![]() So my reading of this is almost exactly opposite yours. The part of the rule that says masterpieces are unusual applications of the bardic performance ability to me says that you are directly using the bardic performance ability to use a masterpiece, therefore it is a bardic performance. The rational behind the rules stated is because they are all exceptions to the usual rules for standard performances. The prerequisite line tells you what you need to do to learn the masterpiece, where most bardic performances you just get at X level. The cost line tells you that instead of getting this as a base class feature you need to give something up to get it. The effect line just tells you what the ability does. The use line is where things get interesting. It specifically says that bardic masterpieces are uses of bardic performance, but different from the base bardic performances and clarifies how round usage works for them. The action line tells you what sort of action it is, and since these actions can be different than a standard action elaborates on that. It says like normal bardic performances, if it usually uses a standard action the usual reductions apply. This is needed not because the masterpiece is generally not a bardic performance, but because many of them take longer than a standard action to apply. In addition, if masterpieces weren't bardic performances the line about lingering performance would be redundant since it would be clear it didn't work. Since they are bardic performances, the designers felt the need to say that lingering performance doesn't work on these, unless otherwise stated. That is my interpretation of the ability, and I thought that Bardic Masterpieces were performances and thus wouldn't stack. The only evidence contrary to this in my eyes was a 4 year old ambiguous post which I asked for clarification on and was told that "Bardic Masterpiece's are bardic performances" which seems to indicate that as usual you can only perform one bardic masterpiece or performance at a time. I also request that this post be FAQ'ed and people chime in. I'd love to see a Pathfinder Design Team post on this subject on a Friday soon, since there still seems to be some disagreement I also think it would be more interesting but not balanced if Masterpieces could be performed at the same time as base performances but I just don't see support for that in the RAW or RAI. In additon, if they could, I don't see any rules saying how many masterpieces could be performed simultaneously or how they interact if they use the same perform skill along with various other similar issues. Which I see as more evidence that they are performances, since it solves all my issues and confusion over how the abilities work. The only new issue that comes up if we go with Masterpices are bardic performances is how they would interact with virtuoso performance since it would give a slight buff to that spell (since it could be used with expensive per round cost but relatively short activation time performances to net a few extra rounds of bardic performance) This seems like a much better situation to me than all the issues if Masterpieces don't count as performances. ![]()
![]() Right, I really can't tell the difference on this. The only available evidence saying that Bardic Masterpieces aren't bardic performances directly is a post by James Jacobs on the ask James Jacobs thread. In addition, assuming that bardic masterpieces aren't performances mlp & fourshadow where did you come up with you can only maintain one bardic masterpiece at a time? If you are using a bardic masterpiece that requires perform (Percussion) do you need to play a percussion intrument when doing it? Sorry for all the questions, I am usually quite good with rules lawyering, but this is giving me a massive headache. ![]()
![]() In addition in Melee Tactics Toolbox it says "masterpieces
Battle Song of the People's Revolt specifically refers to the masterpiece as a performance as well. So I'm very confused. ![]()
![]() Can one maintain a bardic masterpiece and a bardic performance such as inspire courage at the same time? I thought that bardic masterpieces were bardic performances due to the line "masterpieces, unusual applications of the bardic performance ability requiring special training." I've been told that wasn't the case though, and that James Jacobs confirmed it in the ask James Jacobs thread, which I checked and is accurate. So by a strictly RAW standpoint (PFS) can I maintain a bardic masterpiece and a bardic performance at the same time? ![]()
![]() I'll add Freedom of Movement to the spell poaching list. You need an archetype section, mainly because Speaker for the Past is one of the best archetypes in the game for any class. I never thought to make a shaman blaster, but I guess it would work sort of if you were lore wandering and could get spells from the cleric list too via FCB. I'm going to try this out later. ![]()
![]() What do we do with spellbooks we find in game? (E.g. can we copy non-core spells from them?) If we find a scroll of a non-core spell, can we use that to scribe a non-core spell into our book? If no, what if the scroll is on the chronicle sheet? As far as the question regarding what happens if someone is using a non-core ability in a core game, when one determines that I would imagine you would handle it the same way that you do when you realize someone is using something not allowed in a regular game by mistake. (i.e. something not on additional resources) ![]()
![]() Banning certain spells isn't going to help this situation. Your characters are 20th level, they can and will utterly destroy anything you throw at them. If you want your encounters to take longer than two seconds, you better have a whole lot of powerful enemies ready to swarm in waves (or all at once, but balancing that so that either they die or the PC(s) die on round 2 is pretty hard) ![]()
![]() Nah, I agree. Thread is for the most part over anyway, unless anyone else wants to suggest some things! If I wasn't taking a -4 to it from Wasting I might have put some ranks in. On this character I have perception maxed, spellcraft maxed, 3 ranks in Acrobatics (fighting defensively/total defense) and the rest in knowledge religion (mainly because it was a requirement for quick channel but Knowledge is always useful) I don't get to do UMD anywhere near as much as I would like due to low skill points and/or intelligence. This is mitigated somewhat by the fact I usually play something with at least a little casting. The only character I have a lot of it in is my Alchemist who I think has +29. (lol) ![]()
![]() I was working under the assumption that it wasn't a thing. It is certainly pretty iffy. Either way, I don't have UMD ranks (and I do have wasting as a curse) nor do I have a ring slot I want to use since I will be picking up a ring of evasion pretty soon. So a relatively moot point as far as this character goes. As far as I am aware the devs never made a ruling, and that was what I was trying to get out of Andrew up thread. He didn't indicate as such either. ![]()
![]() Wow, I guess I just assumed that there were stackable Ioun Stones for all the abilities. Well that is REALLY crappy, thanks for pointing that out Cao Phen. I was using a non-stakable +2 cha ioun stone as it is. In addition, that rod looks like it might be something I would pick up. I'll reevaluate, I'm sort of annoyed I bought the Phylactery under an incorrect pretense. I bought some reach/extend rods as I have been meaning to get those for a while. The ghostvision gloves while cool, aren't really my speed especially since I am just eating that ACP on the fullplate (which makes attack rolls a pita) Boots of the earth would be a good investment if I ever buy a endurance ioun stone and take die hard + fast healer, but until I do that I don't plan on picking them up. I don't mind just using charges, as opposed to standing around all day letting my buffs tick down. That breastplate is pretty awesome as well, I'll look into picking that up. Not sure I'll be able to though, but we'll see. Thanks for all the awesome advice guys. ![]()
![]() Dueling adds to initiative, so it doesn't make any sense that it works only if attacking since no one is attacking out of combat. The stacking charisma ioun stones cost 24k each, my channel heals/damages for 13d6 and can do so as a move or swift action. So worth it to me. Yeah that is what I am doing now with shield of faith, I put the list of things I'm aware of to cut down on countless suggestions I was aware of. I have all the revelations I want from Life. I don't think I can use it to get revelations from other schools, please explain? ![]()
![]() Jingasa of the Fortunate Solider (Takes up same slot as Circlet of Persuasion as an FYI)
![]() I have a 14th level Life Oracle (Soon to be 15) that needs some gear suggestions of things that I don't already have or am considering listed below. Discovering the Ring of Protected Life has instigated this post, and am wondering if there is some other really useful things I've totally overlooked. The items don't have to be directly healing in nature, but hopefully some stuff that I have overlooked that is useful for a full caster/buffer/healer/re-roll forcer. Stuff I have already:
Stuff I am considering/aware of:
![]() I'm really tired of calculating how much these weapons/armors cost without their additional abilities to make sure that the item is at least more expensive than that, and what the price difference is. This is especially true when for some reasons someone just flavor texted an existing combination of stuff and didn't add new abilities. Sigh. (I'm also afraid that my item got ditched for some reason, since I've voted for a lot of these and haven't stumbled across it yet. Are they blocked from you being able to vote on them?) ![]()
![]() Legacy of the Stonelords doesn't have the usual Special designation in its numbering scheme like past season opener "interactives" did. Does it still count as one of your specials for the purposes of qualifying for 5 stars (and anything else that designator is used for)? If not, what prompted the change from past years? ![]()
![]() Sorry about the delay, sort of forgot I posted this and was at a con all wekeend. My newest character is a Dual Cursed Life Oracle of Pharasma.
I was worried about the interaction of the Battle Cry feat from the ACG with an ability such as Fortune. Granting multiple rerolls on a single failed save for example. The phrase " the ally must take the result of the reroll even if it is lower" doesn't preclude me from using another reroll does it? I was also concerned about fateful channel, but upon rereading that isn't a reroll it is opt to roll twice, which spawns another question. If I opt to roll twice on a save and fail, can I then use a reroll? If so, do I get to reroll BOTH d20's or just one of them? ![]()
![]() Hey guys, I thought there was a rule somewhere regarding multiple rerolls on the same effect but can't seem to find it. Any insights? I'm making a character that will have multitude of abilities/feats/spells that grant rerolls and would like to know how many times I can make someone reroll the same die (Or have them opt to reroll a die). (Assuming no action economy problems.) For example could I use a no action reroll from 2 different abilities and then an immediate action reroll from misfortune (Dual Cursed Oracle)? ![]()
![]() While that would be nice Dragnmoon; I think that is a tad unreasonable. I'd personally just like a date, that would be stuck to.
Hope to see Wardens of the Reborn Forge soon! ![]()
![]() My guess is that high level + multipart + high technology (that they're not sure as to what extent they want to let into PFS) is causing the delay. That being said, I really want to play this in sanctioned mode with some friends, so I'd really appreciate it soon. Just glad we got Emerald Spire reasonably on time. ![]()
![]() Does one measure the range of a spell/throw weapon/projectile weapon from the base of the creature/character or from the maximum reach of said entity? For example, if one were to have 30 foot reach on a monster (or character) and also have one level of Wizard. You could easily cast shocking grasp (A touch range spell) and effect a target 30 feet away due to your reach. If however you measure from the base of the miniature, a acid splash (A short range spell) couldn't even get that far. So would a short range spell at first level (Range 25 feet) from a character with 30 foot reach be able to effect a target 55 feet away or simply 25 feet away making it "shorter" range than touch in this scenario. ![]()
![]() If that line didn't exist at level two the spelleater wouldn't have damage reduction at all which isn't the same thing as having effective damage reduction of 0/-. An example of this in the context of pathfinder is an undead creature's constitution score (generally) doesn't exist. It isn't 0, it just isn't there at all. ![]()
![]() The spell eater bloodrager archetype gives you following class feature: "Blood of Life (Su): A spelleater’s blood empowers him
Their seems to be some confusion over this effect between people.
For example a 10th level bloodrager normally has DR 2/-. One with this archetype would have Fast Healing 3 instead. If the orginal bloodrager took increased damage reduction that DR would go to DR 3/-. If the spelleater took it he would still have Fast Healing 3 but would also now have DR 1/-. Others seem to be reading into the ability and a possible typo due to the possibly convoluted language used. They claim that any increase to DR should instead increase your fast healing. (I'll let them comment more below) Just wanted to confirm (or disprove) my interpretation of the ability as written.