A sound echoes across the world’s farthest wildernesses: the howl of countless animals and beasts! This all-new 224-page Pathfinder rulebook dives deep into the wilderness like never before! With new ancestries, character options, animal companions, wilderness foes and more, Howl of the Wild provides a traveler’s pack worth of value for players and Game Masters alike!
Join a bumbling naturalist and an eccentric crew as they cross continents in their fantastic airship, searching for four legendary beasts. Along the expedition, you’ll find…
Six playable new ancestries to bring PCs' wildest characters to life: strong minotaurs, swift centaurs, magical merfolk, amphibious athamarus, animals awakened to consciousness, and insectile, metamorphic surkis!
Archetypes, spells, and other player options inspired by nature, from additional options for shapeshifting druids to playable werecreatures to archetypes that let you fight with claw, tail, or wing.
New animal companions, weapons and armor forged from the scales and fangs of magical beasts, and all the gear you need out in the field!
A menagerie of Golarion’s animals and beasts for GMs to unleash on players, covering animals like dinosaurs and sharks, expansions on classic monsters like chimeras and griffons, and never-before-seen creatures like the transparent sky fisher, the potion-brewing apothecary bee, and the extradimensional rift chameleon.
All rules optimized for the remastered Pathfinder Second Edition game!
Written by: Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Chris Bissette, Jeremy Blum, Logan Bonner, Dan Cascone, James Case, Jessica Catalan, Brite Cheney, Rue Dickey, Caryn DiMarco, Matthew Fu, Leo Glass, Steven Hammond, Patrick Hurley, Michelle Y. Kim, Dustin Knight, Kendra Leigh Speedling, Christiana Lewis, Jessie "Aki" Lo, Luis Loza, Letterio Mammoliti, Jonathan "Ryomasa" Mendoza, Quinn Murphy, Dave Nelson, Mikhail Rekun, Kai Revius, Ember Rose, Simone D. Sallé, Michael Sayre, Shay Snow, Levi Steadman, Kyle Tam, Ruvaid Virk, and Andrew White.
Ring Side Report- RPG review of Pathfinder Howl of the Wild
Originally posted at www.throatpunchgames.com, a new idea every day!
Product- Pathfinder Howl of the Wild
System- Pathfinder 2nd Ed
Producer- Paizo
Price- $64.99 here https://paizo.com/products/btq02f09?Pathfinder-Howl-of-the-Wild
TL; DR-Solid nature materials with a layout misstep. 98%
Basics- Who let the centaurs in the sub? Howl of the Wild is a character options book with new races, spells, items, and archetypes for characters who want a bit more animal in their characters. In addition, the book has a framing story about an expedition to uncover the guardians of the wild and the monsters they encounter, providing GMs with new monsters and story hooks for them to dig into.
Mechanics or Crunch- Paizo knows their math and it shows here. The new items, options, monsters, and characters all expand Pathfinder into fun new places. And the new grafts allow characters who are plain human to even get into the action. Some archetypes require the characters to have some animal parts, but with the right addition, anyone can play. It doesn't feel exclusionary, but lets people specialize into something new at the same time. The monsters are fun and bring some old creatures back into the mix as well. 5/5
Theme or Fluff- Howl of the Wild feels like it fits in Golarion and adds to it at the same time. I love the new races, and since its set far away from the main setting areas, they don't feel like they are tacked on. The new stuff all fits into the world and has fun descriptions and art to help you see what the authors wanted to add. I also enjoyed the story the book told as the explorers try to find the guardians of nature. They do, AND THEY ARE BIG. If you want some end bosses for a nature based game, here you go! 5/5
Execution- This book is good, but feels like a step back for Paizo’s normal work. What’s here is good. I like the flow and pictures, but this book doesn't have the short tables and descriptions of feats, spells, and items. It honestly makes it a pain. Also, while there are dividing pictures, the different sections are not as well defined. One change to a new subject was so jarring, I redownloaded my copy thinking I missed some pages in an error. I figured it out, but the older layout decisions are a better way to display the materials. I'd rather have less stuff and more tables to summarize all the pieces than too much to really take in. 4.5/5
Summary- This is a good book with a single error. I love the new crunch; it adds new character options and even tools for the GM to get to play with. These are all great additions to the game. I love the new story. It's fun to see a new part of the world and to see the new characters who live in it. It also builds out the world for the GM, so they can make new stories and monsters to challenge the players. My one issue is the layout. What’s here is good. It reads fast and easily, but the lack of tables makes skimming hard. As both a GM and a player, I want to be able to skim character feats, spells, and items quickly. Bring those back! But, overall this is a good addition to the world of Pathfinder. Check this out if you want to walk on the wild side. 98%
The whole book is great, but the best reason to play a minotaur in Pathfinder instead of that Other Roleplaying Game is the fact Pathfinder minotaurs have DARKVISION.
Charlie Hall (Polygon) sat down with Senior Designer and Project Lead James Case to get some exclusive sneak peeks at what's coming in Howl of the Wild!
" Six playable new ancestries to bring PCs' wildest characters to life: strong minotaurs, swift centaurs, magical merfolk, amphibious athamarus, animals awakened to consciousness, and insectile, metamorphic surkis! "
I'm wondering if the "amphibious athamarus" is the ORC version of the lizardfolk.
Anyway, it's cool to have new ancestries. Hyped to play werewolf too...
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Thruneosaurus Rex? That is utterly ridiculous, and I cannot possibly convey how much I love it. A love that only increased with the art. Look at the little arms! Who's a giant adorable Hellspawn? You are! Yes, you are!
" Six playable new ancestries to bring PCs' wildest characters to life: strong minotaurs, swift centaurs, magical merfolk, amphibious athamarus, animals awakened to consciousness, and insectile, metamorphic surkis! "
I'm wondering if the "amphibious athamarus" is the ORC version of the lizardfolk.
Anyway, it's cool to have new ancestries. Hyped to play werewolf too...
It's not, the Athamaru are actually the new Locathah!
Really giddy to have playable Centaurs and Minotaurs both! I hope we get some good peeks into their various cultures across Golarion, with particular eyes on Iblydos.
This cover is final. The Special Edition is not final today.
Also, I can confirm that you will know the ORC license rulebooks by the green on the spine and the Second Edition bug. So, while Rage of Elements is remaster-compatible, it does not use the ORC license and does not use the green. Make sense?
Really giddy to have playable Centaurs and Minotaurs both! I hope we get some good peeks into their various cultures across Golarion, with particular eyes on Iblydos.
That is their origin place I believe, that or somewhere else in Casmaron so it would be cool to get a look at any origin myths.
Absolutely thrilled to be getting the Swarmkeeper archetype! That's something I've been hoping for ever since the PF2 playtest surveys about your favorite PF1 options. I had three or four characters in PF1 with various swarm-related aspects, and it'll be nice to have that around as an option again.
Also, how would an awakened animal with the half-elf/orc heritage work; just a thought that popped in my head
Mechaninally there's only one Awaken Ritual but the lore of how any given ritual works is flexible. The version of the ritual the Elf or Orc spellcaster used to awaken you used a small piece of their own soul to do it.
super excited for the mermaid centaur & minatour ancestry & the werecrearure archetype just hope it's better than the undead archetypes also super excited for the included bestiary!
This looks really cool. Was kinda hoping this might see the return of a class akin to the old Shifter class that dovetailed the end of 1e, but I'll live.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
I am guessing a centaur's speed won't be too much higher than bipedal ancestries by default, but there will be some ancestral feats that will allow them to really get moving.
Not going to get my hopes up but seconded on more kineticist impulses! Wouldn't be surprised if we only got more druid feats though, feel like the last few rulebooks haven't had too many player options not listed in the product description
I'm wondering if the "amphibious athamarus" is the ORC version of the lizardfolk.
Anyway, it's cool to have new ancestries. Hyped to play werewolf too...
It looks like Lizardfolk will be in Player Core 2 so this is hopefully something new.
I'm wondering if the "amphibious athamarus" is the ORC version of the lizardfolk.
Anyway, it's cool to have new ancestries. Hyped to play werewolf too...
It looks like Lizardfolk will be in Player Core 2 so this is hopefully something new.
If I'm not mistaken, and happy to be proven wrong if I am, I believe athamaru are ORC locathah.
I can't find it in the store, so I'll ask directly: will this bad boy be getting a pocket edition like previous "themed" rulebooks?
Pretty much all Paizo's rules line books get a pocket addition, about 3 months after release.
This is a May release, and they only just announced their June/July releases. Since pocket Ed would come out in August, that's why you can't find it yet.
I was able to place a preorder for the Sketch Cover version of Howl of the Wild at my local hobby store. (Yay!) So far all my remastered books are Sketch Covers - love them.