GM Tektite's Iron Gods Campaign

Game Master Hawkwen Agricola

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Check in and discuss.

I've haven't completely decided on home rules. I am mulling over various aspects, including EF's fine homebrew document.

For now, all the ARG classes are legal, including Android. (nods to Red) As well, all the classes including ACG. (not intrinsically evil ones)

Today will be the first chance I get to crack open the Tech Guide, People of the Stars, and Book One, so we have a little time to make decisions.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

So I really wanted to play an alchemist from the beginning because it fits with the setting and I've never gotten to play one buuuuuut the Technology Guide has an awesome barbarian archetype that lets you dual-wield a gun and a melee weapon so I might just have to multiclass to get that ability. Because awesome.

Then again, I haven't had time to scour the ACG archetypes yet so I might completely change my mind. But for now I'm thinking melee/damage-focused alchemist/barbarian (mostly alchemist).

No idea on race yet.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Yay! Yep, I'm going Android Magus(Skirnir) into EK.

I'm leaning heavily towards an archaeologist bard, maybe heading into mysterious stranger gunslinger or a swashbuckler of some kind. Unsure of race, but considering human or android.

Regarding androids - isn't there a feat or trait that alters their emotion capability?l somehow

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Nope. But why would you want silly meatbag emotions?

There is a feat in the new People of the Stars. It's called Empathy.

You lose the emotionless trait and can be affected by emotion-based and fear effects. You also lose the +4 on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

There's also a couple others, I'll post the descriptions this evening, posting from mobile.

Extra Surge

Nanite Disruption

Rapid Recovery

Rapid Repair

Also a couple race traits.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Bah. Lame. Rapid Repair sounds good though.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

@Rah: I coulda sworn I saw something that did, either in People of the Stars or Book One (which I've only read the appendices, leaving the rest out to avoid getting any info GM!)

Looking like we may need a rogue-ish and/or divine-y type.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Yea, and something with a good ranged option. Definitely no more melee.

Had a minute


You have learned to experience emotion.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, android.
Benefit: You lose the emotionless racial trait. You can gain morale bonuses, and can be affected by emotion-based effects and fear effects. You lack the +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Extra Surge
You can use your nanite surge ability more often than normal.
Prerequisites: Con 13, nanite surge racial trait.
Benefit: You can use your nanite surge ability one additional time per day.
Special: You can take Extra Surge multiple times. Its
effects stack.

Nanite Disruption
You can use your nanite surge to inflict wounds upon other mechanical beings.
Prerequisites: Nanite surge racial trait.
Benefit: As long as you are adjacent to an android, a robot, or a creature primarily made of electronic components (GM’s discretion), you can use your nanite surge ability as an immediate action to short-circuit that creature’s hardware. If you succeed at a melee touch attack and the target fails a Will save (DC = 10 + 1/2 your character level + 1/2 your Constitution modif ier), it takes a penalty equal to 1 + 1/2 your level (minimum 0) on its next d20 roll. This penalty lasts until the beginning of your next turn.

Rapid Recovery
When you heal damage with your nanite surge, you also remove harmful effects.
Prerequisites: Con 13, Rapid Repair, nanite surge racial trait.
Benefit: When you heal damage using Rapid Repair, you remove any and all of the following conditions: blinded, confused, dazzled, deafened, shaken, sickened, and staggered. You cannot cure blindness or deafness caused by loss of sensory organs.

Rapid Repair
You can use your nanite surge to repair hit point damage.
Prerequisites: Wis 13, nanite surge racial trait.
Benefit: You can use your nanite surge racial trait to heal a number of hit points equal to your character level, instead of its usual effects.


Cellular Match: Whenever you are affected by a polymorph spell or effect, your nanites adjust completely at a molecular level. For the duration of the polymorph effect, you are treated as only a humanoid for the purpose of effects that target creatures by type. For example, a ranger’s favored enemy bonus against constructs wouldn’t apply to you while you are polymorphed, but nor would spells such as make whole. This trait modifies part of the android’s constructed racial trait, but otherwise that trait is unchanged (a polymorphed android still can’t gain morale bonuses, is still immune to fear, and so on).

Nanite Revival: You can instinctively activate your nanites to save your life. Once per day as an immediate action, you can command your nanites to stabilize you while you are dying, even while unconscious or helpless. This does not count as a use of your nanite surge ability.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

So how many traits, Pb, starting gold?

Working on that. Most likely three traits (one campaign), max gold for class, and....what Pb stands for is escaping me at the moment.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Point Buy.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Well my barbarian/alchemist will have a gun for ranged (although he'll be able to do it in melee too eventually) as well as bombs (although they'll be less powerful with the at least two levels of barbarian. So he has ranged options, but he'll be mostly melee.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

My first thought was a Brawler/MoMS so I can maximize the single hit damage for a Strength based build with Pummeling Style/Charge and Dragon Style/Ferocity.

Next thought was a hobgoblin Sanctified Slayer inquisitor, although I may have to dip 2 into fighter first just to get the ranged feat tax out of the way.

Final idea is a peri-blooded aasimar hex channeler witch with the elemental patron. Make my first hex Misfortune, Healing or Ward (no slumber as it'd make the GM cry as well as the number of robots and what not would make less useful than before). This would allow me to play the arcane switch hitter, healing, debuffing, or blasting. As long as the GM is okay with the aasimar variant, I think this may be the most useful for the group. Another variation would be a half-orc scarred witch doctor doing the same thing if not allowed.

Fun fact: the Hex Channeler can get insanely high Channels thanks to the Extra Hex feat :)

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

I like the final idea. It would give us a lot of utility. And we already have 3 melee. I like Ward as a first hex.

I'm completely fine with the variant heritages. I know some people dind't like them, but I wish they had done that with all the "Blood of" books and maybe even "Bastards of Golarian"

Point buy, yeah of course...I knew that.

Why not do 25 pt buy this time.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
GM Tektite wrote:
I'm completely fine with the variant heritages. I know some people dind't like them, but I wish they had done that with all the "Blood of" books and maybe even "Bastards of Golarian"

I don't have anything against them but I would feel a lot better if they had made variant heritages with the other books, as you said. I'm not sure why they didn't, to be honest; that was what I most looking forward to in those books.

*Blood of the Moon being the exception if you count the Skinchanger's variants e.g. wererat, werebear, werewolf

My bard/gunslinger will be ranged/utility. Archaeologists get many rogue abilities, including trap sense.

As far as emotions, I asked because I'd prefer to play an android different then the Data archetype. Thought it might be fun to have an android rock star.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

I'm gonna go the other route and be proud to be a machine. Like Bender or HK47.

Oof, dedicating a feat for empathy would be a rough choice.

Before I waste more time brainstorming an android hippy, would anyone have any issue with there being two androids in the campaign?

Red's character would be quite different from my current concept. I was thinking my character could be on a personal quest to free his people from oppression under the Technic League. He believes finding emotions is necessary to for him to succeed, though not necessary for all androids.

Male Human Suel Arcane Duelist 1

Well they stop being rare if half the group consists of androids. Same reason I didn't like Aasimars and Tieflings being open access when they were.

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge
Amazing Red wrote:
Well they stop being rare if half the group consists of androids. Same reason I didn't like Aasimars and Tieflings being open access when they were.

I felt the same way. But I also wouldn't want to deny someone the chance to play an android in this AP if they wanted to as this AP is the most (perhaps only) fitting place to play one.

Also, that being said I'm thinking of making a tiefling. Never played one before. (Never played an aasimar either.)

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Alright :) Now to decide on the Peri-blood or a half-orc... or maybe even full orc. I'll have to play with numbers for a bit to see what looks good and flavorful.

And I'm OK with a pair of androids; as EF said, if you're ever going to play one, this would be the best thematically. And adventurers, but nature, are an uncommon lot, so having an above average number of androids representatively would work.

Now how to convince the GM for a kasatha and... :P just kidding!

Ha! Yeah, in this AP, two androids wouldn't be out of the question.

Rare everywhere, but Numeria

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

So, with some debate, I went with the 1/2 orc scarred witch doctor hex channeler. It's something I've always wanted to play and I can use an aasimar GM credit baby to play a PFS hex channeler, but can't play a scarred witch doctor in PFS (since I didn't feel like dropping a few hundred at GenCon :P)

Sadly, no Ward until level 3; I feel the Healing Hex will be more important with our resource limited first level.

I'll have the first draft ready soon!

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

Need to select spells, will do that end of today or tomorrow.

It seems like this group is lacking a face man, and making an android that can fill that role will be tough. More so since I'd prefer to create one with emotions.

Tektite, are you introducing any home rules that we should be aware of? Could I convince you to give that emotion feat for free?

Also, I don't know what the greater plot is in this campaign, and since you'll have to deal with my character, what would fit better into it - a human treasure hunter looking for fame and fortune or an android freedom fighter looking for the purpose of android life?

Male Tiefling Cobbler 3 | HP 4/27 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | CMD 17 | F+5 R+6 W+3 (+2 emotion/fear/poison) | resist 5 cold/electricity/fire | Init +3 | Perc +8 | SM +2 | Bomb: 4/6 | MC: 1/1 | Grit: 1/2 | Mut: 1/1

Here is EF's alchemist. I'm still thinking of making that two-level dip into barbarian but I might hold off until 3rd to do that; I haven't decided yet.

@Rah: Either character sounds good!

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

Here's Red's Skirner!

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

@Rah: I'll have an alright Charisma, but only Intimidate as a class skill (and originally planned for Craft Weapons and Armor for skills as far as backstory as well as eventually making magical stuff for the party at level 5).

Also, not sure if Tektite'll be adding any other homebrew rules; he did say he was looking at some of EF's stuff.

Finally, both are wholly plausible. The android could be a recent comer, and according to the guide, finding robots and hating the Technic League work just fine :)

Android Rockstar | HP 59/59 | AC 23 F 23 T 14 | F +5 R +13 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +13

I think I'm going with this option for now. Right now he's got Point Blank Shot rather than Emotions (planning on getting those at 3rd), but I might take Emotions first depending on any house rules.

Also, Paizo needs to get some android avatars options uploaded. This was the closest thing I could find to what I imagine Richard to look like.

Alright, it looks like everyone is about ready, so I'll get the intro post up today. I think well keep the races as they are, but I will make use of the Feat modifications EF uses.

Always Available Feats- (as long as you meet prereqs)
Agile Maneuvers
Catch Off Guard
Combat Expertise
Deadly Aim
Mounted Combat (If granted and AC or mount from class)
Point-Blank Shot
Power Attack
Throw Anything
Weapon Finesse

I'll also use the collapsed feat trees, but, I can't copy off of EF's document, so here is the link to his document. LINK

One last change I'll make, is that 3rd level extracts also qualify for the Technomancer PrC.

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

Interesting. That does change some of my plans for this PC.

Android Rockstar | HP 59/59 | AC 23 F 23 T 14 | F +5 R +13 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +13

Same here. This lets me pick up emotions right away. Woohoo!

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

Oddly, this somewhat improves things for me, too :) Although it does make me want to consider the 14 Str orc witch again... but not, too much.

Hopefully it doesn't throw anyone off too much. Building my character for EF's campaign, I saw how it opened up the ability to add more unique feats, rather than taking the same "go to" feats.

Male Tiefling Cobbler 3 | HP 4/27 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | CMD 17 | F+5 R+6 W+3 (+2 emotion/fear/poison) | resist 5 cold/electricity/fire | Init +3 | Perc +8 | SM +2 | Bomb: 4/6 | MC: 1/1 | Grit: 1/2 | Mut: 1/1
GM Tektite wrote:
Hopefully it doesn't throw anyone off too much. Building my character for EF's campaign, I saw how it opened up the ability to add more unique feats, rather than taking the same "go to" feats.

Excellent! I'm glad to hear you say that. That's exactly what my feat modifications were meant to do.

Every melee person must take Power Attack. Every ranged person must take Point-Blank and Deadly Aim and follow the tree up. And if you want to do something special like combat maneuvers or two-weapon fighting (especially if you're a finesser), there go all of your feats.

I know when I build characters for PFS I get tired of taking the same feats for most of my characters because they are "essential". And although there are hundreds of feats out there you see the same approx. 10 feats over and over again. So my feat system to designed to encourage players to take more unique feats and not to waste all of their feats on just one tree.

Glad to see everyone likes it!

Android Rockstar | HP 59/59 | AC 23 F 23 T 14 | F +5 R +13 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +13

This doesn't throw me off at all. Quite the reverse actually.

Long ago, between D&D 2.0 and 3.0, I worked up a home game with a system that incorporated the "give and take" nature of feats like combat expertise and power attack.

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

I understand that. Though adding in wacky feats like Catch Off Guard and Throw Anything was an interesting choice. I wouldn't call those go-to feats.

Male Tiefling Cobbler 3 | HP 4/27 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | CMD 17 | F+5 R+6 W+3 (+2 emotion/fear/poison) | resist 5 cold/electricity/fire | Init +3 | Perc +8 | SM +2 | Bomb: 4/6 | MC: 1/1 | Grit: 1/2 | Mut: 1/1

They're not go-to feats but I felt like anyone should be able to swing a table leg. Also, people hardly every throw random things or hit with table legs because of the penalty to attack. I thought getting rid of that penalty might encourage some wackier situations. Then again it might never come up.

Android Rockstar | HP 59/59 | AC 23 F 23 T 14 | F +5 R +13 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +13

This will come up. I like wackier situations.

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

Yeah, I may amend my homegroup for this, I dunno quite yet. See how it goes for now, but it looks promising.

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

Fair enough. Though Alpha disapproves of such wacky situations. It's not logical.

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

So far backgrounds, I plan on being a long-time resident of Torch, a blacksmith that also works on brands that I use to ritually scar my body.

Anybody want a half-orc as a buddy? :)

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

Well I'm also a longtime resident so sure. I can have a token meat-bag friend.

M Half-orc Hex Channeler Scarred Witch Doctor/7 | HP 72/72 | AC 15* T 12 FF 11 | F +10 R +6 W +8* | CMD 15| Init +2 | Perc +1 | Sense Motive +1 | Diplomacy +3 | Channel Energy 6/6

Perhaps the token meatbag that occasionally fixes stuff that you break, including yourself? :)

Android Skirnir 7 HP 59/59 | AC 24 T 14 FF 21 | F+9 R+7 W+7 | Init +3 | Perception +13 | Sense Motive - 4| Arcane Pool 7/7

Hey, it's all covered under the warranty!

Android Rockstar | HP 59/59 | AC 23 F 23 T 14 | F +5 R +13 W +4 | Init +4 | Perc +13

Richard's been in Torch a while too, though he is recently renewed. I took the local ties campaign trait, which I see Alpha has also taken, so Alpha probably knew Richard in his past life.

@Alpha - should we both have the same skill associated with local ties? Richard will get some rogue abilities later, including trap sense.

Just out of curiosity, is it ok for PCs to have the same campaign trait?

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