
Greylurker's page

Goblin Squad Member. 3,825 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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oh my goodness. I just stumbled across the Live Action movie of the Guycer on Amazon Prime.

Have to admit, initial look at Fantastic Four is good.

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Finally, Season 4 of Thunderbolt Fantasy finally shows up on Crunchyroll.
never been so excited for a puppet show

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"From bureaucrat to villainess: Dad's been reincarnated."

I enjoyed this so much.
I'm 50+ myself and I relate to so many of Kozaburou's inner monologue. The bit about switching to short and long distance without having to change glasses hit me hard

ok so Zenshu is my surprise this season.
Another Isekai, the twist this time is that the Main character is an Animation Director reborn in the movie that influenced her as a kid.
Special power; she can storyboard a new scene to change the outcome of events.
Fantastic animation sequence when she summons her Cubicle to get to work.

Surprisingly good first episode, It's worth checking it

Season 2 Teaser Trailer for this of all things

Everything old is new again

"Hey want to see something cool" is the right approach to a trailer. Don't spoil the whole plot for us just show us enough to know you're trying to get it right.

Some very cool moments in that and more than enough to get me excited for the movie.

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Every season we get two or three isekai these days, so I tend to look for the ones that have an interesting twist

Next month we get "The Red Ranger becomes an adventurer in another world"

A Power Ranger gets Isekaied. Complete with his transformation, Ranger weapons and freaking Giant Robot.

I love me a good Genre Clash so I'm going to check this out

Watched a couple of them tonight. not going in order just picking and choosing as I feel like

I liked the D&D one, though I don't give them good odds winning the cliffhanger fight they left us on.

Pac-Man was horrifying and yet it works

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From what I was reading it's the last season for Arcane but that they plan on doing other things for other parts of the world. Different characters, different setting, different story.
No idea if they will use the same style of animation or try something else though

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ok...so all the classics are getting new versions.
They are doing a new anime of Anne of Green Gables. comes out in april next year.

Remake coming in 2025; Cat's Eye

This is probably one of the earliest anime I ever saw as a kid. This a few others would run on CBC french (along with Harlock, Cities of Gold and an anime of Anne of green gables of all things). Being the latest series to get a modern remake is great to see. Can't wait for it....but looks like I'll need to restart my Disney+ subscription

Season 2 begins

I'm taking it slow, episode a night, so only one episode in but already....you can tell this is going to get ugly.

Never did get into the video game, so still pretty clueless on the character backstories outside of this show but I can't help feel Jayce did not make the right choice with how he saved Viktor. That just feels like it's going to go hideously wrong somehow.

New Dragon Ball Daima series started today and honestly It's not bad

Starts almost immediately after the Buu saga, so around 3 or 4 years before Super.

Biggest thing so far about it

Namekians are Demons again, also still aliens but apparently they were originally from the Demon Realm, and then escaped to the Mortal realm and set up Planet Namek.

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Haven't read a lot of his work but I still hold a grudge for what he did to Wally

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So my Night Below game is taking a break while one players has stepped away the rest of the group decided they wanted to wait till he comes back. Meanwhile they want to play something a little different

"We all want to be Kobolds" they said

So I have 1 week to get an Episodic Kobold campaign ready to go.

It is a fine excuse to bust out the Savage Company books that I kickstartered ages ago.

Was talking it over after watching episode 4 today and the consensus we came to is that there are Good Scenes in this but those scene are then tied together with the flimsiest of string.

They just don't seem to put a lot of effort in getting to each of the good scenes.
Overall it's ok but it should be better

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I'm a big fan of the manga and anime and honestly the Live action did a great job. Yes they changed some stuff and skipped some stuff but the Important beats of the story are all there and the heart of the series is there.

It is probably one of the best Live action adaptations I've seen

I won't go into too many details but yes, Usopp becomes useful. Sharpshooter and Tech expert, in fact he invents the weapon Nami will be using in the future.

I think part of the issue is budget.

most of the people I've heard say anything positive about it the best I heard was "It's fine" or "It's ok"

They spent way too much money on the show for it to be "just fine". It had to be Blockbuster just to reach bare minimum level of success.

Honestly I think that's a problem for Movies and TV production right now. They keep dropping huge amounts of money on things, until the only way for the thing to be a success is to be a World Wide Blockbuster.

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With my Night Below Campaign, The group is getting closer to the City of the Glass Pool. After sitting out a Month in a Dwarf Mining town making magic items, they started hitting the Derro caverns.

I used the Unchained Simple Monster creation rules to make some Mind Flayers to add into the mix. Might adjust the Stun Blast so that there is a Save each round. Very nearly had a TPK when the Druid and his Badger were the only ones still up after the Flayer blasted them. The Stonelord Paladin even had to get his Earth Elemental involved (normally only uses him for scouting, cause it's only a Medium Elemental and not that tough)

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That one is pretty good

another good one to check out is Sweet Home....not exactly a Zombie story but ....more like Zombie story on Acid

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New season of Thunder Bolt Fantasy coming in October

If you have never seen it, Give it a chance. Gen Urobuchi writing and Studio Pili puppet theatre action

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Tyrant's Grasp, I got eaten by a giant flytrap and realized I still had not replaced my lost dagger. So here is me in the gullet with a Warhammer and a Heavy Flail

And a Tree Feather Token

It worked but it hurt a lot...and then I fell out of the tree which hurt more.

ok so Creature Commando's trailer came out and it looks pretty fun

Season 2 Concludes with a Bang


Superman and Kara get help from "The Cavalry", superteam put together by general Lane (Livewire and the other Intergang crooks) plus Dr. Irons in his Prototype Steel suit.

Brainiac reveals that Krypton was in the process of Peace Talks with their enemy and the War was going to end. HE was going to be Decommissioned....he couldn't allow that

Activating the "Eradicator" protocols he placed in Kara he sends her into berserker mode.

When she breaks his control Brainiac tries to kill them by throwing them into the Sun.

To everyone's surprise that turns out to not be a good idea.

Happy ending for all and waiting for season 3

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The stubbornness of Lois Lane vs. the Black Mercy AI for the Mind of Clark Kent

Meanwhile Kara defends Earth from Brainiac while fending off Luthor's army of Metallos and Task Force X

I am really glad to hear that a Season 3 has been approved already cause they have done a great job with this series. There may be a lot of weird twists on a lot of classic Superman lore but they really do have the spirit down right.

so strictly rumour mill right now but Kumail Nanjiani as Booster Gold?

Honestly if it turns out true I don't think it's a bad choice.

Brainiac uses a device called "The Black Mercy" to manipulate Clark's Memories while Kara, Jimmy and Lois mount a rescue attempt by infiltrating Kandor, Brainiac's space station.

ok interesting, apparently people looking at some of the recent photos have spotted that Mr. Terrific, Hawkgirl and Guy GL all have LordTech corporate logo on their uniforms.

Maxwell Lord funded JLI, maybe?

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Oh my
This is a bit of News I was not expecting.

New Magic Knights Rayearth project

Well Jimmy has spent the rest of his fortune, hiring Livewire to help him and Lois steal a space ship to go rescue Clark.

Monsieur Mallah and the Brain join them, because after visiting various alternate realities they discovered that the Other versions of themselves are....less than polite. So they returned to Earth-12 and have been having regular brunch with Jimmy.

Also Lex gets to test his "Project M" prototypes. A collection of Kryptonite powered robots.

Have to say though, getting a little tiered of Amanda Waller being the face of fascism at DC these days.

She was always a hard one but these days everyone seems to portray her as Way over the line of Reason.

While most of it is still a mystery I think we do get a hint in the final episode of the season.

73 Yards apparently is the range of the Perception Filters on the TARDIS. So everything around you to a radius of 73 Yards is always in a language you can understand, and everyone in that radius sees you as something that fits their world view. So the episode is probably something that the TARDIS did to Ruby. Why? no idea. maybe a round about way of trying to warn them about what was happening. Regardless it was those same Perception Filters that were used by the Big Bad to set up his evil plan

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Season had it's ups and downs but overall I think the ups outnumbered the downs. The good episodes were really good

The big question now is Ms. Flood. Clearly she's the one who has been making it snow around Ruby, probably to set up Sutehk but there could be something more to it then that.

Gonna have to wait for the Christmas special I think

Seeing some photos of Mr. Terrific going around and looks good. Not quite as buff as he is in the comics but other than that he looks pretty much perfect.

ok wow...lot to process.

Brainiac, an AI that was in charge of Krypton's fleet is focused on recreating the Kryptonian Empire...but not the way it was. Brainiac has a vision for a better empire, one people like Jor-El and the science counsel did not have the stomach for.

Kara has been deeply brainwashed into being his soldier and he expects Kal-El to help, willing or otherwise.

Oh man if you are someone who loves Supergirl, this episode is going to hurt. There is some great stuff of her and Clark playing in an asteroid field and teasing each other the way cousins should....and then there is her realizing the sheer magnitude of what Brainiac has made her do,

she has killed billions and she doesn't remember any of it.

and then Jimmy and Lois show up with Monsieur Mallah and the Brain

The Freeze breath does not appear to be simply blowing really hard, more of an Anime Mouth Beam kind of thing. It also caused frost to build up around Clark's head.
and it seemed to surprise Brainiac, who immediately changed his orders from Kill to Capture.

Well Kara arrives on Earth (and rocking Android 18's fashion). Jimmy shows her the town (Dropping his net worth below 3 million)

Superman attends a "Most eligible" charity event and meets Silver Saint Cloud

and then things go badly

Also Freeze Breath

another round of Superman vs. Task Force X

The bigger thing however is Lex Luthor steps forward and explains to the various important people in Metropolis why Superman is a threat to Earth and uses Jimmy to help make that point.

and to give Jimmy a thanks for inspiring him to step up and become the man Metropolis needs.

After a hard day of dealing with Earth is for Earthlings, a somewhat depressed Clark uses the beacon to make a call to his cousin, if she's out there.

unfortunately I think someone else got the call

Episode 3 was fun

Vicky Vale vs. Lois Lane

Dr. John Henry Irons and Dr. Sylus Stone create Metallo
Superman's Bio-Aura power
and Flip, leader of the Newsboy Legion, that has been in the series since start, is revealed to be Natasha Irons

Plus the beginnings of LexCorp.

Lois and Superman attempt to rescue her father from Task Force X
Superman fights The Atomic Skull
Waller shows she is not above using civilians as test subjects for her living weapon experiments, much to Sam Lane's shock and disgust.
and Superman finds the beacon that will lead him to his cousin

Also Jimmy now has interns, AKA The Newsboy Legion

General Lane needs a place to lie low. After refusing to stay with Lois and put her in danger, Lois suggests he stay at Clark and Jimmy's place. He has no problem with the idea of putting Clark in danger.

Jimmy's networth tracker, now under 4 million

By the end
Alex, now calling himself Lex, offers Waller his technical know how, making bold moves after being inspired by Jimmy.

Season 2 starting off with Clark agonizing over Valentines Day only to be interrupted by the Fortress of Solitude with a new revelation. Hologram Jor-El learns English and fills Clark in on his background...

and the background of the Kryptonian Empire that brutally conquered it's way across the galaxy until it faced an enemy it could not defeat and ultimately destroyed them

So that's New

The General was clearly not out of line to be worried

So that pretty much wraps up the big mystery of season 1 just in time to introduce the mystery of Season 2. His cousin Kara is out there and needs to be found.

and then we have the Jimmy Sub-plot
We have a ticker that pops up at the top of the screen showing Jimmy's current Net Worth.
It is going down

Also Jimmy.......Do not inspire Lex Luthor
damn it Jimmy

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When I was a Kid the local game store had a regular "Game Day" that I would go to when I got started in D&D. This one time I got pulled into some game I had never heard of. Made a Lizardman, had a Spirit Node for magic in my Tail. Can't remember anything more than that and the impression that I had a lot of fun with it. Only got to play it the one time but I always wanted to try it again. I'd think about it every so often for close to 40 years now, just a casual "Oh yeah that...I wonder what that game was. Ah well" and then out of mind and on to other things.

Well turned out the game was Swordbearer, and I bought it last night off Drivethrough RPG

I doubt I'm going to ever get to play it with my group but it's nice to get my hands on it and I will probably plunder it for ideas

Bjørn Røyrvik wrote:

So far only DAL and Konosuba (and the occasional episode of Urusei Yatsura) has made an impression. I've tried a couple of shows but they were so forgettable I've literally forgotten what they were called and what happened in them.

Does anyone have recommendations for good shows I may have missed?

It's a fairly weak season. I've been enjoying "Tsukimichi; Moonlit Fantasy". It's a fairly decent Isekai with some interesting twists. "Delicious in Dungeons" over on Netflix is pretty fun too.

A few other shows that have something neat to them, but nothing really stands out. "Reincarnated as the 7th prince" can be fun when the kid goes psycho to cut loose with his magic, but you have to get past the Shota elements.

Last season had "Frieren" and "Apothecary Diary". Neither was particularly fast paced but both very well written.

yeah I kind of didn't bother with that one

but damn I am happy to see a new season of Konosuba.
We got Chris shenanigans coming this season

JoelF847 wrote:
I will say that the casting make this movie seem way too busy with characters, especially for the launch of the new DCCU.

about on par with the Black Adam film I think. Which yeah was a few too many, you don't have time to give everyone the spotlight they deserve

Seeing some talk about Bizzaro or Ultraman (but as a clone, cause multiverse is ruined for everyone these days) for the Superman movie. If so I think we are looking at a Superman is framed plot.

Which again leads me to the JL team is an Anti-Superman team trying to arrest him.

Yes you make concentration checks anytime you would normally in regular pathfinder spellcasting. If you need a Spell level to figure out the DC, the Spell level of a Sphere effect is considered 1/2 your Caster Level

There are some specific talents and feats for getting around that if you need to

Suicide Squad Isekai is looking better with every new trailer

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Night Below
Our heroes descend into the catacombs below the Ice Hive in search of Diamonds they need to resurrect the dead wizards they discovered.

Unfortunately the Armiger got pulped by an Ice Elemental fairly early and they retreated. Left with no other options they went to the Temple of the Insectoid Krik Where the Undead priests of their dead god offered the group a choice. they could attempt the difficult and expensive ritual that might return their friend to life or they could do the fair simpler (and cheaper) option of turning him into an undead. They discussed the options and realized the party Druid could cast Reincarnate on the dead wizards (because who cares if they don't come back in the same bodies).
They had the Undead priests cast a Raise dead on their friend, but as they did the Necromantic arm graft he has went berserk attacking everything around them. The Stonelord held the arm down long enough for the newly resurrected Armiger to get control of it.
After a day of recovering they returned to the Catacombs, battled numerous undead and returned to the Frozen city with a sizable amount of treasure and a crown of diamonds.

They set out now for the Deep Gnome Settlement to Reincarnate the dead wizards (who's bodies are being kept there under Gentle Repose spells)

Got my copy of Ultimate Engineering today. It has some similarities to the Inventor Handbooks they did previously but is a lot more open ended for the nature of Gizmos and inventions.

And now with this book, I am ready to build my Spheres Campaign World.

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