Now that we've all digested the COM, what other classes would we like to see?

General Discussion

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VampByDay wrote:
I recommend taking a closer look at the Solarian Stellar Revalations. They can do things like defy gravity (like wings of air), bog down movement (entangling infusion) and a host of other abilities that Kineticists can also grab. Is it a direct 1 to 1 comparison? Of course not. But, if I can borrow from what you said: There's more to a solar flare solarion than a class-tied ranged attack.

As a person who is currently playing a graviton solarian, no, that is nowhere near close to what I'd want out of a kineticist. Reading solarian stellar revelations feels like someone cut them off at their knees to accommodate the full base attack bonus. They're also so amazingly slow to get any abilities and immensely limited in theme to "gravity" or "fire/radiation". The stellar revelations are not anywhere near close to utility wild talents or infusions to me when they don't seem to be able to provide anywhere near close the same sort of design outside of "They don't use spell slots".

Though oddly, Defy Gravity might actually have been fine if it was for void kineticist, but in a game where people are going around with Jumpjets from level 2.... I honestly can't see Defy Gravity as anything but an example of "Revelations are for getting your damage numbers up and don't bother wasting your time on their nerfed utility".

Garretmander wrote:
VampByDay wrote:
Captain Beyond wrote:
Have to do a little more thinking about the mechanics but some kind of a Drift Mage class could be interesting. Kind of like the Witchwarper, they'd have a bunch of crowd-control powers but instead of tapping into alternate realities to change the battlefield, they tap into the Drift for different effects based around teleportation and a kind of "wild magic" by pulling random stuff from different planes out of the Drift.
I love the idea, it that may be a hard sell. From a PaizoCon panel I went to a couple years ago, it sounds like they want the drift to be technology exclusive. Specifically they do not want ‘drift magic,’ such as Vikings in longboats with drift drives. I dunno though, they might have changed their minds since.

I know I'd prefer tech only. That said, a drift summoner who summons planar critters with a 'malfunctioning' drift engine could be fun.

Maybe a little too weird for a base class though.

Haven't caught that bit of news- makes sense though with Drift travel being a gift of Triune.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

A Shifter-esque analogue class that is SFS-legal from the moment it prints.

That's about the only thing I can think of that's missing at the moment.

EDIT: Truth-in-Text: One of the bigger attractions of the COM was the fact that one of the Organized Play team really talked up the shapeshifting Envoy archetype... and then it was not allowed. I understand the reasoning -- they don't want someone circumventing the Race Boons by 'being shifted to a given form all the time'. But it could (along with the non-human androids) be gated to "One can only use the racial abilities of a different race if they apply the Boon to the character, not taking the Personal slot (in the case of the shapeshifter) or taking the Personal slot (in the case of androids)"

The racial benefits and dumpster diving all the races is the only good use of polymorph, though.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

If the options aren't 'crossed off', then it gives a use for all the folks who are complaining that there are too many Race boons out there... someone playing a Shifter-type character would be hoovering those things up to allow that, way I'm seeing it.

The Exchange

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Medium. Weather they brand it as downloading advanced AI programs, spirits, or something else.

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In regards to the notion that updated versions of the PF classes would dilute the science fantasy element and make it too heavy on the fantasy side...

Let's go back to my original three suggestions.

Updated shifter: What I would flavor a SF shifter would be transforming into an alien monstrosity. Sci fi body horror, the Hulk but with tentacles. Very sci fi based, no nature-channeling hippie magic. Least not for a few supplements.

Kineticist: There's definitely a fantasy side to this and the original class certainly was more evocative of Avatar: The Last Airbender(unintentionally, I'm given to understand) which further drives that home. But telekinesis and energy manipulation are every bit as much staples of sci-fi. AKIRA, Namek-saga DBZ, X-men, Mass Effect's biotics. This class could be pure sci-fi or a blend of science and magic like the technomancer & witchwarper. I'd also follow Milo's advice of it being a primary utility class to further separate it from the combat focused solarian.

Summoner/Spiritualist: Okay this one is pretty much all magic, but so far the only all magic class we have is the mystic. One more isn't going to kill the sci-fi integrity of the setting. And you can still sci-fi it up a bit. Maybe I summon an angel or a devil but said angel or devil can still use a laser gun or a plasma sword. Or maybe you split it up with a choice of, you can summon an outsider, or an undead, or a lovecraftian horror from the dark tapestry and that last one is the more sci-fi option. All spit-balling here.

I also think there's some value in having some more purely fantasy options available in the setting. Maybe you can use a pre-gap lich as a villain who's just awoken/been freed from stasis and hasn't had time to adapt to technology yet but has some forgotten magical knowledge up his sleeve.

Or maybe you start an adventure with the party stranded on a primitive, pre-industrial world where the locals don't have any advanced tech and the party has to see how their tech handles against pure magic or superior numbers while they're low on supplies, and the thing plays as almost a reverse Iron Gods where it's the sci-fi heroes dealing with the weirdness of being stuck on a fantasy world instead of the weirdness of fantasy heroes dealing with sci-fi stuff that crashed on their fantasy world.

Or maybe you want to play a character who's backstory is that they're from a world that hasn't advanced passed the standard fantasy setting yet but they've been picked up on this alien space ship for some reason, or who's from the pathfinder era and has been time-displaced into the future and wants to return to the past to undo the future that is Aku.

That's all just off my head. Point is that while I can agree with the idea that the fantasy elements shouldn't completely overwhelm the setting, there are narratives you might want to tell with those fantasy elements that shouldn't be dismissed entirely.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
GeneticDrift wrote:
Medium. Weather they brand it as downloading advanced AI programs, spirits, or something else.

I'd prefer in the super-advanced Space Future that it be Super-Sized to a 'Large'.

Just sayin'...


Summoner type could get a living hologram they could change around like an eidolon from Pathfinder and all their summon monster stuff could be living holograms too.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
GeneticDrift wrote:
Medium. Weather they brand it as downloading advanced AI programs, spirits, or something else.

I'd prefer in the super-advanced Space Future that it be Super-Sized to a 'Large'.

Just sayin'...


Pretty sure the AbadarCorp branding calls it a 'Grande' now

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Gamerskum wrote:
Summoner type could get a living hologram they could change around like an eidolon from Pathfinder and all their summon monster stuff could be living holograms too.

Would they use 'cards' from their 'Play Deck' while driving on hovercycles? :>

Not sure I get the reference.

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Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Gamerskum wrote:
Summoner type could get a living hologram they could change around like an eidolon from Pathfinder and all their summon monster stuff could be living holograms too.
Would they use 'cards' from their 'Play Deck' while driving on hovercycles? :>

Only when the fate of the multiverse is at stake.

Sovereign Court

You could build a "Chassis" class that downloads AI/programs to give them temporary specialized knowledge. With a variant class that instead gets possessed by ghosts.

As for kineticist, I'd like to see something like it, with a bit more options for energy types (solarian is rather locked down into hot/cold). But more sci-fi, not fixated on classic western/eastern elements. Althought, with solarian and vanguard already taking on fire, cold and acid, we're already part of the way here.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh boy, do we already get to talk about new classes for a potential 2021 release date?

So as was mentioned above I think that a FULL psychic magic user a la kineticist or a Scanner warrior would be interesting, but I imagine could fall under Mystic/Technomancer camps as a sub-class option.

The problem with any class is I feel like a lot of what I would suggest would be a mix of two existing classes with a bit of a theme on top.

-Commander: A mix of SOLDIER and ENVOY that is a front line advanced melee fighter who buff allies and debuffs enemies by striking foes.

-Scout: OPERATIVE and MYSTIC, kind of like a ranger, but a class that after fighting in a location for a certain number of days can gain bonuses to fighting foes and using local magicks.

-Serum Soldier: SOLDIER and BIOHACKER that uses transformative injections to power their attacks and give special abilities

-Gearhead: MECHANIC and OPERATIVE who rides a vehicle like a mount and can make finesse attacks while charging into battle

-Tank: SOLDIER and TECHNOMANCER that wades into battle with transforming power armor that adapts based on the needs of the combat

-Primal: SOLDIER and MYSTIC combo that focuses on archaic weapons and an ancient form of battle akin to Pathfinder's barbarian

-Gambler: A mystical option that combines a WITCHWARPERS powers of chance and an ENVOYs smooth talking to come out on top. Uses spells to empower influencing other and guiding lucky shots

-Predator: SOLARIAN and BIOHACKER that uses technology and high magicks to study and single out prey with attacks that focus on monster types

-Teleporter: A WITCHWARPER and VANGUARD combo that focuses on teleporting around the battlefield, and opening portals inside enemies...with your fist

-Mech warrior: VANGUARD and MECHANIC that is all about power armor from level 1, starting with an exoskeleton and at level 20 a huge suit of mech

-Time Mage: TECHNOMANCER/MYSTIC and BIOHACKER that can speed up, reverse and slow down time buffing, debuffing, and healing damage on allies as time stitches up wounds

Just a couple of ideas, hope everyone had a happy holidays!

Scarab Sages

So I've been mulling it over for a few days, and one class I'd like to see would be a Psychometrist (someone who does Psychometry)

The basics of the class would be a wisdom-based spellcaster, with a mix of witchwarper and mystic spells. The class's primary 'schtick' would be the ability to draw out information and potential out of items.

At level one you could choose between being a focus Psychometrist (someone who reads/draws power from a small item no more than three bulk) and a Loci Psychometrist (someone who reads/draws power from places.) They would get the ability to talk to people who died while attached to an object or at a location, but their answers would be vague (like Augrey/PF1 Commune.)

Foci Psychometrists would get Engineering as a class skill based off of wisdom (as they can intuit the inner workings of an item they hold), and Loci psychometrists would get culture as a class skill based off of wisdom (as they read the impressions of the land). They could also gain a handful of abilities as they level up, similar to technomancer hacks, such as immediately identifying magic items, or getting a xenodruid's engangle ability.

I really like the idea of a medium/occultist hybrid class, and I kinda like my solution for it.


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I would like to see a Skill allowing someone with Small Arms Specialization to use ranged weapons in Melee without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Scarab Sages

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Corsair17 wrote:
I would like to see a Skill allowing someone with Small Arms Specialization to use ranged weapons in Melee without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Operatives have two abilities that doo that already.

Pistol whip lets you melee with a small arm.

And Uncanny shooter lets you shoot small arms without provoking.

There's also a weapon fusion that allows you to shoot without provoking, as well as a feat to boost your AC against AOOs caused by shooting in melee. I wouldn't expect much more than what we already have.


Thank you both!

Grand Lodge

Magic warrior - psychic warrior plus magus rolled into one. Psychic blades, physics defying gun-fu and "He did THAT to THEM with a stick?!"

Kineticist - Or something really close.

Arcanist 2.0 - "Hacker of Magic", not a magic hacker

Those are the only ones I feel we are really missing. You could do those things (kinda) with the current classes but I think they'd be better served as their own classes.

What I'd really like to see are more archetypes!

I want to see a class based on explosives. Think Pathfinder's alchemist bombers. Str and Int based, focus on grenades and custom explosives. Basic melee, small arms, heavy weapons (for grenade launchers), grenades, light AND heavy armor (have to protect yourself against explosives). Maybe longarms too, it depends. Good Ref and Fort saves, bad will save. 15 bab class. They get custom explosives (maybe 11 in total starting with one at lvl1 and every other level), such as breaching charges that destroy walls and cover, thermite bombs, anti-personel mines, anti-tank, directional explosives, gas bombs, mines and grenades, and many more.
Bonus to engineering and bomb-making. The only class to get specialization with grenades, maybe? The higher your level, the better your bombs. Good at throwing things too, obviously (finally a good use for those axes and spears, huh?).
Their focus is acting as demolition experts, sporting grenade launchers, missiles, mines, and much else that go boom. They need strength to carry and throw, and intelligence for crafting. 4+int skills. Class abilities such as calculated splash to prevent damage to allies getting caught in your own blasts, crit expansion, increased blast radius, creating grenades from scraps, etc. General mayhem.

I'd enjoy such a class. Could work well with a new armory book as well, maybe a new heavy armor to help reduce blast damage, multiple grenades, launchers, missiles, and so on.

There's already the Bombard soldier fighting style. Between that, feats, and going shopping, most of your list is already in the game.

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Aaand that's what I get for not looking at more classes than maybe three. The fact that Bombards focus on strenght is a happy little coincidence. And now I have a new idea for a character. Thanks for the tip.

A warrior... that pilots mechs. A "mechwarrior", one might say.

The Ragi wrote:
A warrior... that pilots mechs. A "mechwarrior", one might say.

Power Armor Jockey

The Ragi wrote:
A warrior... that pilots mechs. A "mechwarrior", one might say.

I would love a vehicle class, a space Cavalier would really go well with mechs and light framed tanks.

That's more likely to be an Archetype than a full on class (don't we have a Power Armor one already?), they specifically avoided making a Driver/Pilot class to begin with to avoid the pitfalls that come with that type of class.

Driving your vehicle/ship/mech? Then you're the star of the show.

No? Then sit back twiddling your thumbs while everyone else plays.

I do think you could probably do something with the other half of the cavalier/samurai's shtick, with the challenges and the orders and the banners and the teamwork. Probably not a full class but options for a more combat oriented Envoy(I have not gone over the Envoy section in the COM in great detail) or a more socially minded Soldier fighting style.

Speaking of. We've got a couple mystic connections that kinda feed into the paladin/warpriest fantasy. Should probably have one for the inquisitor, too.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Isn't kind of what the Star Knight archetype from Pact Worlds is meant to do? They have a Challenge feature universal to all Star Knights, Hellknight and Knight of Golarion alike.

FormerFiend wrote:

I do think you could probably do something with the other half of the cavalier/samurai's shtick, with the challenges and the orders and the banners and the teamwork. Probably not a full class but options for a more combat oriented Envoy(I have not gone over the Envoy section in the COM in great detail) or a more socially minded Soldier fighting style.

Speaking of. We've got a couple mystic connections that kinda feed into the paladin/warpriest fantasy. Should probably have one for the inquisitor, too.

Mindbreaker/Shadow/Empath can all cover different aspects of that.

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A vehicle mechanic option sounds like a natural evolution for the class. Customize your motorcycle/car instead of a drone.

Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am not sure whether this is within the current rules, but in my campaign we have a Ysoki mechanic who rides his drone.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

NPC classes!

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Xenocrat wrote:
Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Nuar mechanics using maze-core tech to convert their vehicle into... a different vehicle.

I almost said power armor, but I'm not that lucky in life.


Xenocrat wrote:
Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Or a... hoverboard. Seriously, how come we not have those yet?

Like an actual "floating skateboard with thrusters" a'la Back to the Future, not that "boneless segway" thing we have in the real world nowadays.
(Bonus points if there's rules for performing tricks via Acrobatics checks.)

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Dracomicron wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Nuar mechanics using maze-core tech to convert their vehicle into... a different vehicle.

I almost said power armor, but I'm not that lucky in life.

Remember that old cartoon, M.A.S.K., from the 80's? We totally need to meld that and Starfinder!

RiverMesa wrote:
Xenocrat wrote:
Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Or a... hoverboard. Seriously, how come we not have those yet?

Like an actual "floating skateboard with thrusters" a'la Back to the Future, not that "boneless segway" thing we have in the real world nowadays.
(Bonus points if there's rules for performing tricks via Acrobatics checks.)

Pretty sure we have hoverskates in the Armory already. Andis-147 got them in their Armory gift crate and used them to great effect in Cosmic Crit season 1.

The Ragi wrote:
A vehicle mechanic option sounds like a natural evolution for the class. Customize your motorcycle/car instead of a drone.

This is totally what I had in mind!

Give us a mobilization / vehicle chassis drone!
I have 2 players that would kill for this option at my table.

Not a full-on class, but I believe Mechanic's the only one to have abilities interacting with vehicles and ships, yes?
I wouldn't mind having the option for others. Archetypes or in-class ability.

A dedicated vehicle/mount drone chassis could be a fun alternative to the combat one.
Full vehicle mechanic subclass, not convinced but who knows.

Xenocrat wrote:
Need a Segway for 5' corridors and doors.

Motorcycles already fit through those, being 5 ft wide and 10 ft long.

And the goblin junkcycle is 5x5 ft, so you can even make a curve in narrow corridors...

It's sure been a long time since I looked in here.

While I'm here, I should mention that I saw the need to fill a couple of gaps in the classes with the Technomorph (technological shapeshifting/weaponmorphing warrior based on the T-1000 and 40k Chaos Obliterators) and Voidwitch (debuff spellcaster that can expend ongoing debuffs as a resource to fuel a magic attack).

Even with the new classes, I think they still have their niches.


I would sugges occult classes but we can bet they would be published sometime.

My suggestion is something like Caige the mechromancer of Borderlands videogame, like the summoner class but whose "monster pet" is a transformer construct can be used as vehicle, powered armor mecha, or bodyguard. Teknoshaman? with some archetype for fans of dinosaur-robots, megazords by power rangers or Voltron. In Pathfinder tsukumogami (animated objects with a kami or spirit) are canon, and maybe in Starfinder that also could happen.

Other idea is a "ectoplasm-potter", whose gameplay would be like a tower-defense game adding hidden traps on the land..but also building walls and roofs. (Yes, it is a idea based in Fortnite, but you don't say I have plagiared the idea).

LuisCarlos17Fe wrote:

I would sugges occult classes but we can bet they would be published sometime.

My suggestion is something like Caige the mechromancer of Borderlands videogame, like the summoner class but whose "monster pet" is a transformer construct can be used as vehicle, powered armor mecha, or bodyguard. Teknoshaman? with some archetype for fans of dinosaur-robots, megazords by power rangers or Voltron. In Pathfinder tsukumogami (animated objects with a kami or spirit) are canon, and maybe in Starfinder that also could happen.

Other idea is a "ectoplasm-potter", whose gameplay would be like a tower-defense game adding hidden traps on the land..but also building walls and roofs. (Yes, it is a idea based in Fortnite, but you don't say I have plagiared the idea).

Sounds like new options for the mecanic, or its drone.

A Pet class would be a fun idea, something like an alien animal handler.
Someone mentioned a Primal/anti-tech class, that could be cool.
The Shifter from Pathfinder wasn't accomplished very well but maybe it could be made into a genetically engineered warrior, something more interesting than the augmented archetype.

All things considered, we'll probably get some space druid in the magic book.

a summoner class would be nice... i mean we have so many races...

maybe a... portal conjurer ?

Dominik D wrote:

a summoner class would be nice... i mean we have so many races...

maybe a... portal conjurer ?

A witchwarper sort of is a portal conjurer. I'm seeing that as a future play option

What about a class that replaces parts of themselves with implants? It is kinda play on biohacker and mechanic. Pick one of the 4 types of implants; necrograph, magitech, biotech or cybernetics. You are working on making you the best you with a heavy dose in your feild.

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