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RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter. 45 posts. 11 reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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So if you had any issues with the old shifter, this fixes them. The change to wildshape, the unique archetypes, the new class features, they're all amazing. It's kind of awesome to see how the base of this class was taken and made into something that actually does what you'd want from the class. Five stars, easy.

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Return of the (Sphere) King


So I've been following this since the playtest, and I gotta say, it's every bit as good as I expected. I was hoping for combat to get fixed, but with spheres of might, we've got so many options and ways to do that with tons of utility that you won't see in core. The math on it is also solid, making it play well at just about any table, as well as being super newbie friendly. This is my new combat system along with spheres of power, and I could honestly just see using these two books for any game I run.

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Reprints and lore


Like everyone else, I was kinda expecting more from this and got a mainline title that's golarion specific with a lack of new content. What new content there is happens to be nice, but not really worth the price of admission unless you're big into golarion lore.

A fine final volume


While this book did not have all of the cool stuff that other books in the series did, the entropist is basically a new class with how different it is and the kinetic lancer is just awesome (Final Fantasy Dragoon!), while the new infusions and wild talents help round out some other elements. I would not grab this without at least having Kineticists of Porphyra II though, since to get the most out of it, you are going to need the Viscera element. Still, if you liked the series, this is gonna be an awesome book for you!

Why would naming something this ever be okay?


When a publisher is informed that a product's name is racist and brushes it off because of their own lack of respect for others, that is not a person to whom I would like to give money. I can't believe something like this is still acceptable.

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Elemental Kombat


The flavor of the class is really cool, as is the mixing of ninjas and kinetic blast. theres also way more options than I was expecting for something like this, and the archetypes do a lot to completely change the class. Overall, there's just a lot of different ways to build this class, making it a sweet hybrid class. and the art is super nice too!

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More fighting, more good!


I loved the original, and this gave me more combat and more awesome than i thought i would ever need for a game. the new maneuvers are cool, the editing is solid, and it just really makes for a great addition to a game thats always ready to throw in some initiators!

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Some good, some bad


There is really a good amount of cool things in here like the vigilante evne thought i dont like the dual identity system. it feels like a better fighter, which is something i've wanted for a while. but the problem is there's too many rules for things that didnt really need them, so it kind of drags down everything because of it. Some clarification is okay, but this was too much of putting rules on things that didn't need it for me.

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Mind over Matter


The amount of new talents here was really awesome, and the mind element has a TON of new talents to help it be bigger than other elements from the start. Loved the archetypes here, war kineticist is gona be something I use a lot. The other archetypes were pretty cool too, surge monk seems really fun, and I actually kind of want to play a gravity based void character with all hte cool stuff for them here. It's definitely a big step up from the wild talents in occult adventures and stuff, and i really hope we see another one of these. aslo the art was just great, loved the samel character too!

Another great addition


Really enjoyed the new composite blast as a lot of them were pretty interesting and I wish there was more. The wild talents were all nice and had new stuff for all the core elements and the kineticists of porphyra elements. Favorite new archetype was the Dread Soul, it works really well for an evil game, but the others were cool too. I kind of wish there was a new element, but it was awesome regardless.

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Cool new martial options!


I loved the Tome of Battle, and this gave me what I wanted. With a lot of options, this manages to make things fun and has a ton of support for making melee attacks more than just rolling and boring. Totally worth checking out if you want to up your melee game, but it's going to basically screw over anything core, so only use it if the whole group is.

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Casting done cool


Picked this up on a whim and it just...it works. Like the freedom of casting this gives without overpowering the player is great, and really helps solves issues with casters. Kinda wish it was easier to incorporate into alchemist and stuff, but that's a minor concern, it's an awesome book and deserves your attention.

Great boost for a lacking class


While the kineticist itself is a fun class, both occult adventures and occult origins lacked content for it. This is totally fixed and more with this supplement, giving 3 new elements and a boatload of new options for old ones, helping to really expand the abilities of this class. It's a huge help if you wanna make kineticists more diverse, definitely worth checking out.

Great Suppliment


The two new elements here are really cool, although poison feels a little lacking compared to viscera. Probably the best thing here was the new magic items, which really helped out when making a kineticist. There's a ton of options here even for the old elements, helping to make a way better class than before, and totally worth checking out.

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Solid Product


Really, nothing in this book is bad overall, and while there's a few mechanics that I would like to change, it's not enough to change my thoughts. The psychic casters are interesting with different mechanics that still feel familiar, and everything else works very well. I'd say it's worth picking up.

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Overall disappointing


Okay, there's a lot here that's just terribly rushed and it shows, like the editing here is painful at points. The classes themselves range wildly in value, and there's a lot of examples of Paizo's classic retro nerfing of things to help make options here look better. This was an obvious rush to gencon book, and it shows. While not everything in it is bad, and there's some salvageable content, you could easily continue to play the game without this book and miss out on absolutely nohthing.