Last one to post wins

Forum Games

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Wrong thred.

So? He's still banned, and I still win.

Sovereign Court

Ah Sissyl let's talk about these desires to always win. perhaps you have a father complex? I can help you with this come sit on my couch and talk about it some.

Says the doctor with multiple personalitity disorder syndrome...Yeah that's right you were diagnosed by a horse, ponder that doctor.

Sovereign Court

I would hardly say a horse is capable of a diagnosis let alone talking. You are obviously a delusional young man who thinks he is a horse. You obviously need some help so please enter my office pay the fee and we can get to work post haste.

You've obviously never seen Mr. Ed, have you Wiiiillllllbbbuuurr.

The talking horse isn't preposterous, the person talking to the horse is.

And the chicken and the snow leopard are merely ordinary.


*is completely normal*

*and extremely cute*

In your halcyon dreams, rabbit.

Halcyon.. I always liked that word

Also one of my favorite songs.

I don't understand what everyone's talking about !

I don't need to !

I just need to burn it all !

[*senseless roaring fire*]

I win !

*burns more than Jony and at a much faster pace*


Sits up on a cliff watching the chaos and snuggling with 2d4 slaadlings. We win. (But the rabbit and the chicken are extremely cute.)

[*grapples the Dragon of Agnor*]

You disrespect my holy fire ! How dare you ?

[*goes supernova to try to burn the burning out of the Dragon of Agnor*]

I shall teach you manners and send you back humbled to the slopes of Badon Hill !

[*comfortably seated in a comfy chair at the top of Bodan Hill. Through his spyglass, looks at the conflagration a seemingly safe distance away*]

Those two unbalanced individuals display clear symptoms of... AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGG ! [*catches fire due to supernova proximity*]

*cuddle with Kitty-Mama in warm glow of fire*

*2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 slaadlings drift off to sleep*

[*through his trusty brass- and adamantine-adorned spyglass looks at Fraud Freud's painful blazing demise, from a good vantage point on Dabon Hill*]

[*folds hys spyglass*]

Good riddance ! I couldn't stand this bloated frog of a shrink !

And now [*shouts a defiant glance at Snow Jade and her slaadling entourage, on another hill safely far away*] I WIN !

*cooks Quiche*

*Snoozes with the kids.*

I ate the turkey, all of it. I win.

I win. It's a Thanksgiving miracle.

It was.

Now it's my turn to win.

Fat chance.

That was quite mean, Sissyl. I'm sure Quiche has a glandular problem.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Dammit! I lost.

Yes, yes you did

But now I'm a winner.

Punts Vicious Chicken across the NFL uprights

The Kick is Up! 2-point conversion. I win the game.

*annihilates Jack with a disintegration ray*

Never do that again!


*perches on goal posts*

You can cheer me on as I win.


It's the last hour of my birthday. I win.


No chicken, you loose. It's 365 days to your next birthday.

Every day is the day of my winning.

So I win.

And now [*extracts from his sickly algae-mauve vest Quiche Lisp Wonderbulous Apparatus of Avian Chastisement. Proceeds to chastise the Vicious Chicken of Bristol and Blue Pigeon*] !

This isn't a date, Quiche. Keep your doohickeys to yourself.


Wasn't funny the first time. Some might say you're using it wrong.

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

momentary winnnnnnn!

And done!

I stand my ground.

Stop flying, you'll catch a cold in those drafts, fowl !

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:

buncha campers.

Silver Crusade

I'm sure you didn't really mean that, Mr Lisp !

You look like you had a really complicated childhood, but I'm sure there's goodness to be found in you.

[*looks inebriated*]

Hey...brurps !!.. Spanky, had one too many... groaan!... slaps on the head from your momma ?

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