Corsair17's page
Organized Play Member. 229 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
Congratulations to Sarmak!
Woohoo! Big stompy mechs!
Great story! Very enjoyable and left me with a smile. Thanks
My intro to Starfinder was Extreme Exploration, it was a rollicking adventure and loads of fun.
How many of you use 3D terrain in addition or instead of maps? And if you rely on 3D, without maps, do you simply measure inches, etc? Thanks
Thank you! It seemed like it would be an overpowered combination.
Okay, I have a Vesk using an Ember Flame Doshko with the Opportunistic Fusion. Looking at adding Cleave and I cannot see where there would be anything to keep an Attack of Opportunity would not be able to use Cleave. Am I on the right track?
Okay, actual SMGs today require 2 hands to use. They use lighter ammunition which allows for more in a magazine. They gain a little extra velocity over a handgun because of slightly longer barrels.
So, a Carbine could be a 1d6 longarm with auto capability. 20 or 40 capacity, 1 Bulk. If you equip it with a sling can be fired with 1 hand with a -2 attack, Range 40 feet. Cost roughly same as a regular Longarm rifle in whatever category it shares.
All of the books I have purchased have been used, so the PDF discount hasn't been an option. I am just patient to find them on bargain.
Well, I went and bought a tablet just so I could have all the PDF books when playing Starfinder. But, being a dinosaur, I still like reading an actual book. So now I have wound up buying all of the hardbacks as well. They will stay at the house but I have to admit it seems a bit strange to have bothered to get them in both.
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Thank you for a very good read!
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"Doshkos & Debutantes" is a reality tri-vid show brought to you by ZO! In which 3 gnome Envoys teach Vesk warriors the subtleties of high society style and etiquette.
bookrat wrote: Product tester. Icon goes out to the field with different weapons and armor to see how they work in action! Videos are reported after each mission. Every mission is a different weapon and armor.
Covers everything from combat effectiveness to comfort and style.
This^^^^ is a great idea! May I steal it?
We used Roll20 Sunday and it went well, learning the new system slowed us down, but it was a lot of fun. Definitely try out one of these systems.
The Solarian is covered in the Core Rulebook, Vanguard and a Law Enforcement Theme are in the Character Operations Manual. These 2 are also a good base to start from and then add the Armory next. All 3 of these are available as PDFs, so the expense is less to start.
10. Molotov defense
A flaming gel sprays from wall, ceiling or floor locations. Does 1d4 damage per round, duration of 1d3 rounds. Fire resistance does work on a15+, fire extinguishers also work.
Reaper has a lot of minis usable for this.
The Plasma Claw in Armory does E&F damage, only has a range of 20' though.
GURPS had the Vorkosian Saga which is exactly what you are describing.
Take care of yourself Marco.
If your players like Vesk, look at Reaper minis Blacktooth Suppressor.
Just ordered the book, now waiting begins!
As a newer player myself, I asked this question last year and received plenty of good advice. Like as has been said previously, CRB first, then Armory. Coin flip between Pact Worlds and Alien Archive 1 next. COM is a lot of fun, but can be overwhelming at first. And the great thing is that all are available as PDFs, saving a lot of money.
I am really looking forward to this.
Hopefully, everyone gets well/safe soon!
So very well written! Thanks!
Okay, reading the CRB, it seems if you have a one handed melee weapon you could make an attack on your grappler. What kind of penalties would you incur?
I looked at the Warhorn sites and got curious of how the online RPs work with characters. DO you gain experience or Society credits playing these? Etc, etc?
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It would be very fun to have a PC like Sarigar from the Alien Legion comic.
Very nicely done, well done!
Depends on how you play the game. Starfinder can accommodate either kind of player, however, the advantage of a sniper is their motto "One shot, one kill" is not easy to accomplish with this rules set. Also, a game based upon team actions does not lend itself as well to snipers, as they are trained to operate independently for extended periods of time and then strike without warning. This will make it difficult for a player to make this their primary focus and see a lot of action consistently.
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I think I already know the answer to this, but want to see if there is an exception. My Solarian is a former Castrovellian Sholatsu Cavalry Sergeant. He still has his mount. Now if he uses Supernova when mounted, the blast will affect the mount as well, correct?
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Stay tuned for Zo's New Show: Extreme Cooking Challenge!
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in our game last night, we had two players with characters with high numbers for charisma and are very good at sweet talking other characters. My character is a Vesk soldier who has been nicknamed Groo by the rest of the team, you can understand why, and if he ever figures it out, he will be annoyed. But last night both our normally James Bond smooth operators failed EVERY attempt at convincing they tried, while Groo succeeded!This was met with a whole lot of laughs as the night progressed, as this would normally never happen. I am sure things will be back to [ab]normal next game, but it was fun while it lasted!
Vic Wertz wrote: It's up to WizKids to reveal when products are coming; all I can really say is that things are moving along! Thanks at least for this tidbit.
Docking permits
Transfer permits [personal]
Permit to rent vehicle
Permit for personal Mechanic's Droid
Permit for different employment skills
Union Memberships
Driving/piloting permits
Comm link permit
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Dracomicron wrote: As far as I know, the only Nuar boons are GM boons, which can be traded. Thank you!
Well I did it, hopefully it worked, if not here is the screen shot
Okay, so if I find someone to trade me a Nuar boon that was earned during the active dates, can I still use it?
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Very nice! Maybe add that their tusks are highly prized and lots of would be hunters are no more!
I like it a lot. Suggestions:
1. An automated med lab
2. battery/equipment recharging
3. Anti-personnel turret
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Wingblaze wrote: You should do some searches - it's come up many times and it is do-able. Thanks, yup, seeing a couple of threads about this inspired it. I was wondering how well it actually works and suggestions for the build since he is just on paper so far.
Okay, I have a weird idea rattling around in my skull. I want to make a Gnome Mechanic Pilot with a combat drone mounting a Light Reaction Cannon with a Riding Saddle. Is this idea as nutty as it sounds? If nothing else, it will definitely be fun. Suggestions are totally welcome!
Dracomicron wrote: Corsair17 wrote: I asked them about the STL files for 3D printing. You will be able to purchase the 3D pack and then create any of their minis and then download up to 10 of them. This will be a great boon for us. Just wish they had a 4 armed torso version! "Limb options" was the $400,000 stretch goal addon, which appears to be extra limbs.
The picture for the $1,650,000 stretch goal is a six armed "alien," so I'm sure that we'll be able to manage kasatha. Excellent news!
I asked them about the STL files for 3D printing. You will be able to purchase the 3D pack and then create any of their minis and then download up to 10 of them. This will be a great boon for us. Just wish they had a 4 armed torso version!
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Well, we are past the holidays, so hopefully bringing this topic back to view can afford us an answer.
Justin Norveg wrote: Corsair17 wrote: Justin Norveg wrote: darkvision capacitors at 200 credits are an absolute must for any nightblind species. I spent last night looking, but could not find them for 200 credits. Where is this coming from? Thanks! Doh, I meant the Infrared Sensors
Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 205
Item Level 1; Price 200 Thank you both!
Metaphysician wrote: Also, why did I suddenly get a smurf avatar showing up? Do you play 40K Ultramarines?