Homebrew and House Rules

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Magic Beans!!

Azothath's Homebrew: Drop-bear CR:3

A Night Below (PF 1e Conversion)

This is probably a bad idea, but has anyone run / played in a game where you got a feat for every HD?

Cartoon characters as chaotic outsiders

Kirthfinder - World of Warriorcraft Houserules

100 or more Space Ship, Installation, or Base Rooms

Need ideas for the Path of Grace

The Chosen of the Gods

Homebrew Archetypes & Classes

Set's Stuff

The Pactbound, an Akashic Binder by any other name

Upgrading the Agile Mythic Simple Template.

1001 Inconsequential Flora & Fauna

Hirana Monk - Spirit Walker (Custom Class based of Udry from LoL)

Things Found Under a Rock

Tabards, Posters, and handbills.

Class Wars

A fantasy world with mecha

Need Help Stating an NPC for my IRL RotRL Campaign

High Tech Gear

Another Low Magic Setting

100 Unusual Treasures [CLEAVES]

101 Celestial Bodies In Your Solar System

New ritual system. Suggestions welcome

Kineticist - Alternate Capstone

Zylphyr's Homebrew Archetypes

Continents and Oceans.

Auto Bonus Progression made Modular

Infinite crates

100+ Spells From the Lost Spellbooks

Mystique - Mesmerist Archetype

[GM Tool] Monster Generator 2 - The Sequel to Free Monster Creation

100 Minor Powers

Deep Dark Debris

Chaos Bag / Backpack Table

100+ Teleportation or time travel errors

A Maddening Number of Planes

Fixing the Cipher Archetype of the Investigator class


Azothath's Homebrew: Wizard archetype Vedelys (Azlanti caster)

Campaign idea: Mortals are secretly cursed, giving power to the entity that did this.

The Non-Cat or Dinosaur Companion Repair Project

Azothath's Homebrew: Fighter Archetype Tribunus {somewhat a Tactician fix}

Storm Caller (Unchained) - Summoner (Unchained) Archetype

Homebrew class feature for a paladin

Azothath's Homebrew: Sash of Faith [chest] 5336gp

Azothath's Homebrew: Adroit Brogans $20760

Azothath's Homebrew: Staff of Efficacious Radiance $38140

Smell My Feats

New class: the Bloodletter

100 Ideas for an Inheritance

Would some of you be interested in reviewing a homebrewed guide of mine?

Exercise: Random Race + Random Profession = Villain?

Regeneration 0 (lethal hit point damage) and DR 0 / epic. Anything else like these that I could bundle with them for a template?

Azothath's Homebrew: PC species: Yatagarasu, 3-legged crow human (shapechanger) CR:1

100 Special Discoveries [CLEAVES]

Stating Demon Lords from Lore

Azothath's Homebrew: Tub of Solace [none] 800gp

Azothath's Homebrew: Tutelary wizard archetype {Pact(HHH) archetype fix}

Azothath's Homebrew: Caster's Shield {fix}

Azothath's Homebrew: Therndentro Lignum (Whompa) MonHmnd CR:16

Homebrew wizard archetype: the Dru-izard (Druid / Wizard mix)

Pathfinder Mimic-kin (half-mimic) Homebrew race Race

Azothath's Homebrew: Gigas Spumans (giant foaming hopper) Vermin(insect) CR:2

Barbarian - Blood Totem

Gambling profession rules

The Improviser

Sacred Vows

Pathfinder Unlocked blog - 300+ monsters, templates, and traps

Sharing Houserule and Homebrew Doc - creating the ultimate one

Ice Cream Flavors

homebrew character class: Martial Paladin

Homebrew character class: The Sneakspell [?]

Homebrew Racial Trait for the Race Builder: Immortal. Please let me know if this is reasonable.

homebrew character classes: the Tourist

How many Race Points do you think equals CR +1?

Worldbuilding Exercise - Get 5 Random Races, Build a Setting

New Metamagic Feat (Why Doesn't This Exist?)

Would an Unfettered Eidolon work as different creature types?

Idea to rescale damage

Divine Mind Overhaul problems [3.5 / PF1, Psionics]

Resilient Bulk Monk

Trying to homebrew some flavorful regional traits. Please help

Idea to end rocket tag, alteration to rolls.

SKILLS (Before and After Unchained) ALL Opinions Welcome

Roads and Ruins, ready to be torn apart by the community.

Runelord Alaznist at full power (Spoilers)

Ambidextrous Feat Input

Altered and New Classes

Your Opinion Sought: Crafting Magic Items Rules-Change

[Village of the Damned] 100 Villagers

Toon Template / Subtype, free for any who want it.

Ganny Elda, Empyreal Lord of Hearths, Kitchens, and Hospitality

The Ginosaji!

Tinkering with the First World (AP spoilers)

Amora Campaign Setting

Pathfinder Artificer

A variety of rays! Please comment and make suggestions

Leveled Mutations

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