
StarMartyr365's page

530 posts. Alias of steve stringer.


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Grand Lodge

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“I passed the Test of the Starstone and all I got was a t-shirt and a set of cheap steak knives.”

“Thank you for touring the Cathedral of the Starstone!
Please don’t touch the exhibits and exit through the gift shop.”

Grand Lodge

I’d like a Psychic Conscious Mind based on sound and vibration.

Grand Lodge

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I'd like more stuff for the Spirit Monger Necro that actually involves spirits, haunts, etc. So far everything seems to be themed for the bone or meat Necromancer. I'm sure Paizo will include stuff like that in the final release as they usually limit playtest options for testing purposes.

Grand Lodge

moosher12 wrote:

With Pactbinder seemingly being ported to 2E via this book, and Runelords being confirmed to be ported, that makes both Dark Archive and Secrets of Magic taken from.

It makes me wonder what will happen with reprints of those books.

I could see Dark Archives getting a remaster and the remaining parts of Secrets of Magic being folded into another “magic” book. Secrets of Magic would require an extensive rewrite whereas the Pactbinder is two pages. I’m thinking that both books and the four classes in them will be folded into another “magic” book or something like that.

Grand Lodge

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And Apocalypse Rider just sounds sooooo COOL!

Grand Lodge

Make the Hunter the Primal wave caster? A little Martial with a little spellcasting and a badass pet.

Grand Lodge

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Zoken44 wrote:
See, that's where we differ. I want less Beastboy and more Mystique. why make it about just animals?

I really want something closer to the changeling from Eberron. I think that may be better as a versatile ancestry though.

Grand Lodge

Ravingdork wrote:

This archetype looks really cool. I'm totally going to try one.

That said, I do hope they get greater weapon specialization errata'd in at some point.

It does look really cool!

I haven’t red the whole thing yet but I’m already thinking up a few characters that I’d like to try it with.

Grand Lodge

Welcome nufriends!

Grand Lodge

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I was wondering the same things today. I’ve already went through my subs for other hobbies and culled a bunch of stuff that I appreciate but isn’t that important. I can roughly double my gaming expenses without any friction but not everybody can say that.

Grand Lodge

Berselius wrote:
StarMartyr365 wrote:
And now I want a godberry smoothie.
Starberry Banana Godberry anyone?

Godberry flavored gummies?

Grand Lodge

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And now I want a godberry smoothie.

Grand Lodge

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Reddit and/or Discord.
I’ve always been a “lurk more, post less” forum dweller.
With that being said I’ve started posting even less because the forums have devolved into the same people bickering and squabbling about everything. Anything.
My time is too valuable to spend trying to filter the signal from all the noise.
I’m hoping the eventual forum upgrades give us the ability to mute specific posters in a thread as well as the ability to just outright block someone.
Right now I use the play by post tools to manage things but that is a cudgel where I want a scalpel.

Grand Lodge

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Dancing Wind wrote:

A proposed tactical pathway for Paizo and allies to supplant D&D


I'm curious about why you think that Paizo would want to supplant D&D. So far there's been no indication that they want to do that.

Where did you get the idea that that is one of their corporate goals?

Paizo have stated before that their main priority as a business is to be successful enough to continue telling the kinds of stories that they want to tell. Paizo being a positive force in the industry and a part of a rising tide that lifts all boats is a part of that priority and in my opinion the part that makes them successful. Paizo only come considers themselves to be in competition with themselves to make Pathfinder the best TTRPG it can be.

Grand Lodge

I honestly just want a snake ancestry that is just a snake with arms that doesn’t have all the baggage that the Sekmin comes with.

Grand Lodge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Let's don't us start, or I'll turn this thread into another "we need sexier nonhuman ancestry art, for aesthetic reasons" discussion.

If we can get Rule 34 Conrasu then I'm all in.

EDIT: removed unsexy extra word.

Grand Lodge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Not to linger on this, but I truly cannot imagine a funnier reason to quit the game than "they renamed some creatures". Like, gosh, I like catgirls too, but I don't throw my books in the trash when it takes me an extra half-second to find them.

The humor wears off and my time is far too valuable to waste on people who throw foaming at the mouth tantrums over any/everthing.

Grand Lodge

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Jnaaathra wrote:
All great discussions, reasons, excuses, etc... but I do think it will keep some people away no matter what, because I am one of those people.

Safe travels and best of luck to you.

Grand Lodge

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:

You know, while Grandmother Spider killing Rovagug is wholly a joke--"himself" and "the Starstone" feel like much more compelling theories--I am increasingly wondering about her. Who wrote these prophecies? Maybe it was someone who wanted to encourage people to view the gods as vulnerable. Someone who gleefully undermines the gods' authority and encourages her followers to write their own destinies, even.

I don't think GMS is heading into a villain arc, but that doesn't mean she won't have her part to play. For instance, I will be shocked if Achaekek survives this war. The War of Immortals seemingly goes against everything he stands for. So what's Grandmother Spider going to do if her beloved brother is slain?

If the gods are going to war, might it be over the role of divinity itself in a world without Rovagug? Should the gods be distant, or active? Should divinity be ineffable, or highly attainable? The gods themselves do not seem to agree about this.

I think the only way Achaekek can get killed is if he gets a girlfriend.

Grand Lodge

The fluidity of familiars made me wonder if a familiar even needs to look like a real world animal. Could I have a familiar that looks like a cross between a dragonfly and a python or opossum and a fox? Basically an amalgam of multiple creatures whose form is cosmetic only and doesn't necessarily mean they have any specific abilities. I could live with specific features requiring specific abilities according to the base animal's form but it seems cooler if my BatMonkeyDingo could have wings but not have fly today. Maybe having the familiar morph new features depending on abilities chosen for each day?

Grand Lodge

I’m thinking it’s going to be Gozreh based on the god in question perishing by being torn in half in the sky.

Nethys spontaneously combusting would be cool though.

Grand Lodge

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Bone is a precious organic product used similarly to gemstones, especially when polished.

Grand Lodge

Joshua Gremillion wrote:
10 on the evil clown concept. I think the Animist has a lot of problems mechanically, but the idea of an evil clown spirit is not one of them! Who doesn't want to play a Joker or Pennywise-inspired character?

I think Krusty would be more fun.

Grand Lodge

Aristophanes wrote:
Send in the Clowns.

(Juggalos have entered the chat.)

Grand Lodge

Vladgrimm808 wrote:
How do i redeem my codes

Log in and go to "My Account" and look for "Partner Redemptions."

Grand Lodge

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Maybe it's time for Starfinder Second Edition?

Grand Lodge

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Low gravity swimming pool.

Grand Lodge

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Best of luck to both of you!

This can be quite useful at times.

Grand Lodge

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TriOmegaZero wrote:

Here's the link, if you still want to use it.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
There is a Chrome extension and Firefox addon to do just that.

Late to the party but thank you so, SO much for this.

Grand Lodge

Aba Calling wrote:
An extra friendly yellow skittermander wearing the tailored attire of an Abadar Corp Salescreature comes by to make an announcement. "There's popcorn available from the Abadar store! You can order it Akiton-plain, Castrovellian Chocolate, Triaxian Treacle, Apostae-extra salty, or Zo!-style (it's the cheesiest!) If you like sugary popcorn aimed for the adventurous eater, we have a deal through Olli's Option bar for sweet popcorn dipped in just about every taste you can imagine! Just order it in advance of the Drift Crisis, otherwise we cannot guarantee our delivery dates!"

No Absalom Station Salt & Vinegar?!

Grand Lodge

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Enjoy the conjecture! :)

Tell me you have stock in popcorn companies without saying it. :D

Grand Lodge

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Those are all excellent suggestions. I suspect we'll see some of them in the game sooner than later.

The Eberron setting had spell guns or wand guns that were essentially wands in a gun shaped holder. (Wands don't work like that in PF2E though.) I also don't see a need to keep everything gun shaped but don't want to go into the overwrought flanges and spikes on ALL THE THINGS like most fantasy weaponry tends to have. I was thinking more of something shaped like a Star Trek: TNG phaser or the staffs Ra's troops used in the original Stargate movie, less gun-like in shape but still "guns." I'd have them still do kinetic damage but use "magic" instead of bullets and gunpowder.

I like the idea of magic rail guns! Something like the HV Penetrator from the FEAR games. It launches big bolts that can pin the target to walls. A magic gun that does something similar would be awesome.

The hobgoblins of Oprak are heavily invested in alchemy so guns of all stripes would be a perfect fit for them.

The cool thing about pepperboxes is that they existed for every type of firearm from matchlock to flintlock. I think they'd be a great part of Pathfinder iconic look.

As an aside, The Dishonored series are a lot of fun if you like sneaky, stealthy games. You are rewarded for not killing everything but you and there are many ways to go through the levels. You can usually catch them on sale on Steam. Play the first one and all of the DLC or parts of the second one won't make sense. The Death of the Outsider DLC wraps up the series perfectly. The world-building, especially the magic system, is what really sells it. The games are a few years old but they still hold up well on modern systems.

Happy gaming!

Grand Lodge

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I'd like more information on how to adjust loading times to make revolvers and magazine fed firearms work. I'm not really all that concerned with absolute balance against other weapons.

And off the top of my head:
Turn-over pistols.
Pepperbox weapons with more barrels.
Pepperbox muskets.
Alchemical guns like in Dishonored but using refined alchemical reagents instead of refined whale oil.
Actual scopes and accessories based on real world examples.
Magitech guns that use magic. Not necessarily energy damage either.
Give the hobgoblins firearms. >:)

Grand Lodge

For Starfinder 2E I'd like to see a 640 page core book.
I doubt we'll see Starfinder 2E anytime soon. While we wait I'd be happy with a "Starfinder Unbound" or something like that. Pathfinder Unleashed didn't come out until ~five years after Pathfinder 1E's release so I wouldn't expect anything like that until 2023 at the earliest IF Paizo even plans on doing a book like that.

A book of alternate rules would be awesome but I wouldn't expect it before 2023 if it happens at all.
Starfinder 2E core book should be MASSIVE!

Grand Lodge

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
Uh, that already happened.

I mean that hostilities between the Veskarium and the Pact Worlds will erupt again. It's only a question of WHEN, not IF (unless the Swarm or the Azlanti Star Empire conquers one of them first).

Now the remaining question is whether any significant number of Vesk will decide that they actually like the Pact Worlds people and don't want to do this to them.

A parallel question is whether a significant number of Pact World citizens want to be like the Vesk and would welcome as liberators.

Grand Lodge

Catalayne wrote:
I'm really sorry, kinda new here, how do I do that?

Under the text field you'll see "How to format your text."

Click "Show"
These are all the tags you can use.


Do not read this!:
Explosive Runes!

Grand Lodge

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Itzi wrote:
Wow. Just downloaded the PDF for this. It's huge - both in page count (over 300 pages) and PDF size (176M). It looks to have about three times the content of previous Lost Omens volumes. I can't wait to dive into it.
Yes. City of Absalom will be huge too.


This book is absolutely amazing. The layout, the level of detail and the world-building are absolutely top notch. It really puts the bar up there.
Now I want one for Tian Xia!

Grand Lodge

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I would like themed books that cover:
Occult - Psychic / Kineticist
Martials - Commander
Fey and the Wild
Campaigns (Politics, Intrigue, Economics, Warfare)

For Golarion specific:
LO: Tian Xia
LO: High Seas
LO: Impossible Lands
LO: Darklands
LO: South Garund

Grand Lodge

Charlatan wrote:

"I've seen Galaxy Exploration Manuals you people wouldn't believe. Attack Starships off the shoulder of Akiton. I watched C-beams, glitter in the dark, over the Adari gate. And all those moments..."

GM gets bored: "OK, roll imitative Roy Batty =P "

Starfinder needs replicants. I've thought about just reskinning androids or using the one's from Interface Zero.

Grand Lodge

Schreckstoff wrote:
Sanityfaerie wrote:
Schreckstoff wrote:

With the Magus there's an Arcane Fighter now and the monk and paladin are occult/divine fighters leaving a hole that is a primal fighter.

Which could be the shifter but wholly elemental themed would be nice too.

Other than that it's difficult to come up with something that couldn't be an archetype or class archetype instead.

The Ranger is at least as much the primal fighter as the monk is occult, and Barbarian gets a taste of that too. I'm not saying that there's not space for a more heavily primal-themed martial or semi-martial class, but I don't think the "occult fighter" slot is filled all that well either.

That's totally right particularly the barbarian covers the primal fighter pretty well.

And the monk picking a tradition is just windowdressing since the abilities from it are mostly monk themed instead of borrowing from a tradition.

Which means what's actually missing most is an occult fighter, which is kind of hard to categorise being lovecraftian and other bizarre things.

The Hexblade from 3E is the only thing that comes to mind that would fit that mold. I vaguely remember a few third party classes that also used the debuff/hinder mechanic on a fighter frame. It would be a neat design space to explore.

Grand Lodge

I had a pretty good feeling that the given reasons was why it wasn't included as a weapon upgrade but I wanted to see if my hunch was correct.

Thanks everyone!

Grand Lodge

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I have a feeling that SoM will do a lot of those things. Exploits as feats could use the focus mechanic to give casters something extra or just make them work off cantrips as in "burn a cantrip to do this."

Grand Lodge

Broad Arc is not listed on table 1-2 "Weapon Upgrade Costs" on page 17 of the Starship Operations Manual. What would be a fair BP cost multiplier to upgrade a starship weapon with the Broad Arc special property?

For reference:

Broad Arc
A weapon with this special property can fire in an arc adjacent to the one in which it was installed with a –2 penalty. A broad arc weapon can fire at only one target at a time.

Grand Lodge

I also would like a book like this. I'd like for it to cover things like starting player run organizations like guilds, businesses, etc. I've always wanted to play a game based around setting up merchant houses like the Medici and establishing trade routes than span continents.

The kingdom management rules coming in Kingmaker would be a great place to start for Game of Thrones type campaigns and I'd like to see them really lean into that!

Grand Lodge

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The-Magic-Sword wrote:
Gaulin wrote:

It would be kind of cool to get both options. Maybe unrealistic, but it would give people options, and I feel like class archetypes probably won't take much page space for what they offer.

Something like flexible casting on a wizard let's someone be similar to 1e arcanist (from what I've read, I'm not super familiar with arcanist), but I'm sure we'll get an actual arcanist eventually. A class archetype Inquisitor and an actual Inquisitor class could give players different ways of playing one, with small differences (maybe one would have better casting, the other more martial? Idk).

I doubt we'll get an Arcanist class, flexible preparation was pretty much the whole point.

That's pretty much it. The only other thing they had going for them was spell exploits and burning spell slots to fuel spell exploits.

Grand Lodge

The worse part is going to be the cleanup if the villagers survive because now you have a corpse that weighs ~1270kg (2800lbs) and is roughly as tall as a two story building laying in front of the gates. That's gonna get ripe really fast. An elephant has ~450L (120gal.) of blood. A dead giant is going to start leaking a lot of blood all over the place as soon as it expires.

Grand Lodge

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Grand Lodge

Yesterday was 420.

Grand Lodge

I'm really enjoying the flash fiction! Thank you!

Grand Lodge

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Aaron Shanks wrote:
Link first to announcement blog.

How did I miss this?!

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