Matthew McKee 307's page

13 posts. Alias of Rocket_Fodder.


Thanks a ton!

Getting a report submitted.

Good afternoon -

Is there a way to contact the dev team for the FoundryVTT modules to report a possible bug or get assistance with troubleshooting?


1 person marked this as a favorite.
kcunning wrote:
And then, like magic, it's working this morning!

Well dang no luck on my end still. I really wish Paizo could offer more shipping options. Already had 2 orders get lost by the local post office

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Does the tracking information work for anyone? Every order I've tried to track comes back with a message saying tracking information is unavailable at any point of the shipping process when I've checked.

When I try to search using the provided tracking ID (with a PZ prefix) the UPS site throws an error.

Thanks for checking in Katina. Unfortunately refreshing and clearing the cache did not resolve the issue.

Good morning!

I'm running against an error with the Beadle and Grimm Rogue Character Chronicle. After adding it to my downloads and downloading it, the PDF file is 0kb and Adobe Reader errors out saying it is either an unsupported file type or damaged.

Thank you!

Thanks a ton! Looking so forward to Guns and Gears!

Good afternoon! Order 36672487 has been marked as pending since 9/23. After updating my card info CS pushed the payment through but I'm still not seeing a shipped status nor am I able to access the associated pdfs. Is there something I need to do on my end?

Thanks a ton!

Fantastic forms! I'm going to keep tabs on the thread for more roles!

Garretmander wrote:
VampByDay wrote:
Captain Beyond wrote:
Have to do a little more thinking about the mechanics but some kind of a Drift Mage class could be interesting. Kind of like the Witchwarper, they'd have a bunch of crowd-control powers but instead of tapping into alternate realities to change the battlefield, they tap into the Drift for different effects based around teleportation and a kind of "wild magic" by pulling random stuff from different planes out of the Drift.
I love the idea, it that may be a hard sell. From a PaizoCon panel I went to a couple years ago, it sounds like they want the drift to be technology exclusive. Specifically they do not want ‘drift magic,’ such as Vikings in longboats with drift drives. I dunno though, they might have changed their minds since.

I know I'd prefer tech only. That said, a drift summoner who summons planar critters with a 'malfunctioning' drift engine could be fun.

Maybe a little too weird for a base class though.

Haven't caught that bit of news- makes sense though with Drift travel being a gift of Triune.

The pawns and mat are nice and the books are gorgeous. I am a little disappointed with the intro adventure- too much of it is a rehash of the Pathfinder Beginner's Box.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

An accessory that I'd like to see would be player-aid cards for starship combat - especially if they can be treated for dry-erase markers.

I'm visioning role cards where we can note the various DCs we need for the encounter and space for notes like weapon damage or conditional modifiers granted by other crew.

We've been using some fan-made cards but I'd shell out for laminated cards printed on good cardstock.

Thanks for the reply! We watched the spam folders but the inital registration was done about mid-December.