Wolf Munroe |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Small correction to what I said earlier. It's too late to edit my post. I said my werewolves have regeneration 10 (silver) and can resurrect on the full moon if not burned.
I knew that didn't sound right. My werewolves have regeneration 5 (mithral or silver), not regeneration 10. They still have DR x/silver so I decided regeneration 10 was too much.
Yes, I know nobody cares. It's OK though, I care.
Also, I missed getting Strange Aeons. I had no idea that it encouraged a human-like appearance for the player-characters. That makes me more interested in it, and I was already disappointed that I missed it.
Mark Hoover 330 |
Currently playing PF1E. I'm personally running a homebrew campaign and the PF1 version of FGG's Lost City of Barakus. I'm a player in the Reign of Winter AP.
I hope to wrap the homebrew, take a break, then come back next year with a Rise of the Runelords play through. I have nothing against other games or PF2E; I've played two sessions of 3.5 D&D, made a character for a 5E game and have been in talks with some friends about a short 4e campaign.
PF1E is home though.
RedRobe |
RedRobe, a Lashunta psychic or mesmerist would be a good fit for Mantis.
That is true. However, we started the game prior to Guardians of the Galaxy 2 being released. The aasimar hedge witch kind of fills her role. The Numerian scavenger rogue is Peter "Astro Baron" Quill, the goblin spellslinger is named Rocco, and the ghoran brawler is named Grit.
Lyoto Machida |
This Guy is. Been running some 5-9 and 7-11 PFS Scenarios to get people ready for the Waking Rune and eventually play some of the 12-15 scenarios. People around here aren't ready to just toss away their characters just yet.
Of course, we do also play some second edition as well. It's not an either or proposition.
The End Times Party |
"So Who Is Still Playing Pathfinder 1st Edition "?
I think we are actually asking this question in the wrong forum...
IMHO, we should ask this over on the Second Edition Forum.
Dracovar |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |
Still a hard-core 1E fan. No intentions of moving to 2E. Way too much material in 1E still to explore. I like the system. 2E smacks of Dnd 4.0 which brought me to Pathfinder in the first place.
My group is also solidly 1E, having invested a lot in HeroLab, books, etc. None of us particularly liked the 2E playtest and haven't bothered to look since.
One of the real keys to my decision is that it's difficult to port over a radically different system UNLESS a lot of the capabilities, etc remain the same. DnD 2.0 to 3.0 worked - AND - had a very handy Conversion Guide to help. With a long running campaign (this is my 40th anniversary of playing DnD/Pathfinder) one does NOT just blow up the economy, the way magic works, etc, unless the new system is really compelling. I would have much preferred an evolutionary 1E -> Unchained kind of development than what actually showed up. It was too different, they nerfed things far beyond what I thought was necessary, screwed with the economics (Gold -> Silver AND change the basic pricing on stuff) and generally delivered something I just didn't want.
So, I cancelled my subs and only occasionally show up on the Boards now. We'll see where we are a year into the 2E launch, but I don't think it's going to be a good place.
Things I'm watching as time goes on:
1) Alexa website stats. Been tracking since March 2019. Trend for both worldwide rank and US rank is awful - people are not coming back here. US ranking is recovering a bit, with this latest playtest, but I expect further downward trends after Dec 2.
2) Paizo board activity. Return of the Runelords and Tyrant's Grasp should have generated lots of posts, buzz, etc. They didn't. Can Age of Ashes do better and reverse the trend? I think 1E people were already bailing out by the time of the last 2 1E AP's.
3) Amazon sales ranks over time.
I think it's going to be an "interesting" ride...
Balacertar |
My two current groups are both still playing PF1.
Rise of the Runelords Book 4 (30th session), running since 2016: GM (me), Tiefling Bard, Human Fighter/Barbarian/Rogue, Human Oracle of Flame, Human Cleric of Gozreh.
Curse of the Crimson Throne Book 5 (33rd session), running since 2017: GM, Half-orc Barbarian, Human Inquisitor of Abadar, Elf Arcana Sorcerer, Half-elf Rogue, Half-elf Cleric of Abadar (me).
We arrived to Pathfinder in 2014 when I ported the Red Hand of Doom campaign I was GMing to the system from D&D3.5. It required minimal work. Playing between 1-2 times per month this is only our 2nd campaign in the system, but we had played regularly both AD&D and D&D3 in the past.
I had a third group, we played Kingmaker up to Book 4, and Council of Thieves up to Book 2, but then the group slowly faded out, I am not sure if due to lack of interest in the campaigns or because of lack of players chemistry. Still, this was just a year ago and I hope it can recover somehow.
In the Paizo boards I am GMing the Shackled City AP, we are at Chapter 7 (of 12) after running since 2016. Converting from D&D3.5 to Pathfinder requires some work from my part as some of the statblocks need updating and some creatures have not been reprinted for Pathfinder, but on most encounters it is just as easy as picking the same monster from the PF Bestiary instead of the D&D3 Monster Manual, because they usually have equivalent CR for the party level. Also in the boards I am playing at Mummy's Mask, Iron Gods, Reign of Winter, Age of Worms, Ruins of Azlant and Giantslayer.
The Pathfinder material published in Spanish is sparse (Core, APG, UC, B1, B2 and ISWG) but I own it all, including most of the 9 APs published in my mother tongue (Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Kingmaker, Council of Thieves, Skull & Shackles, Jade Regent, Shattered Star, Carrion Crown and Serpent's Skull). Regretfully we have been told they are publishing next Return of the Runelords and are moving to PF2 without publishing any of the remaining APs.
Balacertar |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
My impressions about Pathfinder 2
After reading and participating in the Playtest and a couple of PFS Scenarios I concluded I don't dislike the system but the game is just too different and would require just too much time to either internalize the details of the rules and build options, or to convert existing PF1 APs I still want to play or future PF2 APs that I might want to play.
After a year of Playtest and almost half of PF2 I have come to the conclusion that PF2 is just not trying to target me or the people like me that still have a lot to enjoy from PF1. I think they are targeting more hardcore players whom have already run through most of the PF1 material, both in rulebooks and adventures terms, and those whom where not liking PF1 or that are new to the hobby and find D&D5 lacking enough depth.
Considering how easy it was for me and my groups to jump from D&D3.5 to Pathfinder, and how easily I am still going through D&D3 adventures I still wanted to play, if they were targeting me as a consumer with PF2 they would have made similarly easy to convert old APs on the fly to the new system.
I don't dislike the PF2 system at all, thus, if at anytime I want to start GMing or playing PF2 APs I will strongly consider moving to the new system, but I do not see this happening in the following years, due to the learning hassle and the abundance of adventures still to enjoy. If there are good conversions of the PF2 APs to PF1, it is more likely I will start sooner with the new adventures, but on the other hand I will have even less incentive to move to PF2.
VoodistMonk |
PF1e has such a rich and yet to be experienced Gestalt opportunities.
Now we can go back and play those Mystic AP's with a Gestalt party and see what happens when you throw Mystic enemies at a Gestalt party.
Maybe tables will open up to homebrew campaigns that require you to have both Arcane and Divine spellcasting... what?
I see a resurgence of imagination and creativity now that the tomb has closed on PF1e...
It's not a competition, but you are hear, at my table, wanting to play my game instead of the new shiny 2e?
Pull up a chair, my friend.
Let's homebrew Gestalt Elder Scrolls Oblivion, go...
And off we go.
Volkard Abendroth |
Our group just got to 3rd level last game session in Strange Aeons. Our next session is this Sunday.
Are there any books, classes, options, and/or rules from Pathfinder you don't use?
What are your favorite optional rules?
How common are the non-core classes in your game?
My group does not use anything from the technology guide.
Dracovar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Dracovar wrote:We'll see where we are a year into the 2E launch, but I don't think it's going to be a good place.*marks down 27th November 2020 in his Special Calendar with the name "Dracovar"*
*shades, vodka*
Heheh - I'd be happy to be wrong. And we can figure out how I send you a bottle of Vodka when the time comes. I'll put that in my special calendar... :-)
Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
Anguish |
I'm involved with three groups for three gaming nights out of every fourteen. There's some overlap in players for a total of 11 human beings.
Group 1
Current: PF1 Strange Aeons, book 4.
Plans: Next PF1 AP undecided yet.
PF2 plans: do not change
Current: PF1 Shattered Star, book 6
Plans: PF1 Return of the Runelords, PF1 Tyrant's Grasp
PF2 plans: do not change
Current: homebrew Eberron PF2 campaign, 2 sessions in
PF2 plans: dabbling with the system, will revisit if not fun enough
avr |
Not currently playing any PF1 game, but I will run one again. Not an AP or anything like that, certainly.
PF2's sales rank on Amazon is sinking steadily which really isn't a good sign. #5240 now, i.e. about 630 copies/month of the core rulebook through that sales channel; about 1/17 that of D&D 5e, and about half as many copies/month as when I first checked 6 weeks ago. It clearly appeals to some people a lot (q.v. the bag above) and isn't going to die, but there's no sign it's going to set the world on fire.
Gilfalas |
So who is still playing first ed? Are you currently playing? If so, what are you playing(AP, Module, Home brew, etc.)and what race and class are you and your group playing?
I and my group are still playing 1st Ed. and will be for the foreseeable future.
We play in a home brew setting and our GM does not use AP's.
I am currently playing a Human Warpriest in a group with an Oread Fighter, Human Ranger (Horse AC), Teifling Witch, Kitsune Witch and Dwarf Druid (Ape AC).
We have no plans to move to second edition.
Anguish |
Anguish, what races/classes are the player characters in each gaming group?
Group 1
Human urban barbarianHuman necromancer
Human psychic warrior
Dwarf oracle
Custom race void kineticist
Group 2
Human skald
Tiefling unchained rogue
Aasimar cleric
Human arcanist
(Dreamscarred Press) Vampire harbinger
Group 3
Human rogue
Human wizard
Human ranger
DEAD: Human cleric
NOW: Warforged paladin
Greylurker |
Currently we are just finishing up book 3 of War of the Crown and I've been working on a Spheres of Power/Might campaign to run after it.
Still have some Adventure Paths to run and plenty of Homebrew ideas,we'll still be playing it for years to come I think.
We just have no interest in PF2.
(plus I've been writting a Zombie Apocalypse for Cypher system I want to try on them)
Bjørn Røyrvik |
Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:Well, they'll likely be trying new characters soon. RHoD is a meatgrinder. <Grin>Forgot to mention that we have another group running RHoD.
dwarf monk
human bard
human sorcerer
human fighter
human life oracleThat group is never going to try anything new.
Eh, maybe?
We've had one death so far (sorc was pounced and shredded by the manticore at Vraath) but we've done pretty well against everything else so far (we just finished the dragon fight in Brindol, which apart from SR being a winner for the dragon, wasn't too bad), and some of the encounters have been upgraded.This is my second time through and the GM's third. The GM's first group steamrolled everything.
My first time around we had a couple of deaths and wiped in the final showdown because that group likes to kill everything and has an unfortunate tendency to blow their load early. This meant that we wasted a lot of juice clearing out the stronghold before the final boss (GM's first group pretty much ignored everything and ran straight to the boss).
After the wipe I took over as GM, brought in the main PCs of the campaign (I wanted a break from GMing so my GF ran RHOD for us, which she had adapted to fit Mystara) stat'ed up Tiamat to fit 16th level PCs and had them face her. there were 6 deaths among 4 PCs but they managed to kill her.
CorvusMask |
Playing Kingmaker and running Ruins of Azlant, Strange Aeons and Council of Thieves(latter two I switch between which one I run on wednesdays :p I want to run Council of Thieves, but can't really deal with it by running all six parts in row because of shenanigans) and 1e homebrew stone age campaign.
I always wait for all six ap parts being out before running ap, so can't run age of ashes yet anyway, though I have run fall of plaguestone and had fun with it.
Zaister |
Still playing first edition here in various groups even though I consider 2E the superior system.
I run Return of the Runelords as a GM, we are currently in book 1. We started this year, knowing 2E was on the horizon, but this is a group that has played through Rise of the Runelords, Curse of the Crimson Throne, Shattered Star and even Wrath of the Righteous (which very slightly plays into Return), so it would be a stupendously missed opportunity not to play this AP. I opted not to wait and do all the work converting this to 2E, instead I declared the campaign as a "last hurrah for 1E" for the players to try out some more outlandish PC options than they were used to. So the group ended up with a kitsune summoner, an android arcane-trickster (to be), an undine kineticist, an aasimar shifter and a human monk, which is the least outlandish build, but at least she is a Sorshen clone.
My second 1E campaign as GM is War for the Crown, currently in book 3. This was also started knowing 2E was coming, shortly after the announcement, but the consensus was to go for 1E for now, the group wanted to start a new Pathfinder campaign after a brief dip into Starfinder and didn't see the playtest rules as viable for that, and I agree. The PC party consists entirely of humans, a cleric of Shelyn, a knife-master rogue, a bladebound hexcrafter magus, a swashbuckler and an arcanist.
Then there is my third 1E campaign as GM, which is Curse of the Crimson Throne, and which is currently suspended in the middle of book 4 due to a prolonged player absence. We are playing Starfinder's Against the Aeon Throne in the meantime, but this is soon coming to an end, and we will resume Crimson Throne, even though the absent player will not be returning as he was unfortunately unable to clear his schedule for the game. We are currently discussing converting the game to 2E for the rest of the campaign. The party consists of a human conjurer wizard, a battle oracle (could use the APG playtest here), a tiefling alchemist (I'd have to cook up a tiefling heritage) and a human magus (which is the one character not easily converted). As two of the four players are unfamiliar with 2E, we'll probably play one or two low-level PFS scenarios first to ease them into the game before going into the conversion of 11th-level PCs.
Finally, I also play in a 1E campaign as a player, which is Tyrant's Grasp, where we are in book 3. I play a half-elf bladebound hexcrafter magus (but more witch leaning than my player from the WftC group), alongside a human undead scourge paladin, a human ranger, a human ecclesitheurge cleric of Keltheald the most obscure of empyreal lords, and an elf school savant arcanist.
On the 2E side, I run a semi-regular Age of Ashes campaign, but this one is going rather slowly, we are currently about halfway through book 1.
Gyre Glenross |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I play with two groups regularly.
1) Sundays - this is run by the local VC. PF2 straight up (as you might expect)
2) Thursdays - VO and several other judges don't want to dump hundreds of dollars of PF1 stuff. That location has stayed strictly 1st ed. Every month we rotate through two homebrew campaigns, Shattered Star and are soon starting Emerald Spire - Core.
The thing I like best about 2nd ed is that there are no whacked-out multi-class killer builds. Yet.
Nox Aeterna |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
My group is still in PF1 and, atleast as long as im a player/GM, i dont see that changing to 2E ever heh.
On a side note, one of my friends got himself some new vampire books, so we will likely start to try that out now while running the running the current PF1 CotCT game.
Honestly, i would rather go into other systems far more than playing 2E.
DeathlessOne |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |
So has anyone else been playing Pathfinder 1st ed since it originally came out?
Yes. I came to Paizo once D&D 3.5e shifted towards 4e. I was on that 'hate-wagon' (I just didnt like it) from the start and, to this day, still hold no interest in that edition of gameplay. I've been plaything Pathfinder since then. There is just 'something' about D&D 3.5e/Pathfinder 1e that holds my interest.
blahpers |
Unfortunately last Sunday's game was cancelled but should be playing on the Sunday after next.
So has anyone else been playing Pathfinder 1st ed since it originally came out?
Pretty close. Enough that I remember needing the 3.5-to-PFRPG conversion guide to run the content I wanted to run. I didn't participate in the playtest, though.
Heh. I remember my initial reaction to Pathfinder RPG was so gleeful. I'd really hoped that would be the case for the next major iteration.
Tusk the Half-Orc |
My home group is trying out PF2, with my wife GMing us through Fall of Plaguestone and - for the APG playtest - PFS2 scenario 1-01. I also played scenario 1-00 on play-by-post. I'm enjoying the taste of PF2 but all my other games are still PF1.
As GM, my home group’s (wife, daughter, son, their friend) primary game is our long-running Rise of the Runelords campaign. We started New Year’s Eve, 2014, and we’re about halfway through book 6 now. We slowed down a lot as of a few months ago when my daughter left for her first year of college, but I expect we’ll finish while she’s home for the summer. Characters are: dwarf monk (ki mystic) 16, elf air elementalist wizard 13/fighter 1/Eldritch Knight 2, elf unchained rogue (burglar) 10/rose warden 6, human cleric of Sarenrae 16, and a GMPC fighter 13/sorcerer (infernal) 3, and assorted minions. We have discussed playing Return of the Runelords once we're done, but by that point two of the kids will be in college and it doesn't seem realistic unless we switch to PbP or a virtual tabletop system.
I have also been running Reign of Winter for my wife, daughter, and son when our other Runelords player is unavailable, but that campaign has been on hiatus for almost 2 years while we focused on PFS as our alternate campaign. We're planning to pick it back up over winter break, and continue it as a play-by-post campaign so we can play while my daughter is away at school. We're about halfway through book 2, with a human unchained rogue 6, human ranger 6, gnome sorcerer (aberrant) 6, and a GMPC half-orc cleric of Cayden 6.
As a player, I am in three play-by-post PF1E adventure paths:
- Carrion Crown, as Niculaie Pavlencas, dhampir dirge bard 6/gravedigger investigator 2 (we're in book 3 now; I joined midway through book 2 at level 6).
- Hell's Vengeance, as Wolfgang von Ertzteufel, tiefling (plagueborn) unchained rogue (eldritch scoundrel) 1 . We only started a few months ago, and have gotten a slow start, but it's a great group and I think we'll pick up speed in 2020.
- Shattered Star, as Backalley Barkot, half orc oracle (streets mystery) 3, a worshipper of Soralyon who is working towards the Runeguard prestige class. Most of us met on the PFS PBP forums a little under 3 years ago, and after playing 5 or 6 PFS scenarios one of the players offered to run an AP, which we've been playing for over a year with a couple of newer members. It's a great group, but none of us have ever met in person or even spoken to each other.
My family and I will continue to play our primary PFS1 characters (all at level 10 now, I believe) at least at conventions, as long as we can find 1st edition tables or until they are forced to retire. I will also keep playing my favorite PFS1 characters in play-by-post games, including my half-orc arcanist (occultist) 6 and halfling swashbuckler (mouser) 4.
MaUC |
Of the 7 gaming groups (2 of which I'm part of) I know that play consistently... Only 3 guys showed any real interest in PF2.
Among all those players, even the most positive opinions of the new edition are limited to "It's OK". Apathy seems to be the most common sentiment, though.
So... You can add about 30 players to the "sticking with 1e" count.
ckdragons |
You can add me. I'm running 2 campaigns with Pathfinder 1E. Two of my players are also running their own campaigns in 1E. I don't plan to stop running 1E anytime soon. In one campaign, were are in book 5 of Return of the Runelords, and will be running Hell's Rebels and Hell's Vengeance afterwards. In my other campaign, we just finished book 2 of Rise of the Runelords, and plan to continue with that series (different group of players). Many, many years of Pathfinder 1E in my future.
Melkiador |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I think 2E is more popular among the super hardcore gamers that have just burned out on 1E. For us more casual gamers, 1E still has a lot of meat on the bones. For instance, my 2 groups take over a year to finish an AP. We play a few hours a week, because most of us have families and work that take a lot of our time.
RedRobe |
Unfortunately last Sunday's game was cancelled but should be playing on the Sunday after next.
So has anyone else been playing Pathfinder 1st ed since it originally came out?
I created my homebrew setting using D&D 3.5, but hadn't begun a campaign yet. Pathfinder was released, and I convinced my group to try it by playing the Crypt of the Everflame adventure. They were into it, I altered my setting, and we have been playing PF ever since.
Kamicosmos |
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Half-way through Hell's Vengeance. Then I want to run Strange Aeons, Crimson Throne, Runelords, and heck, maybe even KingMaker (although the video game version is doing fine for me on that). (And yeah, I'm another that has all the hardcovers, and herolab data and an embarrassingly large stack of APs and splat books...)
We've even started working in Fantasy Grounds for scheduling and time purposes.
I have plenty of other game systems that we already dabble in: DCC, CoC, 5ed, and a few others. I don't want to sound too negative, and of course wish Paizo lots of luck with 2nd Ed, but....it just doesn't seem to be my 'style' and what I want out of Pathfinder, so I'll be sticking with PF1 for quite some time.
Aldrakan |
Still playing 1e in two campaigns, as player and GM. Both homebrew. No intent to switch. The first is nearing its end, the other pretty early but has a bunch of homebrew stuff made for 1e and we're using Psionics and Path of War. One player was interested in trying it, another definitely doesn't want to learn a new system.
Player campaign, 12th level
Tiefling magus (me)
Gnome shaman
Lizardfolk brawler/barbarian
GM campaign, 3rd level
Dhampir stalker
Skinwalker warlord
Vishkanya psychic/psion