The Jester

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 780 posts. 6 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist.

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I love books about building civilizations in the wilderness, making allies, and fighting off terrible enemies.

Very enjoyable


I liked this book quite a bit. It introduced enough well written characters that I found myself wondering if they'd been in other stories as well and hoping to find those.

Filled to the brim with sheer, unadulterated awesome


The title says it all, every page is dripping with rocking sci-fantasy goodness.

Simply Amazing


Another stellar example of the horrors that spring from minds of Paizo. I highly recommend this book to anyone, it's got something for just about any game, and combined with the other three, you'd be hard pressed not to have a monster for every situation.

Not with a whimper, but a bang


With an intense and riveting opening and some really solid NPC's this module starts the AP off on the right foot, perhaps two right feet. Some particularly excellent artwork really pulls it all together.

Amber Scott did an amazing job.

Loved this book


I absolutely loved this book, a must have for anybody who wants to run a game with a little more "oomph" than normal or wants to throw a few new twists on a monster to scare their players.

The new mythic abilities were very interesting, and I could envision a few jaw-dropping moments using them. The new legendary item rules were absolutely amazing, and were something I'd been trying to work out for myself for a long time.

The monster are terrific, let me just say, I pity the party encountering a mythic red-dragon.

I'd have to say my favorite aspect of the book is the artwork, there's some really spectacular art in here, and I loved seeing the mythic Iconics.

Overall, I'd say this book is definitely of Mythic stature.