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If you didn't already find it, the "Message Board Aliases" section is on the "Account Settings" page, not the "My Profile" page.

Have you tried submitting a support ticket?


For future:

Click "Customer Service" link in footer
Click "New Support Ticket" to access form

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Keep playing, it's good for you!

ttRPGs as group therapy tool

mikeawmids wrote:

It frustrated and confused me that Paizo did not do more to cross-promote Pathfinder for Savage Worlds. One or two blog posts and that was it. No sub-forum, no nothing. Since you went to the effort of collaborating with Pinnacle on that line, I would have hoped for more.

At the bottom of every page is a link to "Contact Us". One of the options is "Community Support".

You might try asking for such a forum to be opened.

NobodysHome wrote:
And OMG, I was about to put this in as a tirade they'd missed, but they DIDN'T:
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT prompt subscribers to use knowledge-based authentication (KBA) (e.g., “What was the name of your first pet?”) or security questions when choosing passwords.
If a private investigator can find it out in under 10 minutes, it's not secure.

I've always treated those questions as memory prompts, not literal questions that need literal answers.

"What was the name of your first pet?" becomes a prompt for the pet name our family called my cousin after a spectacular prank failure when he was a kid.

There are some silences from the other end of the phone when I give the correct answer, but really, the only thing that "verifies" me is the fact that what I say matches the text string on the other person's screen.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Wilder wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Any chance we can get preview images for flip-mats back?
Please! Very small images marked "PREVIEW" are fine ... we're not asking to steal the images, I promise. There are SO MANY Flip-Mats out now (I own 100+ physical Flip-Mats); we really need previews.

Amplifying both of these requests! Adding a + to the posts wasn't sufficiently emphatic.

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Good news for Nobody, Vany, and anyone else who hates corporate password rules.

National Institute of Standards and Technology

New password rules from NIST Password Verifiers:

The following requirements apply to passwords:

Verifiers and CSPs SHALL require passwords to be a minimum of eight characters in length and SHOULD require passwords to be a minimum of 15 characters in length.
Verifiers and CSPs SHOULD permit a maximum password length of at least 64 characters.
Verifiers and CSPs SHOULD accept all printing ASCII [RFC20] characters and the space character in passwords.
Verifiers and CSPs SHOULD accept Unicode [ISO/ISC 10646] characters in passwords. Each Unicode code point SHALL be counted as a single character when evaluating password length.
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT impose other composition rules (e.g., requiring mixtures of different character types) for passwords.
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT require users to change passwords periodically. However, verifiers SHALL force a change if there is evidence of compromise of the authenticator.
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT permit the subscriber to store a hint that is accessible to an unauthenticated claimant.
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT prompt subscribers to use knowledge-based authentication (KBA) (e.g., “What was the name of your first pet?”) or security questions when choosing passwords.
Verifiers SHALL verify the entire submitted password (i.e., not truncate it).

Of note:
Verifiers and CSPs SHALL require passwords to be a minimum of eight characters in length and SHOULD require passwords to be a minimum of 15 characters in length.

Verifiers and CSPs SHALL NOT require users to change passwords periodically.

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A proposed tactical pathway for Paizo and allies to supplant D&D

I'm curious about why you think that Paizo would want to supplant D&D. So far there's been no indication that they want to do that.

Where did you get the idea that that is one of their corporate goals?

It's not at all difficult.
Go to your Profile page
Click the "Campaigns" tab

using Google to search for
first "Solano Stroll"

gives me this as the first result
https://www.solanoavenueassn.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/solan oavenuestrollhistory.pdf


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The supply chain is still working through some of the lingering effects of the pandemic.

Fluctuations and shortages are still happening fairly frequently.

One of the exacerbating causes is the "bullwhip effect" which magnifies the bumps and potholes. The 'beer' game is a tool that is often used in first-year engineering classes to teach young engineers about how these effects can impact their jobs and their projects.

Bullwhip effect

Ongoing pandemic effects on the supply chain

NobodysHome wrote:
I'm afraid you're reading far too much into his thought process.

I was actually assuming that he wasn't thinking at all, but simply going by pleasure seeking/pain avoidance instincts.

He was frustrated about the trip and would have rather stayed home, but he didn't understand how to do the legwork to find out about the class beforehand.

But that refutes that assumption.

I'll agree with Scint and you: learned helplessness

The people who structured his life so totally have left him unable to think for himself. Instead of developing intrinsict motivation, he's left with nothing but extrinsic motivation.

It's tough to be learning these lessons later in life when the cost of errors is much more painful. (although, thinking about it, 5 year olds can make it sound like natural consequences are the end of the world).

NobodysHome wrote:
losing 2.5 hours of his afternoon actually makes him change anything about his behavior.

You sound like you think that was punishment.

Turn the question around:
"What is it about driving for 45 minutes, hanging out on campus, and driving home, that is more interesting/attractive or otherwise rewarding than NOT doing that?
Why is such a low threshold task (finding out if he has a lab or not) less rewarding than doing all that driving?

People usualy don't do things they don't want to do if they can avoid it. It sounds to me as if there's something fun about driving to/being on campus that is attractive to him.

That's absolutely stunning work!

I love how you've worked with hexagonal/octagonal rooms, and made the rooms flow so well.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Themetricsystem wrote:
that come standard with universal 2G emergency band wireless signal functionality,

Just a note:

ATT shut down their 2G network in 2017 and Verizon ended theirs in 2020.

T Mobile announced this morning that they're shutting down their service on Sept 1, 2024.

You may want to double check with your local emergency dispatch services to see if that feature will work after that.

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The four primary Remastered/Core rulebooks are

Player Core
Player Core 2
GM Core
Monster Core

Those replace
Pathfinder Core Rulebook
Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide
Pathfinder Bestiary
Pathfinder Advanced Players Guide

Content was suffled around, errata were included, and all mention of intellectual property (IP) belonging to any other company was removed.

But basically, it's all the same material, just rearranged and re-edited.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Syrus Terrigan wrote:

the reality of it still hasn't set in.

this past Tuesday morning, one of my two best friends died.

First, be gentle with yourself. Unexpected deaths are considered 'traumatic' (as opposed to dying of a lingering illness, or dying at an advanced age). And grief is not linear, nor predictable.

Feel free to DM me if you want more conversation, I am a 'death doula' IRL, and I have some experience helping families and friends through this process.

Second, be there for the kids.
It's not just what you do now, but how consistently you show up in their lives. Things like continuing to include Magus in your gaming activities will go a long way to provide the stability he and his siblings will need over the years.

Your part in the tales does not have to have "ended". Granted Ex and Newb may make things more difficult in the future, but you already have a relationship with Magus; keep it going.

I had an uncle-by-friendship in my life: a friend of my father who treated me and my brother just like all his other niblings. You can keep fulfilling this role.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
dfinan wrote:

I pre-ordered the hard copy of the Player Core 2 book on 7/26 and it has shipped. I went to try on 8/1 and 8/2 to download the pdf that you usually got for free when you paid for the hardcopy of the book. Its not showing up in my digital content.

Do we have to buy the PDF seperately now?

Paizo has never offered a free PDF for single purchases. That's only a perk for people who subscribe the product line the item is a part of.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

"race" ??

MagnusPrime wrote:
Instead of being blank it would be nice if they were already labeled


They are.
and even blank tabs for complete customization.

Large: 12 Large tabs (1 Blank Tab)
So, 11 printed, 1 blank

80 other Small Tabs (17 Blank Tabs)
63 printed, 17 blank

PossibleCabbage wrote:
then they cross that bridge when they come to it.

Staff have outlined the start-to-finish production process in the past, and IIRC, there is an 18-month to 2-year timeline. So staffing, writing assignments, art assignments, design assignments, edictorial workload, and all the other things that happen during the production of a book have to be scheduled and balanced far in advance.

If 'something happens that they cannot reprint*, it puts all that precariously balanced and scheduled staffing plan at risk as they suddenly have to stuff a new book into the workflow, shoving aside previously scheduled books.

If you're trying to keep a company in business and trying to keep freelancers producing a steady flow of inputs, then you don't leave your entire company's production schedule at the mercy of some other company's lawyers.

The point of the remaster project was to protect the company from that happening for a third time. The whole idea was to scrub their product line clean as a defense against putting the company in jeopardy again.

They were willing to scramble to keep new products flowing and also rewrite the rule books precisely so they don't ever have to do that again. I can't imagine working for a business that says, "Oh, our business plan is 'let's just wait and see what happens'" and work day-to-day in an anxiety-ridden, chaos-driven environment while they wait for another shoe to drop.

*IIRC they already know they can't reprint any book that contains OGL content.

Vanykrye wrote:
Yeah. No. Contact your direct supervisor about it, but in my world that gets flagged as a phishing attempt.

I'm afraid the "Community Engagement" office is not the right place to report it. I verified the next time that I was there that it was legit, and I told both my supervisor and the clerk who had to redo my fingerprints and clearance.

Neither one of them seemed at all concerned. I'll sleuth around and find the right people next time I'm there.

NobodysHome wrote:

help navigate me through the changes to my Medicaid...

...which I'm not eligible for for another 9 years barring permanent injury.

Which you're probably not ever going to be eligible for because you are well over the assets limits.

Were they offering to help with MediCARE or MedicAID?

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I volunteer at the local VA Hospital.
To get my employee badge, I have to go through a background check that includes fingerprinting.

A couple weeks ago I got an email about my badge being cancelled, and that I needed to come in and go through the complete vetting process again.

In the email was the link to renew my badge.

Really, VA? An email link that asks for personal identification information for a security clearance?!

NobodysHome wrote:
So what's the difference between calling a land line and calling a cell phone whereby an automated system could call one but not the other?

In the past, I have had a similar but opposite problem.

A company that used your phone number as the "customer rewards program ID" would reject my Google Voice number as 'invalid'.

The amusing thing was that I had used that number during beta testing of the program, but once it rolled out to the general public, I couldn't use it any more.

Somehow they distinguished between land lines, cell phones, and Google Voice.

Zoken44 wrote:

During elections, Government workers called Talliers are dispatched


I can't find any mention of that in my resources.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Legally, the entire Biden-Harris campaign fund is available to Harris. To transfer it to another candidate would be nighmarishly complicated.

My bingo game for the afternoon is to see who comes out supporting her. So far, it's just the Bidens and the Clintons

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"The dice are rolling, the knives are out"
"A New Argentina", from Evita, The Musical

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Well, then back to denial.
Roll for Insight: Understanding How the Experience of Playing Dungeons & Dragons Impacts the Mental Health of an Average Player

"A strong focus was placed on escapism and the positive impact that this had on the mental health of the players. "

2 people marked this as a favorite.

How about rereading Octavia Butler's "Parable Of The Sower"?

Octavia E. Butler’s 1993 novel, Parable of the Sower, imagined a future in which California is inhospitable, weather is deadly, wealth disparities are vicious, and a presidential candidate may set the country back a hundred years. It all begins on July 20, 2024.

lisamarlene wrote:
I wonder if this is the same methodology that led the NYT food section to feature a recipe for guacamole made with frozen peas.

Those date back to at least the 1980s, if not earlier.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drawdy wrote:
What does this mean? Will all the pages be there? Is it just a bit of wear & tear or are we talking huge rips and/or somebody dumped their coffee on it?

I always buy non-mint if they are available.

The quality difference is often indiscernable. I've examined things that were 'non mint' and haven't been able to see what the flaw was.

Often it's a bent corner on a cover, ar a crimped edge on a map. But nothing that even requires fixing before it's usable. And nothing that my players have ever noticed.

In fact, after a few trips in my GM bag, some of my 'bought new' stuff looks worse than the non-mint that Paizo has shipped me.

Buy with confidence. If you think something is so damaged as to be unueasble, you'd be the first person I'd heard of who had that happen.

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Waldham wrote:
Are there any places in Golarion that don't belong to any nation? (or no setting perhaps)

If you're looking for a place on Golarian to put your own home-brew nation, the content of Sarasun is currently where that works

The Paizo Creative Director said

since we're trying to keep that continent a blank slate for GMs to play with or simply to keep a bit of mystery about Golarion for the time being.

He also went into a bit more detail of "where to put your homebrew nation" in this post where he talks about both Sarasun and The Stolen Lands

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University of Michigan President Ono, May 21, 2024, on why police removed the campus anti-war encampment:
"These actions were not free speech; they were destruction of property.

Dec 16, 1773, Boston
Free speech is fine, but the destruction of East India Company property by tossing it in the harbor crosses a line.

Benjamin Franklin stated that the East India Company should be paid for the destroyed tea, all ninety thousand pounds (which, at two shillings per pound, came to £9,000, or £1.44 million [2014, approx. $1.7 million US])
"A speedy Reparation will immediately set us right in the Opinion of all Europe. "

Benjamin Franklin's views on the Boston Tea Party

Drejk wrote:
Win 11?

Yes. I got a new laptop 3(?) years ago and have never set up a Microsoft account. It takes some effort, and I routinely have to say "remind me in 3 days" when it asks if I want to finish setting up my computer.

But I get popup notices that Windows Defender didn't find any baddies, so I assume it works.

I also did not install the "free" McAfee antivirus that came with the computer. It quit asking if I wanted to finish setting that up too, after my included 2-year warranty ran out.

Drejk wrote:
Apparently Windows Defender now requires a Microsoft Account to run.

I am able to use the built-in Windows Defender without a Microsoft account. I'm in the US, so I don't know what the EU situation is.

There's a similar post from a couple years ago.

I noticed that their are a lot more prominent queer female characters then male ones,

James Jacobs replied here

May 19, 2022
James Jacobs wrote:

Yes. Getting more queer representation is important to me.

I've been including positive male queer characters from the start. Check out the gazetteer for Sandpoint in the first adventure for Pathfinder, Burnt Offerings. On the iconic front, the investigator, Quinn, is gay. There's a significant gay couple among the allied NPCs in Wrath of the Righteous. Gozreh is, of course, gender fluid. I have long seen Cayden Caliean as pansexual, although I don't know that we've said as much in print. I believe Seltyiel was intended to be pansexual, although like Quinn, we haven't explored those stories with him yet (maybe in the comics?)

The primary reason that Desna and Sarenrae are presented as queer is because they're exports from my homebrew, and they've been queer there for several decades, so those stories are brought forward into Pathifnder.

There'll be more positive queer male characters as well, but I've been working to build a diverse set of characters in the books I write and develop for a long time; it's important to me, since I'm a queer male myself (whether or not I'd be called a "positive" one is, I guess, not up to me, but I try to be and hope I am).

Note that PART of the issue you're seeing is that for most of Pathfinder's history, the vast bulk of our character work has been tackled in the format of adventures, and adventures skew toward presenting villainous NPCs rather than "positive role" NPCs, simply because of the nature of such a product.

At the bottom of every page is a link to Customer Service.

Click that link and you'll be taken to the Support Ticket page

Just below the search box is a button to start a "New Support Ticket"

Fill that out completely, including the order number for your pre-order if you have one.

Explain what you're trying to achieve (complete set of Starfinder 2 rulebooks) and ask them to set up your subscription so you don't get any duplicates.

They'll get it sorted for you.

I have solely used LibreOffice for the past 5 years. I love it. Open source for the win.

Ins't WPS Office a Chinese freemium product?

SuperParkourio wrote:

I'm told by another player in my PbP game that the honor system is used for the build-in dice roller.

Is there a way to hide dice results before I actually post?

Yes that's true. Does that create problems for you?

If you can't control the impulse to cheat, I'm not sure what to suggest.

One thing you might do is not click "Preview"
Another would be to ask the GM to roll for you
Or, ask another player to roll for you.

All in all, worrying about peeking at a result, and then editing your proposed actions to take advantage of the result, in a role-playing game with no scoring mechanism by which you can "win" doesn't seem to me to be a huge problem.

I simply don't see a lot of conflict in the PbP forums over cheating of any kind, much less that specific kind of 'preview' cheating.

If it's turning out to be a big issue in your game, talk to the GM about removing the cheating player. There are a lot more ways to cheat than simply looking at the outcome of a dice roll. Hiding a result isn't going to make a cheating player stop cheating.

For me, that's a feature, not a bug

When I'm rolling dice IRL, I can see the result before I describe my reaction to that result. Same thing here.

1) I describe what my character is going to do
2) I roll the dice and calculate the result
3) I describe my character's reaction to that result

Why is seeing the result online before you describe your character's reaction any different than seeing it IRL?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:

I believe this may be of interest:


The Great Toy Heist Pregens PDF

eatabagofdice wrote:
Fairly new to PF2e, coming from a long time on D&D, so I am still learning a lot and so is our DM. As of now we are playing Abomination Vaults and we've been getting whomped fairly regularly

Because everyone is new, I just want to confirm that your GM is handing out Hero Points regularly, and the players are making good use of them, yes?

That has a big impact on the "getting whomped" issue.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Captain Morgan wrote:
Serious question: for what?

It's not just lore for me, it's context. Sometime the 'beginning of the chapter' overview paragraphs help me understand the nuances of the wording of the rule.

PDFs allow much faster access to context-relevant information than AoN does.

And, of course, lore. Pathfinder is about so much more than just the rules.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
quibblemuch wrote:
I remember in a fiction workshop one time asking someone why a thing in their story (which I felt wasn't working) was the way it was. They just kept repeating "Because that's what happened

Are you sure it only happened one time?

I think there's one of those folks in every fiction writing workshop. And it usually involves their dog.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I sometimes thicken chili with plain cornmeal since I'm usually making cornbread as well.

But usually I just let the cornbread soak up the extra juice.

Tridus wrote:

The difference in price between the Foundry module where you already own the PDF and the Foundry model that includes a "free PDF" is literally the cost of the PDF.

Since there is a price if you have the PDF and a price where there isn't, and the price difference is the value of the PDF, it's impossible to claim in any way with a straight face that this is a "free PDF".

So you can probably see how claiming its "free" when in fact people paid for it twice is not going to fly.

AS you so eloquently explain in the first part of your post, you are not paying for anything twice.

There are two separate products on sale by Paizo.
1) A physical printed book
2) A digital file

You can buy the physical book from Paizo or from a store (online or brick and mortar).
You can buy the digital file from Paizo or from a game platform (online).

You can by either product without also buying the other one. You can run the module without also buying the other one. They are entirely separate.

So you're not 'paying twice' when you buy two separate products.
And, as you pointed out, you're not 'paying twice' when you buy the game from Foundary.

Your complaint assumes that a digital product and a physical product are one and the same, and that if you buy one of them, you are automatically entitled to the other product without any further payment.

That assumption does not align with reality.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:

One of my true frustrations with financial institutions is their insistence that they need to tell you everything.

Yes. I understand that getting my quarterly prospectus is legally required and all that, but this isn't about investing.

I had to create an Experian account to unlock my credit. Fine.

So I signed in to Experian figuring that I could turn all that s*** off.

And Experian isn't exactly a company whose email you want to auto-route to spam, because something important might actually happen.

I'm sorry I created an account.

So you went decades without knowing what was going on with your Experian account.

But now you're afraid something important might happen if you don't accept every single one of their emails?

How about a compromise? You shut off all their emails and then manually check your credit score once a week to see if anything alarming has happened. If you went all those years without checking it at all, perhaps once a week will be sufficient to manage your fear-of-missing-out concerns.

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Where did Captain Hook get his hook?

At the second-hand store.

Captain Phoenix wrote:

I suppose it mentions the ORC license on the box? This is from a local seller in my country, and I can't tell if it's the OGL or ORC version:


The Remastered physical version of the Beginner Box has the standard "Second Edition" in the upper right corner of the front cover, and also includes the word "Remastered" just under that.

You can see it clearly if you open the image above in a new tab and enlarge it.

In the link you posted, the image is from the earlier OGL version, since the upper right corner branding does not include "remastered".

HOWEVER, it is also possible that your vendor is using an old image. It would be worth asking them to look at the actual box they are sending you and confirm that it is the Remastered version.

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