DemonicDem's page
Organized Play Member. 169 posts. 10 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.
Justnobodyfqwl wrote: I don't mean to be rude, but I don't see the point in making a thread about this before we see the rule. Because I am taking their description literally, which doesn't make much sense, and I wish to notify them of that in case it's a literal description of the actual rules they are intending to use, so they don't waste time in the future fixing it with errata. If it's not, it costs them nothing, and we all go on our way.
If they wanted to say just weapons and shields needed to be wielded in main hands, they would have just said so, instead of giving them as an example of some item wielded in hands.
Quote: Good news for skittermanders who want to jump rope and wield a flamethrower at the same time: you are now going to be able to perform actions and use items with your other hands, but you can only wield items (such as shields and weapons) with your active hands. You need to wield almost all items to use them.
You wouldn't be able to use most items in your inactive hands because you aren't wielding them.
It's not like wielding is specifically related to combat items
like, you'd need to wield a jumprope to use it, since it would require two hands to use.
Any item that is "held in one hand" is considered to need to be wielding it, such as all the items in the "Medical Items" section. Source.
Any items with the manipulate trait also require to be wielding them, unless it doesn't require to be held (so the above quote makes sense when referring to, say, a Collar of the Shifting Spider or any spell chips/gems that only have the concentrate trait). Source.
I don't understand the bit of
Quote: Good news for skittermanders who want to jump rope and wield a flamethrower at the same time: you are now going to be able to perform actions and use items with your other hands, but you can only wield items (such as shields and weapons) with your active hands. Wouldn't you have to wield items, jumpropes, etc to use them? Like, you still wouldn't be able to use an item with an inactive hand because you aren't wielding it.
James Jacobs wrote: DemonicDem wrote: Anyone know why it both says Banishment is good but Incapacitation effects are bad? I spoke to this point in the other thread you started. Thank you.
James Jacobs wrote: There are plenty of encounters in Spore War where you are facing creatures of equal level to the party or slightly lower level, and begin able to smash some of those fiends with banishment stuff feels good and high level. Not every fight should be against higher level foes, and Spore War understands this. Great, thanks for clearing it up. It's good to know Incapacitation spells will be useful.
I can imagine one or the other being true, but not both. If there are enough creatures to banish, then there would be enough to incapacitate. If there wasn't enough creatures to incapacitate, there wouldn't be enough to banish. This is because Banishment has the Incapacitation trait.
Anyone know why it both says Banishment is good but Incapacitation effects are bad?
I do find, as a GM and a player, Kineticist is really difficult to drop items for, even with Kinetic Activation. But idk how to fix that because I don't think they should be Strikes.
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Yay! Thanks for the work on getting this out. Excited to see it when the FAQ page gets updated.
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I'm glad we now have stats for Zursvaater, who seems to be the closest Greatsword deity to having Edicts and anathema closest to Gorum. I don't like the idea of former Gorummites changing their ideals and fighting style after his death.
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"All this research was a lot of work. I hope my Lady appreciates it!"
I at least appreciate it, Yivali!
Luis Loza wrote: We tried our hardest to include every 2E god released up to this point, but if we're missing anyone or if any of the info seems wrong or contradictory, please let us know!
Happy gaming! :)
I think Valmallos is missing as well. Disappeared along with their spell components!
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Luis Loza wrote: We tried our hardest to include every 2E god released up to this point, but if we're missing anyone or if any of the info seems wrong or contradictory, please let us know!
Happy gaming! :)
I think Razmir is missing (sort of joking)
Kaldemash is so cool! Love the new lore about his potential origins.
GGSigmar wrote: Only if it's intended and not an error. Hopefully we don't have too wait long to find out! Maybe in a year or two if we're unlucky, or never.
The Raven Black wrote: Did not expect Remastered Baba Yaga, and especially not in this book, given her take on divinity.
But delighted to get her.
Is she (and the Mosquito Witch) identical to the quick Remastered version or something more evolved ?
They made MW's hex cantrip worse.
Hmm, there seems to be something wrong with Buzzing Bites. They removed the bit where it does damage on Sustain, but kept the part where they can't cast it on a creature multiple times. This makes it much worse than comparable hex cantrips, like the new Trade Life For Death or the old Clinging Ice.
Very disappointing considering how fun the old Buzzing Bites was.
Something I don't quite get: chetamogs require you to use the support action to ignore difficult terrain, and then they can stride.
horses (or chetamogs for that matter) can just stride twice to have the same effect.
So the support benefit only seems to matter if you want your mount to step, or there is greater difficult terrain.
This is minor, but I believe KHASPRICKLE's token name is spelled as KHASPICKLE on their token
mikeawmids wrote: DemonicDem wrote: For someone who is currently running Book 1 of Wardens of Wildwood, can someone please spoil me on who ** spoiler omitted **
You never find out whodunnit. Thank you!
Dragonchess Player wrote: mikeawmids wrote: DemonicDem wrote: For someone who is currently running Book 1 of Wardens of Wildwood, can someone please spoil me on who ** spoiler omitted ** Linked
You never find out whodunnit. Personally, I lean toward my suggestion in that thread* to foreshadow and provide a plot hook for the upcoming Spore War AP.
*- ** spoiler omitted ** Excellent idea!
For someone who is currently running Book 1 of Wardens of Wildwood, can someone please spoil me on who
Super excited to see how Commander shakes out! Very cool design, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all the tactics!
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DomHeroEllis wrote: DemonicDem wrote: Wow, love the flavor of Foretell Harm. Which Mystery is it for? Bones? Seems like it is open to any mystery perhaps. I thought so at first too, but "Each mystery grants a cursebound ability at level 1 to let them draw on this power, like Foretell Harm." makes me think each individual mystery gets a different one, but I might be reading it wrong.
Wow, love the flavor of Foretell Harm. Which Mystery is it for? Bones?
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Excited to see the keywording of Dirty Trick. Maybe that will be the Rascal's panache action?
I don't really like the idea of (gain-panache, finisher) being even better than it was before (compared to the idea of saving panache and just making strikes with a mild bonus damage), but I hope they have accounted for it.
James Jacobs wrote: DemonicDem wrote: Why was the name changed? Because the spell prismatic ray is an OGL spell that we don't have in the remastered game. While this name as used for a group would have probably been fine to keep, it would lose its game-related inspiration and meaning. So just to be on the safe side, and to help us from having to constantly double check the use of the phrase's context each and every time it shows up in print, we changed it. Thanks for the confirmation.
I guess "Girling Colors" doesn't have the same ring to it :D
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TriOmegaZero wrote: Probably this? I guess that makes sense
Downside: searching for Radiant Prism gets me Genshin Impact stuff
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Why was the name changed?
I hope at least one is one of the ancestries from Howl of the Wild
Wow, color me intrigued! Is this going to be like Arkham Horror the Card Game?
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DARTING STAB [two-actions]
The giant wasp Flies up to 15 feet and then Strikes, or Strikes
and then Flies up to 15 feet.
From what I can tell, the wasp advanced maneuver doesn't do anything that it couldn't normally do when commanded.
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How does this start at level 18 if the adventure page says it ends at 18?
I am hoping Whisper of Wings will be a remastered Mosquito Witch.
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Acavna wrote: Losing your god is devastating. If any of you want to talk about it we can have lunch. At least Acavnans can get powers from her corpse
Does this apply to Divine Access-Gorum, despite it not being Gorum granting these spells?
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Paizo wrote: First on the list are an adventure and adventure path that have already been announced. In July, we’re releasing Pathfinder Adventure: Prey for Death, a 128-page hardcover adventure for 14th-level characters, written by former Paizo Developer Vanessa Hoskins. In this adventure, you’ll play members of the Red Mantis, the notorious and mysterious assassins guild and cult of the mantis god, Achaekek, who must clear their names when treachery threatens to besmirch their honor. Not only is Prey for Death the first tie-in to the War of Immortals storyline, but it’s also the debut of the new ongoing format of the Pathfinder Adventure product line!
What does this mean
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btw, do Awakened Animals have any restrictions on hands? Like, even if you are a snake or something, do you count as having two hands for the purpose of items?
Super excited to play my Awakened Wasp Swarmkeeper of Calistria
Dang, at first thought "watcher-lord" was referring to the "watch-guy" and thought we were getting a return of my favorite Grand Bazaar NPC.
GM_3826 wrote: DemonicDem wrote: yeah...
especially because stupefying someone seems like a hostile action to me! God, I seriously pity any player with a GM who goes above and beyond being so inflexible as to not allow a player to do anything in combat without it counting as a hostile action by counting a rider on an effect that is broken by hostile actions as one. Look, I'd never just make it instantly go away, but you know parties are going to use this "offensively" a lot of the time.
cheezeofjustice wrote: Hm. Now if only fascinate wasn't crazy easy to break. yeah...
especially because stupefying someone seems like a hostile action to me!
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So based on the image url, I assume we will get updates weekly?
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I was hoping War of Immortals would explord multiple options of deities dying...
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fingers crossed for spider animal companions.