Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)

3.20/5 (based on 51 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Class Guide (OGL)
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A New Breed of Hero

Adventure like never before with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide! Explore new heights of heroism with 10 new base classes, each with 20 levels of amazing abilities. Incredible powers also await existing characters, with more than a hundred new archetypes and class options. Prepare characters for their most legendary adventure ever with massive selections of never-before-seen spells, magic items, and more!

The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 15 years of system development and an open playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide includes:

  • Ten new base classes—the magic-twisting arcanist, the ferocious bloodrager, the cunning investigator, the daring swashbuckler, the formidable warpriest, and others.
  • Variant class abilities and thematic archetypes for all 29 base classes, such as the counterfeit mage and the mutagenic mauler.
  • Nearly a hundred new feats for characters of all classes, including style feats, teamwork feats like Coordinated Shot, and more.
  • Hundreds of new spells and magic items, such as feast on fear and skullcrusher gauntlets.
  • An entire armory of amazing equipment, from vital new adventuring gear to deadly alchemical weapons.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-671-3

Last Updated - 7/22/2015

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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Average product rating:

3.20/5 (based on 51 ratings)

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A Great (if errata-filled) Book for Players


This book has gotten a lot of flack for two reasons: (1) A number of people were upset by the large amount of errata posted after the book came out. (2) A number of people were upset by the perceived power-creep that this book carried with it, especially in the archetype section.

Both of these are reasonable complaints that I largely agree with.

That said, this book also contains a cornucopia of player options that are great fun. A number of the classes it introduced are now mainstream: it’s hard to imagine playing the game without options like the Brawler, the Investigator, the Slayer, the Bloodrager, the Hunter, or the Warpriest. Or to play without archetypes like the Bolt Ace (Gunslinger), Mutation Warrior or Martial Master (Fighter).

Moreover, the book introduced a number of feats that improve on the available build options available to most players (Extra Hex! Slashing Grace!). Likewise, although the spells in this book seem to have flown under the radar, there are a lot of nice and interesting spells are introduced in this book (Glue Seal, Communal Align Weapon, Wall of Blindness/Deafness, Wall of Nausea, Anti-Incorporeal Shell, Adjustable Disguise, Adjustable Polymorph, Investigative Mind, etc).

Easily 5 stars worth of good material here. Given the unusually large amount of errata, I feel compelled to deduct a star. But all that said, it’s hard to imagine playing Pathfinder without this book -- after the Core Rulebook and Advanced Players Guide, it’s probably the best book for players to pick up.

Unbalanced, uninspired and rushed.


This book still sticks out as one of Paizo's biggest missteps. It was extremely rushed and it shows.

At least half of the new classes don't even need to exist as anything other than archetypes. Even among the ones that actually work, most feel very uninspired.

There are a few good things in it, but not really enough to justify buying it. It's not worth your money and it's best not to encourage sloppy work.

Hopefully Paizo learns from this and prioritizes quality over quantity and speed from now on.

A continuing disappointment


The ACG had problems. Many problems. And it continues to have problems.

From concept ("Let's make ten classes as complicated and broken as the magus, or more so!"), to out-of-whack game design, to simply poor editing, the ACG is a mess. The book's philosophy seems to be "create a new utterly unbalanced mechanic, and proliferate it as far as possible." The (quickly issued) errata pulled some of it a bit more into line, but it just doesn't come close to correcting it.

Even something as simple as alchemical items are way out there. Holy Weapon Balm costs 5gp more than holy water, and does 1400% more damage. And that doesn't even include increasing damage to incorporeal creatures.

Even two years after it was released, I continue to be impressed with the complete disregard for balance and sense in this book. If power creep had happened this much every year, we'd be looking at 9999 damage caps by now. The ACG stands out for its insanity.

Perhaps pulping it for the cover error would have been the better move.

The first real dud in my Pathfinder collection


I am extremely disappointed in this product, and glad I only purchased the PDF version. As other reviewers have pointed out, the new classes are poorly balanced when compared to the preexisting ones, and would be a better fit for a book like Unchained, much like Unearthed Arcana's gestalt characters.

There's far too many feats and toys dedicated to these new classes, which drastically lessens this book's universal appeal, and even though some contrivances are provided to make some of said feats accessible to other classes, it ends up painting the book's title as a misnomer - it isn't an "advanced class guide" any more than it is a guide mostly about ten new classes, that are "advanced" only in the sense that they're more powerful than the others.

It's my fault for not properly researching the book before buying it, so buyer beware if you're expecting to find a literal advanced class guide, as opposed to a lengthy introduction to ten new ones.

Overall disappointing


Okay, there's a lot here that's just terribly rushed and it shows, like the editing here is painful at points. The classes themselves range wildly in value, and there's a lot of examples of Paizo's classic retro nerfing of things to help make options here look better. This was an obvious rush to gencon book, and it shows. While not everything in it is bad, and there's some salvageable content, you could easily continue to play the game without this book and miss out on absolutely nohthing.

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Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!

Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.

Entilzha wrote:

First off: awesome avatar. ;)

Secondly: I think Steadfast Personality has already been discussed. Curious if you (or anyone else for that matter) can elaborate on what Twist Away does?

Nice avatar yourself!

Twist Away is a feat that allows you to sub your reflex for your fort save as an immediate action BUT requires you to already have evasion to take it and you become staggered for a round after doing so. If the succeed on the save and it carries an additional effect, that is negated (you wouldn't take the 3d6+1/caster level if you succeed on a finger of death for example).

I find it interesting since it could save you in a pinch (most classes that get evasion have a much higher reflex than fortitude), but that staggered part and the fact it needs an immediate action really hurts so you can't use it every time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!
Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.

Nope. Prerequisites are Improved Unarmed Strike and one of: BAB +6, Brawler's Flurry, or Flurry of Blows. A fighter can qualify at 6th level, every other martial can get it at 7th, except monks and brawlers who can get it at 1st.

Sovereign Court

Aleron wrote:

Nice avatar yourself!

Twist Away is a feat that allows you to sub your reflex for your fort save as an immediate action BUT requires you to already have evasion to take it and you become staggered for a round after doing so. If the succeed on the save and it carries an additional effect, that is negated (you wouldn't take the 3d6+1/caster level if you succeed on a finger of death for example).

I find it interesting since it could save you in a pinch (most classes that get evasion have a much higher reflex than fortitude), but that staggered part and the fact it needs an immediate action really hurts so you can't use it every time.

Cool, thanks!

It's certainly interesting. At higher levels I believe there's some powerful spells that have Fort partial, so something like that could potentially save your bacon.

Was hoping I could use it on my Dawnflower Dervish Bard, but they don't get evasion. Oh well, guess I'll consider Great Fortitude after all.

Going back to Steadfast Personality, is it Charisma instead of Wisdom to Will saves, or Charisma to saves vs. Fear? Seem to have seen posts indicating one or the other, so not sure which it is now.

Could someone possibly post the Pummeling Style feat chain here for me to peruse? I'm particularly curious about it.

Ross Byers wrote:
Necromancer wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Necromancer wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I suspect many GMs would agree, but at least this means you can make a Pharasmin who summons psychopomps in PFS, for example.

Also, you missed Leshies.

leshies...leshies...ah, hiding cleverly in plain sight directly above the chart I was copying from...2800gp in case anyone was curious

Very true. I don't understand why there isn't some sort of trait or feat for this in PFS. Then again, I'd have written summon monster I and on as a summoning spell with empty slots (to be filled with monsters from a large list) that could be expanded by a high CON (scarred orc witches)/INT/WIS/CHA score. 3.5 compatability I suppose...

It's not a compatibility thing. It's a 'bounded power level' thing. Summon spells might not be the most powerful spells of their level, but they are very versatile, since you can pick the monster best for your situation, or get the benefit of some of those creatures SLAs.

Keeping to the published list keeps the spells from expanding every time a monster book comes out (and saves the author developing said monster book from having to figure out if and at what level to add their new Outsider tot he summon lists.)

I think there are some God articles that expand the summon list for their clerics. A feat would probably be an adequate way to ensure that characters are paying for the versatility of adding more monsters to their summon list, but a little wealth and an item slot isn't terribly wrong either.

I'm not fussing that the ring exists (it's easy to hand-wave player needs and wants in home games). Being able to summon an improved familiar-tier outsider without using a spell is a nice trick and it's certainly worth some gold. Although, I'm curious what the price difference would be between a ring of add X, Y, and X to your summon monster list and a ring of summon this critter once a day.

Chemlak wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!
Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.
Nope. Prerequisites are Improved Unarmed Strike and one of: BAB +6, Brawler's Flurry, or Flurry of Blows. A fighter can qualify at 6th level, every other martial can get it at 7th, except monks and brawlers who can get it at 1st.

I'm pretty sure they meant that to be BAB +6 AND (Brawler's Flurry or Flurry of Blows). Otherwise they wouldn't have put in Monk and Brawler level requirements as an alternative to BAB.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!
Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.
Nope. Prerequisites are Improved Unarmed Strike and one of: BAB +6, Brawler's Flurry, or Flurry of Blows. A fighter can qualify at 6th level, every other martial can get it at 7th, except monks and brawlers who can get it at 1st.
I'm pretty sure they meant that to be BAB +6 AND (Brawler's Flurry or Flurry of Blows). Otherwise they wouldn't have put in Monk and Brawler level requirements as an alternative to BAB.

Someone copy-pasted the first feat's prereqs line earlier, and no, you don't need both BAB +6 and flurry.

Scarab Sages

It's the power of a semi-colon. Unfortunately, that makes it easy to misread.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Necromancer wrote:
Although, I'm curious what the price difference would be between a ring of add X, Y, and X to your summon monster list and a ring of summon this critter once a day.

Me too, honestly.

Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!

Given the flavor text, the name, and the prerequisites, I'd suspect this may be changed in errata.

edit: oh wait, it does say punch.


As a full-round action, you can pool all your

attack potential in one devastating punch.

That might not be flavor text, as it is preceded by mechanics.

That's a strange way to word it, since a "punch" isn't really a thing a character does. They make "unarmed strikes". The intent is clear, though.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

To complicate things more, a spear-thrust or the like could be called a 'punch'.

Silver Crusade

Does any one have a list of Slayer Talents?

FlySkyHigh wrote:
Could someone possibly post the Pummeling Style feat chain here for me to peruse? I'm particularly curious about it.

No one is going to post the entire feat chain in detail as it would be giving away Paizo's content.

Here is the Rough idea of each one

Pummeling Style
Summary: Pool all unarmed strikes into a single powerful blow.

Pummeling Bully
Summary: When using Pummeling Style, attempt a reposition
or trip combat maneuver as a free action

Pummeling Charge
Summary: Pummel after a charge

RHMG Animator wrote:
FlySkyHigh wrote:
Could someone possibly post the Pummeling Style feat chain here for me to peruse? I'm particularly curious about it.

No one is going to post the entire feat chain in detail as it would be giving away Paizo's content.

Here is the Rough idea of each one

Pummeling Style
Summary: Pool all unarmed strikes into a single powerful blow.

Pummeling Bully
Summary: When using Pummeling Style, attempt a reposition
or trip combat maneuver as a free action

Pummeling Charge
Summary: Pummel after a charge

Fair enough, It's just a little hard for me to weight in on the Pummeling Style discussion without knowing exact wording. Thank you though!

What are the prerequisite on Pummeling Charge?

Jiggy wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!
Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.
Nope. Prerequisites are Improved Unarmed Strike and one of: BAB +6, Brawler's Flurry, or Flurry of Blows. A fighter can qualify at 6th level, every other martial can get it at 7th, except monks and brawlers who can get it at 1st.
I'm pretty sure they meant that to be BAB +6 AND (Brawler's Flurry or Flurry of Blows). Otherwise they wouldn't have put in Monk and Brawler level requirements as an alternative to BAB.
Someone copy-pasted the first feat's prereqs line earlier, and no, you don't need both BAB +6 and flurry.
Imbicatus wrote:
It's the power of a semi-colon. Unfortunately, that makes it easy to misread.

Specifically, here it is again:

Chemlak wrote:
ACG, Pummeling Style wrote:
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike; base attack bonus +6, brawler’s flurry† class feature, or flurry of blows class feature.

Copy/paste job, there, but the important thing to note is that beautiful, beautiful semicolon after improved unarmed strike, which means that of the following prerequisites (which are grouped together as a single prerequisite with an "or") only one needs to exist.

So it's IUS plus one of BAB +6, brawler's flurry, or FoB.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

2 days, 11 hours, 8 minutes, and 1 second until the PDF is available to purchase.

{fidgets anxiously} Where's a time-traveling Doctor Sutter when you need him?

What does the Wizard and Alchemist get in this?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

2 days, 11 hours, 8 minutes, and 1 second until the PDF is available to purchase.

{fidgets anxiously} Where's a time-traveling Doctor Sutter when you need him?

*looks up from reading his pdf copy*

Ah you poor slaad must be painful to do something as orderly as keeping track of time...why that is something a mechanus would do.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!

Given the flavor text, the name, and the prerequisites, I'd suspect this may be changed in errata.

edit: oh wait, it does say punch.


As a full-round action, you can pool all your

attack potential in one devastating punch.
That might not be flavor text, as it is preceded by mechanics.

Very true. TBH that 'punch' is giving me problems, though the feat text is clear on "full attack or flurry", and there are few reasons for a monk or brawler to make a non-flurry full attack. I think I'll wait for clarification before picking it up with a weapon-using non-monk.

Jiggy wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Chemlak wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Nope. Pouncing Paladins away!
Ick. At least it requires a one level dip into Monk or Brawler to qualify.
Nope. Prerequisites are Improved Unarmed Strike and one of: BAB +6, Brawler's Flurry, or Flurry of Blows. A fighter can qualify at 6th level, every other martial can get it at 7th, except monks and brawlers who can get it at 1st.
I'm pretty sure they meant that to be BAB +6 AND (Brawler's Flurry or Flurry of Blows). Otherwise they wouldn't have put in Monk and Brawler level requirements as an alternative to BAB.
Someone copy-pasted the first feat's prereqs line earlier, and no, you don't need both BAB +6 and flurry.

Hmmm, I guess you are right. Ah well, I guess every class can effectively get something better than pounce at the cost of three feats now XD

The one thing holding back the crazyness is that non monks/brawlers can't get the charge version until level 12+ .. and that it costs 3 feats.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Kretzer wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

2 days, 11 hours, 8 minutes, and 1 second until the PDF is available to purchase.

{fidgets anxiously} Where's a time-traveling Doctor Sutter when you need him?

*looks up from reading his pdf copy*

Ah you poor slaad must be painful to do something as orderly as keeping track of time...why that is something a mechanus would do.

A Mechanus? As in not just Mechanus but now you refer to them in mulitples? There's more than one plane of law?

I'm not sure whether to be horrified that they're somehow multiplying, or ecstatic that they've apparently had some kind of schism.

Scarab Sages

Are these pummeling paladins (and others) restricted to making one big unarmed strike at the end of a charge?

KarlBob wrote:
Are these pummeling paladins (and others) restricted to making one big unarmed strike at the end of a charge?

Pummeling Style can be thought of as a nerfed version of Mythic Vital Strike. Nerfed in that you still have to worry about your lower bab attacks missing and not being combined into the one big attack. And it takes a full round action/charge to use.

There is nothing saying that it has to be an unarmed strike... but I wouldn't be surprised if that part got errataed.

So its fair to say that Pummeling style is mechanically the same as the Gunslinger Dead Shot Dead? That's a lot less powerful than true pounce to only get damage bonuses once, I mean, it would be less than the lance bonus basically. It's still a decent chain then, but no longer crazy good.

Scarab Sages

Matrix Dragon wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Are these pummeling paladins (and others) restricted to making one big unarmed strike at the end of a charge?

Pummeling Style can be thought of as a nerfed version of Mythic Vital Strike. Nerfed in that you still have to worry about your lower bab attacks missing and not being combined into the one big attack. And it takes a full round action/charge to use.

There is nothing saying that it has to be an unarmed strike... but I wouldn't be surprised if that part got errataed.

So this is where we get people trying to figure out whether the "punch" sentence is flavor text or a rule?

Someone farther upthread was right: Wading into this discussion while waiting to download the book on Thursday is tricky.

Calth wrote:
So its fair to say that Pummeling style is mechanically the same as the Gunslinger Dead Shot Dead?

No, Pummeling Charge functions differently from Dead Shot.

What's the Spell Warrior Skald archetype do? From the looks of the preview, do they have something similar to the Arcane Duelist's Bladethirst?

Silver Crusade

Matrix Dragon wrote:

Hmmm, I guess you are right. Ah well, I guess every class can effectively get something better than pounce at the cost of three feats now XD

The one thing holding back the crazyness is that non monks/brawlers can't get the charge version until level 12+ .. and that it costs 3 feats.

Alternative (for full BAB class): dip Master of Many Styles at level 7, spend your lvl 7 feat on Pummeling Style and your bonus feat on Pummeling Charge.

@ Joe
Pummeling charge is starts being available at level 8.
As it requires either a level 8 Monk or a level 8 Brawler.

Silver Crusade

RHMG Animator wrote:

@ Joe

Pummeling charge is starts being available at level 8.
As it requires either a level 8 Monk or a level 8 Brawler.
Master of Many Styles wrote:
Bonus Feat: At 1st level, 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a master of many styles may select a bonus style feat or the Elemental Fist feat. He does not have to meet the prerequisites of that feat, except the Elemental Fist feat. Alternatively, a master of many styles may choose a feat in that style's feat path (such as Earth Child Topple) as one of these bonus feats if he already has the appropriate style feat (such as Earth Child Style). The master of many styles does not need to meet any other prerequisite of the feat in the style's feat path. This ability replaces a monk's standard bonus feats.

Unless I'm missing something? (Very possible—I'm not at all familiar with monks or style feats. Haven't got around to learning them yet.)

RHMG Animator wrote:

@ Joe

Pummeling charge is starts being available at level 8.
As it requires either a level 8 Monk or a level 8 Brawler.

The Master of Many Styles ignores style feat prerequisites for his bonus feats. A Master of Many Styles could take pummeling charge at level 2, actually.

So do Wizards get any Archetypes or anything, what about the Alchemist?

Silver Crusade

Kudaku wrote:
RHMG Animator wrote:

@ Joe

Pummeling charge is starts being available at level 8.
As it requires either a level 8 Monk or a level 8 Brawler.
The Master of Many Styles ignores style feat prerequisites for his bonus feats. A Master of Many Styles could take pummeling charge at level 2, actually.

Yep. I'm playing with the lvl 7 idea as most broadly applicable as it minimizes levels dipped and since a lot of builds won't have multiple attacks before lvl 6 anyway.

Entilzha wrote:

Cool, thanks!

It's certainly interesting. At higher levels I believe there's some powerful spells that have Fort partial, so something like that could potentially save your bacon.

Was hoping I could use it on my Dawnflower Dervish Bard, but they don't get evasion. Oh well, guess I'll consider Great Fortitude after all.

Going back to Steadfast Personality, is it Charisma instead of Wisdom to Will saves, or Charisma to saves vs. Fear? Seem to have seen posts indicating one or the other, so not sure which it is now.

It's neither actually nor does it actually replace your wisdom. Grants an insight bonus equal to charisma mod vs 'mind-affecting' basically. So probably better and worse in ways than what has been said thus far.

I don't think you can wipe the level requirement with Master of Many Styles

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
KarlBob wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
KarlBob wrote:
Are these pummeling paladins (and others) restricted to making one big unarmed strike at the end of a charge?

Pummeling Style can be thought of as a nerfed version of Mythic Vital Strike. Nerfed in that you still have to worry about your lower bab attacks missing and not being combined into the one big attack. And it takes a full round action/charge to use.

There is nothing saying that it has to be an unarmed strike... but I wouldn't be surprised if that part got errataed.

So this is where we get people trying to figure out whether the "punch" sentence is flavor text or a rule?

Someone farther upthread was right: Wading into this discussion while waiting to download the book on Thursday is tricky.

The relevant portions have been quoted. The rest of the feat description is the precise mechanics of the damage calculation and how to factor criticals into it. The only question raised by the rest of the description is whether it's treated as multiple hits or one big hit for the purposes of damage reduction (though the critical treatment suggests it's all treated as one block of damage).


Can anyone tell me what the favored class bonus is for human investigators? Please and thank you.

Liberty's Edge

There's also the kinda-boss crit element. If any attack roll threatens, the entire attack is a threat, and if the threat confirms the entire damage total is a crit. That could be... unpleasant for the recipient.

Silver Crusade

RHMG Animator wrote:
I don't think you can wipe the level requirement with Master of Many Styles

My first response to you contains quoted text that seems relevant to the question. But let's set the matter aside and not derail the thread further.


Dragon78 wrote:

Not This Day- use 10 rounds of Raging Song to reroll a save or force an enemy to reroll an attack roll.

Ugh, 10 rounds for a reroll? Sounds extremely steep.

Barachiel Shina wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Not This Day- use 10 rounds of Raging Song to reroll a save or force an enemy to reroll an attack roll.
Ugh, 10 rounds for a reroll? Sounds extremely steep.

If the Skald is still 3+Cha+1/level rounds, then yeah, super steep. But I'd use it anyway, just because the man-points scream to me.

Battle Cupcake wrote:

What's the Spell Warrior Skald archetype do? From the looks of the preview, do they have something similar to the Arcane Duelist's Bladethirst?

Anyone willing to divulge?

Shisumo wrote:
There's also the kinda-boss crit element. If any attack roll threatens, the entire attack is a threat, and if the threat confirms the entire damage total is a crit. That could be... unpleasant for the recipient.

Possibility 1) The feat is reasonably restricted to be used only with fisticuffs, in which case it is an awesome way to address the weak 20/x2 situation.

Possibility 2) They done goofed and let it apply to weapon attacks as well. In which case, heck yes I'm taking that to go with a keen scythe. It slices, it dices, it makes Julienne fries!

Either way, I'm pretty cool with this.

Aleron wrote:
It's neither actually nor does it actually replace your wisdom. Grants an insight bonus equal to charisma mod vs 'mind-affecting' basically. So probably better and worse in ways than what has been said thus far.

Oh my. Between that, Irrepresible, and Divine Grace as a feat, Oracles are only going to be worrying about 1s on the major will saves.

Shadow Lodge

I asked this on Thursday, and got an out-of-context answer:

Avatar wrote:

Anyone know anything about retraining synergies with the new classes and the old classes, for rebuilding class levels?

Especially with the shaman and the druid?

What I'm asking about here is the Ultimate Campaign style of retraining, not playtest retraining.

Ultimate Campaign retraining wrote:
In general, it takes 7 days to retrain one level in a class into one level in another class. Some classes are more suited for this kind of retraining, as they have a similar focus or purpose—this is called retraining synergy. If your old class has retraining synergy with your new class, retraining that class level takes only 5 days instead of 7 days. Determine class retraining synergies according to the table below.

Below that is a table for each of the classes to retrain into similar classes.

My question - does anything like that exist in the ACG to retrain in and out of the new classes?

Can we get a rundown on the Blade Adept ?

Grand Lodge

Ok, I have to ask. Divine Protection peaked my interest earlier when it was mentioned as a good option for a paladin. Then PFS banned it for organized play (1 of 4 feats in this book, one being evolved companion). What sort of crazy stuff does Divine Protection do?

Liberty's Edge

So, I just wanna double check:
Which ability scores are the most important for the investigator. It seems like Int is the most important in the play test, and the Pre-gens highest Stats were Int and Dex, which makes total sense, but has that changed?

Ross Byers wrote:
I'm surprised no one has said anything about the unlettered arcanist.

Still waiting for the book, but is this the witch spell list on an Arcanist chassis? If so that seems incredibly awesome.

Even if it does not explicitly have a patron, does it still make sense, as for the witch, to treat it as having a pact or communion with some outside source? In other words, would it make sense to have an unlettered arcanist as e.g. an Old Cults priestess in the same way as a standard witch can be seen like that?

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