This book contains dozens of new monsters found in the Inner Sea region—all invented specifically for the Pathfinder campaign setting! Some, like the gearsmen of Numeria or the moth-like star monarchs who serve the goddess of dreams, have been mentioned many times in Pathfinder Campaign Setting books, but others, like the alien vespergaunt or Rahadoum’s desert-dwelling whirlmaws, have only been obliquely illustrated or mentioned before. And some—like the mysterious and ancient veiled masters, and the disturbingly alluring fungus queen—make their appearance for the first time in print after debuting in Paizo’s office campaigns.
The Inner Sea Bestiary explores some of Golarion’s most unique monsters. Inside this book you will find:
New monsters ranging in challenge rating from 1/3 (such as the mysterious syrinx) to 25 (the powerful infernal duke Lorthact).
Three new monstrous templates: the exotic mind-draining vetala vampire, the blighted fey of Fangwood, and the twisted mutants of the Mana Wastes.
Five new 0-Hit Die races ready for you to customize as villains—or playable as characters if that suits your particular game!
Beings both benevolent and destructive—48 in all—ready to challenge adventurers in any Pathfinder game!
The Inner Sea Bestiary is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can be used in any fantasy game setting.
By Jim Groves, James Jacobs, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, F. Wesley Schneider, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Greg A. Vaughan
ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-468-9
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
I enjoyed reading and skimming this one a lot. The ideas were even more interesting than at regular bestiaries. And it is a pure bestiary - monster listing begins at page 3 and ends at the last content page (63). Monsters are diverse and partially go beyond usual Inner Sea inhabitants, from robots over evil and neutral outsiders to aliens. The book includes two familiars (e.g. parrot fey hybrid), five playable races (not covered by Advanced Race Guide, e.g. monkey goblin) as well as three templates (e.g. charisma sucking vampire). In comparison to regular bestiaries (about 280 pages of monsters) it's expensive (especially the PDF), but I felt it was still worth it.
I bought this hoping for creatures... and you know what I got? Exactly that. Good price considering how many baddies i got. You get three playable races, enemies only mentioned in the inner sea world guide, and even some completley new ones. This is definitly worth the price for the PDF, and it will see some use in the future.
I bought this specifically to get my hands on the Blighted Fey and Mana Wastes Mutant templates, and I love them. I've been frustrated at the lack of "fey gone evil" options I had, and now I've got them!
I love that the monsters in this bestiary are versatile enough to use them with the Golarion flavour or as monsters in a homebrew setting. You can bet my players are going to be running into some monkey goblins or water wraiths soon ;)
The Inner Sea Bestiary is really an excellent book, one that manages to add yet more monsters to the game but still fill a niche for the Golarion setting. The monsters are full of a flavour that can’t quite be achieved in a generic monster book. I know that I’m certainly more likely to use monsters from this book in my own games than many of the monsters from the hardcover bestiaries (such as the zoog, an obscure monster from Bestiary 3 that I just chose randomly). I highly recommend it to all GMs who use the Golarion setting, and even to those who don’t, but still want some new and interesting monsters!
While there isn't any hardcover bestiary this year, the people of Paizo at least gave us something. That something is the Innersea Beastiary and it is good. We get 5 playable races, 2 improved familiars, 5 powerful evil outsiders, 3 robots, 3 golems, 2 spawn of Rovagug, 2 dragons, 3 giant vermion, 1 giant, 2 Psychopomps, and 3 templates. Personely I think this book is worth it just for the 5 playable races, wich are the Lashunta, Andriod, Monkey Goblin, Ghoran, and Syrinx. I wish there was more info on these races, heck they don't even list were in the Inneasea region the Lashunta can be found. I do think the book suffers from the too many evil outsider syndrom and I do think there are creatures in there that weren't that world specific and could have been in a hardcover book. But despite some issues it is a good solid book for what 64 pages can really give you. I hope one day we will see more of these world specific books for things like distant worlds and the other continents. etc. but as long as it doesn't cost us a hardcover bestiary.
The CR of Xotani is 20(both in 3.5 and pathfinder) and none of the spawn are considered "epic" level since CR 25 is the max for non-epic/mythic rules.
I was referring to d20pfsrd's version of Xotani (which is CR 24) and as far as I'm concerned ANYTHING over CR 20 is considered epic (at least in my book).
Yes, but in Pathfinder he is only CR20 because he is the weakest of the major spawn. Personelly I am fine with the idea that each spawn is a different CR ranging from 20-25.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Let me Quote the "James Jacobs, All-knowing Oracle of Pathfinder" Thread.
James Jacobs wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
7)Xotani was stated up as a CR20 in 3.5, would he still be a CR20 now? Would it be safe to assume that each spawn of Rovagug would be a different CR ranging from CR20-25?
7) Xotani would remain CR 20 in Pathfinder rules. He's more or less the low end of the spawn, with the Tarassque being the high end.
So yeah, d20PFSRD's version of Xotani is not accurate.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
It's certainly Usable. and a very nice monster conversion. And of course if a DM wants to make Xotani CR24 for the purposes of his game that's okay. But in Golarion as written, Xotani's the weakest of the spawn.
Once you get past CR20 CRs are a bit iffy, anyway.
Have we confirmed which spawn are in This book by the way? I wouldn't mind seeing Ulunat and Vulnagur. Though I suppose Chemnosit could be nice to see.
Outside of the developers, I don't think anyone has seen it yet. It'll probably be a few more days before the Companion line subscribers get their PDFs.
Outside of the developers, I don't think anyone has seen it yet. It'll probably be a few more days before the Companion line subscribers get their PDFs.
Quite correct. Even freelancers/contributors usually don't see the final product till its starts shipping. We're usually just as excited as everybody else to see the artwork, and how the final version changed from our turnover.
(There are exceptions, of course, if we really need to see something that is being written on the heels of another release. But those are rare.)
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Stratagemini wrote:
I'd like to see Xotani restatted for PF. It's such a cool monster, it really needs a CR worthy of it's name.
For the finale of my Legacy of Fire campaign earlier this year, I have done my best to create a Pathfinder RPG version of Xotani, by carefully comparing the 3.5 version of the Tarrasque to its Pathfinder RPG version and applying the same changes to the 3.5 version of Xotani. The result is a CR 23 Pathfinder RPG version. My players were lucky, though, and I didn't need it. But I can still show it around!
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
So, if you only used abilities from the ARG... and assuming an Android is a construct rather than a half-construct then is the android built as follows?
-Construct 20 RP
-Medium 0 RP
Base Speed
-Normal 0 RP
Ability Score Modifiers
-Mixed Weakness (+2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 Int, -4 Cha) -2 RP
-Standard 0 RP
Racial Traits
Weakness Racial Traits
-Elemental Vulnerability: Electricity (-2RP)
Total 16 RP
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Well, in Roman Myth (specifically in Ovid's Metamorphoses), Syrinx was a Nymph who got turned into water reeds. Specifically Hollow Water reeds. The same kind of reeds Pan Pipes were made out of.
So, if you only used abilities from the ARG... and assuming an Android is a construct rather than a half-construct then is the android built as follows?
** spoiler omitted **
BUT... rest assured we included what the point cost of new racial things are so people could nab those abilities for new races, or play around with the calculation, or just plain know what the values are.
Well, in Roman Myth (specifically in Ovid's Metamorphoses), Syrinx was a Nymph who got turned into water reeds. Specifically Hollow Water reeds. The same kind of reeds Pan Pipes were made out of.
Ah hah! So they'll be great for bards since they're their own instrument?
The 0-HD races are all single page entries, so they'll provide as much information as the tengu or tiefling does in the Bestiary. (More or less, depending on the art.)
I can't seem to locate a page count anywhere in the product description?!?? I can glean that the OHD get a one page treatment each, and the blurb says 48 creatures in all - but beyond that I'm guessing.
It's the same page count as all Campaign Setting books - 64 pages.
Indeed. With the exception of the World Sea Inner Guide and the map folios, all books in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, of which this book is part, are 64-page books.
It's the same page count as all Campaign Setting books - 64 pages.
Indeed. With the exception of the World Sea Inner Guide and the map folios, all books in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, of which this book is part, are 64-page books.
"World Sea Inner Guide" Yoda talk is to teaching you! ;)
It's the same page count as all Campaign Setting books - 64 pages.
Indeed. With the exception of the World Sea Inner Guide and the map folios, all books in the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, of which this book is part, are 64-page books.
"World Sea Inner Guide" Yoda talk is to teaching you! ;)
Hehe! Well, in my defense, it's 7:40 AM here and I'm still up. :D
Between Mythic rules and waiting to download my subscriber copy of Inner Sea Bestiary...This is going to be a long tortuous day checking the Paizo website.