WanderingVoidWolf's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 Organized Play characters.


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Designing a character for a run through of the Birthday playtest adventure, and was looking at the Summon Robot spell. Is there a list somewhere of the available mechs we can summon? Can't find anything in the playtest book, nor with a brief search of the forums.

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I actually used a PF archetype when playing the second playtest adventure. I was a Pahtra Rhythm mystic disciple of Meyel, and chose the clawdancer archetype. In character, she was a dancer so finding a way to attack with her claws in a dance fit. Mechanically, other than being action-starved juggling between mystic buffs and actually using clawdancer attacks, neither I nor any of my fellow players noticed anything that felt off.

Pagan priest wrote:
I look forward to see how Munitions Crafter is updated to mesh with the remastered alchemist rules.

That's also what I'm really looking forward to. I just made a gunslinger for the new PFS season (worshiping Our Lord in Iron knowing as a player what was going to happen), and chose that at level 1.

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My big issue with the Soldier class so far is that it is too specialized as a base class. Pretty much every Soldier made will be an artillery piece on the battlefield, with a secondary with two-handed melee weapons. Not a single one of the base class abilities will work with, say, a standard laser rifle or dual-wielding boom pistols. Even the various specializations released in the playtest are all about aoe weapons.

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I gotta say, I'm most interested in the awakened animal PC ancestry. That, and the werecreature archetypes.

Think Ezren could make a tattoo for me? Just, you know, without the giant attack? Well, at least not until the tattoo process is over with, yeah?

Late to the party here, but I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with rust now since rust monsters are getting the ORC boot.

Thanks. For some reason I completely missed the fact that they were an uncommon option. Also, did read it wrong as well do thanks for pointing that out for me!

So I was looking over the entry for the new elemental companions in RoE, and all but the metal elemental require you to be in one of the druidic orders to obtain them. So can you get a metal elemental companion as a ranger or with the beastmaster archetype without going into druid?

That's good to know. Thanks for the response!

I've got a question about PFS updating access to uncommon options, specifically the newly updated access to specific races from APG. If a player has spent Achievement Points to gain access to a race that was previously unavailable otherwise, such as ratfolk, and it's now readily available to anybody with the book, would they be able to get a refund on the spent points or are they just gone? Asking for a friend, and for once that's actually true.

With the new Rage of Elements book, the elemental barbarian gets a resistance based on what element they choose. My question is: do attacks made by metal weapons count for their elemental resistance? Would it just be the damage type you chose when you got the elemental rage ability (piercing or slashing)? Or would it have to be an attack or effect that specifically has the metal trait?

Raging Resistance wrote:
You resist the damage dealt by attacks and abilities of elemental creatures of your chosen element, as well as creatures made of your element, regardless of the damage type. You also resist damage dealt by attacks, spells, and abilities with your elemental trait.

Does the Fleet feat affect multiple speeds, such as an undine's swim speed, or is it just your land speed? Can't find anything, and all my Google-fu turns up is discussions for first edition.

With the rules in this book being updated for the upcoming Core series, does the new barbarian elemental instinct need some alterations to play with the PHB rules right out the gate? Or is it simple enough to not really need any changes?