and so many people dedicated to improve society, and such long periods of peace due to the tempest-sun mages, in my campaign I imagine Nantambu has recently developed a post-scarcity society where everyone has their basic needs met. Unseen servants keep the streets clean, primal magic causes an abundance of food, and healing magic keeps everyone healthy (though resurrections would still be rare and costly). Money is no longer necessary: everyone can ask for basic things like food and minor healing, and if anyone needs something more special like a big house, or transportation to another city, it is freely given if it is 1) abundantly available and 2) deemed necessary. The chime-ringers help in making sure no one gathers wealth for themselves (cough Froglegs cough) and also that slackers (cough Chizire cough) get a bad reputation and might be refused luxury goods and services.
Now, the question is, if I make such a choice, besides the effects on the story it will also have mechanical effects.
1. No money means less bookkeeping, which is good, because I can focus more on bookkeeping for NPC relations and an elaborate academic subsystem. Even more so if I add milestone leveling and automatic bonus progression.
2. Item levels. These are a good way to limit what characters can get (no you can't get this scroll of teleport, that's for this teacher who is doing an important mission in Absalom). But what about, let's say, 4-th level items for 1st level PCs? These items should still be abundantly available, what would be a good reason to deny them to the PCs at first?
3. Importance of diplomacy. If items are not traded for money but on the basis of need and availability, a PC who has invested in diplomacy or deception might be able to convince someone to give them a high level item. This makes social skills very powerful, maybe too powerful?
4. Trade with other cities. If Nantambu is the only post-scarcity society, they still need to trade with neighbouring cities and countries. So money still exists, unless they are so utopian that they are self-sufficient and just give away what they have for free, but that seems unlikely on such a dangerous world as Golarion. Maybe PCs will need to keep track of their money after all, just not in Nantambu?
5. Treasure: what do PCs do with treasure they don't need if they can't trade it for money? They can give it away to gain reputation with a certain NPC or group maybe, or go to other cities to trade it for money. How would you react to such a rule as a player?
These changes are great! I am still preparing but I've also read similar qualms about Koride, and I also thought the Vesicant Egg could use an update on the role it plays in the AP. Your rewrite solves a lot of problems I've read from others.
I will also add here the idea I've read somewhere else about the animal trader in book 1, to make it more like an animal hospital. In general, the vibe of this AP could be much more positive, and I was thinking of making Nantambu much more of a utopian place, but a utopian place overrun by insects seems even more fun!
If you really want to give a discount by using Diplomacy, you could make it up to 25% of the full price of the item. That way, if they are cheeky and try the same trick again later to sell the item for a higher price with absurd Diplomacy rolls, and you make them sell the item for 25% of the full price more, then they haven't earned any income, meaning the Earn an Income activity and the Bargain Hunter feat are not useless.
Example: they want to buy an item worth 100gp, they get critical success on Diplomacy (I would require multiple rolls, to make the NPC helpful and make a request, etc.), the NPC hesitates but sees the hero really needs the item, and it offers up to a 25% discount, meaning the PC buys the item for 75gp. The NPC would then still have made a 25gp profit to cover their costs, as someone has sold them the item for 50gp at some point in history. Later, when the PC comes across a better item, they want to sell the same item again. This would normally yield them 50gp (half the normal price), but they convince the new buyer to pay 75gp with several high rolls. Then in the end they earned nothing, and if they actually want to earn something with diplomacy they would need the Bargain Hunter feat.
Skinsaw man is no match for the PCs on his own, I know from experience and also from other GMs. Like always, I think the best choice is to add minions in his room, indeed something like one or several goblin ghast assistants. I don't know how he is supposed to get sneak attack damage as written, maybe by feinting or something?
PC: Galathorn the Unbroken
Class: Champion 16
Adventure: Spires of Xin-Shalast (Pathfinder2e) -> Whispers in the wind
Catalyst: Wendigo
Story: After defeating the ghost of Karivek Vekker and finding his remains, the PCs hid in a tunnel burrowed by the Frost Worm to find shelter from the growing blizzard. Galathorn, the brave Paladin of Iomedae, stood watch outside, as they heard a second howl from a magical beast. The Wendigo appeared behind him, thinking the lonely champion would be an easy prey, but Galathorn reacted fast, and called his allies to battle. Together they managed to severely damage the creature, at which point it began to flee into the storm. The party wizard transformed into a dragon and followed it, while Galathorn jumped on the dragon's back. After searching and trying to maneuver through the blizzard, they got close enough to the creature that Galathorn could damage it even more with his runeforged blade, but the Wendigo fled again. This time it took more effort but they found it, though the dragon wizard had trouble getting close to it. Galathorn managed to make a 90 feet jump to get to the Wendigo, grabbed it and held on to it, but the Wendigo caused Galathorn to ride the wind and took him along by transforming them both into snowclouds. The wizard's dragon form would soon end, and he didn't manage to stay close to the Wendigo in the blizzard so finally turned back, while Galathorn decided to stay in the wind walk form with the Wendigo. The Wendigo took him to a distant mountain top while getting healed back to full health, where it had a duel with Galathorn who was almost out of abilities. Galathorn alone was no match for the Wendigo, and got clawed to death and then eaten.
Aftermath: At this high level, the player probably doesn't want to make a new character anymore, and maybe also doesn't want to get resurrected, so sadly the other players might have to try to defeat Karzoug without him.
Officially there is no impact for virtuous players in Runeforge. Which I think is kind of boring, so you can search the forums for alternative boons and penalties as there were plenty of suggested options. Or even better, come up with your own!
I would only give a boon to a player that has no sin points though, and even then you might consider keeping the original ruling because Runeforge is all about sins, not virtues.
Exactly how much downtime is expected to occur in any given chunk? The reason I ask is that I just crunched the numbers and unless I'm mistaken, it would take a level 3 Wizard who critically succeded their craft check something like 44 days to complete a level three item worth 75gp. Am I doing this math wrong or am I just assuming 'downtime' is much shorter than it actually is...?
I don't think there are expectations. I run a converted PF1 AP and I just give a few weeks of downtime between books.
Note that for what your player is doing he is better off just buying the item, then spend the rest of the time adventuring (if possible) or if everyone wants downtime, use the Earn Income action. Unless there is no 3rd level settlement anywhere near, which I doubt. Or he has a cool uncommon formula of an item not sold anywhere nearby.
Crafting is almost never the best option, check the homebrew forum for ideas on how to change that.
I've run one homebrew campaign and one AP is currently near the end. As someone fresh to roleplaying in general, for the homebrew campaign I was very grateful for the pathfinderwiki to read up on the lore. Then I thought of an overarching story, and made encounters 1-3 sessions in advance.
When I switched to running an AP, the thing is that it is easier, but takes the same amount of time. Where I would actively look for monsters and lore in a homebrew campaign, for the AP I could just read the book. It requires less creativity, but still gives the option for creativity by making changes to the AP and tying in player's backstory, etc.
So APs have my preference unless I have a very long creative spark.
Can't edit my post anymore so here's the aftermath.
After the fight with the sinspawn men, the party went on towards High Lady Athroxis. In the waiting room I put a prison with an Aasimar Sinspawn Cleric of Iomedae for Mok's player to play as (the group already has a paladin of Iomedae). With the help of this cleric they defeated Athroxis and found the teleportation circle to get out of Runeforge. They took Mok's body with them, but instead of going back to the material plane, Iomedae's herald grabbed them and took them to the Boneyard, to the River of Souls.
There they saw Mok's soul going towards Pharasma's judgment, fought some Astradaemons, and also figured out that some of the souls from Varisia were missing the greedy part of their personality, causing a wrong judgment from Pharasma and disturbing the whole process. Outsiders asked them to figure out what was going on with this, as the PCs suspected Karzoug had something to do with it.
In the boneyard they found a high level cleric NPC and paid him to cast the Resurrect ritual on Mok, but unfortunately the NPC failed because he had never tried to resurrect such a powerful person before. It cost them most of their coin. Then they realized the NPC could also use the Raise Dead spell, which is more expensive but at least wouldn't fail. They sold everything they didn't need and Raised Mok's body, then returned to the Material Plane with the help of Iomedae's herald.
My players disliked Belor so much they thought he might have something to do with all the murders. It was for similar reasons: it seems like he's not doing anything useful in the AP and he's a lousy sheriff.
What helped in my case was a bit counter-intuitive: giving them a badge that said they were on a mission for the sheriff of Sandpoint. In the meantime Belor would go look for other recruits, or train the guards in case there would be a ghoul or goblin attack. But the badge helped make the relationship more clear: the PCs were on an official mission, rather than doing this guy a favour. In later books they just took the role of independent investigators but for book 2 it helped them being able to say they were on official business everywhere.