Awesome blow interactions

Rules Questions


I'm currently running Rise of the Runelords and i'm looking for a couple clarifications I couldn't find in the forums regarding the monster awesome blow feat.

RotR Spoiler:
There's a monster at the start of module 6, The Horror Tree, which deals 1d6 dex damage on slam hit.

My questions are:

A) Is awesome blow considered a melee attack and therefore triggers Crane Wing dodge bonus?
B) Does awesome blow apply on hit effects like poison, diseases, ability damage, etc.?
C) Does awesome blow provoke attacks of opportunity?


Yes, Awesome Blow is a melee attack.

Awesome Blow deals slam damage if the creature has a slam. Since this creature does have a slam it does do slam damage and would trigger the 1d6 DEX damage.

Combat maneuvers usually provoke an Attack of Opportunity unless the creature has something that states it does not.

Since even the improved (no greater or other further versions) of Awesome Blow doesn't mention not provoking, and you have to have the monster feat to even use the Maneuver, I would say it isn't meant to provoke. It's already a weak ability as is, can only do it as a standard action instead of just full attacking (especially if you have any grabbing or tripping attacks), and adding in an AoO with monster AC basically means it's going to take a huge penalty to hit every time it even attempts the maneuver, as well as taking damage in return for the attempt.

Liberty's Edge

If the creature’s maneuver succeeds against a corporeal opponent smaller than itself,

Awesome blow do something only if the target creature is smaller than the creature using it. That means that, generally, the creature using awesome blow has a longer reach and will not trigger an AoO if it stays outside of the target reach.

RAI, I don't think it is meant to provoke, RAw it is a combat maneuver and it doesn't say it doesn't provoke.

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