The Outcast King

Ordinary Rabbit's page

53 posts. Alias of gran rey de los mono.


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*covers hole*
*nibbles hay*
*is adorable*

*sniffs other rabbit*

*looks excited*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
questioning rabbit wrote:
Ordinary Rabbit wrote:

*eats carrot*

*is sooooooooo cute*

*is nekkid*

Eh, doing anything Friday doc?

*looks confused*

*is even cuter*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*eats carrot*

*is sooooooooo cute*

*is nekkid*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*is adorable*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*devours Shia LaBeouf*

*is adorable*

2 people marked this as a favorite.

*sees Slaadlings "playing" with tiny owlbear*

*nibbles hay*

*piddles on floor*

*is cute*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles electrical wire*

*is shockingly cute*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles hay*

*has black eye*

*is adorable*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*piddles on typewriter*

*is huggably cute*

1 person marked this as a favorite.
questioning rabbit wrote:
Eh, what's in it for me, Doc?

*sniffs new rabbit*

*wiggles nose, hops around, makes more "Raisinets"*

*is so cute you want to rip out your eyes*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles grass*

*is very cute*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*piddles on the carpet*

*is awwwww-inspiring*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*attempts to imitate guinea pig butt-wiggle dance, poops on floor*

*piddles on the twig, wiggles nose*

*nibbles hay, looks adorable*


*piddles on the floor*

*wiggles nose*

*is adorable*

*piddles on the Vicious Chicken's foot*

*waggles nose adorably*

*nibbles on Matt Damon Puppet's strings*

*is cute as [expletive deleted]*

*piddles on the tulips*

*and Macaroni Slaad's feet*

*wiggles nose adorably*

*nibbles hay*

*is too cute*

*falls asleep on Liz's paperwork*

*is work-preventingly adorable*

*piddles on the win*

*is adorable*

*leaves "chocolate eggs" in Spanky's Easter basket*

*is face-meltingly cute*

*piddles on floor*

*is insanely adorable*

*piddles on the ninja pie*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*nibbles hay*

*is adorable*

*piddles on Sith Lords' feet*

*is unbearably adorable*

*eats all the cabbages*

*is painfully cute*

*is completely normal*

*and extremely cute*

*is also too adorable to scald*

1 person marked this as a favorite.

*piddles on Mime #8's leg*

*is too adorable to scold*

*nibbles hay*

*is cuter than a jack rabbit*

*nibbles grass*

*wiggles nose*

*nibbles the lawn*

*is obnoxiously adorable*

*nibbles hay, looks cute*

*nibbles leafs on sticks*

*is cute*

*nibbles carrot, looks cute*

*nibbles grass, scores points for adorableness*

*still alive, still adorable*

*eats lettuce, looks cute*

*covets the crown*

*wiggles nose, looks adorable*

*looks adorable and not delicious*

*hops over to Tirq. looks cute*

*hops about adorably*

*nibbles grass*

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