
Aldrakan's page

99 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Jal Dorak wrote:
I think what people really mean is "scantily clad females conforming to the modern stereotype of beauty/hotness in submissive poses"

Unfortunately, Drazmorg will not be able accept Brittany Spears as a sacrifice until her stability can be verified.

Drazmorg will happily accept one or more Olsen twins in the meantime, however.

The Great Drazmorg demands THE SACRIFICE of more scantily clad females!!

Rookseye wrote:
Drazmorg wrote:

As long as he doesn't put any poison into those cinnamon-crusted flapjacks!


I don't think you have anything to worry about there . . . you see:


So says the mighty Drazmorg!

Rookseye wrote:
I'm dying to know the identity of the mysterious benefactor who would so gleefully raise a kobold king from the dead!

It's me!


I didn't think the Forsaken Tunnel had internet access, but I seem to be picking up somebody's WiFi signal LOL. Maybe Greypelt finally got a new cable guy in to fix the connection. The last one got eaten by a big spider or something, and Greypelt has been horrible about getting in exterminators.

He's a horrible neighbor, incidentally--big parties, lots of yowling and such. Long since due for eviction. One time I saw one of his wolf "buddies" change into a girl, who I'll hedge my bets was underage. The last thing I need is hellknights searching through my lair because ol' Greypelt has a thing for kids. He's almost as bad as Merlokrep's shaman--what was his name? "Eater of Crow"?--always talking about his next sacrifice like there was no tomorrow.

Glad I chased those ignorant shysters off of my level . . . and out of my complex now that they're all (un)dead.

But hey, why moan? Now I have free WiFi and don't have to keep buying beers I don't want off that Jak Crimmey guy just to keep my table. Dude gives me the creeps. 10gp says he eventually snaps and starts putting Dark Reaver powder in his drinks ROFL. The relative intelligence of the townsfolk suggests he's been dipping into his striped toadstool stock for a while now.

Seriously, 10gp. Any takers?